I have a report made in iReport. I included a textFieldExpression in the column footer. My problem is that even though the line is blank it still takes up the space of the height of the band and thus sending the rest of fields to another sheet.
The code that I have is the following:
<band height="12" splitType="Stretch">
<reportElement x="42" y="0" width="100" height="12" uuid="5a9cbe9d-486a-4dd4-a865-d421cd7366a6"/>
<font size="8"/>
The columnFooter is not resizable at run time, you need to find another report structure to solve your issue.
The solution often is to use groups where you have access to the groupFooter band.
When I preview my jasper subreport, text is aligned to the right (what I want).
But when it is used in the main report, text is aligned to the left
On both reports, per element styling is used, set in Jasper Studio.
The jrxml per element looks like...
<textElement textAlignment="Right" markup="html">
<paragraph leftIndent="2"/>
<textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{col_1_initials}]]> </textFieldExpression>
The element including the subreport looks like
<band height="161" splitType="Stretch">
<property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.unit.height" value="pixel"/>
<subreport isUsingCache="false" runToBottom="false">
<reportElement x="-20" y="0" width="595" height="161" uuid="4e6fb330-c43f-4d47-b7aa-6884dad63d14"/>
I'm not using report Style Templates because for a reason I can't diagnose, Jaspersoft Studio crashes instantly trying to assign a style template.
What about the main report ovverides the subreport text-aligment and what would I have to change in the source to fix this?
In the report designer->properties of a jrxml file there is a checkbox for "Derive Attributes". I've tried that both on and off, but nothing changed.
I am working with jasper reports and i am getting the data well but my problem is i am getting the data in 2 to 3 pages summary band data is big and it is printing in a new page. I will show an image for better understanding.
and second page is
so my question now is there any possibility of getting some part of summary band in one page and other part in next page
This is achieved by using the <break> component when you like to have the page break. JRBreak API
<band height="68">
<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="100" height="20" uuid="73b59f4e-2a74-48ec-b152-ca705bb98fd8"/>
<textFieldExpression><![CDATA["Summary page 1"]]></textFieldExpression>
<reportElement x="0" y="20" width="100" height="1" uuid="3aa84342-4219-47c2-9724-96284afcd9b3"/>
<reportElement x="0" y="26" width="100" height="20" uuid="0306db4f-ba7f-4ff5-ac18-a9e5d42cdbda"/>
<textFieldExpression><![CDATA["Summary page 2"]]></textFieldExpression>
Note: If the summary band is to start on a new page is controlled by attribute isSummaryNewPage on the <jasperReport> tag
isSummaryNewPage="true" start summary band on new page
isSummaryNewPage="false", don't start the summary band on new page (if there is space on current page)
Make sure that there is no "Break" element accidentally added in the summary band.
I am facing hyperlink problem, please give me any successfull solution.
How to Call report when click on hyperlink in jasperreport.
<textField isBlankWhenNull="true" hyperlinkType="ReportExecution">
<reportElement x="270" y="0" width="100" height="20" uuid="04829694-6fbb-44ef-9ffd-80aa1428c822"/>
I want click on textfield and open '/home/satlevivek/Desktop/jasperfinalpdf/finalmonday/report2.jasper'
How can I do this with iReport (using iReport v4.0)?
Here is jrxml file
it depend on the size of Sub-report, check the sub-repot preview, if you want to increase the size of sub-rport in main report , for this you have to increase the size of sub-reportas where it is separately created.
You could try using background band for those lines.
Maybe inside your parent report
When you create a sub-report you can delete; Page Header, Column Header and Page Footer bands on your main report. After then, you can drag and drop sub-report icon on Summary part of your main report. You will probably use ColumnHeader and Detail bands on your Sub-Report. (It depends on your design. If you use subreports recursively, you can use again summary band.) Later,you will select Remove Report Margins on your subreport. To get expected result; your subreport icon Width on main report should equal your subreport page width.
Adding borders worked great for me. Expand your text element to cell size, right click -> Padding and Borders and add them all around. It's easier than having to handle draw lines. Less elements and faster editing.
You can add lines via the iReport Designer gui interface using the Palette (go to Window > Palette, then click Line, then drag it over to the Designer).
You can also add lines by modifying the jrxml code directly. I haven't found guidance in the documentation on this. But this answer to another question shows how to create a vertical line:
<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="1" height="30"/>
And it also shows how to create a horizontal line:
<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="30" height="1"/>
Also, the JRXML Sources and Jasper Files section of the documentation has some more involved code such as the following, which uses a direction parameter with value BottomUp (there are also references to TopDown in the community site or here):
<line direction="BottomUp">
<reportElement key="line" x="1" y="4" width="554" height="1"/>
And this, which uses positionType parameter of FixRelativeToBottom:
<reportElement positionType="FixRelativeToBottom" x="0" y="51" width="555"