choosing a mongodb sharding key - mongodb

I am launching a data storage service for my application. MongoDB
is running as the storage mechanism, and I have created 2 shards to
The application will be storing event data, and all data will be
structured as follows:
_id: '4fa2f7e25626cd1374000002',
created_at: '2012-05-03T21:25:54 00:00',
name: 'client_session_connect',
session_remote_id: '74ACF9AA-9E09-11E1-8C9E-8462380DA5E6',
zone_id: '74ACF9AA-9E09-11E1-8C9E-1231380DA5E6',
additional: {
some_other_key: 'value'
Events will have a variety of names, and any new event can be created
at any time with a new event name. There will be plenty of events in
the system with the same name. _id, created_at, and name will be part
of every event, but no other values are guaranteed.
Based on what I have read (here, and here), it seems that the best sharding key would
be { name: 1, created_at: 1 }. Would I be correct in this

From what you've stated, it seems like that would be a good shard key, with a few caveats:
-shard keys are immutable, so if you ever need to change the "name" field of a document, you'll need to delete and reinsert it (probably this isn't an issue for you, unless you intend to change names often).
-If you write a lot of documents with the same "name" in quick succession, all these writes will go to the same chunk, since "created_at" is presumably an increasing field. Eventually the chunk will be split into multiple chunks and balanced off the receiving machine, so this is only a problem if you expect to receive a huge volume of writes of docs with same "name."
-If the "name"s are not uniformly distributed, you could hash the name and store the result in a new field of your document, then make the shard key {hashedName : 1, created_at : 1}. This might give a more even load distribution, reducing the amount of balancing later. It does add a little complexity to your documents, though.
Assuming you're aware of these things, {name: 1, created_at: 1} may very well be the best shard key for you.


Generating shard key field for multi tenant mongodb app

I'm working on a multi-tenant application running on mongodb. Each tenant can create multiple applications. The schema for most of the collections reference other collections via ObjectIDs. I'm thinking of manually creating a shard key with every record insertion in the following format:
(v3 murmurhash of the record's ObjectId) + (app_id.toHexString())
Is this good enough to ensure that records for any particular application will likely end up on the same shard?
Also, what happens if a particular application grows super large compared to all others on the shard?
If you use a hash based shard key with the input constantly changing (ObjectID can generally be considered to be unique for each record), then you will get no locality of data on shards at all (except by coincidence), though it will give you great write throughput by randomly distributing writes across all shards. That's basically the trade off with this kind of approach, the same is true of the built in hash based sharding, those trade offs don't change just because it is a manual hash constructed of two fields.
Basically because MongoDB uses range based chunks to split up the data for a given shard key you will have sequential ranges of hashes used as chunks in this case. Assuming your hash is not buggy in some way, then the data in a single sequential range will basically be random. Hence, even within a single chunk you will have no data locality, let alone on a shard, it will be completely random (by design).
If you wanted to be able to have applications grouped together in ranges, and hence more likely to be on a particular shard then you would be better off to pre-pend the app_id to make it the leftmost field in a compound shard key. Something like sharding on the following would (based on the limited description) be a good start:
{app_id : 1, _id : 1}
Though the ObjectID is monotonically increasing (more discussion on that here) over time, if there are a decent number of application IDs and you are going to be doing any range based or targeted queries on the ObjectID, then it might still work well though. You may also want to have other fields included based on your query pattern.
Remember that whatever your most common query pattern is, you want to have the shard key (ideally) satisfy it if at all possible. It has to be indexed, it has be used by the mongos to decide to route the query (if not, then it is scatter/gather), so if you are going to constantly query on app_id and _id then the above shard key makes a lot of sense.
If you go with the manual hashed key approach not only will you have a random distribution, but unless you are going to be querying on that hash it's not going to be very useful.

Simple system to receive millions of records and produce a single file without duplicates

I have a system where 10s of client machines are sending objects to a single server. The job of the server is to aggregate all the objects (removing duplicates - and there are many) and produce a file every hour of the objects received the previous hour.
I tried MongoDB for this task and it did a good a job but there is the overhead of going over all the records by the end of each hour to produce the file. I am now thinking about gradually building the file as data is received stopping by the end of the hour and starting a new file and so on.
I don't need to do any searching or querying of the data, just dropping duplicates based on a key and producing a file of all the data. Also the first time I receive a record, the duplicates come within a maximum of 3 minutes afterwards.
Which system should I use? Do you recommend a different approach?
I would recommend, even though you state in your comments you don't like the idea of it, to use indexes. You can use a unique index on these fields and you use that as a method to insert.
This does, as you rightly point out, produce a full scan however whichever race condition free route you take (the only way to ensure non-duplicates really) you will need to do a full index scan, either by query or by index insertion.
Index insertion probably the best router here, at the end of the day the performance makes it not really matter.
As for dealing with removing your old records I would not use a TTL index. Instead it would be much better to just drop your collection when your ready to receive a new batch, not only will this be a lot faster but it will also send the collection to $freelists instead of adding the documents from the TTL index to a deleted bucket list potentially causing fragmentation and slowing down your system.
Consider this document:
"name" : "a",
"type" : "b",
"hourtag": 10,
"created": ISODate("2014-03-13T06:26:01.238Z")
Let's say we set up a unique index on this for name and type, another hourtag property, which the value you of you add to the document representing the hour of day it was inserted. Also add a created date if there is not something already and we set another index on that
db.collection.ensureIndex({ hourtag: 1, name: 1, type: 1})
db.collection.ensureIndex({ created: 1, { expireAfterSeconds: 7200 })
The second index is defined as a TTL index, and set the expireAfterSeconds value to be 2 hours.
So you insert your documents as you go, adding the property for the "current hour" that you are in, and the duplicate items will fail to insert.
At the end of the hour, get all the documents for the "last" hour value and process them.
Using the "TTL" index, the documents you no longer need get cleaned up after their expiry time.
That's the most simple implementation I can think of. Tweak the expiry time to your own needs.
Defining the hourtag first in the index order gives you a simple search, while maintaining your "duplicate" rules.

MongoDB: Object ID Uniqueness [duplicate]

Is it possible for the same exact Mongo ObjectId to be generated for a document in two different collections? I realize that it's definitely very unlikely, but is it possible?
Without getting too specific, the reason I ask is that with an application that I'm working on we show public profiles of elected officials who we hope to convert into full fledged users of our site. We have separate collections for users and the elected officials who aren't currently members of our site. There are various other documents containing various pieces of data about the elected officials that all map back to the person using their elected official ObjectId.
After creating the account we still highlight the data that's associated to the elected official but they now also are a part of the users collection with a corresponding users ObjectId to map their profile to interactions with our application.
We had begun converting our application from MySql to Mongo a few months ago and while we're in transition we store the legacy MySql id for both of these data types and we're also starting to now store the elected official Mongo ObjectId in the users document to map back to the elected official data.
I was pondering just specifying the new user ObjectId as the previous elected official ObjectId to make things simpler but wanted to make sure that it wasn't possible to have a collision with any existing user ObjectId.
Thanks for your insight.
Edit: Shortly after posting this question, I realized that my proposed solution wasn't a very good idea. It would be better to just keep the current schema that we have in place and just link to the elected official '_id' in the users document.
Short Answer
Just to add a direct response to your initial question: YES, if you use BSON Object ID generation, then for most drivers the IDs are almost certainly going to be unique across collections. See below for what "almost certainly" means.
Long Answer
The BSON Object ID's generated by Mongo DB drivers are highly likely to be unique across collections. This is mainly because of the last 3 bytes of the ID, which for most drivers is generated via a static incrementing counter. That counter is collection-independent; it's global. The Java driver, for example, uses a randomly initialized, static AtomicInteger.
So why, in the Mongo docs, do they say that the IDs are "highly likely" to be unique, instead of outright saying that they WILL be unique? Three possibilities can occur where you won't get a unique ID (please let me know if there are more):
Before this discussion, recall that the BSON Object ID consists of:
[4 bytes seconds since epoch, 3 bytes machine hash, 2 bytes process ID, 3 bytes counter]
Here are the three possibilities, so you judge for yourself how likely it is to get a dupe:
1) Counter overflow: there are 3 bytes in the counter. If you happen to insert over 16,777,216 (2^24) documents in a single second, on the same machine, in the same process, then you may overflow the incrementing counter bytes and end up with two Object IDs that share the same time, machine, process, and counter values.
2) Counter non-incrementing: some Mongo drivers use random numbers instead of incrementing numbers for the counter bytes. In these cases, there is a 1/16,777,216 chance of generating a non-unique ID, but only if those two IDs are generated in the same second (i.e. before the time section of the ID updates to the next second), on the same machine, in the same process.
3) Machine and process hash to the same values. The machine ID and process ID values may, in some highly unlikely scenario, map to the same values for two different machines. If this occurs, and at the same time the two counters on the two different machines, during the same second, generate the same value, then you'll end up with a duplicate ID.
These are the three scenarios to watch out for. Scenario 1 and 3 seem highly unlikely, and scenario 2 is totally avoidable if you're using the right driver. You'll have to check the source of the driver to know for sure.
ObjectIds are generated client-side in a manner similar to UUID but with some nicer properties for storage in a database such as roughly increasing order and encoding their creation time for free. The key thing for your use case is that they are designed to guarantee uniqueness to a high probability even if they are generated on different machines.
Now if you were referring to the _id field in general, we do not require uniqueness across collections so it is safe to reuse the old _id. As a concrete example, if you have two collections, colors and fruits, both could simultaneously have an object like {_id: 'orange'}.
In case you want to know more about how ObjectIds are created, here is the spec:
In case anyone is having problems with duplicate Mongo ObjectIDs, you should know that despite the unlikelihood of dups happening in Mongo itself, it is possible to have duplicate _id's generated with PHP in Mongo.
The use-case where this has happened with regularity for me is when I'm looping through a dataset and attempting to inject the data into a collection.
The array that holds the injection data must be explicitly reset on each iteration - even if you aren't specifying the _id value. For some reason, the INSERT process adds the Mongo _id to the array as if it were a global variable (even if the array doesn't have global scope). This can affect you even if you are calling the insertion in a separate function call where you would normally expect the values of the array not to persist back to the calling function.
There are three solutions to this:
You can unset() the _id field from the array
You can reinitialize the entire array with array() each time you loop through your dataset
You can explicitly define the _id value yourself (taking care to define it in such a way that you don't generate dups yourself).
My guess is that this is a bug in the PHP interface, and not so much an issue with Mongo, but if you run into this problem, just unset the _id and you should be fine.
There's no guarantee whatsoever about ObjectId uniqueness across collections. Even if it's probabilistically very unlikely, it would be a very poor application design that relied on _id uniqueness across collections.
One can easily test this in the mongo shell:
MongoDB shell version: 1.6.5
connecting to: test
>{_id: 'abc'})
>{_id: 'abc'})
>{_id: 'abc'})
{ "_id" : "abc" }
>{_id: 'abc'})
{ "_id" : "abc" }
>{_id: 'abc', data:'xyz'})
E11000 duplicate key error index:$_id_ dup key: { : "abc" }
So, absolutely don't rely on _id's being unique across collections, and since you don't control the ObjectId generation function, don't rely on it.
It's possible to create something that's more like a uuid, and if you do that manually, you could have some better guarantee of uniqueness.
Remember that you can put objects of different "types" in the same collection, so why not just put your two "tables" in the same collection. They would share the same _id space, and thus, would be guaranteed unique. Switching from "prospective" to "registered" would be a simple flipping of a field...

Good Shard Keys in MongoDB

From the book Scaling MongoDB:
The general case
We can generalize this to a formula for shard keys:
{coarseLocality : 1, search : 1}
So my question is, is that correct? shouldn't be the oposite for better writing?
Also from the book:
This pattern continues: everything will always be added to the “last”
chunk, meaning everything will be added to one shard. This shard key
gives you a single, undistributable hot spot.
So saying that my app always search by user_id, and last entries in the collection.
What is the best shard key i should have, this:
{_id:1, user_id:1}
Kristina (author of Scaling MongoDB) wrote a blog post which has some example strategies explained in the guise of a game: How to Choose a Shard Key: The Card Game.
There are many considerations to choosing a good shard key based on your application requirements and use cases.
The general advice of {coarseLocality : 1, search : 1} order is to ensure there is some locality of your data for reading.
So in your case, you would most likely want: {user_id:1,_id:1}.
That will provide some locality of data for the same user_id when querying, and ideally your common queries will be able to get their data from a single shard.
The opposite order may provide for better write distribution (assuming _id is not a monotonically increasing key like a default ObjectId) but a potential downside is reliability: if your data for a read query is scattered across all shards, you will have retrieval problems if any one shard is down.
So saying that my app always search by user_id, and last entries in the collection.
If you commonly search by user_id (and without _id) this will also affect your choice of shard key and index optimization. To find the last entries MongoDB will have to do a sort; you will want to be doing that sort on a single shard rather than having to gather the data from all shards and sorting. If your _id happens to be date-based that would be beneficial as part of the shard key in order to find the last entries.

Possibility of duplicate Mongo ObjectId's being generated in two different collections?

Is it possible for the same exact Mongo ObjectId to be generated for a document in two different collections? I realize that it's definitely very unlikely, but is it possible?
Without getting too specific, the reason I ask is that with an application that I'm working on we show public profiles of elected officials who we hope to convert into full fledged users of our site. We have separate collections for users and the elected officials who aren't currently members of our site. There are various other documents containing various pieces of data about the elected officials that all map back to the person using their elected official ObjectId.
After creating the account we still highlight the data that's associated to the elected official but they now also are a part of the users collection with a corresponding users ObjectId to map their profile to interactions with our application.
We had begun converting our application from MySql to Mongo a few months ago and while we're in transition we store the legacy MySql id for both of these data types and we're also starting to now store the elected official Mongo ObjectId in the users document to map back to the elected official data.
I was pondering just specifying the new user ObjectId as the previous elected official ObjectId to make things simpler but wanted to make sure that it wasn't possible to have a collision with any existing user ObjectId.
Thanks for your insight.
Edit: Shortly after posting this question, I realized that my proposed solution wasn't a very good idea. It would be better to just keep the current schema that we have in place and just link to the elected official '_id' in the users document.
Short Answer
Just to add a direct response to your initial question: YES, if you use BSON Object ID generation, then for most drivers the IDs are almost certainly going to be unique across collections. See below for what "almost certainly" means.
Long Answer
The BSON Object ID's generated by Mongo DB drivers are highly likely to be unique across collections. This is mainly because of the last 3 bytes of the ID, which for most drivers is generated via a static incrementing counter. That counter is collection-independent; it's global. The Java driver, for example, uses a randomly initialized, static AtomicInteger.
So why, in the Mongo docs, do they say that the IDs are "highly likely" to be unique, instead of outright saying that they WILL be unique? Three possibilities can occur where you won't get a unique ID (please let me know if there are more):
Before this discussion, recall that the BSON Object ID consists of:
[4 bytes seconds since epoch, 3 bytes machine hash, 2 bytes process ID, 3 bytes counter]
Here are the three possibilities, so you judge for yourself how likely it is to get a dupe:
1) Counter overflow: there are 3 bytes in the counter. If you happen to insert over 16,777,216 (2^24) documents in a single second, on the same machine, in the same process, then you may overflow the incrementing counter bytes and end up with two Object IDs that share the same time, machine, process, and counter values.
2) Counter non-incrementing: some Mongo drivers use random numbers instead of incrementing numbers for the counter bytes. In these cases, there is a 1/16,777,216 chance of generating a non-unique ID, but only if those two IDs are generated in the same second (i.e. before the time section of the ID updates to the next second), on the same machine, in the same process.
3) Machine and process hash to the same values. The machine ID and process ID values may, in some highly unlikely scenario, map to the same values for two different machines. If this occurs, and at the same time the two counters on the two different machines, during the same second, generate the same value, then you'll end up with a duplicate ID.
These are the three scenarios to watch out for. Scenario 1 and 3 seem highly unlikely, and scenario 2 is totally avoidable if you're using the right driver. You'll have to check the source of the driver to know for sure.
ObjectIds are generated client-side in a manner similar to UUID but with some nicer properties for storage in a database such as roughly increasing order and encoding their creation time for free. The key thing for your use case is that they are designed to guarantee uniqueness to a high probability even if they are generated on different machines.
Now if you were referring to the _id field in general, we do not require uniqueness across collections so it is safe to reuse the old _id. As a concrete example, if you have two collections, colors and fruits, both could simultaneously have an object like {_id: 'orange'}.
In case you want to know more about how ObjectIds are created, here is the spec:
In case anyone is having problems with duplicate Mongo ObjectIDs, you should know that despite the unlikelihood of dups happening in Mongo itself, it is possible to have duplicate _id's generated with PHP in Mongo.
The use-case where this has happened with regularity for me is when I'm looping through a dataset and attempting to inject the data into a collection.
The array that holds the injection data must be explicitly reset on each iteration - even if you aren't specifying the _id value. For some reason, the INSERT process adds the Mongo _id to the array as if it were a global variable (even if the array doesn't have global scope). This can affect you even if you are calling the insertion in a separate function call where you would normally expect the values of the array not to persist back to the calling function.
There are three solutions to this:
You can unset() the _id field from the array
You can reinitialize the entire array with array() each time you loop through your dataset
You can explicitly define the _id value yourself (taking care to define it in such a way that you don't generate dups yourself).
My guess is that this is a bug in the PHP interface, and not so much an issue with Mongo, but if you run into this problem, just unset the _id and you should be fine.
There's no guarantee whatsoever about ObjectId uniqueness across collections. Even if it's probabilistically very unlikely, it would be a very poor application design that relied on _id uniqueness across collections.
One can easily test this in the mongo shell:
MongoDB shell version: 1.6.5
connecting to: test
>{_id: 'abc'})
>{_id: 'abc'})
>{_id: 'abc'})
{ "_id" : "abc" }
>{_id: 'abc'})
{ "_id" : "abc" }
>{_id: 'abc', data:'xyz'})
E11000 duplicate key error index:$_id_ dup key: { : "abc" }
So, absolutely don't rely on _id's being unique across collections, and since you don't control the ObjectId generation function, don't rely on it.
It's possible to create something that's more like a uuid, and if you do that manually, you could have some better guarantee of uniqueness.
Remember that you can put objects of different "types" in the same collection, so why not just put your two "tables" in the same collection. They would share the same _id space, and thus, would be guaranteed unique. Switching from "prospective" to "registered" would be a simple flipping of a field...