EF Migration - One database, two projects - entity-framework

We are using EF Code First with manual migration (AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;). The problem is that we need to share one database between two projects.
Some of the migration files are the same but some of them are different. For example: Project-B needs Model4 but Project-A doesn't..
Currently, If I update the database with one migration, DbContext will not work in other project.
What would be the best way to handle this scenario?

My feeling is that this is working against the intentions with migrations. I think that you should break out the DbContext, the entities and the migrations to a separate assembly that is shared between the two projects.
If that's not an option, you have to disable the compatibility check with the model. The compatibility check is done as part of the IDBInitializer.InitializeDatabase implementation, which is responsible for calling Database.CompatibleWithModel, so writing your own custom DB Initializer that does nothing would get you past that step. This also means that you take over the responsibility of ensuring that the database is compatible with the model. EF can't help you any more.


EF core DataBase Update

Guys we moved Framework 7 to EF core 2.0 .So right now we have a Small problem.
when We use Entity Framework 7 its mostly easy to update client Database without any doubt.(update -database)
but in EF core there is a problem the reason is for every changes we have to add add-migration so in that case we have now 100 migration history.
example :(20180313063924_NewVersion,14689013063934_NewVersion etc)
so when we update client database we have to keep that 100 migration history
But i think this is not the good way when its come to production level
is there anyway to resolve this problem.it would be helpful so much thank you!!
Well, it is exactly the way like EF and EFCore are working.
Every migration represents the needed modification on DbContext/Database to be valid with model's changes. So if you have changes, they will be represented by a migration.
One - in my opinion - not very clean solution could be:
delete current database
delete whole Migrations directory (is valid too to delete all migration files and <yourContextName>Snapshot.cs file in Migrations directory)
add new migration e.g. InitialCreate
The result will be only one migration that represents your current project's model/dbcontext state.
The approach is only possible if the project is still in dev-phase without any deployments on any stages.
Please note, I don't recommend that solution/approach. In my opinion you should leave the migrations like they are.
For further information you should read following:
The Model Snapshot In Entity Framework Core
Migration in Entity Framework Core

Development process for Code First Entity Framework and SQL Server Data Tools Database Projects

I have been using Database First Entity Framework (EDMX) and SQL Server Data Tools Database Projects in combination very successfully - change the schema in the database and 'Update Model from Database' to get them into the EDMX. I see though that Entity Framework 7 will be dropping the EDMX format and I am looking for a new process that will allow me to use Code First in Combination with Database Projects.
Lots of my existing development and deployment processes rely on having a database project that contains the schema. This goes in source control is deployed along with the code and is used to update the production database complete with data migration using pre and post deployment scripts. I would be reluctant to drop it.
I would be keen to split one big EDMX into many smaller models as part of this work. This will mean multiple Code First models referencing the same database.
Assuming that I have an existing database and a database project to go with it - I am thinking that I would start by using the following wizard to create an initial set of entity and context classes - I would do this for each of the models.
Add | New Item... | Visual C# Items | Data | ADO.NET Entity Data Model | Code first from database
My problem is - where do I go from there? How do I handle schema changes? As long as I can get the database schema updated, I can use a schema compare operation to get the changes into the project.
These are the options that I am considering.
Make changes in the database and use the wizard from above to regenerate. I guess that I would need to keep any modifications to the entity and/or context classes in partial classes so that they do not get overwritten. Automating this with a list of tables etc to include would be handy. Powershell or T4 Templates maybe? SqlSharpener (suggested by Keith in comments) looks like it might help here. I would also look at disabling all but the checks for database existence and schema compatibility here, as suggested by Steve Green in the comments.
Make changes in code and use migrations to get these changes applied to the database. From what I understand, not having models map cleanly to database schemas (mine don't) might pose problems. I also see some complaints on the net that migrations do not cover all database object types - this was also my experience when I played around with Code First a while back - unique constraints I think were not covered. Has this improved in Entity Framework 7?
Make changes in the database and then use migrations as a kind of comparison between code and the database. See what the differences are and adjust the code to suit. Keep going until there are no differences.
Make changes manually in both code and the database. Obviously, this is not very appealing.
Which of these would be best? Is there anything that I would need to know before trying to implement it? Are there any other, better options?
So the path that we ended up taking was to create some T4 templates that generate both a DbContext and our entities. We provide the entity T4 a list of tables from which to generate entities and have a syntax to indicate that the entity based on one table should inherit from the entity based on another. Custom code goes in partial classes. So our solution looks most like my option 1 from above.
Also, we started out generating fluent configuration in OnModelCreating in the DbContext but have swapped to using attributes on the Entities (where attributes exist - HasPrecision was one that we had to use fluent configuration for). We found that it is more concise and easier to locate the configuration for a property when it is right there decorating that property.

Can I add the PluralizingTableNameConvention to the EF powertools?

I am currently using the Entity Framework Powertools (beta 4) to generate my POCO classes from an existing db, which has upwards of 800 tables.
Whilst this is awesome, and saving me a lot of time, I noticed that the tool is pluralizing my POCO classes, or de-pluralizing them. Some of our tables are pluralized, and others are not, so to keep things simple, I want the POCO's to match the underlying db table names. In my main DbContext, I have the PluralizingTableNameConvention and PluralizingEntitySetNameConvention removed in the OnModelCreating() method call, so the application is fine.
My question is whether this configuration can be re-created in the EF Powertools so that the classes come out correctly, and do not require me retrofitting the class names etc.
It looks like this cant be done, however I have download the EF Powertools code from Codeplex, and built the tools manually. I then created my own implementation of the PluralizationService in which I did not pluralize anything.
Job done.

EntityFramework code based migrations, how is order determined?

I'm using EF 5.0 and I would like to start using Code-based migrations
I've used fluent migrator and there is a concept of migration order. Migrations can be migrated/rollback no matter the database's migration version.
Does Entity Framework have similar functionality?
I was planning on keeping multiple migration implementations for each database version (likely tied to sprint number at first).
Why do i want this?
Our continuous integration will migrate the database for each environment. It's likely that our Dev build will only be one version "behind" but when we go to QA or PROD environment the database will be behind by multiple migrations.
Maybe i'm going about this the wrong way, in which case I would love to hear opinions on the best way to do migration with CI.
Yes EF has this functionality.
When you run Add-Migration you'll notice the migration file is prefixed with a timestamp. This is what determines the order, assuming automatic migrations are and always have been disabled.
If you are using a mixture of explicit migrations and automatic migrations then you may notice an additional Source property in the .resx file generated with your migration. This is how EF will determine if it needs to run an automatic migration before it runs your explicit migration.
My experience has taught me these guidelines:
1) Never use automatic migrations.
2) Every developer on your team should ensure they have the latest code before creating a new explicit migration. Sort of obvious, but creating migrations from stale code will result in problems.
3) Developers should make sure that if they write custom SQL in the Up() method of the migration then they write appropriate code (and test it!) to reverse those changes in the Down() method.

Entity Framework migrations stopped detecting the POCO updates

I'm using Entity Framework and Entity Framework migrations to implement solution using code-first and automatic migrations.
It used to work great but suddenly it stopped detecting the updates I make to my POCO. Now when I add a new property (very simple properties like age or email) and execute the Update-Database, nothing happens, and it gives me this:
Specify the '-Verbose' flag to view SQL commands being executed during migration.
Found 0 pending explicit migrations: [].
Adding seed data (if Seed method overridden in Migrations Settings class).
and nothing gets updated!
Has anyone any idea why this is happening?
This may be in two reasons:
There is some other DbContext in code, that's why automatic migrations could not decide, which context to use.
There is some new change, which loops a comparison of schema and code model, so EF simply could not find the difference.
In general, automatic migrations are simple and fast to implement, but it is not secured to use them. On some stage, such migrations could make a fail.
Several years ago, I have developed tiny ORM based on Linq2SQL, AcroDB Library, and it was using automigrations of SubSonic. Almost same as EF migrations can do now. It was perfect on small projects and small amount of data to process or change, but when project has grow into 15+ tables, it became a nightmare. That's why MS has announced Code-driven migrations lately. They are more secured and better for the project. Also, you can take a look to Migrator.Net (it is a bit better than EF, by this time).