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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was making some changes in the Build Properties of my project, just to set up the use of libxml2 library. I finally did it, but when i come back to compile my app, this error showed up:
library not found for -lidn
I am using XMPPFramework in my project, and libdn is needed. It seems that can't find the library. Any advise?
Thank you very much.
If you install XMPPFramework via CocoaPods
select Build Settings
search Library Search Paths
add "$(PODS_ROOT)/XMPPFramework/Vendor/libidn"
Click on project target -> Build Settings and search for the section named "Library Search Paths", click on + and add XMPPFramework Path/Vendor/libidn on Debug and Release
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Had a developer make a app for me. But he only sent me the src/ folder. Can I still use this to edit and build?
Not without some extra effort and guess work. Some considerations:
There is a resources directory which is typically a peer of src, which contains icons and splash screen assets used during the build process (if you had those icons).
The root of the project (one level up from src) has a good deal of important items
config.xml - contains formal app name & version (for app stores), contains critical native build info for cordova plugins, can contain "whitelist" setups, contains desired ios/android platform versions, can contain special build adjustments, etc.
package.json - contains the list of NPM packages (and versions) needed to make the app build and run, and can contain other build steps used during setup.
various other files, depending on the app (e.g. push notification setup files, unit testing setup files, etc.)
Besides the source files, it's also very helpful to know the version of the Cordova CLI and the Ionic CLI used to build the app. Often times getting different versions of these can cause mixed results when building.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a whole bunch of Eclipse projects, large and small, that I want to keep organized. I'm trying to figure out if there is some sort of property that can be attached to the project in order to provide a description of what the project is or what it was created to do or test. I would hope that this field can be easily viewed at the time you are browsing through a list of projects. It would be nice if I could put descriptive text into this field and not have to consider giving my projects names like 'TwitterOAuth2TestImplementationUsingScribe'
Anything that would allow you to browse your projects in a way similar to this (each line represents an Eclipse project):
Myproj1 Simple Test Project
LogTest3 Test new logging class
NetworkUDPTests Testing UDP classes
OAuth2Example Sample project for Oauth2
Unfortunately, project "description" is the name of the .project file that stores each project's settings, so it is a bit harder to search for information on this.
Thats an interesting question we also face. Currently there does not seem to exist a solution for this problem. The only thing that could come near to providing one is the Mylyn Intent project, as it aims to provide a comprehensive documentation on design decisions, which takes into account the inter-dependencies between plugins.
This inter-dependency is exactly the problem. There exist solutions to document the purpose of java packages which is limited to the classes however.
Our solution is a readme.textile embedded in the root of each plugin, providing this specific information. It would, however, be interesting to introduce the documentation used for packages for bundle documentation, which could be used to autogenerate an overview documentation.
There is a comment tag in the .project file:
However it looks like Eclipse itself doesn't use the content of this tag. I changed it manually but after that I've never seen the text I entered anywhere in Eclipse
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Closed 9 years ago.
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The new Microsoft TypeScript language (typed superset of JavaScript) seems very interesting, is there any alpha / incubator project that attempts to support it in Eclipse? Or is it too early to even wish for it
Check this open source plugin which is build by palantir.
This question was asked the day TypeScript was released, so as of today (Oct 2nd 2012), there is no support. Having said that, the XText team -- a team responsible for rapidly creating DSLs -- is aware of TypeScript and I wouldn't be surprised if they do something.
Another place to look is Microsoft. Depending on what their motivation is with TypeScript, they may push for an Eclipse project (although I doubt it).
Orion (the web based eclipse ide) would be a good fit. It is already using nodejs, so it would be easier to incorporate tsc and the language services. Right now they already support Javascript including some type inference. I understood typescript is on their radar.
Looks like the beta of an Eclipse Typescript plugin was uploaded on Aug 7 2013. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but it looks promising.
Until a specific plugin is implemented, if you are adventurous enough, you might try and just use JSDT and associate *.ts files with the JavaScript editor. If you get JavaScript validation errors, disable the JavaScript Validator under Project > Properties > Builders. For automatic TypeScript compiling, you can set up an external builder as described here or here.
My settings:
Location: /usr/local/bin/tsc
Working directory: ${build_project}
Arguments: ${build_files:f}
Refresh resources upon completion: checked
The folder containing the selected resource
PATH = /user/local/bin
Build Options
Allocate console: checked
Run the builder: During auto builds
Specify Resources: a folder that contains *.ts files
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'd like to be able to integrate Android api docs into Eclipse so that, for example, if hover over an Activity class you get the appropriate Javadoc in a popup.
So to add Javadoc to Android you open up any Android project in Eclipse. Location the "Android x.x" library. In this right click on the android.jar file and select Properties. Choose the Javadoc location entry.
In the JavadocURL section I entered and clicked Validate but it gives the usual error of
Location might be invalid. Files 'package-list' and 'index.html' that are typically available at the root of the documentation created by the Javadoc tool have not been found
I've tried lots of variations of that URL but to no avail.
I also don't want to have to resort to downloading the source for Android.
In Eclipse right click the Android Library, and hit Configure Build Path. Then Select Android.jar and click Javadoc location. Click Edit then make sure Javadoc URL is selected. In the box, type in: "".
BTW one possible (but unsatisfactory) solution is to get the Honeycomb API docs to access them offline.
In the AVD Manager download the "Documentation for Android 'Honeycomb' Preview SDK" package. This installs into your .../android-sdk-linux_x86/ directory under docs. You can then link the android.jar file to it as detailed above.
I wouldn't mind being able to download the docs for the particular API version I use but I can't find it anywhere. I'd still prefer to access the online version.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for a tool to give me some code metrics (total LOCs, LOC/Class, # of external references/class, etc...).
Does anyone know a good eclipse plugin that could provide me some some code metrics?
CodePro AnalytiX originally form Instantiations is now free at Google:
here is one called Metrics.
i put together a short program for this screenshot in eclipse
Edit 2
Metrics New version Thanks #mpartel for the link
Sorry for the necropost but it seems like the right thing to do since this was my starting point. Try Metrics2, its a fork of the original metrics plugin and is built for Eclipse 3.5.
There is an updated version of the Metrics plug-in described above that should do what you need. It can aggregate some of the measurements (e.g. add up the LOC of classes in a package to give you the LOC of the package) and export the measurements to XML. Some time in the near future, it should also export them to a relational database.
If you want LOC only then use locmetric . and if you want check metric and code coverage usse SONAR or Eclips CodePro Analytix plugin.
i suggest to use it has Automated tools measure quality of Java source code and code coverage
A search for eclipse code+metrics turns up, which looks good.
I also recommend the eclipse-metrics plugin.
It is capable of exporting the metrics into html, and is capable of doing this from an ant task (at least according to the documentation, I have never tried it).
The plugin works even in Eclipse 3.5 fine.
Sonar seems worth to look at:
Another good project is the projectusus, which shows you not only the metrics but also whether you are respecting the standards or not and gives you a hint of what should be refactored