Emacs: Turn off indentation when doing a paragraph fill in LaTeX mode - emacs

When I am using emacs to edit a latex document the paragraph fill (Esc-q) does not do what I want. For example, something like:
The component \vn{%vec} is not similar to
When I use fill I get:
The component \vn{%vec} is not
% similar to
That is, emacs is taking "%" to be a comment character and filling the paragraph accordingly. However, "\vn" is a macro of mine that sets text in texttt mode and here "%" is simply a regular printable character so the paragraph fill has done things incorrectly.
So what I want is for paragraph fill to be the same it is as in text-mode. That is, no indentation and no adding extra characters. But I don't want to have to toggle between text-mode and latex-mode every time I want to paragraph fill. Is there any way to do this?
Thanks for the help. -- David
PS: Yes, I do know that if there are real comments at the end of lines then the test-mode fill will not do things correctly. But I never put comments at the end of lines so this will never bother me.

I found the solution. I put this in my init.el file:
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook '(lambda() (setq comment-start nil)))
(add-hook 'tex-mode-hook '(lambda() (setq comment-start nil)))
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook '(lambda() (setq fill-indent-according-to-mode nil)))
(add-hook 'tex-mode-hook '(lambda() (setq fill-indent-according-to-mode nil)))
I love emacs but the documentation (or lack thereof) can sometimes drive me crazy... :).

You can try:
(setq comment-start nil)
to handle this specific case.

What you're trying to fix is a symptom of the real problem -- latex-mode is
naively marking code after "%" as comment.
Does installing auctex-mode fix your problem?


Emacs version 24.4: New obnoxious loss of indentation on hitting RETURN

Starting with Emacs 24.4, when I type a line beginning with white space (a typical way to
denote a new paragraph) and at the end of it I hit RETURN, the white space disappears.
This problem appears also with 'emacs -Q'.
My .emacs file uses a rather plain text-mode paragraphing scheme, namely,
(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'paragraph-indent-minor-mode)
which has been working without problems for a dozen years. The bug appeared when I installed the current (24.4) version.
Basically, I type:
This is a line beginning with four spaces
and as soon as I type RETURN my line immediately becomes
This is a line beginning with four spaces
That is, the indentation vanishes. I'd much appreciate some advice.
Should I post a bug?
In Emacs 24.4, electric-indent-mode is enabled by default. It seems like that's what's causing this problem in combination with paragraph-indent-minor-mode. You can avoid that by turning off Electric Indent mode everywhere (M-x electric-indent-mode) or just in the local buffer (M-x electric-indent-local-mode).
The following will try to keep electric-indent-mode from stepping on the toes of paragraph-indent-minor-mode. It doesn't attempt to be robust in all situations, but I suspect it's entirely sufficient in your situation.
(defvar-local my-local-electric-indent-status :unknown)
(defun my-local-electric-indent-disable ()
"Make `electric-indent-mode' ineffective in the current buffer."
(setq my-local-electric-indent-status electric-indent-mode)
(electric-indent-local-mode -1))
(defun my-local-electric-indent-restore ()
"Restore original status of `electric-indent-mode' in the current buffer."
(unless (eq my-local-electric-indent-status :unknown)
(electric-indent-local-mode my-local-electric-indent-status)))
(add-hook 'paragraph-indent-minor-mode-on-hook #'my-local-electric-indent-disable)
(add-hook 'paragraph-indent-minor-mode-off-hook #'my-local-electric-indent-restore)
If you're not running at least Emacs 24.3, replace the defvar-local with:
(defvar my-local-electric-indent-status :unknown)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'my-local-electric-indent-status)
;;(global-set-key "\em" 'newline) ;;for emacs 23
global-set-key "\em" 'electric-newline-and-maybe-indent) ;;for emacs 24

How to make Emacs not highlight trailing whitespace in term?

I'm using this in my .emacs config
'(show-trailing-whitespace t)
And I'm generally very happy with it.
The only problem is that it highlights whitespace when I'm in 'M-x term' buffer and I have no control over that whitespace. How to prevent this?
Use this:
(lambda() (setq show-trailing-whitespace nil)))

EMACS folding/unfolding R code

Is there an Emacs minor-mode (or piece of elisp code) that lets you selectively hide/show environments while in Sweave (Sweave = R + LaTeX)?
For instance, I would like to move to the beginning of a code block (<<>>), hit a keystroke, and have the contents of the environment hidden from view.
Is this possible? I just tried hs-minor-mode, allout-mode, and outline-minor-mode, but most of them don't recognize R environments.
I also tryed org-mode that works great for folding/unfolding but, do not support the LaTeX highlighting code for expression like: \cite{}; \ref{}; \ce{} ...
I tried for some day to use emacs-folding-mode but, because I work on a very long code (more than 2000 rows), folding mode "goes crazy" and for example misunderstand the mining of some special character (i.e. $), that has very different use both in R than LaTeX. I think the problem is intrinsic to Sweave, because in the same buffer I have R code and LaTeX code together.
So, now I'm testing emacs outline minor mode. But when I move through R from LaTeX (and vice versa) all the outlined part were unfolded despite I write in my .emacs:
(defun turn-on-outline-minor-mode ()
(outline-minor-mode 1))
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook 'turn-on-outline-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-outline-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-outline-minor-mode)
(setq outline-minor-mode-prefix "\C-c\C-o")
Do you have any suggestions??
--EDIT 2--
It seems to work:
(load "folding" 'nomessage 'noerror)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'folding-mode)
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook 'folding-mode)
(folding-add-to-marks-list 'ess-mode "#{{{ " "#}}}" " ")
I don't know if is right that, when you leave the chunk, it is automatically unfolded.
There's a generic folding mode here: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FoldingMode
I have had very good results with the hideshow hs-minor-mode, these are the lines I basically use in my ~/.emacs.d/init.el:
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
(eval-after-load 'hideshow
(global-set-key (kbd "C-+") 'hs-toggle-hiding)))

completely lucid tabs and spaces in emacs?

The title of my question is a reference to sane tabs in emacs.
Basically what I want is to globally set tabs and indention to work in
some uniform way. I feel like emacs is so much better than TextMate
or BBEdit but really the way they handle indention is simple and great
for my purposes. In emacs if you use some tab/space scheme that's
different than the scheme enforced by a minor mode you use you're in
When I press enter I'd like to be moved to the next line indented to
the right place using tabs. If I can have my cake and eat it too I'd
like to be indented using spaces if the rest of the file is composed
that way.
I've tried these also:
doing tabs in emacs
force emacs to use tabs
Thanks to anyone who can help me achieve this.
Perhaps (global-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent) is what you want?
(Or reindent-then-newline-and-indent if that's available, or you could just hit C-j instead of the Enter key.)
For this part of your question:
If I can have my cake and eat it too I'd like to be indented using spaces if the rest of
the file is composed that way.
does this do what you want?
(defun dtrt-indent ()
(setq indent-tabs-mode
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward "\t" nil t))))
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'dtrt-indent)
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook #'dtrt-indent)
; etc for all modes you care about
So if there's a tab anywhere in the buffer, indent using tabs; if there is no tab, indent using spaces.
if you do your setup as described:
(setq indent-tabs-mode t)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode t)
(setq tab-width 4) ;; 8 is way too many
(setq default-tab-width 4) ;; 8 is way too many
(global-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)
The indent-tabs-mode thing will tell emacs to create your indentation by using TABS and SPACES to make up the desired indentation (defined by the individual mode). This means, if you want to have a TAB inserted instead of TABS/SPACES you need to configure your mode to use tab-width as indentation.
For example if you use c-mode and select cc-mode as indentation style (select with C-c .) which uses 4 as indentation value, newline-and-indent will insert spaces.
To conclude:
Check that your mode uses tab-width as indentation
Check that your mode doesn't overwride indent-tabs-mode (python-mode seems to do this)
Although I personally don't like TABS good luck on your journey :)
The best strategy is to convince your programming mode of choice to
indent things the way you like. This is generally very easy; I am
picky about indentation and my emacs always does the right thing
automatically. (That means that "indent-region" also always does
what I want, which is very convenient.)

Why does this Emacs Lisp snippet break list-colors-display?

I like Emacs to highlight tab characters using the trailing-whitespace face, which I set to be a slightly grayer version of my background color. That way, all whitespace that I consider unwanted (tab characters and trailing whitespace) will have a slightly gray background.
This is the code I use:
(add-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook
'(lambda ()
'(("\t" 0 'trailing-whitespace prepend))
However, it seems to break list-colors-display: This function still lists all the colors, but they're monochrome. I don't get the dazzling spectrum of colors it's supposed to provide.
Why is this happening? Can it be fixed?
Unsure why the error. There is a mode available on the wiki that shows tabs (show-wspace.el) that works pretty well.
(require 'show-wspace)
(show-ws-toggle-show-tabs) ; default is no tabs shown, turn it on
;; the face used is 'show-ws-tab, which you can customize at will
You could wrap your function so it doesn't do the whitespace thing in buffers that start/end in *'s. You probably don't want it in those types of buffers anyway:
(add-hook ...
(unless (string-match "\\*.+\\*" (buffer-name))
(font-lock-add-keywords ...)))