Delete records in a file with Null value in certain fields through Unix - perl

I have a Pipe delimited file (sample below) and I need to delete records which has Null value in fields 2(email),4(mailing-id),6(comm_id). In this sample, row 2,3,4 should be deleted. The output should be saved to another file. If 'awk' is the best option, please let me know a way to achieve this
||2010-06-23 11:47:00|0|1234|INCLO|1000002|unknown
||2010-06-23 11:47:00|0|3984|INCLO|1000002|unknown
||2010-06-23 11:47:00|0||INCLO|1000002|unknown
||2010-06-23 11:47:00|0||INCLO|1000002|unknown
||2010-06-23 11:47:00|0|454|INCLO|1000002|unknown

Here is an awk solution that may help. However, to remove rows 2, 3 and 4, it is necessary to check for null vals in fields 2 and 5 only (i.e. not fields 2, 4 and 6 like you have stated). Am I understanding things correctly? Here is the awk to do what you want:
awk -F "|" '{ if ($2 == "" || $5 == "") next; print $0 }' file.txt > results.txt
cat results.txt:
||2010-06-23 11:47:00|0|1234|INCLO|1000002|unknown
||2010-06-23 11:47:00|0|454|INCLO|1000002|unknown

Steve is right, it is field 2 and 5 that are missing in the sample given. Email missing for line two and the seq_id missing for line three and four
This is a slightly simplified version of steve's solution
awk -F "|" ' $2!="" && $5!=""' file.txt > results.txt
If column 2,4 and 6 are the important one, the solution would be:
awk -F "|" ' $2!="" && $4!="" && $6!=""' file.txt > results.txt

This might work for you:
sed 'h;s/[^|]*/\n&/2;s/[^|]*/\n&/4;s/[^|]*/\n&/6;/\n|/d;x' file.txt > results.txt


How to apply one command into another sed command?

I have one command which is used to extract lines between two string patterns 'string1' and 'string2'. This is stored in variable called 'var1'.
var1=$(awk '/string1/{flag=1; next} /string2/{flag=0} flag' text.txt)
This command works well and the output is a set of lines.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again
I want the output of the above command to be inserted after a string pattern 'string3' in another file called stat.txt. I used sed as follows
sed '/string3/a'$var1'' stat.txt
I am having trouble getting the new output. Here, the $var1 seems to be working partially i.e. only one line -
Do you hear the people sing?
Any other suggestions to solve this?
I would be tempted to use sed to extract the lines, and awk to insert them into the other text:
lines=$(sed -n '/string1/,/string2/ p' text.txt)
awk -v new="$lines" '{print} /string3/ {print new}' stat.txt
or perhaps both tasks in a single awk call
awk '
NR == FNR && /string1/ {flag = 1}
NR == FNR && /string2/ {flag = 0}
NR == FNR && flag {lines = lines $0 ORS}
NR == FNR {next}
/string3/ {printf "%s", lines} # it already ends with a newline
' text.txt stat.txt
It's a data format problem...
Appending a multi-line block of text with the sed append command requires that every line in the block to be appended ends with a \ -- except for the last line of that block. So if we take the two lines of code that didn't work in the question, and reformat the text as required by the append command, the original code should work as expected:
var1=$(awk '/string1/{flag=1; next} /string2/{flag=0} flag' text.txt)
var1="$(sed '$!s/$/\\/' <<< "$var1")"
sed '/string3/a'$var1'' stat.txt
Note that the 2nd line above contains a bashism. A more portable version would be:
var1="$(echo "$var1" | sed '$!s/$/\\/')"
Either variant would convert $var1 to:
Do you hear the people sing?\
Singing a song of angry men?\
It is the music of a people\
Who will not be slaves again

Change numbering according to field value by bash script

I have a tab delimited file like this (without the headers and in the example I use the pipe character as delimiter for clarity)
I want add a new field to this file that changes whenever ID1 or ID2 change. Like this:
Is this possible with an one liner in sed,awk, perl etc... or should I use a standard programming language (Java) for this task. Thanks in advance for your time.
Here is an awk
awk -F\| '$1$2!=a {f++} {print $0,f;a=$1$2}' OFS=\| file
Simple enough with bash, though I'm sure you could figure out a 1-line awk
while IFS='|' read -r id1 id2 val1; do
#Can remove next 3 lines if you're sure you won't have extraneous whitespace
[[ ( -n $old1 && $old1 -ne $id1 ) || ( -n $old2 && $old2 -ne $id2 ) ]] && ((count+=1))
echo "$id1|$id2|$val1|$count"
old1="$id1" && old2="$id2"
done < file
For example
> cat file
> ./abovescript
Replace IFS='|' with IFS=$'\t' for tab delimited
Using awk
awk 'FNR>1{print $0 FS (++a[$1$2]=="1"?++i:i)}' FS=\| file

Remove lines from AWK output

I would like to remove lines that have less than 2 columns from a file:
awk '{ if (NF < 2) print}' test
one two
Is there a way to store these lines into variable and then remove it with xargs and sed, something like
awk '{ if (NF < 2) VARIABLE}' test | xargs sed -i /VARIABLE/d
GNU sed
I would like to remove lines that have less than 2 columns
less than 2 = remove lines with only one column
sed -r '/^\s*\S+\s+\S+/!d' file
If you would like to split the input into two files (named "pass" and "fail"), based on condition:
awk '{if (NF > 1 ) print > "pass"; else print > "fail"}' input
If you simply want to filter/remove lines with NF < 2:
awk '(NF > 1){print}' input

Keeping first character in string, in a specific single field

I am trying to remove all but the first character of a specific field in a .tab file. I want to keep only first character in fields 10 and 11.
Normally the fields have 35 characters in them, so I used:
awk '{gsub ("..................................$","",$10;print} file
however, there are some fields which have less than 35, and were ignored by this replace function. I tired using substring, but I cannot figure out how to make it field specific. I believe there is a way to use perl inside awk so that I can use the function
perl -pe 's/(.).*/$1/g'
but I am not sure how to do that and use the field as the input value, so the file comes out identical except for the altered field.
is there a way to do the perl equivalent with gsub, or the awk equivalent with perl?
help is appreciated!
One way using awk:
awk '{ for (i=10;i<=11;i++) { $i = substr( $i, 1, 1) } } { print }' infile
Another way using gensub function of gawk
gawk '{ for (i=10;i<=11;i++) { $i = gensub(/(.).*/ , "\\1", G , $i) } }1' infile
A shortest awk version, I could figure out:
awk '($10=substr($10,1,1))&&$11=substr($11,1,1)' infile
If the 10th and/or 11th field is not existing then the line is not printed.
Similar version in perl
perl -ane '$F[9]=~s/(.).*/$1/;$F[10]=~s/(.).*/$1/;print "#F\n"' infile
This prints the line even if 10th and/or 11th field is not defined.
Another way with perl:
perl -pe '$c=0; s/(\S+)/(++$c < 10 || $c > 11) ? $1 : substr($1,0,1)/eg' filename

Add column to middle of tab-delimited file (sed/awk/whatever)

I'm trying to add a column (with the content '0') to the middle of a pre-existing tab-delimited text file. I imagine sed or awk will do what I want. I've seen various solutions online that do approximately this but they're not explained simply enough for me to modify!
I currently have this content:
Affx-11749850 1 555296 CC
I need this content
Affx-11749850 1 0 555296 CC
Using the command awk '{$3=0}1' filename messes up my formatting AND replaces column 3 with a 0, rather than adding a third column with a 0.
Any help (with explanation!) so I can solve this problem, and future similar problems, much appreciated.
Using the implicit { print } rule and appending the 0 to the second column:
awk '$2 = $2 FS "0"' file
Or with sed, assuming single space delimiters:
sed 's/ / 0 /2' file
Or perl:
perl -lane '$, = " "; $F[1] .= " 0"; print #F'
awk '{$2=$2" "0; print }' your_file
tested below:
> echo "Affx-11749850 1 555296 CC"|awk '{$2=$2" "0;print}'
Affx-11749850 1 0 555296 CC