Set Buttons' Background randomly from array of images - iphone

else if (setIndexPath == 4)
viewWithButtons.frame = CGRectMake(5, 40, 310, 390);
int ch = 6;
int cv = 6;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cv ; ++i )
for ( j = 0 ; j < ch ; ++j )
btnMatrix = [[[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10+pw*j, 51+ph*i, width, height)] autorelease];
btnMatrix.tag = i*ch+j;
btnMatrix.userInteractionEnabled = TRUE;
[btnMatrix addTarget:self action:#selector(changeImage:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
[btnMatrix setBackgroundImage:imgDefaultBG forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[viewWithButtons addSubview:btnMatrix];
[arrButton addObject:btnMatrix];
[self.view addSubview:viewWithButtons];
I am generating buttons dynamically according to the selected matrix, like 4 * 4, 4 * 5, 4 * 6, 5 * 6, 6 * 6 etc....
Buttons are completely set as per the selected matrix from above (the code is for 6 * 6 matrix).
Now i have to set random background images of these buttons.
I am not able to set this kind of dynamic buttons' background.
is there any effective way to set backgrounds dynamically in random order for each separate buttons?
for (intimg = 1; intimg <= 15; intimg++)
arr_FirstSet = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d_f_2.png",intimg], nil];
for (intimgSET2 = 1; intimgSET2 <= 15; intimgSET2++) {
arr_SecondSet = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d_s_2.png",intimgSET2], nil];
I am adding images in this format to the NSMutableArray.
How to pick random image from the above used arrays. I have to match both arrays images & give the result on buttons. If both matches, suppose i press on one button it will display 1_f_2.png & on another button press it will display 1_s_2.png (as background)then both of these buttons will be removed from the view.
I had tried many logics to get this.
I am not getting exactly what i am interested to do on touchdown of button.
Please suggest any code snippet or link or code also.
Thanks in advance.

- (UIImage*)randomImage {
NSInteger imageCount = [[self imageArray] count]
return [[self imageArray] objectAtIndex:arc4random() % imageCount];
If you want matching pairs. Use dictionary with two images, or simple class holding two images.


iOS: Find all controls with the same tag

I have created a storyboard with 12 buttons, 12 smaller buttons and 12 labels.
It is like that:
btnBig1.tag = 1
btnSmall1.tag = 1
lbl1.tag = 1
btnBig2.tag = 2
btnSmall2.tag = 2
lbl2.tag = 2
Now when a procedure is called
- (IBAction)processButtonUpInside:(id)sender
UIButton *nButton = (UIButton*)sender;
int nInt = nButton.tag;
... I would like to do something with all 3 controls (big button, small button and label).
It should look like this (pseudo-code):
- (IBAction)processButtonUpInside:(id)sender
UIButton *nButton = (UIButton*)sender;
int nInt = nButton.tag;
UIButton *nButtonBig (UIButton*)CastFromTagID(nInt)
//do something with the big button
UIButton *nButtonSmall (UIButton*)CastFromTagID(nInt)
//do something with the small button
UILabel *nLabel (UILabel*)CastFromTagID(nInt)
//do something with the label
As you can see, the CastFromTagID is my "own invention". I don't know how I should actually do this.
Can somebody help?
Thank you very much.
You can use 3 a different starting point for each button family:
enum {
kTagFirstBigButton = 1000,
kTagFirstSmallButton = 2000,
kTagFirstLabel = 3000,
Assign the tags using them:
btnBig1.tag = kTagFirstBigButton + 1;
btnSmall1.tag = kTagFirstSmallButton + 1;
lbl1.tag = kTagFirstLabel + 1;
btnBig2.tag = kTagFirstBigButton + 2;
btnSmall2.tag = kTagFirstSmallButton + 2;
lbl2.tag = kTagFirstLabel + 2;
Now it's easy to find anything:
- (IBAction)processButtonUpInside:(id)sender
UIButton *nButton = (UIButton*)sender;
/* I'm not sure what button is `sender` here
If it's a big or small one you can guess
comparing its tag with the first tag
int offset = nButton.tag;
UIButton *nButtonBig = (UIButton*)[view viewWithTag:kTagFirstBigButton + offset];
//do something with the big button
UIButton *nButtonSmall = (UIButton*)[view viewWithTag:kTagFirstSmallButton + offset];
//do something with the small button
UILabel *nLabel = (UILabel*)[view viewWithTag:kTagFirstLabel + offset];
//do something with the label
You shouldn't assign the same tag id to different views.
Indeed, do something like this:
btnBig1.tag = 11 btnSmall1.tag = 12 lbl1.tag = 13;
btnBig2.tag = 21 btnSmall2.tag = 22 lbl2.tag = 23;
Then consider the last digit of the tag id:
UIView *nView = (UIView *)sender;
if (lastDigit(sender.tag) == 3)
// this is a label
UIButton *nButtonBig = [nView.superview viewWithTag:nInt-2];
UIButton *nButtonSmall = [nView.superview viewWithTag:nInt-1];
UILabel *nLabel = (UILabel *)sender;
else if (lastDigit(sender.tag) == 2)
where lastDigit(sender.tag) is a function that returns the last digit of a given integer.
In my case where I don't have a reference to the subviews that I want to edit under the same tag I just grab all of the subviews for a given view then loop through all of them and check the tag, if the tag match I execute some code. For example..
#define kSameViewTag 9500001
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // add a bunch of same tag views //
UIView *someview = [UIView new];
someview.tag = kSameViewTag;
[YourParent addSubview:someview];
Then later on or whenever you need to loop through your views you can do.
NSArray *subviews = [[YourParent subviews] copy];
for (UIView *v in subviews)
if (v.tag == kSameViewTag)
// Do some code //
Now this may become an performance issue if you have a lot of subviews so you can always run it on the background thread then jump into the main thread to do UI updates. For Example:
NSArray *subviews = [[YourParent subviews] copy];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^{
for (UIView *v in subviews)
if (v.tag == kSameViewTag)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Do Some UI Stuff Here //

How Do i create UIimageView Dynamically (XCODE)

Hi everybody I making an Xcode App but have now been stuck for 2 days
in my app I have to create some images (which balls) in the amount stated by the user .
e,g if the user says make 10 10 balls should appear on the same screen at random locations I know to make location random but can't figure how to do it ... how do i connect to the interface builder ???
tried this
UIImageView *c[100];
for (int i = 0; i < "users value" ; i++) {
float x = (float)(67 + ((95 + 22) * i));
UIImageView *c[i] = [[UIImageView alloc]
initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x, 20.0f, 95.0f, 149.0f)];
[ballsView[i]setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"1.png"]];
ballsView[i].opaque = YES;
ballsView[i].hidden = NO; /* change to YES for distribution */
use this. hope helps
for (int i = 0; i < "users value" ; i++)
float x = (float)(67 + ((95 + 22) * i));
UIImageView *c[i] = [[UIImageView alloc]
initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x, 20.0f, 95.0f, 149.0f)];
c[i].image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"1.png"]];
[ballsView[i] addSubView:c[i]];
ballsView[i].opaque = YES;
ballsView[i].hidden = NO; /* change to YES for distribution */

iPhone:How can I shuffle buttons in view

I have many no. of buttons on my view and I want to shuffle the buttons(change in position) then how can I shuffle the button in my view.
use arc4random()
and change position of your buttons
In your .h file : UIButton *buttonsarray[10];
In your .m file :
// Make array of button using following way.I used this method to creates button and you can use yours.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
float y = 5;
int x = 0;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; i++)
count ++;
buttonsarray[i] = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
buttonsarray[i].frame = CGRectMake(x, y, 100, 100);
[buttonsarray[i] setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",i+1] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
x = x + 105;
[self.view addSubview:b[i]];
if(count == 3)
count = 0;
x = 0;
y = y+ 105;
// This function will soufflé your buttons
- (IBAction)btnClicked:(id)sender
int n = 10;
int swaper;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
int r = arc4random()%n;
if(r != swaper){
swaper = r;
CGRect r1 = buttonsarray[i].frame;
buttonsarray[i].frame = buttonsarray[swaper].frame;
buttonsarray[swaper].frame = r1;
Hope,this will help you..
You can do this
Make an Array with a group of CGPoints you will need to store the points as strings.
In the layoutSubViews method set something like this:
[self.subviews enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
CGPoint newPoint = CGPointFromString([positionsArray objectAtIndex:idx]);
object.frame = CGRectMake(newPoint.x,newPoint.y,object.frame.size.width,object.frame.size.height);
Then you will need to shuffle the positions in the positions array, you can see an example method here :How to Shuffle an Array
Now every time you need to Shuffle the positions you can call -(void)setNeedsLayout on your view.
There are more options but that was the first I thought of.
Good Luck

Only first For loop called

I have two for loops that add subviews to the view. The first one adds all the subviews, but the second for loop is not even executed! Whats Up?
- (void)createBoxes
for (int i; i<5; i++) {
GameBox *box = [[GameBox alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake((i * 64) + 7, 50, 50, 50)];
[self.view addSubview:box];
for (int e; e<5; e++) {
GameBox *box1 = [[GameBox alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake((e * 64) + 7, 107, 50, 50)];
[self.view addSubview:box1];
Proper way would be to initialize variables :
int i = 0;
int e = 0;
Otherwise you never know which value you'll get.
Why are you not initialising your loop variables? These are not standard for loops at all.

Dynamically Add Textfield with tag On button Part-2

I want to add a textfield dynamically with tag so that it can give unique value every time. And than add those values and show on label. When I click button one textfield add "n" give the value, and that value adds to the previous value.
Value adding Successfully. But when I edit anything, change or give another value such as (10 instead of 12) the loop will run again because of this line
[Txt_New_Estimated addTarget:self action:#selector(C6Loop) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidEnd];
2nd problem is that when I add a new textfield then the previous textfield did not modify and do not add in rest of textfields... before adding a new textfield it works properly but when edit anything loop will run again.... i want to overCome this problem, so please check this code and give some possible solution. I am sending my code here Please check this code.
if (tag ==0)
textPosY = 420;
for ( i =tag; i<= tag; i++)
Txt_New_Estimated = [[UITextField alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(360, textPosY , 130, 65)];
Txt_New_Estimated.delegate = self;
//[Txt_New_Estimated setTag:1234];
Txt_New_Estimated.tag = i;
Txt_New_Estimated.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing;
[Txt_New_Estimated addTarget:self action:#selector(C6Loop) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidEnd];
Txt_New_Estimated.placeholder = #"Estimated";
Txt_New_Estimated.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Arial" size:23];
Txt_New_Estimated.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
Txt_New_Estimated.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
[scrollview addSubview:Txt_New_Estimated];
[self Calculate2];
int y14=([Txt_New_Estimated.text intValue]);
c14= y14+([Txt_New_Estimated.text floatValue]);
n = c14;
[self addest];
float c1= ([Txt_Engring_Est.text floatValue]) + ([Txt_Weddring_Est.text floatValue]) + ([Txt_Bridal_Est.text floatValue])+ ([Txt_Veil_Est.text floatValue])+ ([Txt_Shoe_Est.text floatValue])+n;
Txt_Total_Est.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%.2f",c1];
Thank You.
Why don't you add those TextField when created to to an NSMutableArray. something like this:
if (tag ==0)
textPosY = 420;
for ( i =tag; i<= tag; i++)
UITextField *Txt_New_Estimated = [[UITextField alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(360,textPosY ,130,65)];
Txt_New_Estimated.delegate = self;
//....other code..
[scrollview addSubview:Txt_New_Estimated];
[textFieldArray addObject:Txt_New_Estimated];
and when calculating do something like this:
int result = 0;
for(UITextField *field in textFieldArray) // will iterate all UITextField which was added
result += [field.text intValue]; //or floatValue
NSLog(#"the result is %d", result); //here you have sum of all the text fields' text
It doesn't matter whether you change the value or not, it will recalculate all the values.