Bing Application ID - bing

I can't get application id at for using their search api.
Please help, say me how I can get application id at for using bing search api ?
Please write all steps, how you can get application ID?
Steps which i followed: - go here
2nd step-
sign up
3rd Step
https:// datamarket. azure. com /account/ info
try use "Primary Account Key" then because in their documantation i find that primary cay i can use as application id.
But place where i can register me App Id i can't find.

AppId is deprecated. Use access token as value or client key. For first look here:
For last here:
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401 while querying using the new Bing API ( in azure marketplace )

This Url Takes to register an app UI


One Signal REST API - Get the list of templates

How are you?
In principle, sorry for my English.
I need to work with an integration with One Signal REST API both for web and mobile application, but I can't find any endpoint to bring the templates (and I need them to include the id of the template in the request body as indicated in the documentation of "POST -> create notification")
Does anyone know if there is an endpoint that brings me the list of templates?
Thanks a lot
I confirm that (as of the date, OneSignal REST API v8) it's not possible to obtain the OneSignal template_id via REST API
got to OneSignal console
select the app
select Messages > Templates
select the template that you want to know its ID
get the ID from the URL, like shown in the image below

How to use AppStore connect API with my mac, announced in WWDC18?

I have seen the demo in WWDC18 related video here:
but it is not from the scratch. I don't see that which tool they have used and where we need to start it. Can anyone help with it?
I watched that video too today and I wanted to use these API features, as for now 19-6-2018 this is still marked as coming soon... based on the App Store Connect website
In addition, the new API Keys tab under the main App Store Connect is not available yet.This is the starting point to issue / create the API keys.
I am on look out and waiting...
The App Store Connect API is now available. You can find out more here:
The general steps are:
Request access to the API.
Your Team Agent (with the Legal role) will need to do this part.
Create and download an API key.
Anyone with Admin access can do this. Each key you create can only be downloaded once, and should be kept safe.
Use the information on the Keys tab + your private key to generate a token.
You can find libraries for many languages to make this easy here.
Supply the JWT as a bearer token in the HTTP Authorization header when making requests.
For example:
Authorization: Bearer XYZ123
Where XYZ123 is your JWT. (Your real JWT will be much longer.)
Available API endpoints are documented here:
App Store Connect API available here now.

Getting error when connecting to an app using Intuit

I have just created an app in Customer Account Data section in after signup.
Then I created a .NET application to get authorization after providing the details, I received just after app was successfully created like consumerKey and consumerSecret.
I am able to get the page that authenticate with my username but there is also an error like :
Oops! An error has occurred.
Please close this window and try again.
Error Code: invalid_database
Message: AppId cannot be <= 0, appId=-1
My main aim is to get back to the page which shows a successful authentication. I again checked my app in
and I see Status: Pending Review for that app.
I just want to test the authentication for a sample application.
How can I understand this review system? Do we have something like sandbox in PayPal for testing, and if so, how to get started with it?
Are you 100% positive that you have your OAuth key, secret, and your app token correctly entered in the config for your app?
You should not need to go through any sort of review process - you probably just have something entered/configured incorrectly.
I think you are confused between apps for Customer Account Data and Quickbooks.
If you created an app for CAD, then you need to upload a certificate too.
If you go to GITHUB sample app for CAD->customer account data
You will see that it does not require the oauth callback url or any of the values, you have mentioned. All these values are required when you create a quickbooks sample application.
The above link has both the code samples for CAD as well as Quickbooks.
Please verify what you are looking for.
Most probably you were using wrong public-private key pair.
While setting up AggCat intergration, you had used one public key, but while doing SAML assertion you are not using the corresponding .key/.p12 file. Please verify that.
You can easily test this use case using APIExplorer tool.
You can refer the following steps to get new tokens and test API calls.
Key generation using openssl -
After generating these keys, you can create a sample app with the public key.
then use the .p12 file with pwd for SAML assertion in apiexplorer Link -

Google APIs Console: Error Creating OAuth 2.0 Client ID

I am trying to use the Google APIs Console to create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID as a Service Account. This ID will be used to query my Google Analytics data through the Analytics API. However, when I attempt to create the Client ID, the APIs Console displays the message, "An error has occurred. Please retry later." I have tried several times throughout the last two weeks, but I keep getting the same error message. Can anyone advise me on what I'm doing wrong? Or is there another way that I can access my Analytics data via the API without an OAuth Client ID?
I figured out the issue. Apparently, the Google APIs Console does not allow a collaborator account to create new OAuth Service Accounts, only the owner account can do so.

ESPN Api Integration issue

I am implementing espn api, but having some issue, most api gives me this response.
{"timestamp" :"2013-02-25T11:19:02Z","message" :"This action is forbidden for the requested resource at your permission level. Please review the documentation for account level access.","status" :"error","code" :403}
I am using this api Espn MLB Standing
I want to know that where to review the documentation, i is there any need to purchase some api or anything else?
One more thing there is ?apikey=:yourkey , so this key is same for all user or we have to get this according to user login.
I think you are using the wrong apikey or there is some issue in your URL query.
Your app will have a unique apikey. This key is same for all users who are using the app.
You should get a apikey by registering to their site and use it for development purpose.
My rep doesn't allowing commenting, but I thought I'd add the following here:
A small amount of ESPN API data is free, but much requires payment.
You probably don't want to publicly share your personal API key for security reasons.
Go to and plug in your API key and use the GUI to generate an API call/response. It's a good way to see a valid, working syntax that you can then drop into your app and edit as necessary.