How to make uwsgi --emperor run as daemon - daemon

I'm using yaml. It has a line says : daemonize : /var/www/apps/myapp.log
If uwsgi -y vassals/myappconfig.yaml, the website runs in background. I can do other things in terminal, even logout. This is the effect I'm expecting.
If uwsgi --emperor vassals, the website can run, but it stuck up in terminal. I must use ctrl + c to end it to return to terminal. Then the website is down. That's not what I'm expecting.
I don't want to use things like nohup. If uwsgi --emperor is not the right solution, I'd rather to load websites one by one, all run daemonized.

you can pass --daemonize <logfile> to the emperor too


Is there a way to automatically reload Supervisor processes?

I have a dev server which I often push code changes to over Git. After each push, I need to manually log into the server and restart the supervisor processes.
Is there a way to have Supervisor monitor a filesystem directory for changes and reload the process(es) on changes?
You should be able to use an Event Listener which monitors the filesystem (with perhaps watchdog) and emits a restart using the XML-RPC API. Check out the memmon listener from the superlance package for inspiration. It wouldn't need to be that complicated. And since the watchdog would call your restart routine you don't need to read the events using childutils.listener.wait.
Alternatively, git hooks might do the trick if the permissions are correct for the supervisord API to be accessed (socket permissions, HTTP passwords). A simpler but less-secure approach.
A simpler and even less-secure approach would be to allow you to issue a supervisorctl restart. The running user has to match your push user (or git, or www, depending on how you have it setup). Lot's of ways to have it go wrong security-wise. But for development, might do fine.
Supervisord: is there any way to touch-reload a child?
I also didn't find any solution so I tried to make my own.
Here it is.
You can install the package by this command:
pip install git+
(I will add it to PyPI after adding some tests. )
An example of setting up supervisor located in examples folder in github. Documentation will be very soon, I believe.
Basically all you need to start use this module is add event listener with command like:
python -m touch_reload --socket unix:///tmp/supervisor.sock --file <path/to file file> --program <program name>
where file is a file that will be monitored with absolute or relative to directory path, socket is the socket from supervisorctl section and program is program name from [program:<name>] section definition.
Also available --username and --password, that you can use if you have custom supervisor configuration.
While not a solution which uses supervisor, I typically solve this problem within the supervised app. For instance, add the --reload flag to gunicorn and it will reload whenever your app changes.
I had the same problem and created Superfsmon which can do what you want:
pip install superfsmon
Here's a simple example from the README:
To restart your celery workers on changes in the /app/devops
directory your supervisord.conf could look like this.
command=celery -A devops.celery worker --loglevel=INFO --concurrency=10
command=superfsmon /app/devops celery
Here is one liner solution with inotify tools:
apt-get install -y inotify-tools
while true; do inotifywait -r src/ && service supervisor restart; done

fluxbox couldn't connect to XServer - CentOS 6.4

I'm setting up some new VNC servers. I already have this setup working with CentOS 6.3, although I'm not certain that this difference is the real problem.
One of the window managers I'm making available is fluxbox, but when I start it, I always get the following: Error: Couldn't connect to XServer. Here's my setup:
fluxbox: fluxbox-1.1.1-5.el6.x86_64
vnc : tigervnc-server-1.1.0-5.el6_4.1.x86_64
OS : CentOS 6.4
Note that I can start other window managers: Gnome, KDE, openbox, xfce4, etc.
I gutted my ~/.vnc/xstartup script so it only loads an xterm. Then, I tried running startfluxbox &, but still got the error. Obviously, VNC is working, since my xterm opened up OK. I can start firefox, another xterm or other app requiring X, and even fluxbox comes up, but it is worthless in its current state, since it is not connected to the X session.
What is fluxbox looking for? Are there some log files I can look at to give me some clues?
CentOS/RHEL 6.4 and up have upgraded libX11 and Xorg.
The $DISPLAY var handling has changed in libX11.
This one in particular is described in this git commit:
we run our fluxbox with this script in our vnc configs now:
/usr/bin/fluxbox -display "$DISPLAY.0"
OK, I think I've figured out the problem, so I'm answering my own question.
In VNC, I usually specify a display number. (Note, however, that the problem occurs even if vncserver uses the first available display number.) So, I start the vncserver as:
vncserver :17
This should create an X session where my $DISPLAY is set to :17.0, but in CentOS 6.4, the $DISPLAY is set to :17 instead. Apparently, unlike other window managers, fluxbox is unable to handle this inaccuracy. The problem, then, was that fluxbox was trying to connect to :17 and was unable to do so.
My solution, as suggested by someone answering a different problem, was to set $DISPLAY as part of the invocation of fluxbox. So, in my ~/.vnc/xstartup file, I have:
DISPLAY=$DISPLAY.0 startfluxbox &
Note that this may not work for other releases of CentOS, so you might wish to test the release of the box you are using before adding the DISPLAY=... setting to the command.

running a script on startup and have it restart if crashed in debian

I have program that I need to run at startup in the background, so far I have it in rc.local like so:
sudo ./simple_program &
However this does not take into consideration if the program crashes. I need it so that whenever the program crashes, it is restarted again.
I think the approach is to write a bash script and run that instead in rc.local, where the bash script calls the simple_program and reruns it if needed. However, I'm not quite sure exactly what to do here. Could someone provide me a template?
Try with monit or daemontools, they are specifically designed to supervise other processes

Change site configuration without restarting G-WAN

I'm looking at hosting a number of small, static websites and have been looking at a few alternatives including G-WAN. At the moment I'm just trying to get a feel for how well each server suits my needs before picking one.
G-WAN seems to do exactly what I want, though I'm running into problems with updating the configuration (by adding new folders) after the server's started. I can't find anything in the documentation or online about this, so I don't know if I'm doing anything dumb, running an unsupported configuration, or whether it's a feature that doesn't exist in G-WAN.
Here's my setup:
G-WAN 3.3.28 64-bit on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS.
I have what I think is the required minimal folder structure:
I startup gwan via (I'm still messing around, so hopefully ):
sudo .\gwan -d
Everything works brilliantly. I add $, $, and $; then when I try to visit it gives me the root host (ie it doesn't seem to pick up the changes).
To reload the modified configuration, I have to either do:
sudo .\gwan -k; sudo .\gwan -d
or kill the non-angel process (kill -s 15) to restart the child process.
Can G-WAN reload the host definitions another way? If so, is it something that works out of the box or is there a command that can cycle the server without dropping requests made to other hosts (/is it safe to kill -s 15 on the non-angel process + if so, is there a reliable way to identify the process)? Thanks in advance!
G-WAN loads the host definitions at startup and does not check them as time goes to reload them dynamically.
To force a reload, you have to stop the child process (when in daemon mode) and v3.9+ keeps the old child alive the time to process any pending request while the new child accepts new connections.
Since stopping the child can also be done from the maintenance script or from a handler or from a servlet by just running exit(0) there is not need for a dedicated command.
Note that when you use kill you can pick the pid file from the gwan directory:
the parent process starts with a capital letter:
the child process starts with a lowercase letter:
That will make your life easier.

How to restart AsteriskWin32 via CLI Command?

When I used "reload" command, it didn't truly reloading all module like Asterisk start from beginning. So, when I just used "reload" command, I couldn't register SIP with my client application.
Is there any command that more truly restart the Asterisk?
restart now should work for you. If you have any concerns with a specific module, you can always try to do the following:
module load
module unload