Bash/perl Printing line(s) from file until a character with conditions - perl

I'm trying to scan a file for lines containing a specific string, and print the lines to another file.
However, I need to print out multiple lines until ")" character IF the line containing the string ended in "," ignoring whitespaces.
Currently I'm using
for func in $fnnames
sed/"$func"/p <$file >>$CODEBASEDIR/function_signature -n
where $func contains the string I look for, but of course it doesn't work for the restriction.
Is there a way to do this? Currently using bash, but perl is fine also.

Your question is tricky because your restrictions are not precise. You say - I think - that a block should look like this:
Where foo is the string that starts the block, and closing parenthesis ends it. However, you could also be saying:
foo bar baz) xxxxxxxxxxx,
And you only want to print until the ), which is to say foo bar baz), IF the line ends with comma.
You could also be saying that only lines that end with a comma should be continued:
foo, # print + is continued
bar # print + is not continued
xxxxx # ignored line
foo # print + is not continued
baz) # closing parens also end block
Since I can only guess that you mean the first alternative, I give you two options:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub flip {
while (<DATA>) {
print if /^foo/ .. /\)\s*$/;
sub ifchain {
my ($foo, $print);
while (<DATA>) {
if (/^foo/) {
$foo = 1; # start block
} elsif ($foo) {
if (/,\s*$/) {
} elsif (/\)\s*$/) {
$foo = 0; # end block
# for catching input errors:
else { chomp; warn "Mismatched line '$_'" }
The first one will print any lines found between a line starting with foo and a line ending with ). It will ignore the "lines end with comma" restriction. On the positive side, it can be simplified to a one-liner:
perl -ne 'print if /^foo/ .. /\)\s*$/' file.txt
The second one is just a simplistic if-structure that will consider both restrictions, and warn (print to STDERR) if it finds a line inside a block that does not match both.

perl -ne 'print if 1 .. /\).*,\s*$/'


print lines after finding a key word in perl

I have a variable $string and i want to print all the lines after I find a keyword in the line (including the line with keyword)
$string=~ /apple /;
I'm using this regexp to find the key word but I do not how to print lines after this keyword.
It's not really clear where your data is coming from. Let's assume it's a string containing newlines. Let's start by splitting it into an array.
my #string = split /\n/, $string;
We can then use the flip-flop operator to decide which lines to print. I'm using \0 as a regex that is very unlikely to match any string (so, effectively, it's always false).
for (#string) {
say if /apple / .. /\0/;
Just keep a flag variable, set it to true when you see the string, print if the flag is true.
perl -ne 'print if $seen ||= /apple/'
If your data in scalar variable we can use several methods
Recommended method
($matching) = $string=~ /([^\n]*apple.+)/s;
print "$matching\n";
And there is another way to do it
$string=~ /[^\n]*apple.+/s;
print $&; #it will print the data which is match.
If you reading the data from file, try the following
while (<$fh>)
print <$fh>;
Or else try the following one liner
perl -ne 'print <> and exit if(/apple/);' file.txt

Perl - How to create commands that users can input in console?

I'm just starting in Perl and I'm quite enjoying it. I'm writing some basic functions, but what I really want to be able to do is to use those functions intelligently using console commands. For example, say I have a function adding two numbers. I'd want to be able to type in console "add 2, 4" and read the first word, then pass the two numbers as parameters in an "add" function. Essentially, I'm asking for help in creating some basic scripting using Perl ^^'.
I have some vague ideas about how I might do this in VB, but Perl, I have no idea where I'd start, or what functions would be useful to me. Is there something like's "Split" function where you can break down the contents of a scalar into an array? Is there a simple way to analyse one word at a time in a scalar, or iterate through a scalar until you hit a separator, for example?
I hope you can help, any suggestions are appreciated! Bear in mind, I'm no expert, I started Perl all of a few weeks ago, and I've only been doing half a year.
Thank you!
Edit: If you're not sure what to suggest and you know any simple/intuitive resources that might be of help, that would also be appreciated.
Its rather easy to make a script which dispatches to a command by name. Here is a simple example:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# take the command name off the #ARGV stack
my $command_name = shift;
# get a reference to the subroutine by name
my $command = __PACKAGE__->can($command_name) || die "Unknown command: $command_name\n";
# execute the command, using the rest of #ARGV as arguments
# and print the return with a trailing newline
print $command->(#ARGV);
print "\n";
sub add {
my ($x, $y) = #_;
return $x + $y;
sub subtract {
my ($x, $y) = #_;
return $x - $y;
This script (say its named can be called like
$ ./ add 2 3
$ ./ subtract 2 3
Once you have played with that for a while, you might want to take it further and use a framework for this kind of thing. There are several available, like App::Cmd or you can take the logic shown above and modularize as you see fit.
You want to parse command line arguments. A space serves as the delimiter, so just do a ./ 2 3 Something like this:
print $num1 + $num2;
will print 5
Here is a short implementation of a simple scripting language.
Each statement is exactly one line long, and has the following structure:
Statement = [<Var> =] <Command> [<Arg> ...]
# This is a regular grammar, so we don't need a complicated parser.
Tokens are seperated by whitespace. A command may take any number of arguments. These can either be the contents of variables $var, a string "foo", or a number (int or float).
As these are Perl scalars, there is no visible difference between strings and numbers.
Here is the preamble of the script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
strict and warnings are essential when learning Perl, else too much weird stuff would be possible. The use 5.010 is a minimum version, it also defines the say builtin (like a print but appends a newline).
Now we declare two global variables: The %env hash (table or dict) associates variable names with their values. %functions holds our builtin functions. The values are anonymous functions.
my %env;
my %functions = (
add => sub { $_[0] + $_[1] },
mul => sub { $_[0] * $_[1] },
say => sub { say $_[0] },
bye => sub { exit 0 },
Now comes our read-eval-loop (we don't print by default). The readline operator <> will read from the file specified as the first command line argument, or from STDIN if no filename is provided.
while (<>) {
next if /^\s*\#/; # jump comment lines
# parse the line. We get a destination $var, a $command, and any number of #args
my ($var, $command, #args) = parse($_);
# Execute the anonymous sub specified by $command with the #args
my $value = $functions{ $command }->(#args);
# Store the return value if a destination $var was specified
$env{ $var } = $value if defined $var;
That was fairly trivial. Now comes some parsing code. Perl “binds” regexes to strings with the =~ operator. Regexes may look like /foo/ or m/foo/. The /x flags allows us to include whitespace in our regex that doesn't match actual whitespace. The /g flag matches globally. This also enables the \G assertion. This is where the last successful match ended. The /c flag is important for this m//gc style parsing to consume one match at a time, and to prevent the position of the regex engine in out string to being reset.
sub parse {
my ($line) = #_; # get the $line, which is a argument
my ($var, $command, #args); # declare variables to be filled
# Test if this statement has a variable declaration
if ($line =~ m/\G\s* \$(\w+) \s*=\s* /xgc) {
$var = $1; # assign first capture if successful
# Parse the function of this statement.
if ($line =~ m/\G\s* (\w+) \s*/xgc) {
$command = $1;
# Test if the specified function exists in our %functions
if (not exists $functions{$command}) {
die "The command $command is not known\n";
} else {
die "Command required\n"; # Throw fatal exception on parse error.
# As long as our matches haven't consumed the whole string...
while (pos($line) < length($line)) {
# Try to match variables
if ($line =~ m/\G \$(\w+) \s*/xgc) {
die "The variable $1 does not exist\n" if not exists $env{$1};
push #args, $env{$1};
# Try to match strings
elsif ($line =~ m/\G "([^"]+)" \s*/xgc) {
push #args, $1;
# Try to match ints or floats
elsif ($line =~ m/\G (\d+ (?:\.\d+)? ) \s*/xgc) {
push #args, 0+$1;
# Throw error if nothing matched
else {
die "Didn't understand that line\n";
# return our -- now filled -- vars.
return $var, $command, #args;
Perl arrays can be handled like linked list: shift removes and returns the first element (pop does the same to the last element). push adds an element to the end, unshift to the beginning.
Out little programming language can execute simple programs like:
$a = mul 2 20
$b = add 0 2
$answer = add $a $b
say $answer
If (1) our perl script is saved in my_little_language, set to be executable, and is in the system PATH, and (2) the above file in our little language saved as meaning_of_life.mll, and also set to be executable, then
$ ./meaning_of_life
should be able to run it.
Output is obviously 42. Note that our language doesn't yet have string manipulation or simple assignment to variables. Also, it would be nice to be able to call functions with the return value of other functions directly. This requires some sort of parens, or precedence mechanism. Also, the language requires better error reporting for batch processing (which it already supports).

How do I ignore multiple newlines in perl?

Suppose I have a file with these inputs:
line 1
line 2
My program should only store "line1", "line2" and "line3" not the newlines. How do I achieve that?
My program already removed leading and trailing whitespaces but it doesn't help to remove newline.
I am setting $/ as \n because each input is separated by a \n.
while (<>) {
next unless /\S/;
print "$_\n";
$/ = q(); # that's an empty string, like "" or ''
while (<>) {
The special value of the defined empty string is how you tell the input operator to treat one or more newlines as the terminator (preferring more), and also to get chomp to remove them all. That way each record always starts with real data.
Perl -n is the equivalent of wrapping while(<>) { } around your script. Assuming that all you need to do is eliminate blank lines, you can do it like this:
#! /usr/bin/perl -n
print unless ( /^$/ );
... On the other hand, if that's all you need to do, you might as well ditch perl and use
grep -n '^$'
Edit: your post says that you want to store values where lines are not blank... in that case, assuming that you don't have too much work to do in the rest of your script, you might do something like this:
#! /usr/bin/perl -n
my #values;
push #values, $_ unless ( /^$/ );
# do whatever work you want to do here
... but this quickly reaches a point of limiting returns if you have very much code inside the END{} block.

Why the digits are being displayed using perl regular expressions?

I'm using \D to not display digits but why the digits are being displayed using perl regular expressions?
Here's the content of the text2.tx file
1. Hello Brue this is a test.
2. Hello Lisa this is a test.
This is a test 1.
This is a test 2.
Here is the perl program.
use strict;
use warnings;
open READFILE,"<", "test2.txt" or die "Unable to open file";
/\D/ just checks that the line has at least one non-digit character (including the newline...). Can you explain what you wanted to check? What output you were expecting?
If you want to only print lines that don't have a digit, you want to do:
if ( ! /\d/ )
(does the line not have a digit), not
if ( /\D/ )
(does the line have a non-digit).
Lets take a look at what is going on behind the scenes. Your while loop is equivalent to:
while(defined($_ = <READFILE>))
if($_ =~ /\D/)
print $_;
So, you are checking if the line contains a non-digit character (which it does) and then printing that line.
If you want to print Hello Brue this is a test. instead of 1. Hello Brue this is a test., then you would have to use something like:
while(<READFILE>) {
s/^\d+\. //;
Also, it would make for more readable code if you used a variable rather than $_.
What you want is to reject lines that have a digit rather than match lines that have a non-digit (as you're doing)
while (<READFILE>) {
print unless /\d/;
This will print each line unless it has a digit on it.

perl split on empty file

I have basically the following perl I'm working with:
open I,$coupon_file or die "Error: File $coupon_file will not Open: $! \n";
while (<I>) {
my #line = split/,/;
if (!#line) {
print E "Error: $coupon_file is empty!\n\n";
$processFile = 0; last;
I'm having trouble determining what the split/,/ function is returning if an empty file is given to it. The code block if (!#line) is never being executed. If I change that to be
if (#line)
than the code block is executed. I've read information on the perl split function over at and the discussion here about testing for an empty array but not sure what is going on here.
I am new to Perl so am probably missing something straightforward here.
If the file is empty, the while loop body will not run at all.
Evaluating an array in scalar context returns the number of elements in the array.
split /,/ always returns a 1+ elements list if $_ is defined.
You might try some debugging:
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
print Dumper( { "line is" => $_ } );
my #line = split/,/;
print Dumper( { "split into" => \#line } );
if (!#line) {
Below are a few tips to make your code more idiomatic:
The special variable $. already holds the current line number, so you can likely get rid of $lctr.
Are empty lines really errors, or can you ignore them?
Pull apart the list returned from split and give the pieces names.
Let Perl do the opening with the "diamond operator":
The null filehandle <> is special: it can be used to emulate the behavior of sed and awk. Input from <> comes either from standard input, or from each file listed on the command line. Here's how it works: the first time <> is evaluated, the #ARGV array is checked, and if it is empty, $ARGV[0] is set to "-", which when opened gives you standard input. The #ARGV array is then processed as a list of filenames. The loop
while (<>) {
... # code for each line
is equivalent to the following Perl-like pseudo code:
unshift(#ARGV, '-') unless #ARGV;
while ($ARGV = shift) {
open(ARGV, $ARGV);
while (<ARGV>) {
... # code for each line
except that it isn't so cumbersome to say, and will actually work.
Say your input is in a file named input and contains
Campbell's soup,0.50
Mac & Cheese,0.25
Then with
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
die "Usage: $0 coupon-file\n" unless #ARGV == 1;
while (<>) {
my($product,$discount) = split /,/;
next unless defined $product && defined $discount;
print "$product => $discount\n";
that we run as below on Unix:
$ ./coupons input
Campbell's soup => 0.50
Mac & Cheese => 0.25
Empty file or empty line? Regardless, try this test instead of !#line.
if (scalar(#line) == 0) {
The scalar method returns the array's length in perl.
Some clarification:
if (#line) {
Is the same as:
if (scalar(#line)) {
In a scalar context, arrays (#line) return the length of the array. So scalar(#line) forces #line to evaluate in a scalar context and returns the length of the array.
I'm not sure whether you're trying to detect if the line is empty (which your code is trying to) or whether the whole file is empty (which is what the error says).
If the line, please fix your error text and the logic should be like the other posters said (or you can put if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) as your if).
If the file, you simply need to test if (!$lctr) {} after the end of your loop - as noted in another answer, the loop will not be entered if there's no lines in the file.