How to model in Scala? - scala is markup vocabulary (for the web) and defines a number of types in terms of properties (no methods). I am currently trying to model parts of that schema in Scala as internal model classes to be used in conjunction with a document-oriented database (MongoDB) and a web framework.
As can be seen in the definition of LocalBusiness, uses multiple inheritance to also include properties from the "Place" type. So my question is: How would you model such a schema in Scala?
I have come up with two solutions so far. The first one use regular classes to model a single inheritance tree and uses traits to mixin those additional properties.
trait ThingA {
var name: String = ""
var url: String = ""
trait OrganizationA {
var email: String = ""
trait PlaceA {
var x: String = ""
var y: String = ""
trait LocalBusinessA {
var priceRange: String = ""
class OrganizationClassA extends ThingA with OrganizationA {}
class LocalBusinessClassA extends OrganizationClassA with PlaceA with LocalBusinessA {}
The second version tries to use case classes. However, since case class inheritance is deprecated, I cannot model the main hierarchy so easily.
trait ThingB {
val name: String
trait OrganizationB {
val email: String
trait PlaceB {
val x: String
val y: String
trait LocalBusinessB {
val priceRange: String
case class OrganizationClassB(val name: String, val email: String) extends ThingB with OrganizationB
case class LocalBusinessClassB(val name: String, val email: String, val x: String, val y: String, val priceRange: String) extends ThingB with OrganizationB with PlaceB with LocalBusinessB
Is there a better way to model this? I could use composition similar to
case class LocalBusinessClassC(val thing:ThingClass, val place: PlaceClass, ...)
but then of course, LocalBusiness cannot be used when a "Place" is expected, for example when I try to render something on Google Maps.

What works best for you depends greatly on how you want to map your objects to the underlying datastore.
Given the need for multiple inheritance, and approach that might be worth considering would be to just use traits. This gives you multiple inheritance with the least amount of code duplication or boilerplating.
trait Thing {
val name: String // required
val url: Option[String] = None // reasonable default
trait Organization extends Thing {
val email: Option[String] = None
trait Place extends Thing {
val x: String
val y: String
trait LocalBusiness extends Organization with Place {
val priceRange: String
Note that Organization extends Thing, as does Place, just as in
To instantiate them, you create anonymous inner classes that specify the values of all attributes.
object UseIt extends App {
val home = new Place {
val name = "Home"
val x = "-86.586104"
val y = "34.730369"
val oz = new Place {
val name = "Oz"
val x = "151.206890"
val y = "-33.873651"
val paulis = new LocalBusiness {
val name = "Pauli's"
override val url = ""
val x = "-86.713660"
val y = "34.755092"
val priceRange = "$$$"
If any fields have a reasonable default value, you can specify the default value in the trait.
I left fields without value as empty strings, but it probably makes more sense to make optional fields of type Option[String], to better indicate that their value is not set. You liked using Option, so I'm using Option.
The downside of this approach is that the compiler generates an anonymous inner class every place you instantiate one of the traits. This could give you an explosion of .class files. More importantly, though, it means that different instances of the same trait will have different types.
In regards to how you would use this to load objects from the database, that depends greatly on how you access your database. If you use an object mapper, you'll want to structure your model objects in the way that the mapper expects them to be structured. If this sort of trick works with your object mapper, I'll be surprised.
If you're writing your own data access layer, then you can simply use a DAO or repository pattern for data access, putting the logic to build the anonymous inner classes in there.
This is just one way to structure these objects. It's not even the best way, but it demonstrates the point.
trait Database {
// treats objects as simple key/value pairs
def findObject(id: String): Option[Map[String, String]]
class ThingRepo(db: Database) {
def findThing(id: String): Option[Thing] = {
// Note that in this way, malformed objects (i.e. missing name) simply
// return None. Logging or other responses for malformed objects is left
// as an exercise :-)
for {
fields <- db.findObject(id) // load object from database
name <- field.get("name") // extract required field
} yield {
new Thing {
val name = name
val url = field.get("url")
There's a bit more to it than that (how you identify objects, how you store them in the database, how you wire up repository, how you'll handle polymorphic queries, etc.). But this should be a good start.


Passing different object models as a parameter to a method in scala

I've really struggled with type relationships in scala and how to use them effectively. I am currently trying to understand how I would use them to only edit certain fields in a Mongo Collection. This means passing a particular object containing only those fields to a method which (after reading about variances) I thought that I could do like this:
abstract class DocClass
case class DocPart1(oId: Option[BSONObjectID], name: String, other: String) extends DocClass
case class DocPart2(city: String, country: String) extends DocClass
With the method that calls a more generic method as:
def updateMultipleFields(oId: Option[BSONObjectID], dataModel: DocClass): Future[Result] = serviceClientDb.updateFields[T](collectionName, dataModel, oId)
// updateFields updates the collection by passing *dataModel* into the collection, i.e. Json.obj("$set" -> dataModel)
So dataModel can be a DocPart1 or DocPart2 object. I'm eager not to use a
type parameter on updateMultipleFields (as this interesting article may suggest) as this leads me to further issues in passing these to this method in other files in the project. I'm doing this to abide with DRY and in order to maintain efficient database operations.
I've gone round in circles with this one - can anyone shed any light on this?
Edited after #SerGr's comments
So to be completely clear; I'm using Play/Scala/ReactiveMongo Play JSON (as documented here) and I have a MongoDB collection with lots of fields.
case class Doc(oId: Option[BSONObjectID], name: String, city: String, country: String, city: String, continent: String, region: String, region: String, latitude: Long, longitude: Long)
To create a new document I have auto-mapped Doc (above) to the collection structure (in Play - like this) and created a form (to insert/update the collection) - all working well!
But when editing a document; I would like to update only some fields (so that all of the fields are not updated). I have therefore created multiple case classes to divide these fields into smaller models (like the examples of DocPart1 & DocPart2) and mapped the form data to just one. This has led me to pass these as a parameter to the updateMultipleFields method as shown above. I hope that this makes more sense.
I'm not sure if I understand correctly what you need. Still here is some code that might be it. Assume we have our FullDoc class defined as:
case class FullDoc(_id: Option[BSONObjectID], name: String, other: String)
and we have 2 partial updates defined as:
sealed trait BaseDocPart
case class DocPart1(name: String) extends BaseDocPart
case class DocPart2(other: String) extends BaseDocPart
Also assume we have an accessor to our Mongo collection:
def docCollection: Future[JSONCollection] = ...
So if I understand your requirements, what you need is something like this:
def update[T <: BaseDocPart](oId: BSONObjectID, docPart: T)(implicit format: OFormat[T]) = {
docCollection.flatMap(_.update(BSONDocument("_id" -> oId),
JsObject(Seq("$set" -> Json.toJson(docPart)))))
Essentially the main trick is to use generic T <: BaseDocPart and pass implicit format: OFormat[T] so that we can convert our specific child of BaseDocPart to JSON even after type erasure.
And here is some additional test code (that I used in my console application)
implicit val fullFormat = Json.format[FullDoc]
implicit val part1Format = Json.format[DocPart1]
implicit val part2Format = Json.format[DocPart2]
def insert(id: Int) = {
val fullDoc = FullDoc(None, s"fullDoc_$id", s"other_$id")
val insF: Future[WriteResult] = docCollection.flatMap(_.insert(fullDoc))
val insRes = Await.result(insF, 2 seconds)
println(s"insRes = $insRes")
def loadAndPrintAll() = {
val readF = docCollection.flatMap(_.find(Json.obj()).cursor[FullDoc](ReadPreference.primaryPreferred).collect(100, Cursor.FailOnError[Vector[FullDoc]]()))
val readRes = Await.result(readF, 2 seconds)
println(s"readRes =\n${readRes.mkString("\n")}")
def loadRandomDocument(): FullDoc = {
val readF = docCollection.flatMap(_.find(Json.obj()).cursor[FullDoc](ReadPreference.primaryPreferred).collect(100, Cursor.FailOnError[Vector[FullDoc]]()))
val readRes = Await.result(readF, 2 seconds)
def updateWrapper[T <: BaseDocPart](oId: BSONObjectID, docPart: T)(implicit writer: OFormat[T]) = {
val updateRes = Await.result(update(oId, docPart), 2 seconds)
println(s"updateRes = $updateRes")
// pre-fill with some data
val newId: Int = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - 1511464148000L) / 100).toInt
println(s"newId = $newId")
val doc21: FullDoc = loadRandomDocument()
println(s"doc21 = $doc21")
updateWrapper(doc21._id.get, DocPart1(s"p1_modified_$newId"))
val doc22: FullDoc = loadRandomDocument()
println(s"doc22 = $doc22")
updateWrapper(doc22._id.get, DocPart2(s"p2_modified_$newId"))

transform anorm (play framework) value before binding

I have a case class representing my domain:
case class MyModel(rawValue: String, transformedValue: String)
rawValue maps to a value in the database and is properly parsed and bound. What I am trying to do is add transformedValue to my model: this value is just some arbitrary transformation that I perform on the rawValue. It does not map to any data in the database / query.
I have a parser (prior to adding transformedValue) that looks like this:
val parser = {
get[String]("rawValue") map {
case rawValue => MyModel(rawValue)
Since MyModel is immutible and I can't insert transformedValue into it after its been created, what and where is the best way to do and add this transformation (e.g. adding ad-hoc values to the Model) preferably without using vars?
Coming from Java, I would probably just have added a getTransformedValue getter to the domain class that performs this transformation on the rawValue attribute.
Since transformedValue seems to be a derived property, and not something that would be supplied in the constructor, you can define it as an attribute in the body of the function, possibly using the lazy qualifier so that it will only be computed on-demand (and just once for instance):
case class MyModel(rawValue: String) {
lazy val transformedValue: String = {
// Transformation logic, e.g.
val is evaluated when defined; def is evaluated when called. A lazy val is evaluated when it is accessed the first time.
It may be appropriate to use lazy in the case of an expensive computation that is rarely needed, or when logic requires it. But for most cases a regular val should be used. Quoting:
lazy val is not free (or even cheap). Use it only if you absolutely need laziness for correctness, not for optimization.
I don't see why you wouldn't just do the transformation in the parser itself:
def transformation(rawValue: String): String = ...
val parser = {
get[String]("rawValue") map {
case rawValue => MyModel(rawValue, transformation(rawValue))
Or if you don't want to do it there for some reason, you can use copy to create a new copy of MyModel with a new value:
val model = MyModel("value", ..)
val modelWithTransform = model.copy(transformedValue = transformation(model.rawValue))
You could also overload apply to automatically apply the transformation within the companion object:
case class MyModel(rawValue: String, transformedValue: String)
object MyModel {
def apply(value: String): MyModel = MyModel(rawValue, transformation(rawValue))
val parser = {
get[String]("rawValue") map {
case rawValue => MyModel(rawValue)
MyModel may be immutable, but you can always create another copy of it with some values changed.
Turns out it was easier than I thought and the solution did look like what I said I would have done in java:
I just add a function to MyModel that does this transformation:
case class MyModel(rawValue: String) {
def transformedValue = {
// do the transformation here and return it

Mixing dynamic objects with structural typing in Scala

Is it possible to do this? (I'm using scala 2.10) To call a method that requires that the object has a function named "fullName", but the object being built with the Dynamic trait. The compiler complains, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.
I don't need this for any job, I'm just learning the language.
import scala.language.dynamics
object Main extends App {
class MyStatic {
private var privateName = ""
var lastName = ""
def name_= (n: String) {
privateName = n
def name = s"***$privateName***"
def fullName = s"$name $lastName"
class MyDynamic extends scala.Dynamic {
val map = collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()
def selectDynamic(key: String): String = map(key)
def updateDynamic(key: String)(value: String) {
map += key -> value
def applyDynamic(key: String)(value: Any*) = key match {
case "fullName" => {
val name = map("name")
val lastName = map("lastName")
s"$name $lastName"
def showFullName(o: { def fullName: String }) = s"My full name is $o.fullName"
println("Starting App...")
val s = new MyStatic = "Peter"
s.lastName = "Parker"
val d = new MyDynamic = "Bruce"
d.lastName = "Wayne"
The structural type { def fullName: String } basically means "any type with a no-arg method named fullName returning a String.
MyDynamic has no such method, and thus does not comply with this structural type. The fact that MyDynamic extends scala.Dynamic is irreleveant: it means that for any instance of it, you can perform what looks like a call to fullName, but it does not mean that MyDynamic (as a type) has any such member.
So the short answer is no, you cannot mix dynamic objects with structural typing like that.
For completeness, I must add that it could be made to work as you expected, but it would require a special provision from the compiler (namely, the compiler could consider than any type extending scala.Dynamic -- and implementing the required lookup methods -- is compatible with any structural typing, and implement the call not via reflection as is normally done, but by calling the corresponding lookup method).
You are trying to glue together two completely different things. While structural typing is also sometimes compared to 'duck-typing', its feature is exactly the use of static type information (even if on the use site the byte code will call reflection). Per definition, your dynamic type does not have such static type information. So you will never be able to convince the Scala compiler that your dynamic type has a method that can be statically verified to exist.
The only workaround would be to allow any type in showFullName and use reflection to call fullName (again, I'm not sure if this plays out with a dynamic object).
On the other hand, Scala will let you do anything with dynamic types, handing the responsibility over to you:
def showFullName(o: Dynamic) = s"My full name is $o.fullName"

How to convert a scala object with list to a MongoDBObject via Casbah

I'm learning MongoDB and Casbah by writing a simple app. Got stuck when I try to convert an object with a list member into a MongoDB Object. Here is my class
case class BorrowerRecord( name: String, checkedOut: List[BookTag]) {
case class BookTag (subject: Subject, bookName: String) {
case class Subject (name: String, category: Category) {
Category is a sealed trait with 2 case class implementation, I intended to use this like "Enum"
sealed trait Category {
def name: String
object Category {
case object Computing extends Category { val name = "Computing"}
case object Math extends Category { val name = "Math"}
So, a instance of BorrowerRecord will keep what books a person checked out from the library, each book is identified by a BookTag object. A BookTag keeps some information about a book like bookname, subject name, Category, etc.
Lets say I've a BorrowerRecord and want to save it to MongoDB
val borrowOnToday = BorrowerRecord( "My Name", List( BookTag(Subject("J2EE", Category.Computing), "Head First Java"),
BookTag(Subject("Linear Algebra", Category.Math), "Algebra for Dummies")))
How should I convert this to MongoDBObject using Casbah ?
Or Casbah is not the way to go and there're other libraries that can help me persist this into MongoDB more easily?
To work with case classes use the salat (press <- and -> to move through the presentation).
It is pretty simple:
case class Alpha(x: String)
scala> val a = Alpha(x = "Hello world")
a: com.novus.salat.test.model.Alpha = Alpha(Hello world)
scala> val dbo = grater[Alpha].asDBObject(a)
dbo: com.mongodb.casbah.Imports.DBObject = { "_typeHint" :
"com.novus.salat.test.model.Alpha" , "x" : "Hello world"}
scala> val a_* = grater[Alpha].asObject(dbo)
a_*: com.novus.salat.test.model.Alpha = Alpha(Hello world)
Usually, I'm using them both: casbah to querying to/from Mongo, and salat to make a conversions to case classes and vice versa.
And yes, salat supports case classes with Lists (here is the list of supported collections).
I use my own library Subset (I've open-sourced it recently) along with MongoDB Java driver. Unlike Salat it's explicit, you have to declare all the serialization code, though Subset helps keep it quite simple. You'll get ability to create queries as a bonus.
For your data model, the code may look like
object BorrowerRecord {
val name = "name".fieldOf[String]
val checkedOut = "cout".fieldOf[List[BookTag]]
def toDBO(rec: BorrowerRecord): DBObject =
name( ~ checkedOut(rec.checkedOut)
Subset knows how to serialize List[T], but it needs an implicit ValueWriter[BookTag] for that:
object BookTag {
val subject = "subj".fieldOf[Subject]
val name = "name".fieldOf[String]
implicit def writer = ValueWriter[BookTag](bt =>
(subject(bt.subject) ~ name(
I hope you got the idea to continue with Subject and Category

How do I create a class hierarchy of typed factory method constructors and access them from Scala using abstract types?

(Essentially I need some kind of a synthesis of these two questions (1, 2), but I'm not smart enough to combine them myself.)
I have a set of JAXB representations in Scala like this:
abstract class Representation {
def marshalToXml(): String = {
val context = JAXBContext.newInstance(this.getClass())
val writer = new StringWriter
context.createMarshaller.marshal(this, writer)
class Order extends Representation {
var name: String = _
class Invoice extends Representation { ... }
The problem I have is with my unmarshalling "constructor" methods:
def unmarshalFromJson(marshalledData: String): {{My Representation Subclass}} = {
val mapper = new ObjectMapper()
mapper.getDeserializationConfig().withAnnotationIntrospector(new JaxbAnnotationIntrospector())
mapper.readValue(marshalledData, this.getClass())
def unmarshalFromXml(marshalledData: String): {{My Representation Subclass}} = {
val context = JAXBContext.newInstance(this.getClass())
val representation = context.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(
new StringReader(marshalledData)
).asInstanceOf[{{Type of My Representation Subclass}}]
representation // Return the representation
Specifically, I can't figure out how to attach these unmarshalling methods in a typesafe and DRY way to each of my classes, and then to call them from Scala (and hopefully sometimes by using only abstract type information). In other words, I would like to do this:
val newOrder = Order.unmarshalFromJson(someJson)
And more ambitiously:
class Resource[R <: Representation] {
getRepresentation(marshalledData: String): R =
{{R's Singleton}}.unmarshalFromXml(marshalledData)
In terms of my particular stumbling blocks:
I can't figure out whether I should define my unmarshalFrom*() constructors once in the Representation class, or in a singleton Representation object - if the latter, I don't see how I can automatically inherit that down through the class hierarchy of Order, Invoice etc.
I can't get this.type (as per this answer) to work as a way of self-typing unmarshalFromJson() - I get a compile error type mismatch; found: ?0 where type ?0 required: Representation.this.type on the readValue() call
I can't figure out how to use the implicit Default[A] pattern (as per this answer) to work down my Representation class hierarchy to call the singleton unmarshalling constructors using type information only
I know this is a bit of a mammoth question touching on various different (but related) issues - any help gratefully received!
The key is to not try and attach the method to the class but rather pass it in as a parameter. To indicate the type you are expecting and let the type system handle passing it in. I tried to make the unmarshal invocation something that reads a little DSL like.
val order = UnMarshalXml( xml ).toRepresentation[Order]
The following is a fully testable code snippet
abstract class Representation {
def marshalToXml(): String = {
val context = JAXBContext.newInstance(this.getClass)
val writer = new StringWriter
context.createMarshaller.marshal(this, writer)
class Order extends Representation {
var name: String = _
case class UnMarshalXml( xml: String ) {
def toRepresentation[T <: Representation](implicit m:Manifest[T]): T = {
new StringReader(xml)
object test {
def main( args: Array[String] ) {
val order = new Order = "my order"
val xml = order.marshalToXml()
println("marshalled: " + xml )
val received = UnMarshalXml( xml ).toRepresentation[Order]
println("received order named: " + received.getName )
You should see the following output if you run test.main
marshalled: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><order><name>my order</name></order>
received name: my order
Here's the updated version of Neil's code which I used to support the second use case as well as the first:
case class UnmarshalXml(xml: String) {
def toRepresentation[T <: Representation](implicit m: Manifest[T]): T =
def toRepresentation[T <: Representation](typeT: Class[T]): T =
new StringReader(xml)
This supports simple examples like so:
val order = UnmarshalXml(xml).toRepresentation[Order]
But also for abstract type based usage, you can use like this:
val order = UnmarshalXml(xml).toRepresentation[T](typeOfT)
(Where you have grabbed and stored typeOfT using another implicit Manifest at the point of declaring T.)