I am working on a method that has 3 possible outcomes for multiple items: Error, Invalid and Success. For each of these I need to return a json list identifying which items were in error, invalid and successful.
My current attempt follows. I have used Object to represent the class my objects are as fully explaining would take too long. The Object class has a method process which returns a boolean to indicate success or error and throws an exception when the object is invalid:
def process(list: List[Objects]) = {
val successIds = new ListBuffer[Int]();
val errorIds = new ListBuffer[Int]();
val invalidIds = new ListBuffer[Int]();
list.foreach( item => {
try {
if (item.process) {
successIds ++ item.id
} else {
errorIds ++ item.id
} catch {
case e: Exception => invalidIds ++ item.id
Map("success" -> successIds,
"failed" -> errorIds,
"invalid" -> invalidIds)
Problem is using Mutable data structures isn't very "Scala-y". I would prefer to build up these lists in some more functional way but I am quite new to scala. Any thoughts or hints as to how this might be done?
My though is using something like the flatMap method that takes a tuple of collections and collates them in the same way the flatMap method does for a single collection:
def process(list: List[Objects]) = {
val (success, error, invalid) = list.flatMap( item => {
try {
if (item.process) {
(List(item.id), List.empty, List.empty)
} else {
(List.empty, List(item.id), List.empty)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
(List.empty, List.empty, List(item.id))
Map("success" -> success,
"failed" -> error,
"invalid" -> invalid)
flatMap isn't what you need here - you need groupBy:
def process(list: List[Objects]) = {
def result(x: Objects) =
try if (x.process) "success" else "failed"
catch {case _ => "invalid"}
JsonResult(list groupBy result mapValues (_ map (_.id)))
There's always recursion:
class Ob(val id: Int) { def okay: Boolean = id < 5 }
#annotation.tailrec def process(
xs: List[Ob],
succ: List[Int] = Nil,
fail: List[Int] = Nil,
invalid: List[Int] = Nil
): (List[Int], List[Int], List[Int]) = xs match {
case Nil => (succ.reverse, fail.reverse, invalid.reverse)
case x :: more =>
val maybeOkay = try { Some(x.okay) } catch { case e: Exception => None }
if (!maybeOkay.isDefined) process(more, succ, fail, x.id :: invalid)
else if (maybeOkay.get) process(more, x.id :: succ, fail, invalid)
else process(more, succ, x.id :: fail, invalid)
Which works as one would hope (skip the reverses if you don't care about order):
scala> process(List(new Ob(1), new Ob(7), new Ob(2),
new Ob(4) { override def okay = throw new Exception("Broken") }))
res2: (List[Int], List[Int], List[Int]) = (List(1,2),List(7),List(4))
Adapted to make it compile without "Objects"
def procex (item: String): Boolean = ((9 / item.toInt) < 1)
def process (list: List[String]) = {
val li: List[(Option[String], Option[String], Option[String])] = list.map (item => {
try {
if (procex (item)) {
(Some (item), None, None)
} else {
(None, Some (item), None)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
(None, None, Some (item))
// below 10 => failure
val in = (5 to 15).map (""+_).toList
// 0 to throw a little exception
val ps = process ("0" :: in)
val succeeders = ps.filter (p=> p._1 != None).map (p=>p._1)
val errors = ps.filter (p=> p._2 != None).map (p=>p._2)
val invalides = ps.filter (p=> p._3 != None).map (p=>p._3)
What doesn't work:
(1 to 3).map (i=> ps.filter (p=> p._i != None).map (p=>p._i))
_i doesn't work.
object test {
def multBylarge(input: Array[Int]): Int = {
var result=0
var lst: List[Int]=List()
if(input.length == 0) result+=1
for(elements <- input) {
lst = lst :+ elements
var newlst = lst.sortWith(_ > _)
result += newlst(0) * newlst(1)
def check2(input: Array[_]) = input.foreach {
case _:Int => multBylarge(_)
case _:Double => "this is a double array"
case _:Float => "this is a float array"
case _=> "this is not a value"
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
this is my code, I just have no idea. It will be appreciated if anyone can help me with it. And I am not familiar with scala code, so if there has any other problem, please let me know.
Scaladoc is your friend. foreach has return type of scala.Unit (see also) which has only one value - ():
def foreach[U](f: (T) => U): Unit
Apply f to each element for its side effects.
So actual signature of your method is def check2(input: Array[_]): Unit
You can do the following:
Update check2 match on input rather then foreach (since multBylarge requires a array input anyway, foreach wouldn't work here since it iterates over every item in the array then tries to apply it to multBylarge)
Wrap result in a Either (You can think if it as Left = Failure and Right = Successful result)
Then match on the result in the main function to pretty print the result/error
object test {
def multBylarge(input: Array[Int]): Int = {
var result=0
var lst: List[Int]=List()
if(input.length == 0) result+=1
for(elements <- input) {
lst = lst :+ elements
var newlst = lst.sortWith(_ > _)
result += newlst(0) * newlst(1)
def check2(input: Array[_]): Either[String, Int] = input match {
case ints: Array[Int] => Right(multBylarge(ints))
case _: Array[Double] => Left("this is a double array")
case _: Array[Float] => Left("this is a float array")
case _. => Left("this is not a value")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
check2(Array(1,3,5,1,3,4)) match {
case Right(result) => println(s"Result is $result")
case Left(error) => println(s"Failed with $error")
def myMethod(myType: String) :Future[Future[Either[List[MyError], MyClass]]] {
for {
first <- runWithSeq(firstSource)
yield {
.map {s ->
val mine = MyClass(s.head, lars)
val errors = myType match {
case "all" => Something.someMethod(mine)
(s, errors)
.map { x =>
x._2.leftMap(xs => {
addInfo(x._1.head, xs.toList)
for {
myStuff <- myMethod("something")
} yield {
myStuff.collect {
case(Left(errors), rowNumber) =>
MyCaseClass(errors, None) //compilation error here
I get compilation error on MyCaseClass that expected: List[MyError], found: Any
The signature of MyCaseClass is:
case class MyCaseClass(myErrors: List[ValidationError])
How can I fix this such that I can correctly call MyCaseClass inside the yield?
Your code example doesn't make much sense, and doesn't compile, but if runWithSeq() returns a Future then you should be able to eliminate the double Future return type like so.
for {
_ <- runWithSeq(firstSource)
scnd <- runWithSeq(secondSource)
} yield { ...
Your example is pretty hard to paste and fix
Abstact example for this
Class C may be whatever you want
def test(testval: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Future[Either[String, Int]]] = {
if (testval % 2 == 0) Right(testval) else Left("Smth wrong")
implicit class FutureEitherExt[A, B](ft: Future[Either[A, B]]) {
def EitherMatch[C](f1: A => C, f2: B => C)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[C] = {
ft.map {
case Left(value) => f1(value)
case Right(value) => f2(value)
val fl: Future[Either[String, Int]] = test(5).flatten
val result: Future[String] = fl.EitherMatch(identity, _.toString)
Sorry about the title, please edit it to be more descriptive if you can!
Is there a way to generalize this with scala? I have quite a few fields that can be filtered against, and this is just plain ugly! The problem I ran against was matching parameter name against the case class field, can it be done in a more general way, without this much code duplication?
get("/MostClicked") { request =>
val res = MongoDbOps.findMostClicked()
val res1 = request.params.get("source") match {
case None => res
case Some(f) => res.filter(_.source == f)
val res2 = request.params.get("category") match {
case None => res1
case Some(f) => res1.filter(_.category == f)
// more of the same...
render.plain {
You can try either of the two approaches below.
case class MostClicked(
source: String,
category: String,
rating: String)
object MongoDbOps {
def findMostClicked() = List[MostClicked]()
class Request {
val params = Map[String, String]()
def get(path: String)(f: Request => String) = {
f(new Request)
First is to use a List of matchers and then apply them sequentially using foldLeft:
get("/MostClicked") { request =>
val res = MongoDbOps.findMostClicked()
val kfun = List(
"source" -> ((x: MostClicked, y: String) => x.source == y),
"category" -> ((x: MostClicked, y: String) => x.category == y),
"rating" -> ((x: MostClicked, y: String) => x.rating == y))
val r = kfun.foldLeft(res) { (x, y) =>
.map(f => res.filter(y._2(_, f)))
// more of the same...
render.plain {
Or simply make it more readable:
get("/MostClicked") { request =>
val res = MongoDbOps.findMostClicked()
val res1 = request.params.get("source")
.map(f => res.filter(_.source == f))
val res2 = request.params.get("category")
.map(f => res.filter(_.category == f))
val res3 = request.params.get("rating")
.map(f => res.filter(_.rating == f))
// more of the same...
render.plain {
I had to break it down to parts and work out the types, thus the smaller methods.
It works in my simple experiment and gets rid of the duplication where it can, but might not be as readable?
Note that unless you get into reflection, you still need to create the name of the parameter and how it should be filtered.
This looks to be the same as tuxdna's answer except with types to increase readability and maintainability
case class Request(params: Map[String, String])
case class Result(category: String, source: String)
type Filterer = (Result, String) => Boolean
case class FilterInfo(paramName: String, filterer: Filterer)
type Analyzer = FilterInfo => List[Result]
val request = Request(Map("source"->"b"))
def reduce(filterInfos: List[FilterInfo], results: List[Result]) = {
filterInfos.foldLeft(results) { (currentResult, filterInfo) =>
.map(filterVal => currentResult.filter(filterInfo.filterer(_, filterVal)))
val filterInfos = List(
FilterInfo("source", (result, filterVal) => result.source == filterVal),
FilterInfo("category", (result, filterVal) => result.category == filterVal))
val res = List(Result("a","a"), Result("b", "b"))
reduce(filterInfos, res)
Used in your example it would be more like this:
get("/MostClicked") { request =>
val res = MongoDbOps.findMostClicked()
val filterInfos = List(
FilterInfo("source", (result, filterVal) => result.source == filterVal),
FilterInfo("category", (result, filterVal) => result.category == filterVal))
val finalResult = reduce(filterInfos, res)
render.plain {
Is there a more elegant way of doing this in scala?
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = {
val result = Try(dangerousOp)
if (result.isFailure) {
I think your if statement is perfectly valid. Here is another alternative:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = Try(dangerousOp) recoverWith {
case exception => println("error"); Failure(exception)
Something like this:
def doTheDangerousThing[Result](dangerousOp: =>Result): Try[Result] = Try(dangerousOp) match {
case o # Failure(_) => println("error"); o
case _ => _
Not sure if this is more idiomatic, but sometimes I find that placing the recoverWith in this manner improves readability for me:
def doDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = Try {
} recoverWith {
case t: Throwable => println("error"); Failure(t)
My preferred,
def doTheDangerousThing(): Option[Result] = Try (dangerousOp) toOption
If the Try is successful you will get a Some(value), if it fails a None.
For a large compilation on Try uses, have a look at Try introduced in Scala 2.10.0 .
There are ways. For instance:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = {
val result = Try(dangerousOp)
result.failed foreach { _ =>
Or, if you don't want to repeat result all through, then:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = {
Try(dangerousOp) recover {
case ex => println("error"); throw ex
Well, I suppose you could do something like this:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Option[Result] =
Try(dangerousOp) match {
case Success(result) => Some(result)
case Failure(e) => None //might want to log the error as well
In some cases I love to use two-step approach which will allow me a more granular error message control:
def retrieveData(dataId: String): Try[String] = {
Try {
.getOrElse(throw SomeApiFailedException("invalid dataId"))
} recoverWith {
case e: SomeApiFailedException => Failure(e)
case e: Throwable => Failure(SomeApiFailedException("failed retrieve dataId"))
case class SomeApiFailedException(err: String) extends RuntimeException(err)
I could choose from either of the three implementations, depending on whether I want to:
Simply propagate it upwards ( doTheDangerousThing1 )
Ignore the error ( doTheDangerousThing2 )
Intercept the error while propagating it upwards ( doTheDangerousThing3 )
Here is the code:
import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
object temp {
type Result = Int
def dangerousOp = {
val r = scala.util.Random.nextInt(10)
if (r > 5) r else throw new RuntimeException("Failed on " + r)
def logMessage[T](t: T) = println(t)
def doTheDangerousThing1(): Try[Result] = Try(dangerousOp)
def doTheDangerousThing2(): Option[Result] = {
Try(dangerousOp) match {
case Success(r) => Option(r)
case _ => None
def doTheDangerousThing3(): Try[Result] = {
Try(dangerousOp) match {
case t # Success(r) => t
case t # _ => logMessage("failed: "+t); t
Inside the REPL
scala> doTheDangerousThing1
res0: scala.util.Try[Result] = Success(9)
scala> doTheDangerousThing1
res1: scala.util.Try[Result] = Success(9)
scala> doTheDangerousThing2
res2: Option[Result] = None
scala> doTheDangerousThing2
res3: Option[Result] = Some(7)
scala> doTheDangerousThing3
failed: Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
res4: scala.util.Try[Result] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
scala> doTheDangerousThing3
failed: Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
res5: scala.util.Try[Result] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
I have multiple Option's. I want to check if they hold a value. If an Option is None, I want to reply to user about this. Else proceed.
This is what I have done:
val name:Option[String]
val email:Option[String]
val pass:Option[String]
val i = List(name,email,pass).find(x => x match{
case None => true
case _ => false
i match{
case Some(x) => Ok("Bad Request")
case None => {
//move forward
Above I can replace find with contains, but this is a very dirty way. How can I make it elegant and monadic?
Edit: I would also like to know what element was None.
Another way is as a for-comprehension:
val outcome = for {
nm <- name
em <- email
pwd <- pass
result = doSomething(nm, em, pwd) // where def doSomething(name: String, email: String, password: String): ResultType = ???
} yield (result)
This will generate outcome as a Some(result), which you can interrogate in various ways (all the methods available to the collections classes: map, filter, foreach, etc.). Eg:
outcome.map(Ok(result)).orElse(Ok("Bad Request"))
val ok = Seq(name, email, pass).forall(_.isDefined)
If you want to reuse the code, you can do
def allFieldValueProvided(fields: Option[_]*): Boolean = fields.forall(_.isDefined)
If you want to know all the missing values then you can find all missing values and if there is none, then you are good to go.
def findMissingValues(v: (String, Option[_])*) = v.collect {
case (name, None) => name
val missingValues = findMissingValues(("name1", option1), ("name2", option2), ...)
if(missingValues.isEmpty) {
} else {
BadRequest("Missing values for " + missingValues.mkString(", ")))
val response = for {
n <- name
e <- email
p <- pass
} yield {
/* do something with n, e, p */
response getOrElse { /* bad request /* }
Or, with Scalaz:
val response = (name |#| email |#| pass) { (n, e, p) =>
/* do something with n, e, p */
response getOrElse { /* bad request /* }
if ((name :: email :: pass :: Nil) forall(!_.isEmpty)) {
} else {
// bad request
I think the most straightforward way would be this:
(name,email,pass) match {
case ((Some(name), Some(email), Some(pass)) => // proceed
case _ => // Bad request
A version with stone knives and bear skins:
import util._
object Test extends App {
val zero: Either[List[Int], Tuple3[String,String,String]] = Right((null,null,null))
def verify(fields: List[Option[String]]) = {
(zero /: fields.zipWithIndex) { (acc, v) => v match {
case (Some(s), i) => acc match {
case Left(_) => acc
case Right(t) =>
val u = i match {
case 0 => t copy (_1 = s)
case 1 => t copy (_2 = s)
case 2 => t copy (_3 = s)
case (None, i) =>
val fails = acc match {
case Left(f) => f
case Right(_) => Nil
Left(i :: fails)
def consume(name: String, email: String, pass: String) = Console println s"$name/$email/$pass"
def fail(is: List[Int]) = is map List("name","email","pass") foreach (Console println "Missing: " + _)
val name:Option[String] = Some("Bob")
val email:Option[String]= None
val pass:Option[String] = Some("boB")
val res = verify(List(name,email,pass))
res.fold(fail, (consume _).tupled)
val res2 = verify(List(name, Some("bob#bob.org"),pass))
res2.fold(fail, (consume _).tupled)
The same thing, using reflection to generalize the tuple copy.
The downside is that you must tell it what tuple to expect back. In this form, reflection is like one of those Stone Age advances that were so magical they trended on twitter for ten thousand years.
def verify[A <: Product](fields: List[Option[String]]) = {
import scala.reflect.runtime._
import universe._
val MaxTupleArity = 22
def tuple = {
require (fields.length <= MaxTupleArity)
val n = fields.length
val tupleN = typeOf[Tuple2[_,_]].typeSymbol.owner.typeSignature member TypeName(s"Tuple$n")
val init = tupleN.typeSignature member nme.CONSTRUCTOR
val ctor = currentMirror reflectClass tupleN.asClass reflectConstructor init.asMethod
val vs = Seq.fill(n)(null.asInstanceOf[String])
ctor(vs: _*).asInstanceOf[Product]
def zero: Either[List[Int], Product] = Right(tuple)
def nextProduct(p: Product, i: Int, s: String) = {
val im = currentMirror reflect p
val ts = im.symbol.typeSignature
val copy = (ts member TermName("copy")).asMethod
val args = copy.paramss.flatten map { x =>
val name = TermName(s"_$i")
if (x.name == name) s
else (im reflectMethod (ts member x.name).asMethod)()
(im reflectMethod copy)(args: _*).asInstanceOf[Product]
(zero /: fields.zipWithIndex) { (acc, v) => v match {
case (Some(s), i) => acc match {
case Left(_) => acc
case Right(t) => Right(nextProduct(t, i + 1, s))
case (None, i) =>
val fails = acc match {
case Left(f) => f
case Right(_) => Nil
Left(i :: fails)
}.asInstanceOf[Either[List[Int], A]]
def consume(name: String, email: String, pass: String) = Console println s"$name/$email/$pass"
def fail(is: List[Int]) = is map List("name","email","pass") foreach (Console println "Missing: " + _)
val name:Option[String] = Some("Bob")
val email:Option[String]= None
val pass:Option[String] = Some("boB")
type T3 = Tuple3[String,String,String]
val res = verify[T3](List(name,email,pass))
res.fold(fail, (consume _).tupled)
val res2 = verify[T3](List(name, Some("bob#bob.org"),pass))
res2.fold(fail, (consume _).tupled)
I know this doesn't scale well, but would this suffice?
(name, email, pass) match {
case (None, _, _) => "name"
case (_, None, _) => "email"
case (_, _, None) => "pass"
case _ => "Nothing to see here"