Facebook status post via app doesn't show in Newsfeed - facebook

I am using facebook graph api to post a status to Facebook via my app.
The problem is I can't see the status post in NewsFeed, but in the
Wall of the user.
I just used me/feed accordingly to GraphAPI documentation.
When I searched this issue, I saw quite similar thing http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/302089206530370.
This one is quite similar one too .Facebook graph post on feed is not visible in newsfeed, but that api is deprecated a long time ago and not the same API that I am using.
This one is exactly the same like my issue. http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/353691264693202 but sadly, facebook doesn't provide info in detail. can't find the duplicate issue.
I asked for scope=user_photos,read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access,user_status,friends_status grant access for my app.
Is there anything that I missing out?
Edited: I confirmed my setting of whether I have set to hide my app post in my newsfeed too. But I didn't set it.

I think that is the facebook bug. already found the similar one reported http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/372776119424090?browse=search_4fc3354fb769c0726100997
For the time being, I can only wait for Facebook to fix that bug.


Sharing links posted to a wall via an app

I've created an app which enables business to post links to their Facebook wall as the business (have proper business auth tokens, etc.).
However the links posted via the app do not have a share link, only comments and like. When a link is posted through the Facebook UI to the business wall it does contain a share link along with comments and like.
What am I missing to enable the link posted via my app to have a share link?
I am currently issuing a POST request to the following URL to create the posts:
this is a reported bug and have not been fixed yet. have a look (http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/307556529334653)
I think you will need publish_stream permission for that and publish what they write. IMO Facebooks makes difference between feed and stream. Just my thoughts :)
that's the standard procedure when you have a user post via app. I don't think there's a way to have users post as themselves, as far as links are concerned. What you can do is have them post a status update and that one will be seen as posted by the user (no app information).
There's no other procedure I am aware of that can do that. I hope this helps

How to get Facebook page notification via Graph API

Got a issue with Facebook Graph API. I want to read page notifications via Graph API. But Facebook documentation only states about user's notification.
Following only returns a user's notification (the user who provided the access token for this.)
I did following techniques. But no luck.
01. But i tried with different urls with access token provided by the page. (with my stupid guess work by replacing page-id for me)
02. Checked with Insights API. But Insights doesn't provide a straight forward solutions. This is more like stats. But all i just need a list of latest user/fan/post actions in the page.
Some background about my App (hope no issues with this as other API's working),
Platform .Net 4.0
Library I am using is C# Facebook SDK
Facebook documentation doesn't help much. I have spent a few day on this to find a solution for this. Just wondering if any of you guys came across this issue and solved. I hope i didn't put a duplicate question here, as i did search for few days on Stackoverflow too.
There isn't a page notification API. I don't believe there is any way to directly query this data.
You can get notifications of changes to a Facebook page using the Real-Time API. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/realtime/
Facebook now allows you to read Page unread notifications by querying the edge: {page-id}/notifications.
See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.7/page/notifications
From the FB Page docs for the notifications edge...
Notifications for this Page. Deprecated April 30, 2019.
Looks like the only way to track Page notifications at the moment is via the realtime Webhooks for a page, which isn't the same as reading the notifications from FB but it appears to be where we're at...until FB changes their mind again. ;)

Tag usernames on messages with the Facebook feed post wall API

Is it possible to send a message tagging a facebook user using Facebook Graph API? (from facebook PHP SDK)
I've tried the #[id:1:name] method, but it doesn't seems to work. Also, I tried using the message_tags parameter, but no luck. Have anyone done this before? As far as I know, Facebook disabled this option time ago; am I right?
As far as what i know, it's not supported and it's not possible via their graph api, but i think i came across a link via google which shows a trick to tag anything with any link.etc.
Here it is: Click here
P.S I personally didn't test that trick, but i did try tagging using graph api but it didn't work.
Try this, check the Mentioning friends https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/guides/tagging/

Facebook Graph Post link problems

I'm trying to post a link to the wall of a facebook Page through the graph api.
Unfortunately the api is not very well documentet so i have some problems:
How do i get the "Share"-action to appear under a link i've posted?
How can i disable thumbnails for the link?
How can i make the caption linked
All those works when posting manually but i havn't found a way to do it through the api. I know it's possible though since i've seen other apps do it.

How to check whether a comment is flagged on a page using facebook graph api

I have worked a lot on facebook graph api and used fql also. Recently i got a task to get all comments which are flagged on a specific page.
Could someone can help me out to get the solution. I searched a lot but unable to find the solution for the same.
Unfortunately information about whether a comment is flagged is not accessible through any of facebook APIs