package with _root_ breaks the scala compiler inside eclipse - eclipse

I was refactoring the package structure inside a scala project with eclipse. In the middle of this I used a package statement with _root_, like this
Now my eclipse project will not build although I can still build everything in the command line. The problem is that all my com.* imports are broken
import com.workday.some.thing.Else
The error is:
Multiple markers at this line
- object workday is not a member of package
- object workday is not a member of package
It appears that it is trying to find all imports relative to the package statement at the top of each source file.
I have removed the _root_ from my package and tried to clean my project and the workspace. I have also tried changing the scala compiler from "sbt" to "refined" and back but to no avail
Does anyone know how to kick the eclipse scala compiler back on track???

Sorry to answer my own question so quickly, but I discovered the problem.
I had a sub package defined in the middle of a source file that contains various mock classes, this sub package had been changed to so it made coma sub package of resulting in a package of


Chisel: Compiling Chisel library on Windows

I have been using sbt on windows and a custom build.sbt script in conjunction with an import Chisel._ in the top-level file in order to generate Verilog from my Chisel source successfully.
I'm trying to get an IDE working on Windows to expedite Chisel development. I've gone with the Eclipse based SCALA IDE
I want to compile the Chisel library so that the import Chisel._ can be resolved locally, without having to go off and download the source from the repository each timeand recompile the source. When I download the Chisel-master repo from Git and include the src\main folder in my SCALA project in the SCALA IDE, I get lots of syntax errors in the Chisel SCALA files that prevent me from building the project.
Has anyone done anything like this before on Windows or have any knowledge of working with the SCALA IDE as it may just be a case of undefined symbols in the project configuration?
Not sure exactly what you did with build.sbt respect to recompile (I think it download it only the first time, then it caches it for the future). But I'm using ScalaIDE for Chisel on linux, using the default build.sbt files, maybe you can try to get it working out of the box first to help narrow down the issue.
Here are the steps I took in order to get ScalaIDE work with Chisel:
the latest Scala IDE uses 2.11.8, the current Chisel repository defaults to 2.11.7. So I had to change all the build.sbt reference to scalaVersion from 2.11.7 to 2.11.8
I used sbteclipse
To create importable the workspace to setup the compilation dependencies.
Except for chiselFrontEnd. For some reason, this package is not added to the dependency. I have to Add chiselFrontEnd as a javabuildpath dependency manually (Properties/JavaBuildPath, under Projects) for my own projects.
To resolve undefined symbols, you can also add a JAR onto the project build path using Project Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > Add External JARs...
If you are getting your JARs through Maven / SBT, they should be in:
If you are using publish-local with chisel3, your JARs should be in
Note that chisel3 is compiled into one JAR, including coreMacros and chiselFrontend sub-projects
Of course, this is a more quick-and-dirty solution compared to something that can parse SBT files.


I'm using Eclipse ScalaIDE and for some reason I'm not able to
I'm getting a red squiggly that tells me:
object StdIn is not a member of package io
And I'm seeing that it's not in that jar file. The ScalaDoc, however says it should be there. I've tried both scala 2.10.4 and 2.11.5. I've used the Eclipse ScalaIDE to create the scala project and I've also created an sbt eclipse project directly using the scalasbt.plugin which I use all the time to manage ScalaIDE dependencies.
sbt "eclipse with-source=true"
Neither way is getting it.
I'm currently taking the Coursera Reactive Programming course and an assignment file has this import. I'm able do compile the project with sbt directly, but Eclipse ScalaIDE is not doing the job. Any clues? There may be good reason why not to use, but my question is why can I not get it to import in the ScalaIDE?
thank you is new in scala 2.11.x and does not exist in previous versions.
The problem you are likely encountering is that ScalaIDE is not picking up the scala version you are specifying. Since you say that you tried it with 2.10.4, it probably still has that cached or set somewhere and it's failing because it cannot find the specified class.

import lift mapper caught an error missing jar file

hi im creating a lift scala application
this is my problem
when i import net.liftweb.mapper._ package the compiler gives me error...
i tried to add lift-mapper_2.9.1-2.4-M4.jar jar file to build path ,but the error exists..!
the compiler shows..
bad symbolic reference. A signature in package.class refers to term db in package net.liftweb which is not available. It may be completely missing from
the current classpath, or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling package.class.
Try to add the mapper via SBT or maven configuration?
Anyway, Scala-2.9.1 and Lift 2.4-M4 are very-very out of date. Better use something like that for a good start:
It works out of the box, and you'll only have to add 1 line to add the mapper support for it. (After that, all dependencies would be downloaded and added to the project automatically, by SBT.)

Scala eclipse plugin java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

I am using eclipse Version: 3.7.2 with the Scala IDE for Eclipse 2.1.0.nightly-2_09-201203121521-6e8582e. The java version is 1.6.0_31. The OS is Ubuntu 11.10.
I have looked for solutions to this problem, but I have not found one yet. I hope there is not an obvious answer that I have missed.
I have this class (note the package):
package model.x.y
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
class GibberishTestSuite extends FunSuite {
test("Check Gibberish") {
assert("blah" === "blah")
I am also using gradle and the source path looks like this (note that the package does not match the directory hierarchy):
Eclipse and gradle generate the coresponding class files:
This runs fine through gradle, but when I try to run in eclipse, I get
Class not found model.GibberishTestSuite
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: model.GibberishTestSuite
If I change the package to
package model
so that the directory hierarchy and the package name match, then I am able to run the unit test in eclipse. In scala, it is legal for the package structure and the directory structure not to match. However, the mismatch seems to be confusing eclipse or the plugin.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing some configuration nuance? Is this scala language feature not supported in eclipse? Will it be supported at some point?
Thank you.
This is an Eclipse (JDT) problem rather than a Scala/scala-ide problem.
There was a bug raised against Eclipse (Package Explorer tree does match declared package), but basically, Eclipse assumes that the hierarchy matches the package names. This will be fixed eventually in the Scala-ide, but the model needs to be changed, to remove the dependency on the JDT. If you want this fixed, it's a good idea to add your vote to the above issue.

Scala - sbt, main.scala and custom package

I use SBT 0.11.0. It requires that all sources must be placed in:
However I want a custom package such as:
I can leave things as SBT requires, then specify in every source file the custom package:
package com.test
But I got some problems with Eclipse auto-features such as import statements, generating new classes... Eclipse always adds main.scala before com.test. Is there something I can do to solve this?
For example I have this:
package com.test
package com.test
In B, I use some functions of A, I type it, then press Ctrl+Shift+O to let Eclipse import A. Eclipse does this:
But in A I set package to com.test (not
This is small example. But when I have many source files, I need to refactor my code, things will be harder...
You are confusing source folders and packages!
sbt by convention uses the source folder src/main/scala for Scala code. Within this folder you can create whichever packages you want, e.g. a subfolder foo/bar with a file Baz.scala that contains the following code:
object Baz {
If you use the eclipse plugin for sbt then you can tell sbt to generate an Eclipse project which has all the details configured to work correctly with sbt's project structure. All the details you need to add it to your sbt project and to run it are at the link above.