Is there a reliable way to make Eclipse notice external edits? - eclipse

I'm running Eclipse Indigo on a Mac doing front-end web dev. I'd like to be able to use an external editor, but Eclipse refuses to notice that files have been changed unless I make it the foreground application. Is there a way around this?

Do you have the option "Refresh using native hooks or polling" enabled? Find it under Preferences > General > Workspace.


How do I turn off automatic workspace building in C++ Eclipse?

I use Eclipse for C++ project. I have disable the building automatically in windows, but it still build workspace when I save the project. How can I do?
Disable the building automatically in window, then restart Eclipse, and the disable operation will work.

How do I auto-refresh / auto-rebuild my Maven project in Eclipse?

This is the coding experience I'm looking for in Eclipse...
Write some code.
Save the file.
Refresh my web page.
View the changes I made.
From what I can see, Eclipse has a "Build Automatically" option and it seems to work fine. However, each time I save my changes I have to click "Terminate" and then "Run" inside Eclipse to restart the Maven server and see my changes. It's only a couple of clicks but it feels this should happen automatically.
How do I make the Maven restart happen automatically inside Eclipse?
To get hot deployment of changes in Eclipse you need to use Eclipse Web Tools (WTP) for running your WAR, not Maven. You define a server and set it up so that your project is deployed in that server instance. Then you can configure it so that changes made in the app trigger a hot re-deployment.
Alternatively, if you want to use Jetty to run/test locally (my personal preference), use the Eclipse Jetty launcher plugin.
For either of these to work you'll need to be using m2e and the plugin and have your project configured as a Maven project in Eclipse.

Eclipse / Aptana 3 : Launching wrong browser

I just installed the Aptana Studio 3 plugin on my installation of Eclipse Juno, and attempted to use a portable install of Firefox to debug with, so that my general browsing install wouldn't get mucked up with a billion debugging features I don't need.
I set Eclipse's Window->Preferences->General->Web Browser to use this new portable install, but... it's still trying to launch my other install of Firefox. ("Please close down to complete installation" or whatever. I know the portable one isn't running.)
I just cannot get it to launch to the right browser. Firefox Portable is set up to allow multiple instances to be open, so I can get both my permanent install and my portable install to work at the same time, but Eclipse is trying to open the wrong installation.
I've tried restarting eclipse, closing Firefox , both internal/external web browser options on the web browser page, and even rebooting the whole computer. There are no other references to Firefox in the Eclipse settings that I can find.
... Help?
Apparently that particular setting only affects browsing in the integrated browser, not running and debugging web applications.
The setting that needs to be modified for running/debugging is in the run/debug configurations. Why that doesn't by default automatically use the default browser set in the preferences page is beyond me.
In order to get Eclipse/Aptana to open the correct browser when debugging and running web applications, do this:
In the Project Manager, r-click on the project and go to Run As -> Run Configurations... and under 'Web Browser' in the left pane, either edit the default one or add a new run configuration. I just replaced the standard 'Firefox - Internal Server' entry.
In the Web Browser field, either type in the full path to the browser executable (in my case FirefoxPortable.exe), or click 'Browse' and browse to the executable.
That should do it. and now it's doing what I would expect it to.

Execute a function before debug in Eclipse

Does anyone know if it's possible in Eclipse, to execute a script/function/anything right before launching my app in debug? There only seems to be a few options - after clean, during a clean, during manual builds, during auto-builds
I want to execute an external tool (rsync) so I can make sure my assets are up to date before running.
Eclipse CDT provides special launch configuration type (Launch Group), which you can use to group several launch configurations (included External Tools) to be executed either sequentially, parallel or mixed. The drawback is that you need to have CDT installed in your Eclipse.
Update: There is similar question, which deals with launching multiple launch configurations.
If you want to add the "Launch Group" feature onto an existing, not necessarily CDT, eclipse install, you can install just the plugin called "C/C++ Remote Launch". (org.eclipse.cdt.launch.remote) - it is not C/C++ specific.

NetBeans and GWT Fast edit/refresh in Development mode

I'm using NetBeans with the GWT plugin. Unlike Eclipse, I'm required to build everytime I want to reflect a change in my browser.
Is there a way to eliminate this step in NetBeans?
Are you using Gwt4nb plugin? It allows you to do Development Mode when you are debugging your project. Then when you change your GWT code, just refresh your browser window and you will see changes.
I'm using NetBeans for almost 3 years already with GWT and never had problems with that plugin, never needed to got to Eclipse.