Appcelerator cloud push notification in iOS - iphone

I have implement the cloud push notification in iOS using this tutorial iOS push notification tutorial. I have did everything as per the above documentation. No error occur while registration.
In cloud console I can see 1 iOS client clients subscribed to push notifications. Everything seems fine but I cant able to receive the push notification.(even I have restarted my iPhone)
I have sent a push notification from cloud console, but I cant able to receive the push notification in my iPhone. Can anyone help me to solve this issue?
Thanks in Advance

Make sure you have the correct gateway selected on the server side.
The easiest way is to check your mobileprovisioning profile and look for "aps-environment" string. If it is set to "development" you need to use Development (aka Sandbox) gateway. If it is set to "production" you need to use Apple Push Production gateway.
This link might be interesting too:
There are might be VERY small chance that firewall or router blocking push notifications, but this could be easily detected by switching your device from WiFi to 3G.

It might be an issue with your certificate. You should enable push notifications in the p12 certificate and it should be configured properly in ACS settings. Please refer Appcelerator Cloud Push Notification in iOS


Remote Push-notifications

I am new to iPhone Development and I would like to know how to be able to send push notifications remotely. I have tried multiple things and I can't get it to work. Thanks in advance.
Local Notification SampleCode :
APNS(Apple Push Notification Service)
If you're Beginner, I recommended using a UrbanAirship.
Push services are free of 1 Million FREE Push messages/month at Basic Account.
site: UrbanAirShip, docs:docs.urbanairship
other apns tutorial:
Building an iOS SDK “Poke” App With APNS

Related to push notifications in iphone

I have seen all the links related to Push notifications in Google. And read
Programming Apple Push Notification Services on MobiForge. From this I have created the certificates and created the app and got the Device token by running the application. But after that how can i get the notification (either in local or remote way). If any one know please give me a clear idea.
If you have followed the above link fully; you would be able to test the notification. More to this there are few players who are giving paid services to do push notifications and give you wizard to prepare your notification. e.g Urban AirShip.
More to this please follow the following links.
iOs Push Notifications
Push Notifications Certificates Question
Apple PNS (push notification services) sample code

How to register device token in Urban Airship for Push Notification?

I am using Urban airship for sending push notification, and i successfully achieved this. Now i am stuck an issue that before registering device token into urban airship i couldn't able to send broadcast, if i am wrong on this then how can i can send notifications into many devices in which my app is installed without registering their device tokens?
hey You have to register your app as In production, connecting to real push servers. and check out this link
it may be helpful to you
The broadcast should work in development mode as well.
When you login to "go" do you see your "Device Tokens" listed under your app? The other thing that could be a problem is if you have recently switch your app from development to production - if you try and send device tokens to APNS that are not mis-matched (production device tokens sent to sandbox vice-versa) you'll run in to this issue and likely see some sporadic results.
If you are in dev mode, you could simply delete the existing device tokens then get a few re-registered, then retry a broadcast.

About push notification service in iphone

I went through the Apple api documentation related to Push notification service in iPhone and all the possible links I found through the google. So I've created the SSL certificate and have got a device token.
But after that, how to use this push notification service in an iPhone application?. Does anyone have any idea about this?
For server/remote push notifications - depends on what you plan to run on your server or if you are going to use a third party service to do it.
Here are some notes if you have your own Rails based server.
You can use thirty push services like PushBots

I want to use Push Notification for My app for IPhone

I want to use Push Notification service for my app ,but I am not sure how to utilize this ,please help
you have a good tutorial for push notifications here explaining the server side implementation details:
and here explaining the client side details:
Also here is the link to the Apple developer guide on local and remote push notifications:
Hope this helps.
To send remote push notifications using PHP, I suggest you take a look at the php-apns project on Google Code. I've had good experience with it.
You will have to enable push notifications on iTunes Connect, if you didn't do that already. Your app will have to get the push notifications token from the OS, and deliver it to server. This token may change from one launch to another, so recommended way is to fetch the notification token at launch, and deliver it to the server. Server can then decide when it wants to deliver a notification to which device; at that point, you use php-apns which will connect to Apple's server on port 2195 (make sure you have a hosting which allows that) and, using several certificates you also put on the server, communicate with it.
Make sure the certificates are not downloadable when you upload them on the server.
You cannot test push notifications on the Simulator.