Email button on Extjs Toolbar - email

I'm having trouble adding a mailto: link to a grid panel's toolbar.
I've tried modifying the object's HTML configuration & also via the handler but neither are opening the new email message.
text : 'Support',
html: 'Support'
text : 'Support',
handler: function() {
return 'Support';

handler: is used to create handler function of button pressed. To make your mailto link work you should redirect to address like:
handler: function() {
window.location = '';

I would do as #webbandit suggested, except I would use'')

If you are using ExtJS 4.x, you can define it in href:
text : 'Support',
href : ""
hrefTarget="_blank" is default value, but it is better if you set it to _self:
text : 'Support',
href : "",
hrefTarget: "_self"


How to simulate click event for tinyMCE v6x custom toolbar button programmatically

This is simple enough in earlier version of tinyMCE, but I can't find a way to make it work in v6x (suggested answers here only apply to earlier versions, that I can see)
Here's my button:
tinymce.PluginManager.add('newButton', (editor, url) => {
editor.ui.registry.addButton('newButton', {
text: 'Click me',
enabled: true,
onAction: () => {
alert('You clicked me')
return {
getMetadata: () => ({
name: 'newButton',
url: ''
selector: "textarea",
plugins: "newButton",
toolbar1: "newButton"
This works fine - click the button and you get an alert telling you you have. What I want to do now is call this click event from code (JaveScript) - I was hoping
would work, as it does for - say - the "code" plugin; i.e. add this plugin (and button) to the editor and calling
simulates clicking the toolbar button. So... how can I "click" my own custon toolbar button?
[edit] well.. that last line did work, I swear it did. Now it doesn't. wt.. :(
This may not be the "right" way (well, I know it isn't!) but I've found a way that works :)
First, I need a way to identify/find my custom button. I figured out tinymce renders them as div elements, and using
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('button');
divs.forEach((div) => {
I am able to identify it and find the HTML used - it is not graced with an id, but we can use the innerHTML property (as identified) to get it and then simulate a click- viz:
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('button');
divs.forEach((div) => {
// NB 'DOC' is the text property of my custom button
if (div.innerHTML === '<span class="tox-tbtn__select-label">DOC</span>') {
// now we can simulate a click on it:
var evt = new MouseEvent("click", {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
(Thanks to the second answer, by Derek, here:
How to simulate a mouse click using JavaScript?
for the simulate click code)
[edit] better to use a for-loop rather than forEach as there's no sensible way to break out of the latter - that "return" doesn't actually do anything.

closethick button disappear liferay popup 6.2

I am migrating the AUI popup dialog window from liferay 6.1 to liferay 6.2. I see that there are some specific changes to be made. I had some problems with display of buttons but it is resolved now. But the problem is with the close icon (x) which should be on the top right corner. It disappeared suddenly as soon as I added a save button.
Here is my code:
myPopup = AUI().use('aui-base','liferay-util-window','aui-io-deprecated', 'event', 'event-custom', function(A) {
var buttons =[{
cssClass: 'button_close',
label: 'Save',
id: 'myPopupButton',
on: {
click: function() {
myPopup = Liferay.Util.Window.getWindow(
dialog: {
title : a + ' mytitle',
centered : true,
height : 600,
width : 500,
draggable : true,
resizable : true,
modal : true,
toolbars: {
}}).plug(A.Plugin.IO, {
uri : url
Please let me know if you have any idea on it..
on myPopupSubmit I have also written code to close the popup as:
Since there is no closethick button it returns null.
Using the modal dialog example as a comparison, the X close button is removed when using the toolbars property.
Reviewing the source code for the toolbars property (line 309 at time of writing this) indicates that if you use this property directly, you'll need to include your own X close in the header.
An alternative would be to use the addToolbar function (as seen in the example) to include your buttons while preserving the default toolbars.
cssClass: 'button_close',
label: 'Save',
id: 'myPopupButton',
on: {
click: function() {
I would also consider making the instance of the dialog available to your myPopupSubmit function so that you would have direct access to perform dialog.hide() or calling dialog.hide() after myPopupSubmit versus using the X close approach.
If sticking with the current approach, the id being used will not work, you'll need to use a CSS selector as the YUI based id will change.

handler for a submit button

I want to use a save button with a form in extjs. This is what i have as a handler
xtype: 'button',
handler: function(button, event) {
var form = this.getForm();
if (form.isValid()) {
Ext.MessageBox.alert('Submitted Values', form.getValues(true));
height: 37,
id: 'configurationDriversSave',
text: 'Save'
All i get now in firebug is an error: this.getForm is not a function. What am i doing wrong?
in the handler this will be reference to the button itself. You can check that in firebug, button of course doesn't have method getForm(). You need to call something like 'this.up('form')`.
Second thing - you don't have to do manual validation like you are trying to do. ExtJs has built-in validation mechanism for the forms.
is not supported in Firefox,
use document.forms instead,
Or you can get any reference from this link too.
According to this blog post, you can simply use this.form to access the form element that contains the element that generated the event.
So, instead of
var form = this.getForm();
var form = this.form;

ajax.beginform onsucess updatetargetid hidden input

I am trying to call a jquery ui dialog by attaching the function to the onsuccess property of the ajaxoptions on a ajax.beginform..
<script type="text/javascript">
// Dialog
$(document).ready(function () {
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Ok": function () {
In a seperate script file I have this..
function EmailResult() {
Then I have a contact form that is not actually wired up yet, the controller just responds with one of two string responses.
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm(new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "ContactResult", OnSuccess="EmailResult" }))
{ %>
If I take out the OnSuccess="EmailResult" from the Ajax.BeginForm or simply remove $('#dialog').dialog('open'); from my EmailResult function the error goes away so obvisouly this is an issue with the OnSuccess property and a Jquery UI Dialog.
My first question is am I doing something wrong that is causing this not to work and/or if this won't work then is there a better solution.
I am trying to create a dialog that comes up and says whether the message was sent. I do not want to use the alert dialog box.
I guess the error would help, in the IE 8 debugger it comes up with an undefined error in the MicrosoftAjax.js library
The finally block of this code is causing the problem and under the locals tab in IE 8 it says b is undefined.
this._onReadyStateChange = function () {
if (a._xmlHttpRequest.readyState === 4) {
try {
if (typeof a._xmlHttpRequest.status === "undefined") return
} catch (b) {
a._responseAvailable = true;
try {
} finally {
if (a._xmlHttpRequest != null) {
a._xmlHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = Function.emptyMethod;
a._xmlHttpRequest = null
What it was updating was
<%= Html.Hidden("ContactResult") %>
Which turns out was the whole problem, I changed the Hidden Input to a div and it works perfectly. Not sure why but... if anyone else runs into this there you go...
So I guess this is what I figured out.. I started a new mvc project with two inputs and started just using an alert box as it turns out it was not related to the jquery.ui dialog plugin. I got it to work correctly with the alert box coming up after it was run using the ajax.beginform.
So long story short.. You can't use a Hidden Input for the UpdateTargetID in the Ajax.BeginForm? I guess this is kind of a question and the answer but changing the UpdateTargetID to the ID of a "div" fixed it and it works appropriately. You can even set the Div visibility to hidden and it works.

Jeditable CANCEL callback from AJAX callback?

I see some answers for the Jeditable plugin to use a callback function from AJAX using complete callback function.
I know that the Jeditable has a callback function for the SUBMIT button, so I would like to know if there is a way to have a callback for the CANCEL button? I haven't found on the plugin docs.
Thanks for reply,
PD. This is the source I see for COMPLETE from AJAX callback:
$("#editable_text").editable(submitEdit, {
indicator : "Saving...",
tooltip : "Click to edit...",
name : "Editable.FieldName",
id : "elementid",
type : "text",
function submitEdit(value, settings)
var edits = new Object();
var origvalue = this.revert;
var textbox = this;
var result = value;
edits[] = [value];
var returned = $.ajax({
url: "http://URLTOPOSTTO",
type: "POST",
data : edits,
dataType : "json",
complete : function (xhr, textStatus)
var response = $.secureEvalJSON(xhr.responseText);
if (response.Message != "")
Yes, there is a "onreset" parameter that is called when clicking cancel, or more generally, before jEditable resets the control back to the state before it was clicked. Add this to your code:
$("#editable_text").editable(submitEdit, {
onreset: jeditableReset,
function jeditableReset(settings, original) {
// whatever you need to do here
This is documented in the header of the jquery.jeditable.js file.
Another note - if you don't submit on blur (you don't appear to be in the sample), the onreset event will fire then too.