Can I download an app's xcappdata folder from the command line? - iphone

I want to look at the database from my iPhone app.
I can download the app's xcappdata folder from Xcode's organizer, but I'd really prefer to do this from the command line so that the entire process could be automated.
The database needs to be pulled from an actual iPhone, not the emulator. Is this possible?

Apple does not allow you to pull data from the iPhone, as one could simply pull keychain files or personal data off the phone a decrypt it. If you want, however, you could jailbreak the iPhone, download OpenSSH from Cydia, and SSH onto the phone to download the file. I do not endorse the second method; it is only if you really want the file.
I think I understand your question correctly, but tell me if I'm wrong.
Hope this helps.


How to convert a normal application icon into a downloading icon on iPhone's SpringBoard?

I'm writing a jailbroken app in iPhone, I'd like to add a updating mechanism for this app and it works like the updating via App Store.
I know that every icon on SpringBoard is a SBApplicationIcon object, while the icon with a progress bar for updating is SBDownloadingIcon object. My problem is that I can not find any method to convert.
If I understand correctly, you want to update apps like it does when via App Store with the Progress Bar on it.
Try using the itms-services (Wireless ad-hoc distribution). For that you need to create a simple plist file and the ipa and upload it to a server. It'll help you download the app in the same way App Store does.
I understand since it's for jailbroken filesystem, it's not on the App Store. That's why I'm saying, upload the two files (IPA and PLIST file) to a free web server space, you can get easily.
If you can build an ipa for the app, then follow the link I mentioned above.
If it's a .deb package, then it can't be done that way, AFAIK.
Hope this helps.
If you want to do this, you have to use a itms-services url. Since your code can't make itself writable, you will not be able to change the object from a SBApplicationIcon to a SBDownloadingIcon object (and back again to a SBApplicationIcon so that users can use the app).

How do I remove data that was installed as part of an iPhone App I'm devleoping?

I'm developing an iPhone application that's particularly large, and contains loads of videos. (Not my fault, it's on behalf of a client).
I tried to run it on my iPhone, via XCode, not remembering I didn't have enough space on there to copy all the vids over, it errored halfway through.
However, it seems that the couple of videos it did manage to copy are still on the phone, and I now have 0 space on my phone, according to settings.
So I guess my question is where on the phones filesystem will these be stored, so that I can delete them?
EDIT: As the App didn't sucessfully install, theres no icon on the home screen for it.
You can use iPhoneExplorer to explore/remove the files on your iPhone.
Have you tried the iPhone Configuration Utility?
If the app has somehow been half-installed so it has no icon, then it might still appear in this tool where you can remove it.
If you can see the app on the organizer, try this:
1.- In the devices organizer, select Applications in the device.
2.- Select an application from the list of installed applications.
3.- Click Delete, and confirm that you want to remove the application.
Figured it out, eventually found it in a folder called:

Not loading all content of ipa file into device while using itunes

i developed an app which is meant to read books(pdf book reader).i loaded 25 books(total size of 320MB) into the app using absolute path.all the books are been seen in the simulator and also i can load all the books into my device through xcode(build and run).
my requirement:
when i loaded the above obtained ipa file into the same device or other device which are in ad-hoc distribution using itunes , it is strange that only few books are being seen in the device.
note: i made sure that all the books are present in the .ipa file,i deleted old app in the device which i run via xcode. the device is in ad-hoc distribution.
while code signing i used the iphone developer certificate.
is it necessary to use distribution certificate instead iphone developer certificate which i feel that might be one reason for my problem?
plz anyone suggest me with exact solution to the scenario.
tnx in advance
I know I have seen problems going from simulator to live device. The simulator is not case sensitive, but the device is. Recheck all your actual files in bundle vs what you are requesting when you open the file. They need to match exactly for device, but not so much for simulator.
I would also try seting the apps-Info.plst to have "Application supports iTunes file sharing" on so you could see what is in the documents folder (this is if your moving files in that area).
One problem might be as RAZ suggested that iPhone is case sensitive, but there could be other problems.
For starters I would check the that ipa does contain everything you think should be there. Take the ipa, change the extension to zip and open it. You'll get a folder containing you're app. Right click the .app and choose show package. You'll now see all the files/resources included in your app. If the files that won't load in the app are there then you'll need to provide more information about the problem.
If they're not you need to make sure xCode knows to copy them to the app resources.
You might have resources that you haven't copied into the project, and you're only referencing the files on your hard disk. Then when you make the .ipa file it's not included. Try re-importing all your resources and select "copy to project".

Transfer Zip file from iPhone app

I have an iPhone app that creates a zip file.
I need to provide an easy way to allow the user to transfer that zip file to their PC (not via any network connectivity, as this file could be rather large).
Any suggestions?
Currently there is no way to accomplish this. You cannot hook into the synchronization until the next release of iPhone OS.
However, it works fine in Android.
For development builds you can access the file through Xcode's Organizer, and save locally to the Mac. I am not sure what is required to permit the access, perhaps the signing certificate?
iPhone Explorer (now iExplorer) works to grab files stored in an app bundle. I use it all the time.

How to read iPhone files without jailbreaking?

I'd like to access files in an iPhone, such as using remotely connecting via ssh and telnet. But it appears that the iPhone's ssh or telnet are not supported. I can ping it, but cannot use telnet or ssh.
I read through some internet article, it appears that using jailbreak or Cydia it is doable, but I guess it would break my iPhone's license.
Is there an official way to ssh or telnet into my iPhone?
You can't just access any file in a non-jailbroken iPhone.
You can access data files for your own programs during development using Xcode's Organizer, go to Devices -> your iphone -> Summary -> Applications -> your app, click on the triangle thingy to show the Application Data, which you can download.
Otherwise use something like Airsharing (see moogs' answer which came as I was writing this) to upload&download a bunch of files.
I loved ssh-ing before, but Airsharing is even better. You can upload files via a wifi connection to your ipod (using a browser or via webDAV). It was free for the first few weeks, but now it goes for $4.99. That's still not bad.
You can view office, image, pdf and html files.
(I'm not affiliated with airsharing, just a happy user :) )
No you can't. You have to jailbreak to do that.
Even when not jailbroken, you can access some part of the filesystem with iPhone Broswer
I was very surprised and please with iPhone Explorer. It's one of those softwares that just work and needs nothing installed on the iPhone, but it will give full file access if your iphone is jailbroken.
Now, of course ideally we'd install something on the iPhone without needing anything on the computer and access files on the iPhone like a pen drive (and unlike some apps that do that but only through HTTP and wi-fi), but this is fairly good enough. And it's free! Because they use it to promote their other apps, and file exploring on iPhone is nearly useless for most users anyway.
There's just no way jose in hell to access all files in the iPhone without jailbreaking. Period. Apple have never allowed it.
Try using iFile I have tried all the others and this one is my favourites.
Hope this helps you.
You can do it with iFunbox, but you dont have access to edit, move , delete the system files , so you dont have full access to have full access you need to jailbreak your iDevice.