Lisp as a meta environment - lisp

I'm working towards my Ph.D regarding better software reuse by integrating different types of computer languages. Due to performance and safety issues I don't consider to integrate them with foreign function calls and/or the use of web services.
Lisp is my favorite vehicle, because of interactive development, macros, doing modifications at runtime, code as data (the usual things one would imagine hearing the word Lisp), and others.
There are some approaches to port different types of Lisp to virtual machines like the JVM (clojure, kawa, SISC, ABCL, etc.) or .NET (clojure .NET, DotLisp, IronLisp). This is quite interesting, but one is restricted to the "universe" of the respective virtual machine.
Does anybody know of approaches the other way round, i.e. running Java or C# on a Lisp system? I have found the rest of cloak. It seem to be more or less a dead project. To me it would be much more sensible to have Lisp as a common abstraction, hosting other languages like Java and C#.
Which obstacles do you see to overcome this lack of a generic and extendable "language environment" integrating languages like Java or C# (without foreign function calls or (web) services))? Is it due to the fact that no Lisp system is running on a kind of a virtual machine, like the LLVM for instance, or what else?
Best regards, Ingmar

Lisp is a good platform for this kind of language hosting because of its macro capabilities. However, you want many more language features to do it well: modules, reader macros, high-level macro specification, and so on. Racket is one Lisp variant that's going forward in this direction. You can already use Algol 60, a variant of Prolog, a typed sister language, and so on. Guile is also moving in this direction with an ECMAScript implementation.
As far as implementing Java or C# on Lisp, it is possible in theory but it would require a massive amount of work to support these languages at a practical level (Racket used to implement a small portion of Java). It's also not clear that you would really gain anything considering that the CLR and JVM are both multi-language platforms now. What is more interesting is harnessing Lisp macros to define better custom languages (DSLs), defining useful dialects of your Lisp, or implementing another language specifically to bootstrap a useful tool (e.g., Guile implementing Emacs Lisp).

well "it depends", as always, right?
How much of Lisp do you want expose to Java, if any? For example, if you port the JVM to Lisp, do you somehow mate the JVMs need for a garbage collector to the actual underlying GC of the Lisp implementation, or do you simply write your own that GCs the JVM objects within the JVM heap.
It may very well be impractical to mate the two, for several reasons. The Lisp GC is pretty much hidden, much like Javas GC, from the actual implementation. That may be too hidden to work with a JVM implementation.
There's no reason you can't build a JVM in Lisp, it's just a bunch of byte codes. Lisp handles bytes just fine.
There have been implementations of the JVM in JavaScript, it's not much different than a Lisp at its core.
But beyond having a lispy command line to interact with the JVM, the JVM itself wouldn't be very "lispy". How could it be? It's a JAVA VM. The IMPLEMENTATION can be "lispy", but, ideally, none of that lisp-ness would bubble out to the JVM itself.
Beyond any advantages Lisp has in developing ANY program, I don't think Lisp lends itself specifically to being "better" to developing a virtual machine.
Lisp is great at developing other languages, particularly other S-Exp based languages. But a VM is a VM. Monster case statement or some other dispatch base on numeric values mechanism.

Lisp is a perfect host language for such a meta-platform, but it is not necessarily an ideal target language for compiling something low level and imperative. Fortunately, nothing stops you from generating, say, an assembly code within your Lisp environment.


Is LISP a compiled or interpreted language?

I know there is no such thing, strictly speaking, as a compiled or interpreted language.
But, generally speaking, is LISP used to write scripts like Python, bash script, and batch script?
Or is it a general purpose programming language like C++, JAVA, and C#?
Can anyone explain this in simple terms?
Early versions of Lisp programming language and Dartmouth BASIC would be examples interpreter language (parse the source code and perform its behavior directly.). However, Common lisp (Current version) is a compiler language.
Note that most Lisp compilers are not Just In Time compilers. You as a programmer can invoke the compiler, for example in Common Lisp with the functions COMPILE and COMPILE-FILE. Then Lisp code gets compiled.
Additionally most Lisp systems with both a compiler and an interpreter allow the execution of interpreted and compiled code to be freely mixed.
For more details check here
Lisp is a compiled general purpose language, in its modern use.
To clarify:
“LISP” is nowadays understood as “Common Lisp”
Common Lisp is an ANSI Standard
There are several implementations of Common Lisp, both free and commercial
Code is usually compiled, then loaded into an image. The order in which the individual parts/files of an entire system are compiled and loaded is usually defined through a system definition facility (which mostly means ASDF nowadays).
Most implementations also provide a means for loading source code when started. Example:
sbcl --load 'foo.lisp'
This makes it also possible to use lisp source files as “scripts”, even though they will very likely be compiled before execution.
Traditionally, LISP can be interpreted or compiled -- with some of each running at the same time. Compilation, in some cases, would be to a virtual machine like JAVA.
LISP is a general purpose programming language, but rarely used as such anymore. In the days of microcoded LISP machines, the entire operating system, including things like network, graphics and printer drivers, were all written in LISP itself. The very first IMAP mail client, for example, was written entirely in LISP.
The unusual syntax likely makes other programming languages, like Python, more attractive. But if one looks carefully, you can find LISP-inspired elements in popular languages like Perl.

Communicate from Lisp to other runtimes

Short version:
Is there a way to allow other programs to call Lisp functions of a Lisp program?
Long version:
I'm contemplating a graph database project :) Not to be started immediately, I'm only probing the ground so far. I've tried couple of graph databases, and my biggest gripe about them is they all are written in Java, (some are in C++, which isn't going to cut it either...). Java has no good way of communicating outwards. It may only be embedded inside another Java program. C++ is just hard to embed / I'm dubious that embedding was even planned.
So, I would obviously want to write it in CL, but I'm considering other options too. So, if you believe that CL simply won't do it, but you have reasons to believe that some other language will, then that's an interesting answer! My requirements to the "other language" would be that it must support parallel computing in some way. Obviously, high performance. And, as mentioned, extensibility.
I see multiple ways to call Lisp from other languages:
The simplest way that should work with all implementations would be to just maintain a bidirectional stream to the REPL. So you could send commands to the REPL and receive the REPL's response. One drawback of this would of course be that everything would be converted to strings.
You could mirror the way SLIME communicates with SWANK. In that case, you either use SWANK directly on the Lisp side and communicate through the same protocol SLIME uses, or write your own version of such a library.
Finally, there are Lisp implementations designed with embeddability in mind. I'm thinking particularly of Embeddabble Common Lisp (ECL) here which has a C API. For example, this section in the manual explains how to call functions, by getting hold of the function's symbol with ecl_make_symbol and then calling it with cl_funcall or cl_apply.
As alternatives to Common Lisp, other Lisp languages might be worthwhile to consider. Various Scheme implementations are designed to be embeddable, this is for example the documentation of Racket's C API. It seems you prefer the native code side of the runtime world over the JVM, but otherwise, Clojure is also interesting for being embeddable within Java.
For the host language there are few limits because most languages should support "pipes" (i.e. streams to other processes) or have a C FFI to call some Lisp's C API.

What are the actual differences between Scheme and Common Lisp? (Or any other two dialects of Lisp)

Note: I am not asking which to learn, which is better, or anything like that.
I picked up the free version of SICP because I felt it would be nice to read (I've heard good stuff about it, and I'm interested in that sort of side of programming).
I know Scheme is a dialect of Lisp and I wondered: what is the actual difference is between Scheme and, say, Common Lisp?
There seems to be a lot about 'CL has a larger stdlib...Scheme is not good for real-world programming..' but no actual thing saying 'this is because CL is this/has this'.
This is a bit of a tricky question, since the differences are both technical and (more importantly, in my opinion) cultural. An answer can only ever provide an imprecise, subjective view. This is what I'm going to provide here. For some raw technical details, see the Scheme Wiki.
Scheme is a language built on the principle of providing an elegant, consistent, well thought-through base language substrate which both practical and academic application languages can be built upon.
Rarely will you find someone writing an application in pure R5RS (or R6RS) Scheme, and because of the minimalistic standard, most code is not portable across Scheme implementations. This means that you will have to choose your Scheme implementation carefully, should you want to write some kind of end-user application, because the choice will largely determine what libraries are available to you. On the other hand, the relative freedom in designing the actual application language means that Scheme implementations often provide features unheard of elsewhere; PLT Racket, for example, enables you to make use of static typing and provides a very language-aware IDE.
Interoperability beyond the base language is provided through the community-driven SRFI process, but availability of any given SRFI varies by implementation.
Most Scheme dialects and libraries focus on functional programming idioms like recursion instead of iteration. There are various object systems you can load as libraries when you want to do OOP, but integration with existing code heavily depends on the Scheme dialect and its surrounding culture (Chicken Scheme seems to be more object-oriented than Racket, for instance).
Interactive programming is another point that Scheme subcommunities differ in. MIT Scheme is known for strong interactivitiy support, while PLT Racket feels much more static. In any case, interactive programming does not seem to be a central concern to most Scheme subcommunities, and I have yet to see a programming environment similarly interactive as most Common Lisps'.
Common Lisp is a battle-worn language designed for practical programming. It is full of ugly warts and compatibility hacks -- quite the opposite of Scheme's elegant minimalism. But it is also much more featureful when taken for itself.
Common Lisp has bred a relatively large ecosystem of portable libraries. You can usually switch implementations at any time, even after application deployment, without too much trouble. Overall, Common Lisp is much more uniform than Scheme, and more radical language experiments, if done at all, are usually embedded as a portable library rather than defining a whole new language dialect. Because of this, language extensions tend to be more conservative, but also more combinable (and often optional).
Universally useful language extensions like foreign-function interfaces are not developed through formal means but rely on quasi-standard libraries available on all major Common Lisp implementations.
The language idioms are a wild mixture of functional, imperative, and object-oriented approaches, and in general, Common Lisp feels more like an imperative language than a functional one. It is also extremely dynamic, arguably more so than any of the popular dynamic scripting languages (class redefinition applies to existing instances, for example, and the condition handling system has interactivity built right in), and interactive, exploratory programming is an important part of "the Common Lisp way." This is also reflected in the programming environments available for Common Lisp, practically all of which offer some sort of direct interaction with the running Lisp compiler.
Common Lisp features a built-in object system (CLOS), a condition handling system significantly more powerful than mere exception handling, run-time patchability, and various kinds of built-in data structures and utilites (including the notorious LOOP macro, an iteration sublanguage much too ugly for Scheme but much too useful not to mention, as well as a printf-like formatting mechanism with GOTO support in format strings).
Both because of the image-based, interactive development, and because of the larger language, Lisp implementations are usually less portable across operating systems than Scheme implementations are. Getting a Common Lisp to run on an embedded device is not for the faint of heart, for example. Similarly to the Java Virtual Machine, you also tend to encounter problems on machines where virtual memory is restricted (like OpenVZ-based virtual servers). Scheme implementations, on the other hand, tend to be more compact and portable. The increasing quality of the ECL implementation has mitigated this point somewhat, though its essence is still true.
If you care for commercial support, there are a couple of companies that provide their own Common Lisp implementations including graphical GUI builders, specialized database systems, et cetera.
Summing up, Scheme is a more elegantly designed language. It is primarily a functional language with some dynamic features. Its implementations represent various incompatible dialects with distinctive features. Common Lisp is a fully-fledged, highly dynamic, multi-paradigm language with various ugly but pragmatic features, whose implementations are largely compatible with one another. Scheme dialects tend to be more static and less interactive than Common Lisp; Common Lisp implementations tend to be heavier and trickier to install.
Whichever language you choose, I wish you a lot of fun! :)
Some basic practical differences:
Common Lisp has separate scopes for variables and functions; whereas in Scheme there is just one scope -- functions are values and defining a function with a certain name is just defining a variable set to the lambda. As a result, in Scheme you can use a function name as a variable and store or pass it to other functions, and then perform a call with that variable as if it were a function. But in Common Lisp, you need to explicitly convert a function into a value using (function ...), and explicitly call a function stored in a value using (funcall ...)
In Common Lisp, nil (the empty list) is considered false (e.g. in if), and is the only false value. In Scheme, the empty list is considered true, and (the distinct) #f is the only false value
That's a hard question to answer impartially, especially because many of the LISP folks would classify Scheme as a LISP.
Josh Bloch (and this analogy may not be his invention) describes choosing a language as being akin to choosing a local pub. In that light, then:
The "Scheme" pub has a lot of programming-languages researchers in it. These people spend a lot of attention on the meaning of the language, on keeping it well-defined and simple, and on discussing innovative new features. Everyone's got their own version of the language, designed to allow them to explore their own particular corner of programming languages. The Scheme people really like the parenthesized syntax that they took from LISP; it's flexible and lightweight and uniform and removes many barriers to language extension.
The "LISP" pub? Well... I shouldn't comment; I haven't spent enough time there :).
orginally very few specifications (new R7RS seems to be heavier)
due to the easy syntax, scheme can be learned quickly
implementations provide additional functions, but names can differ in different implementations
common lisp:
many functions are defined by the bigger specification
different namespace for functions and variables (lisp-2)
that are some points, sure there are many more, which i don't remember right now.

Why is the Lisp community so fragmented? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
To begin, not only are there two main dialects of the language (Common Lisp and Scheme), but each of the dialects has many individual implementations. For example, Chicken Scheme, Bigloo, etc... each with slight differences.
From a modern point of view this is strange, as languages these days tend to have definitive implementations/specs. Think Java, C#, Python, Ruby, etc, where each has a single definitive site you can go to for API docs, downloads, and such. Of course Lisp predates all of these languages. But then again, even C/C++ are standardized (more or less).
Is the fragmentation of this community due to the age of Lisp? Or perhaps different implementations/dialects are intended to solve different problems? I understand there are good reasons why Lisp will never be as united as languages that have grown up around a single definitive implementation, but at this point is there any good reason why the Lisp community should not move in this direction?
The Lisp community is fragmented, but everything else is too.
Why are there so many Linux distributions?
Why are there so many BSD variants? OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, ... even Mac OS X.
Why are there so many scripting languages? Ruby, Python, Rebol, TCL, PHP, and countless others.
Why are there so many Unix shells? sh, csh, bash, ksh, ...?
Why are there so many implementations of Logo (>100), Basic (>100), C (countless), ...
Why are there so many variants of Ruby? Ruby MRI, JRuby, YARV, MacRuby, HotRuby?
Python may have a main site, but there are several slightly different implementations: CPython, IronPython, Jython, Python for S60, PyPy, Unladen Swallow, CL-Python, ...
Why is there C (Clang, GCC, MSVC, Turbo C, Watcom C, ...), C++, C#, Cilk, Objective-C, D, BCPL, ... ?
Just let some of them get fifty and see how many dialects and implementations it has then.
I guess Lisp is diverse, because every language is diverse or gets diverse. Some start with a single implementation (McCarthy's Lisp) and after fifty years you got a zoo. Common Lisp even started with multiple implementations (for different machine types, operating systems, with different compiler technology, ...).
Nowadays Lisp is a family of languages, not a single language. There is not even consensus what languages belong to that family or not. There might be some criteria to check (s-expressions, functions, lists, ...), but not every Lisp dialect supports all these criteria. The language designers have experimented with different features and we got many, more or less, Lisp-like languages.
If you look at Common Lisp, there are about three or four different active commercial vendors. Try to get them behind one offering! Won't work. Then you have a bunch of active open source implementations with different goals: one compiles to C, another one is written in C, one tries to have a fast optimizing compiler, one tries to have some middlle ground with native compilation, one is targeting the JVM ... and so on. Try to tell the maintainers to drop their implementations!
Scheme has around 100 implementations. Many are dead, or mostly dead. At least ten to twenty are active. Some are hobby projects. Some are university projects, some are projects by companies. The users have diverse needs. One needs a real-time GC for a game, another one needs embedding in C, one needs only barebones constructs for educational purposes, and so on. How to tell the developers to keep from hacking their implementation.
Then there are some who don't like Commmon Lisp (too big, too old, not functional enough, not object oriented enough, too fast, not fast enough, ...). Some don't like Scheme (too academic, too small, does not scale, too functional, not functional enough, no modules, the wrong modules, not the right macros, ...).
Then somebody needs a Lisp combined with Objective-C, then you get Nu. Somebody hacks some Lisp for .net. Then you get some Lisp with concurrency and fresh ideas, then you have Clojure.
It's language evolution at work. It is like the cambrian explosion (when lots of new animals appeared). Some will die, others will live on, some new will appear. At some point in time some dialects appear that pick up the state of art (Scheme for everything with functional programming in Lisp in the 70s/80s and Common Lisp for everything MacLisp-like in the 80s) - that causes some dialects to disappear mostly (namely Standard Lisp, InterLisp, and others).
Common Lisp is the alligator of Lisp dialects. It is a very old design (hundred million years) with little changes, looks a little bit frightening, and from time to time it eats some young...
If you want to know more, The Evolution of Lisp (and the corresponding slides) is a very good start!
I think it is because "Lisp" is such a broad description of a language. The only common thing between all the lisps that I know is most things are in brackets, and uses prefix function notation. Eg
(fun (+ 3 4))
However nearly everything else can vary between implementations. Scheme and CL are completely different languages, and should be considered like that.
I think calling the lisp community fragmented is like calling the "C like" community fragmented. It has c,c++,d,java,c#, go, javascript, python and many other languages which I can't think of.
In summary: Lisp is more of a language property (like garbage collection, static typing) than an actual language implementation, so it is completely normal that there are many languages that have the Lisp like property, just like many languages have garbage collection.
I think it's because Lisp was born out of, and maintains the spirit of the hacker culture. The hacker culture is to to take something and make it "better" according to your belief in "better".
So when you have a bunch of opinionated hackers and a culture of modification, fragmentation happens. You get Scheme, Common Lisp, ELISP, Arc. These are all pretty different languages, but they're all "Lisp" at the same time.
Now why is the community fragmented? Well, I'll blame time and maturity on that. The language is 50 years old! :-)
Scheme and Common Lisp are standardized. SBCL seems like the defacto open source lisp and there are plenty of examples out there on how to use it. It's fast and free. ClozureCL also looks pretty darn good.
PLT Scheme seems like the defacto open source scheme and there are plenty of examples out there how to use it. It's fast and free.
The CL HyperSpec seems as good as the JavaDoc to me.
As far as community fragmentation I think this has little to standards or resources. I think this has far more to do with what has been a relatively small community until recently.
Clojure I think has a good chance to become The Lisp for the new generation of coders.
Perhaps my point is a very popular implementation is all that is required to give the illusion of a cohesive community.
LISP is not nearly as fragmented as BASIC.
There are so many dialects and versions of BASIC out there I have lost count.
Even the most commonly used implementation (MS VB) is different between versions.
The fact that there are many implementations of Common LISP should be considered a good thing. In fact, given that there are roughly the same number of free implementations of Common LISP as there are free implementations of C++ is remarkable, considering the relative popularity of the languages.
Free Common LISP implementations include CMU CL, SBCL, OpenMCL / Clozure CL, CLISP, GCL and ECL.
Free C++ implementations include G++ (with Cygwin and MinGW32 variants), Digital Mars, Open Watcom, Borland C++ (legacy?) and CINT (interpreter). There are also various STL implementations for C++.
With regards to Scheme and Common LISP, although admittedly, an inaccurate analogy, there are times when I would consider Scheme is to Common LISP what C is to C++, i.e. while Scheme and C are small and elegant, Common LISP and C++ are large and (arguably) more suited for larger applications.
Having many implementations is beneficial, because each implementation is optimal in unique places. And modern mainstream languages don't have one implementation anyway. Think about Python: its main implementation is CPython, but thanks to JPython you can run Python on the JVM too; thanks to Stackless Python you can have massive concurrency thanks to microthreads; etc. Such implementations will be encompatible in some ways: JPython integrates seamlessly with Java, whilst CPython doesn't. Same for Ruby.
What you don't want is having many implementations which are incompatible to the bone. That's the case with Scheme, where you can't share libraries among implementations without rewriting a lot of code, because Schemers can't agree on how to import/export libraries. Common Lisp libraries, OTOH, because of standardization in core areas, are more likely to be portable, and facilities exist to conditionally write code handling each implementation's peculiarities. Actually, nowadays you may say that Common Lisp is defined by its implementations (think about the ASDF package installation library), just like mainstream languages.
Two possible contributing factors:
Lisp languages aren't hugely popular in comparison to other languages like C/C++/Ruby and so on - that alone may give the illusion of a fragmented community. There may be equal fragmentation in the other language-communities, but a larger community will have larger fragments..
Lisp languages are easier than most to implement. I've seen many, many "toy" Lisp implementations people have made for fun, many "proper" Lisp implementations to solve specific tasks. There are far more Lisp implementations than there are, say, Python interpreters (I'm aware of about.. 5, most of which are generally interchangeable)
There are promising projects like Clojure, which is a new language, with a clear goal (concurrency), without much "historical baggage", easy to install/setup, can piggyback on Java's library "ecosystem", has a good site with documentation/libraries, and has an official mailing list. This pretty much checks off every issue I encountered while trying to learn Common Lisp a while ago, and encourages a more centralised community.
My point of view is that Lisp is a small language so it is easy to implement (compare to Java, C#, C, ...).
Note: As many comment that it is indeed not that small it miss my point. Let me try to be more precise: This boll down to the entry point price. Building a VM that compile some well know mainstream language is quit hard compare to building a VM that deal with LISP. This would then make it easy to build small community around a small project. Now the library and spec may or may not be fully implemented but the value proposition is still there. Closure it a typical example where the R5RS is certainly not in the scope.

Uses for both static strong typed languages like Haskell and dynamic (strong) languages like Common LIsp

I was working with a Lisp dialect but also learning some Haskell as well. They share some similarities but the main difference in Common Lisp seems to be that you don't have to define a type for each function, argument, etc. whereas in Haskell you do. Also, Haskell is mostly a compiled language. Run the compiler to generate the executable.
My question is this, are there different applications or uses where a language like Haskell may make more sense than a more dynamic language like Common Lisp. For example, it seems that Lisp could be used for more bottom programming, like in building websites or GUIs, where Haskell could be used where compile time checks are more needed like in building TCP/IP servers or code parsers.
Popular Lisp applications:
Popular Haskell applications:
Do you agree, and are there any studies on this?
Programming languages are tools for thinking with. You can express any program in any language, if you're willing to work hard enough. The chief value provided by one programming language over another is how much support it gives you for thinking about problems in different ways.
For example, Haskell is a language that emphasizes thinking about your problem in terms of types. If there's a convenient way to express your problem in terms of Haskell's data types, you'll probably find that it's a convenient language to write your program in.
Common Lisp's strengths (which are numerous) lie in its dynamic nature and its homoiconicity (that is, Lisp programs are very easy to represent and manipulate as Lisp data) -- Lisp is a "programmable programming language". If your program is most easily expressed in a new domain-specific language, for example, Lisp makes it very easy to do that. Lisp (and other dynamic languages) are a good fit if your problem description deals with data whose type is poorly specified or might change as development progresses.
Language choice is often as much an aesthetic decision as anything. If your project requirements don't limit you to specific languages for compatibility, dependency, or performance reasons, you might as well pick the one you feel the best about.
You're opening multiple cans of very wriggly worms. First off, the whole strongly vs weakly typed languages can. Second, the functional vs imperative language can.
(Actually, I'm curious: by "lisp dialect" do you mean Clojure by any chance? Because it's largely functional and closer in some ways to Haskell.)
Okay, so. First off, you can write pretty much any program in pretty much any normal language, with more or less effort. The purported advantage to strong typing is that a large class of errors can be detected at compile time. On the other hand, less typeful languages can be easier to code in. Common Lisp is interesting because it's a dynamic language with the option of declaring and using stronger types, which gives the CL compiler hints on how to optimize. (Oh, and real Common Lisp is usually implemented with a compiler, giving you the option of compiling or sticking with interpreted code.)
There are a number of studies about comparing untyped, weakly typed, and strongly typed languages. These studies invariably either say one of them is better, or say there's no observable difference. There is, however, little agreement among the studies.
The biggest area in which there may be some clear advantage is in dealing with complicated specifications for mathematical problems. In those cases (cryptographic algorithms are one example) a functional language like Haskell has advantages because it is easier to verify the correspondence between the Haskell code and the underlying algorithm.
I come mostly from a Common Lisp perspective, and as far as I can see, Common Lisp is suited for any application.
Yes, the default is dynamic typing (i.e. type detection at runtime), but you can declare types anyway for optimization (as a side note for other readers: CL is strongly typed; don't confuse weak/strong with static/dynamic!).
I could imagine that Haskell could be a bit better suited as a replacement for Ada in the avionics sector, since it forces at least all type checks at compile time.
I do not see how CL should not be as useful as Haskell for TCP/IP servers or code parsers -- rather the opposite, but my contacts with Haskell have been brief so far.
Haskell is a pure functional language. While it does allow imperative constructs (using monads), it generally forces the programmer to think the problem in a rather different way, using a more mathematical-oriented approach. You can't reassign another value to a variable, for example.
It is claimed that this reduces the probability of making some types of mistakes. Moreover, programs written in Haskell tend to be shorter and more concise than those written in typical programming languages. Haskell also makes heavy use of non-strict, lazy evaluation, which could theoretically allow the compiler to make optimizations not otherwise possible (along with the no-side-effects paradigm).
Since you asked about it, I believe Haskell's typing system is quite nice and useful. Not only it catches common errors, but it can also make code more concise (!) and can effectively replace object-oriented constructs from common OO languages.
Some Haskell development kits, like GHC, also feature interactive environments.
The best use for dynamic typing that I've found is when you depend on things that you have no control over so it could as well be used dynamically. For example getting information from XML document we could do something like this:
var volume = parseXML("mydoc.xml").speaker.volume()
Not using duck typing would lead to something like this:
var volume = parseXML("mydoc.xml").getAttrib["speaker"].getAttrib["volume"].ToString()
The benefit of Haskell on the other hand is in safety. You can for example make sure, using types, that degrees in Fahrenheit and Celsius are never mixed unintentionally. Besides that I find that statically typed languages have better IDEs.