Equality assertion failing for macroexpand - macros

I have this macro (from the clojure-koans) that should allow the use of infix operators:
(defmacro infix-better [form]
`(~(second form)
(first form)
(last form) ))
It does what it is supposed to, but doesn't exactly expand to the same expression. For example:
user=> (= '(* 10 2) (macroexpand '(infix-better (10 * 2))))
user=> '(* 10 2)
(* 10 2)
user=> (macroexpand '(infix-better (10 * 2)))
(* (clojure.core/first user/form) (clojure.core/last user/form))
The last output would end up being (* 10 2) when the inner expressions are evaluated but the equality test returns false since (clojure.core/first user/form), strictly speaking, isn't 10.
How can I have the expanded macro equal the equivalent hard-coded Clojure?

You have to unquote the second and third forms, just like you did the first, with ~ - "The last output would end up being (* 10 2) when the inner expressions are evaluated" is not in any way true - the inner expressions have already passed their chance to be evaluated.
(defmacro infix-better [form]
`(~(second form)
~(first form)
~(last form)))
Would fix it and keep your code structured the same, but really destructuring gives you a much nicer result:
(defmacro infix-better [[x op y]]
(list op x y)) ;; or `(~op ~x ~y)


How deterministic is Racket's evaluation order?

I would like to known how deterministic Racket's evaluation order is when set! is employed. More specifically,
Does #%app always evaluates its arguments from left to right?
If no, can the evaluation of different arguments be intertwined?
Take, for instance, this snippet:
#lang racket
(define a 0)
(define (++a) (set! a (add1 a)) a)
(list (++a) (++a)) ; => ?
Could the last expression evaluate to something different than '(1 2), such as '(1 1), '(2 2) or '(2 1)?
I failed to find a definite answer on http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference.
Unlike Scheme, Racket is guaranteed left to right. So for the example call:
(proc-expr arg-expr ...)
You can read the following in the Guide: (emphasis mine)
A function call is evaluated by first evaluating the proc-expr and all
arg-exprs in order (left to right).
That means that this program:
(define a 0)
(define (++a) (set! a (add1 a)) a)
(list (++a) (++a))
; ==> (1 2)
And it is consistent. For Scheme (2 1) is an alternative solution. You can force order by using bindings and can ensure the same result like this:
(let ((a1 (++ a)))
(list a1 (++ a)))
; ==> (1 2)

Difference between an implementation of 'when' as a function vs. as a macro

What exactly is different between these implementations of 'when'?
(define-syntax when
(syntax-rules ()
((_ pred b1 ...)
(if pred (begin b1 ...)))))
(define (my-when pred b1 ...)
(if pred (begin b1 ...)))
For example, when 'my-when' is used in this for loop macro:
(define-syntax for
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (i from to) b1 ...)
(let loop((i from))
(my-when (< i to)
b1 ...
(loop (+ i 1)))))))
an error occurs:
(for (i 0 10) (display i))
; Aborting!: maximum recursion depth exceeded
I do not think 'when' can be implemented as a function, but I do not know why...
Scheme has strict semantics.
This means that all of a function's parameters are evaluated before the function is applied to them.
Macros take source code and produce source code - they don't evaluate any of their parameters.
(Or, well, I suppose they do, but their parameters are syntax - language elements - rather than what you normally think of as values, such as numbers or strings. Macro programming is meta-programming. It's important to be aware of which level you're programming at.)
In your example this means that when my-when is a function, (loop (+ i 1)) must be evaluated before my-when can be applied to it.
This leads to an infinite recursion.
When it's a macro, the my-when form is first replaced with the equivalent if-form
(if (< i to)
b1 ...
(loop (+ i 1))))
and then the whole thing is evaluated, which means that (loop (+ i 1)) only gets evaluated when the condition is true.
If you implement when as a procedure like you did, then all arguments are evaluated. In your for implementation, the evaluation would be processed like this:
evaluate (< i to)
evaluate expansion result of b1 ...
evaluate (loop (+ i 1)) <- here goes into infinite loop!
evaluate my-when
Item 1-3 can be reverse or undefined order depending on your implementation but the point is nr. 4. If my-when is implemented as a macro, then the macro is the first one to be evaluated.
If you really need to implement with a procedure, then you need to use sort of delaying trick such as thunk. For example:
(define (my-when pred body) (if (pred) (body)))
(my-when (lambda () (< i 10)) (lambda () (display i) (loop (+ i 1))))

Define function for evaluating infix expressions in Lisp

I am not very good in Lisp and I need to do a function which allows evaluating of infix expressions. For example: (+ 2 3) -> (infixFunc 2 + 3). I tried some variants, but none of them was successful.
One of them:
(defun calcPrefInf (a b c)
(funcall b a c))
OK, let's do it just for fun. First, let's define order of precedence for operations, since when one deals with infix notation, it's necessary.
(defvar *infix-precedence* '(* / - +))
Very good. Now imagine that we have a function to-prefix that will convert infix notation to polish prefix notation so Lisp can deal with it and calculate something after all.
Let's write simple reader-macro to wrap our calls of to-prefix, for aesthetic reasons:
#\# #\i (lambda (stream subchar arg)
(declare (ignore sub-char arg))
(car (reduce #'to-prefix
:initial-value (read stream t nil t)))))
Now, let's write a very simple function to-prefix that will convert infix notation to prefix notation in given list for given symbol.
(defun to-prefix (lst symb)
(let ((pos (position symb lst)))
(if pos
(let ((e (subseq lst (1- pos) (+ pos 2))))
(to-prefix (rsubseq `((,(cadr e) ,(car e) ,(caddr e)))
Good, good. Function rsubseq may be defined as:
(defun rsubseq (new old where &key key (test #'eql))
(labels ((r-list (rest)
(let ((it (search old rest :key key :test test)))
(if it
(append (remove-if (constantly t)
:start it)
(r-list (nthcdr (+ it (length old))
(r-list where)))
Now it's time to try it!
CL-USER> #i(2 + 3 * 5)
CL-USER> #i(15 * 3 / 5 + 10)
CL-USER> #i(2 * 4 + 7 / 3)
CL-USER> #i(#i(15 + 2) * #i(1 + 1))
If you want it to work for composite expressions like (2 + 3 * 5 / 2.4), it's better to convert it into proper prefix expression, then evaluate it. You can find some good example of code to do such convetion here: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~russell/code/logic/algorithms/infix.lisp or in Piter Norvigs "Paradigs of Artificial Intelligence Programming" book. Code examples here: http://www.norvig.com/paip/macsyma.lisp
It's reall too long, to be posted in the aswer.
A different approach for "evaluating infix expressions" would be to enable infix reading directly in the Common Lisp reader using the "readable" library, and then have users use the notation. Then implement a traditional Lisp evaluator (or just evaluate directly, if you trust the user).
Assuming you have QuickLisp enabled, use:
(ql:quickload "readable")
Now users can enter any infix expression as {a op b op c ...}, which readable automatically maps to "(op a b c ...)". For example, if users enter:
{2 + 3}
the reader will return (+ 2 3). Now you can use:
(eval (read))
Obviously, don't use "eval" if the user might be malicious. In that case, implement a function that evaluates the values the way you want them to.
Tutorial here:
Assuming that you're using a lisp2 dialect, you need to make sure you're looking up the function you want to use in the function namespace (by using #'f of (function f). Otherwise it's being looked up in the variable namespace and cannot be used in funcall.
So having the definition:
(defun calcPrefInf (a b c)
(funcall b a c))
You can use it as:
(calcPrefInf 2 #'+ 3)
You can try http://www.cliki.net/infix.
(nfx 1 + (- x 100)) ;it's valid!
(nfx 1 + (- x (3 * 3))) ;it's ALSO valid!
(nfx 1 + (- x 3 * 3)) ;err... this can give you unexpected behavior

Evaluation of passed parameters inside macro body

I have a doubt on how parameters passed to the macros are getting evaluated, details below.
This macro is defined
(defmacro test-macro (xlist)
`(* ,#xlist))
and there is this global variable (defvar *test-list* '(1 100 2 200)).
When *test-list* is passed to this macro (test-macro *test-list*) , this error is returned -
value *TEST-LIST* is not of the expected type LIST.
[Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]
But if the function is modified to this, list is returned
(defmacro test-macro (xlist)
`(,#xlist)) ;; removed the * operator
(test-macro *test-list*) will return (1 100 2 200).
So my doubt is why ,#xlist is not getting evaluated in the first case, i.e when the * operator is applied. Any help is highly appreciated.
When debugging macros, The Right Way is to use macroexpand, not evaluate the macro forms. E.g., in your case:
(defmacro test-macro1 (xlist) `(* ,#xlist))
(macroexpand '(test-macro1 foo))
==> (* . FOO)
(defmacro test-macro2 (xlist) `(,#xlist))
(macroexpand '(test-macro2 foo))
==> FOO
neither is probably what you want.
The confusion is that the macro is a pre-processor: it has no built-in mechanism to know of runtime values. So when you use the term:
(test-macro test-list)
all that the macro sees is the identifier test-list: it does not know up-front that the runtime value is a list, only that the source program has used this variable identifier.
A macro is a source-to-source rewriter: it doesn't know about the dynamics of your program. A smarter compiler might be able to see that test-list is a constant and do an inlining, but the macro expander isn't that clever.
What you can do is probably something like this:
(defmacro test-macro (xlist)
(;; If we see test-macro is being used with a quoted list of things
;; then we can rewrite that statically.
(and (pair? xlist)
(eq? (car xlist) 'quote)
(list? (cadr xlist)))
`(list 'case-1 (* ,#(cadr xlist))))
(;; Also, if we see test-macro is being used with "(list ...)"
;; then we can rewrite that statically.
(and (pair? xlist)
(eq? (car xlist) 'list))
`(list 'case-2 (* ,#(cdr xlist))))
;; Otherwise, do the most generic thing:
`(list 'case-3 (apply * ,xlist)))))
;; This hits the first case:
(test-macro '(3 4 5))
;; ... the second case:
(test-macro (list 5 6 7))
;; ... and the third case:
(defvar test-list '(1 100 2 200))
(test-macro test-list)
With regards to your second version: the macro:
(defmacro test-macro (xlist)
is equivalent to:
(defmacro test-macro (xlist)
so that's why you're not getting the error that you received in the first version.

Common Lisp Backquote/Backtick: How to Use?

I am having trouble with Lisp's backquote read macro. Whenever I try to write a macro that seems to require the use of embedded backquotes (e.g., ``(w ,x ,,y) from Paul Graham's ANSI Common Lisp, page 399), I cannot figure out how to write my code in a way that compiles. Typically, my code receives a whole chain of errors preceded with "Comma not inside a backquote." Can someone provide some guidelines for how I can write code that will evaluate properly?
As an example, I currently need a macro which takes a form that describes a rule in the form of '(function-name column-index value) and generates a predicate lambda body to determine whether the element indexed by column-index for a particular row satisfies the rule. If I called this macro with the rule '(< 1 2), I would want a lambda body that looks like the following to be generated:
(lambda (row)
(< (svref row 1) 2))
The best stab I can make at this is as follows:
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule (rule)
(let ((x (gensym)))
`(let ((,x ,rule))
(lambda (row)
(`,(car ,x) (svref row `,(cadr ,x)) `,(caddr ,x))))))
Upon evaluation, SBCL spews the following error report:
; in: ROW-SATISFIES-RULE '(< 1 2)
; ((CAR #:G1121) (SVREF ROW (CADR #:G1121)) (CADDR #:G1121))
; caught ERROR:
; illegal function call
; (LAMBDA (ROW) ((CAR #:G1121) (SVREF ROW (CADR #:G1121)) (CADDR #:G1121)))
; ==>
; #'(LAMBDA (ROW) ((CAR #:G1121) (SVREF ROW (CADR #:G1121)) (CADDR #:G1121)))
; The variable ROW is defined but never used.
; (LET ((#:G1121 '(< 1 2)))
; (LAMBDA (ROW) ((CAR #:G1121) (SVREF ROW (CADR #:G1121)) (CADDR #:G1121))))
; The variable #:G1121 is defined but never used.
; compilation unit finished
; caught 1 ERROR condition
; caught 2 STYLE-WARNING conditions
#<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (ROW)) {2497F245}>
How can I write macros to generate the code I need, and in particular, how do I implement row-satisfies-rule?
Using the ideas from Ivijay and discipulus, I have modified the macro so that it compiles and works, even allowing forms to be passed as the arguments. It runs a bit differently from my originally planned macro since I determined that including row as an argument made for smoother code. However, it is ugly as sin. Does anyone know how to clean it up so it performs the same without the call to eval?
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule-p (row rule)
(let ((x (gensym))
(y (gensym)))
`(let ((,x ,row)
(,y ,rule))
(destructuring-bind (a b c) ,y
(eval `(,a (svref ,,x ,b) ,c))))))
Also, an explanation of clean, Lispy ways to get macros to generate code to properly evaluate the arguments at runtime would be greatly appreciated.
First of all, Lisp macros have "destructuring" argument lists. This is a nice feature that means instead of having an argument list (rule) and then taking it apart with (car rule) (cadr rule) (caddr rule), you can simply make the argument list ((function-name column-index value)). That way the macro expects a list of three elements as an argument, and each element of the list is then bound to the corresponding symbol in the arguemnt list. You can use this or not, but it's usually more convenient.
Next, `, doesn't actually do anything, because the backquote tells Lisp not to evaluate the following expression and the comma tells it to evaluate it after all. I think you meant just ,(car x), which evaluates (car x). This isn't a problem anyway if you use destructuring arguments.
And since you're not introducing any new variables in the macro expansion, I don't think (gensym) is necessary in this case.
So we can rewrite the macro like this:
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule ((function-name column-index value))
`(lambda (row)
(,function-name (svref row ,column-index) ,value)))
Which expands just how you wanted:
(macroexpand-1 '(row-satisfies-rule (< 1 2)))
=> (LAMBDA (ROW) (< (SVREF ROW 1) 2))
Hope this helps!
If you need the argument to be evaluated to get the rule set, then here's a nice way to do it:
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule (rule)
(destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) (eval rule)
`(lambda (row)
(,function-name (svref row ,column-index) ,value))))
Here's an example:
(let ((rules '((< 1 2) (> 3 4))))
(macroexpand-1 '(row-satisfies-rule (car rules))))
=> (LAMBDA (ROW) (< (SVREF ROW 1) 2))
just like before.
If you want to include row in the macro and have it give you your answer straightaway instead of making a function to do that, try this:
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule-p (row rule)
(destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) rule
`(,function-name (svref ,row ,column-index) ,value)))
Or if you need to evaluate the rule argument (e.g. passing '(< 1 2) or (car rules) instead of (< 1 2)) then just use (destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) (eval rule)
Actually, a function seems more appropriate than a macro for what you're trying to do. Simply
(defun row-satisfies-rule-p (row rule)
(destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) rule
(funcall function-name (svref row column-index) value)))
works the same way as the macro and is much neater, without all the backquoting mess to worry about.
In general, it's bad Lisp style to use macros for things that can be accomplished by functions.
One thing to understand is that the backquote feature is completely unrelated to macros. It can be used for list creation. Since source code usually consists of lists, it may be handy in macros.
CL-USER 4 > `((+ 1 2) ,(+ 2 3))
((+ 1 2) 5)
The backquote introduces a quoted list. The comma does the unquote: the expression after the comma is evaluated and the result inserted. The comma belongs to the backquote: the comma is only valid inside a backquote expression.
Note also that this is strictly a feature of the Lisp reader.
Above is basically similar to:
CL-USER 5 > (list '(+ 1 2) (+ 2 3))
((+ 1 2) 5)
This creates a new list with the first expression (not evaluated, because quoted) and the result of the second expression.
Why does Lisp provide backquote notation?
Because it provides a simple template mechanism when one wants to create lists where most of the elements are not evaluated, but a few are. Additionally the backquoted list looks similar to the result list.
you don't need nested backquotes to solve this problem. Also, when it's a macro, you don't have to quote your arguments. So (row-satisfies-rule (< 1 2)) is lispier than (row-satisfies-rule '(< 1 2)).
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule (rule)
(destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) rule
`(lambda (row)
(,function-name (svref row ,column-index) ,value))))
will solve the problem for all calls in the first form. Solving the problem when in the second form is left as an exercise.