app was metadata rejected while they want me to submit a new version - app-store

I had an app that was "Metadata rejected". After several rounds of correspondence they said I should submit a new version instead (to fix an issue to them). But they did not change the status to "Binary Rejected" and I can't upload a new version because of that!!
I reminded they in Resolution Center, but no answer for several days. I run out of solution and resubmitted metadata again just hope to catch their attention. It has been 3 days passed since then. No answer yet.
So what else I can do? Anyone hits this problem too ?
BTW, I hit another situation before that I think it was worth to mention here. So I had another app that was rejected but in resolution center they said "While your iTunes Connect Application State will still show as Rejected, we don't require a new binary for this type of issue ... revise the appropriate metadata values or settings, then click "Submit New Metadata".
But I can not find "Submit New Metadata" button at all! It took me a while to realize that was because they wrongly set app status to "Rejected" instead of "Meta Rejected". I reminded they in resolution center. No reply for several days too, so I did not know what else I can do except for submitting a new version. And that caused me about one more week (at least) to get my app approved.

After waiting for a whole week I finally find a way to fix it. So I submitted a new metadata to change the app status to "In Review". Then I can reject the app myself and upload a new version!


Change screenshots of app after submission

I have a simple question.
Can I change Screenshots of my app in the "Metadata and Uploads" section in, after submission of app ? (At very first my app was rejected by apple after rejection, i made some changes in the app and then again uploaded new binary using "Ready to upload binary" button in iTunesconnect while uploading he didn't ask me for updating screenshots..)
If not then, do i need to reupload binary ?
My current status in itunesconnect shows Waiting for review
Even more recently (who knows when...) apparently you can change screenshots again while the app is waiting for review.
More recently (2015 or earlier), you cannot change screenshots even while your app is "waiting for review."
You are not allowed to change them after the app has been approved so be quick. See this news release by Apple:
This move is thought to be a way to deter spammers from posting a fake app and then changing the screenshot to mimic an existing popular app.
Update after talking to Apple:
On 2015-08-18 # 12:30pm EST, the answer is still NO -- but there is hope.
I spoke with Apple on Monday, 2015-08-17 and after investigating the issue, they explained that iTunes Connect Screenshot uploading has a temporary error due to ongoing updates to iTunes Connect as aforementioned at WWDC. They are now aware of the issue and their engineers will restore the legacy functionality allowing us upload new images while Waiting For Review, as soon as possible. Meanwhile, if one needs to modify screenshots, simple "Remove this version from review", change the screens, then re-click "Submit For Review".
I hope this helps.
On 2015-08-16 # 2:48am EST, the answer is NO.
I can not edit, add, or remove screen shots in either Safari, Chrome or Firefox at time for status "Waiting For Review". I cannot do it before editing anything else - like the title or keywords, which ARE editable - nor can I do it after editing anything else.
I have read all of the guidelines provided in the links above in full. At a certain point, it becomes circular linking regarding editing metadata and app statuses. Yes, screens are locked when the app is not editable, but all indications are that Waiting For Review is an editable status. There is nothing stating this is not the case. Heck, at the top of the App's screen is blatantly states:
"(i) You can edit all information while your version is waiting for review. To submit a new build, you must remove this version from review."
However, one CAN NOT do it. This is a real blow as one will not realize this until it is too late and one is reading these posts - and now one realizes that one has lost the time and must reject and re-queue. Either that, or go to market with inferior metadata screens.
I will call the contact number in the morning at 7am PST. If anything changes, I will update this post. If not updated, one can assume this is the final status as of this time.
*** Sadly:
If you need to change your meta screens, and you cannot do it, stop hoping, stop reading, I am sorry to say: You cannot do it. Cancel the submission, change the version number, change the screens and resubmit the sooner, the better.
I just discovered this evening that they lock it down when it goes into "In Review".
These "rules" change from time to time, currently (Jun 2015) you can change certain items but not images when you submit for review.
More information about what you can and cannot change is located here:
The last column currently states Locked. There it also states:
General App Information properties are either locked or unlocked.
Unlocked properties are always editable. Locked properties are only
editable when your app is in an editable state. The tables in this
section indicate whether a property is locked or unlocked. Changes you
make to unlocked General App Information properties are posted
immediately (expect 24 hours for a full refresh of the change on the
store). See also About App Statuses.
Information about app statuses:
Apple have recently changed their guidelines. You can apparently no longer delete or change screenshots once an app has changed status to "Waiting for review".
If you need to change your binary you can change it. You can upload new screenshots by removing existing screenshots if five or replace one.
I was able to change several screenshots for app that is already "Waiting For Review" today. So apparently it's possible again.
While an app is "Waiting for Review" state you can change screenshots. I did check it on Friday, 18 October 2019.
Copied from App Store Connect web site:
You can still edit all information while your version is waiting for
Simply yes.
You can upload/change the screenshots after application approved.
Even you can also change price and description of the app.
But you can not change the category of the app.
So, at the moment, if you have uploaded 2 screenshots, then after app approval, you can upload other 3 screenshots or change the existing 2 screenshots as well.
Hope, you have an idea.

Updating IOS App. Do updates need to be reviewed?

I've just got an app in the app store and realised theres a spelling mistake on the first view! As the app is intended for an upcoming event occuring in 3 days I am nervous about uploading an update. If I upload new binary to iTunes Connect will that mean my previous version will not be available on the app store? Also, will I need to have Apple approve my latest version prior to releasing it?
Any advice would be awesome, thanks!
When you push a new update it has to be reviews but will likely take more than 3 days to do so. While it is waiting to be reviewed your current version will be live.
Don't worry, your previous version won't be affected. Just upload the new one, but know that it's gonna take more than 3 days (pretty much always 7, if you submit during work hours). You can file for an expedited review, but even that can sometimes take more than 3 days.
And you don't need to remove the old version to put in the new one. You just submit the new one. You can determine whether you want it to automatically become available on the app store as soon as it's approved, or give it a specific release date.
Just know this: If your update has issues and you're forced to remove it AFTER it has become available on the app store, then you can't just revert back to the old version. You have to resubmit the old version and wait a week for that to get reviewed again.

App Update rejected Will previous version be taken down?

If I push an app update to the app store, but choose "I will release new version" when submitting. If my update is rejected for some reason, is the current version already approved going to be taken out of the store?
Anyone had experience with this?
I've got no experience with this exact situation, but I have submitted updates and then invalidated them myself. The original is unaffected until the new version is approved - if it gets rejected, they would just expect you to send a corrected version instead.
The only reason I could see Apple pulling the original would be if they discovered something pretty nasty in the update and decided to check the original as well in case they'd missed it, but that is total speculation.
I have one app where an update was rejected over a year ago. I haven't resubmitted the update yet and the original is still selling in the app store.

How to change status "Developer Action Needed" in In-App Purchase Feature [closed]

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My app was rejected earlier and I uploaded it again after resolving issues. I have implemented the In App Purchase feature in the app, but now its status is Developer Action Needed and I can see "Rejected" before the language I had selected to display the name of the app. I can't attach the screen shot as my reputation is just 9. So please let me know how to change this status to "Waiting For Review". What I should do?
Simply edit the description by clicking on the language name next to the REJECTED marker. Add a space at the end of the Display Description (only shown to Apple) if you don't want to change anything. After saving, the REjECTED marker will change to PENDING and you'll be back in business.
Do you meant you are seeing "Developer Action Needed" in your In app purchase item ? If yes then try to change price range of your In app purchase and save it and again change it to original one. I guess this will affect to take it in review.
If this is not working Delete your language you added and add it again and Also make sure you have checked "Clear for Sale" and upload a screenshot.
i found one HACK to change "Developer action needed".
Open subscription where "Submit for Review" is disabled and status is Developer action Needed.
Reload the page for 1-2 seconds "Submit for Review" will be enabled press it quickly.
And your subscription will get subbmit.
Next time all you have to do is edit the name by clicking on the Language. Change the name of the application. Save it once done and can revert back to the old application name.
For anyone having this issue, try the same method as described but instead uncheck the "Cleared for sale", save, check "Cleared for sale" and save again. Then re-load the page and quickly press "Submit for review" before its grayed-out. Hope it helps someone who lost the same amount of hair as us.
No need to delete the language you added, after your item review is rejected. Just click the rejected item, and make a little change, and then save it, and the status will be changed from "REJECTED" to "PENDING" to wait for review again.
Simply, do nothing with this. Just upload a new build/binary to itunes coonect and wait for review. They will automatically care about your in app purchases.
It's September 2022 and the common solution of "add a character to description, save, remove that, save again" wasn't working for us.
Our Situation
It was the first version we added IAP (Subscription)
The app itself got approved and released
The IAPs went to Rejected/Developer Action Needed over localization. We didn't get informed of that. (oops!) No further detail on "why" was provided.
Our tries
We added the subscription duration to the product name (there is no guideline on why it's rejected and what it should be), and
We brought the "Restore Purchases" button to the same place that the packages are listed.
The IAP was in the same "Developer Action Needed" state while the localization was in "Prepare for Submission". However, the "Submit for Review" button was grayed out, constantly. So there was absolutely nothing that we could do there.
We thought another App review would fix it. Although we were unable to attach the IAPs to the new version, we uploaded a new binary/version anyway and asked for expedited review. The new version went through and got approved, but IAPs were still in this state!
What worked
We saw that if we add a new plan (just test) we can attach it to a new version. So one option was to create new plans and attach them to a new binary. But since the product_IDs were already baked into our systems, we didn't want to create new ones and change them everywhere.
Desperately searching, I found this comment from Ondrej Kvasnovsky that in a 9-second video, changed our life!
This magic is actually working and now our IAPs are in "Waiting for Review"!

iPhone App Store Question

I have an iPhone application in the App Store. I submitted 1.1 to the app store a few days ago, and selected to "Hold for Developer Release." I found out that there is a very serious bug in the approved version. I need to pull this binary.
From what I can tell, Apple doesn't support this. I have sent them an email, but there's another bug in the current version that needs to be fixed also, so time is of the essence.
I've heard that you can release the update in some random country (where I would have no sales) and then release the next (fixed) update in all countries. If I only release 1.1 in, say, Luxembourg, is the old version (1.0) pulled from the other stores? Are the chart ratings reset? I'm relatively high in the charts, and I don't want to lose the momentum the app currently has.
Until Apple supports rejecting approved binaries, I'm looking for the quickest alternative.
Craig. Let me answer some of your questions. First, if you release an update, regardless of what country it is released in, it will replace the old binary for every country. Thus, if you only select Luxembourg, you are not only releasing the update to all countries, but also removing the app entirely from every app store except Luxembourg.
Second, it would appear that even Apple has no say over the iTunes Connect website in terms of altering the process for one person. I believe you should be able to reject an approved update, I don't see why they would want to disallow this. However, since they do not right now, it's best to forget about it.
You basically have 2 options. One, you can release this new version to the world, which keeps your standing in the App Store and warn users of the bug and promise them a fix. At that point, you can appeal to the Review Board for an expidited review, which they may not give you. Remember, if you release the update, I would upload another update immediately after.
You're not going to avoid your problem but there are things you can do to minimize the impact of your mistake.
Second, you can remove the App from Sale, accept the new update, and upload a new one for review, and put the app back up for sale again once approved. The problem here is that you will most likely lose your store ranking and the app will be unavailable for about a week. Not what I would do. I would go with the first solution.
From my experience, customers are ok if you need to issue a fix and they're fairly understanding. Make sure you tell them exactly what's going on in the app description AND the "What's New" section. Make sure they see it. They'll be ok with a few days of inconvenience in return for your honesty and reassurance that the issue has been fixed in a near-future update.
Hope this helps.
You can reject an app that is on "Hold for developer release". You need to click "Binary Details", and there you should find the reject button.