Copy and pasting in Photoshop leaves transparent edge on image - copy

I'm making cuts of an image to use in various parts of my website; The header, the footer, etc. When I copy and paste to a new layer, it leaves a "feathered" edge. even though I have this set to zero. There is a 1 pixel margin around all of the copy and pasted images, that, when assembled as a web page using CSS, leaves little lines between all of the images. I was a professional graphic designer but I've been out of the game too long (2 whole years). God help me.

I'm not 100% sure of the source of the initial assets such as the header and footer, so I'm a little confused (some links might be nice), however it is worth checking a few things just to make sure. Hit M for the marquee and check thats feather amount. L for the lasso (long shot) and check that too, also check for any layer styles.
A nice little alternative, if you are exporting out individual assets,is go to File > Scripts > Export Layers to Files. This may save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
Hopefully this may help...
Additionally how are you copying? Is it from inside Photsohop or are you placing the layers? Are you using the marquee tool?

for try, don't use crop tool.. use select tool instead. select tool provides pixel level accuracy.

In addition to feather, try turning off anti-aliasing in your selections. After you make a selection, in the select options toolbar uncheck 'Anti-alias'.
If this is set photoshop will try to average the edges of the selection with the surrounding pixels to make it 'blend' better. This is worse than useless if you're trying to make accurate, pixel-level selections.

In Photoshop CC, after selecting with the marquee tool, right click to access the Feather option. Enter 0.1 and then copy and paste. That should take care of it.

I just encountered this problem. I'd cut and pasted and then dragged into a new image which created a new layer with the paste on. I then realised that the feathering was wrong. I changed the settings but forgot to change the active layer back to the background layer, so I was cutting and pasting the feathered cut I did originally. Facepalm.


How to create a slider without an outline?

I want to create a slider without an outline.
Like this one:
Note rounded edges.
I assume I need to create a sprite for that. Unfortunately, I can't find any good tutorials on sprites for sliders. I think the easiest way would be to edit the built-in one but I don't know how to get it for editing.
This is how the original slider from my Unity looks like:
Note the outline.
So, surprising solution that should be available to all of us.
Put the default slider in and go to the Source Image for both the Background and Handle. Instead of using what is there, change it to another Unity Standard sprite called TouchpadSprite. This should do the trick. Not sure if the fact that this is called 'touchpad'sprite will cause a problem when make a PC game, but I doubt it. FYI the TouchpadSprite is from the "Standard Assets (for Unity 2017.3)" that is available for free in the Unity Asset Store. Feel free to only import the sprite itself. The Asset Pack itself is pretty large, but there is a lot of good/useful stuff in there.
Also, you will have to increase the Pixels Per Unit Multiplier value. My picture shows what I had to increase it to. This will allow you to choose the rounding of your edges as well. Play with it and let me know if it works.
Hope this helps!

Eclipse Zest- Collapsed graph node of graphViewer when exporting as image

I have a zest(1.5.0) graphViewer which is quite large as a result scrollbar appears in the composite.
Now when I am trying to export this graph as a png I am getting only the visible portion of the graph.Region beyond the scrollbars is not available in the image.
Image image = new Image(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay(), composite.getBounds().width, composite.getBounds().height);
ImageLoader loader = new ImageLoader();
GC gc = new GC(image);
gc.dispose(); = new ImageData[]{image.getImageData()};"c:/raja/graph.png", SWT.IMAGE_PNG);
If I use graphViewer object it gives nodes collapsed on the top left corner
GC gc = new GC(viewer.getGraphControl());
Rectangle bounds = viewer.getGraphControl().getBounds();
Image image = new Image(viewer.getGraphControl().getDisplay(), bounds);
**<Rest same as above code>**
I need to get a single image with complete graph in it.Is there a way to achieve this.
I think animation could be causing the clustering of nodes in second approach.Is there a way to turn it off (I tried setting nodeStyle to ZestStyle.No_Animation_Layout but it did not help the cause).
Printing/drawing into the image is no different from printing/drawing on the display. You need to actually draw everything, what should be displayed. We had similar requirement for printing Ghantt Chart. You can download the source code and check how printing is supported there.
The idea is that you need to control drawable area and draw all the objects one by one there and then start drawing next page. I'd say it is not the easiest task, as it usually requires lots of calculations to support different printing settings.
In your case I don't know if you have control over the source code to support such functionality, so may be it would be possible to emulate it by programmatically scrolling your graph and drawing it at the same time, using composite.print(gc). However, this might introduce bad user experience.
There are also some frameworks, like PaperClips to make your printing little bit easier. There are also some swing libraries, which could be integrated into your Eclipse RCP. Also, please see this SO question for more details.
Hope that this could give you some ideas.

Page Flashing On Scroll

Any ideas why this page: is flashing when it scrolls? I've determined it's due to the background of the main content container, but why? is it a eye-trick, an image flaw, a browser flaw, or a code flaw? The code is easily viewable with view source or dev tools.
Let me know if you need anymore info. thanks.
(also, feel free to re-tag. i'm having a mind-blank for good tags)
It's because it uses finely spaced grey and white lines.
It is perhaps an example of the Moiré pattern, although this is more typically reserved for two overlapping grids at different angles.
I always assumed on a PC this occurred because of the redraw time between the two colours, and how finely spaced the lines are. The lines not perfectly aligning with pixels (e.g. anti-aliasing) would further enhance the flickering effect.
To fix it, try changing the size of the bands (e.g. try zooming out or in on the current page, and moving the browser, and note how you get reduced and even none of the described flickering effect).
Alternatively, you may want to apply a blur such that the difference between bands was softened (not sure if this would necessarily help).
Another suggestion that research yields is that it is due to background redrawing/scaling. However, a fixed background (as compared to a repeating one) isn't particularly applicable to your page.
In any case, for an in-depth discussion of some of the concepts involved, check out this awesome page (

Multi changeable areas of a image on a iPhone

I have an image with picture of a person and I want to let the user to pick some area of the person and change the color. But how can I best create a multi-mask image?
E.g. should the user be able the change the color for a leg or a hand.
I am using Titanium Appcelerator, and right now I had a solution with buttons placed over the image, which is not a pretty and accepted solution.
The Kitchensink example, has only one area which can be changed.
The only solution I found for working with sections of an image is to divide the image into different views then use a vertical or horizontal view to glue them together. Sounds like you took a similar approach using buttons.
Another option might be to use one of the jQuery image libraries within the webview. This most likely will have a performance penalty though.

Generating icons for iPhone UITabBar

I’ve been busy working on the graphics for my iPhone application. I started working on generating icons for my UITabBar and ran into lots of problems. How do you create these icons?
I created this solution:
Are there any shortcomings to this approach? It seemed to work for the few icons I created...
Apple's guidelines can be found at
The docs are pretty straightforward-- alpha is all that matters when the image gets loaded by the toolbar, meaning that anything that's not at least semitransparent will render in the same opaque shade. As for how I do that, I mainly use Adobe tools. Fireworks is my preferred tool but Photoshop's also more than up to it. Another one I've had good results with is Acorn, which is frankly a lot cheaper while being more than sophisticated enough for this kind of work. I'm not really a graphic designer but a certain familiarity with this kind of stuff goes with the job.
I have an article up on my site that shows how to use OmniGraffle with a template I use to create great iPhone toolbar icons in minutes:
The template sets up a grid to work to that corresponds to one square for each pixel. You draw your icon in white on top of the black template background and then export as a PDF exactly the right area to match the icon size you need (typically 21 pixels high). Then you reimport the PDF, resize it to the final icon size (21 pixels again), and export as PNG. The template does nothing magical; it just provides an already set up working area and helps you get the final PNG right every time to the scale is correct.
You could use the same technique in Acorn or any other app that supports PDF export and layers.
(I use Gimp. Assume your icon layer already has alpha channel.)
Right click the layer, then add layer mask.
Done with option "transfer alpha channel of layer" chosen.
Select the whole layer (but not layer mask), and clear it with pure white.
Resize image to Apple-suggested size, and export it as png file.
You may also paint directly on the layer mask.