Calculate difference in months between two dates with Groovy - date

I need to calculate the difference in months between two dates.
start = new Date(112, 4, 30) // Wed May 30 00:00:00 CEST 2012
end = new Date(111, 9, 11) // Tue Oct 11 00:00:00 CEST 2011
assert 8 == monthsBetween(start, end)
Using Joda-Time it's really easy to achieve this with something like this:
months = Months.monthsBetween(start, end).getMonths()
How can I achieve this in a Groovy way, without using other libraries?

monthBetween = (start[Calendar.MONTH] - end[Calendar.MONTH]) + 1
yearsBetween = start[Calendar.YEAR] - end[Calendar.YEAR]
months = monthBetween + (yearsBetween * 12)

If you want to get difference in months by month name, instead of days and weeks, you can do this.
Ex: December 7, 2013 vs January 21, 2014 will give you a difference of 1
Date dateFrom = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd", "2013-12-07")
Date dateTo = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd", "2014-01-21")
def diffMonths = { Date start, Date end ->
int diffYears = (start[Calendar.YEAR] - end[Calendar.YEAR]) * 12
int diffMonths = start[Calendar.MONTH] - end[Calendar.MONTH]
return diffYears + diffMonths
println diffMonths(dateTo, dateFrom)
The following will output 1


Just for fun (as it probably less readable, and uses more resources), you could also do:
months = (start..end).collect { [ it[ Calendar.YEAR ], it[ Calendar.MONTH ] ] }

I agree with #JonSkeet: you should continue to use Joda-Time. IMO, Joda-Time and Groovy are a great fit for each other.
The closest that you can come (that I could find) would be to use the additional Date methods in the Groovy JDK to do this:
int differenceInDays = start - end
which calculates the difference between the two dates in days. This leaves you to convert the days into months yourself, which sucks.
Stick with Joda-Time.

As Jon Skeet mentioned, you are better of using Joda-Time then wrapping your head around this topic.
Be aware though that Joda-Time returns the number of full months between the two dates, including a proper handling of daylight-savings time.


Extract time from date time and find difference between 2 times

I am trying to convert EPOC time to date time and need to extract the time only from that
I am doing below
$min = $Time_Start | measure -Minimum
$max = $Time_End | measure -Maximum
[datetime]$oUNIXDatemin=(Get-Date 01.01.1970)+([System.TimeSpan]::fromseconds($min.Minimum))
$oUNIXDatemin_1 = $oUNIXDatemin.ToString("HH:mm:ss")
[datetime]$oUNIXDatemax=(Get-Date 01.01.1970)+([System.TimeSpan]::fromseconds($max.Maximum))
$oUNIXDatemax_1 = $oUNIXDatemax.ToString("HH:mm:ss")
Problem is while converting I am getting $oUNIXDatemin_1 and $oUNIXDatemax_1 value like
12 October 2021 07:46:46
12 October 2021 21:16:04
My EPOC values are
Please let me know what is wrong here. Need to find the difference in HH:mm:ss format.
In PowerShell, you'd usually use a format string. Subtracting two PowerShell datetimes returns a value of type Timespan, which is well-behaved over a span of more than 24 hours.
([datetime]"12 October 2021 21:16:04" - [datetime]"12 October 2021 07:46:46") -f "HH:mm:ss"
Be careful here. Both intervals (durations) and time (of day) have the same format, but different meanings. For example, it makes sense to multiply the interval "01:00:00" (1 hour) by 3 to get three hours; it doesn't make sense to multiply the time "01:00:00" (1 o'clock AM) by 3.
I'm sure the overall calculation can be simplified, but it's too early for me.

Strange Date object in MongoDB [duplicate]

As per MDN
"Date objects are based on a time value that is the number of milliseconds since 1 January, 1970 UTC."
Then why does it accept negative values ?
Even if it did shouldn't negative value mean values before Jan 1, 1970 ?
new Date('0000', '00', '-1'); // "1899-12-30T05:00:00.000Z"
new Date('0000', '00', '00'); // "1899-12-31T05:00:00.000Z"
new Date('-9999', '99', '99'); // "-009991-07-08T04:00:00.000Z"
What is happening ?
For some positive values , the year begins from 1900
new Date(100); // "1970-01-01T00:00:00.100Z" // it says 100Z
new Date(0100); // "1970-01-01T00:00:00.064Z" // it says 64Z
new Date("0006","06","06"); // "1906-07-06T04:00:00.000Z"
Also note that, in the last one, the date is shown as 4 which is wrong.
I suspect this is some sort of Y2K bug ?!!
This is hard and inconsistent, yes. The JavaScript Date object was based on the one in Java 1.0, which is so bad that Java redesigned a whole new package.
JavaScript is not so lucky.
Date is "based on" unix epoch because of how it is defined. It's internal details.
1st Jan 1970 is the actual time of this baseline.
since is the direction of the timestamp value: forward for +ve, backward for -ve.
Externally, the Date constructor has several different usages, based on parameters:
Zero parameters = current time
new Date() // Current datetime. Every tutorial should teach this.
The time is absolute, but 'displayed' timezone may be UTC or local.
For simplicity, this answer will use only UTC. Keep timezone in mind when you test.
One numeric parameter = timestamp # 1970
new Date(0) // 0ms from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
new Date(100) // 100ms from 1970 baseline.
new Date(-10) // -10ms from 1970 baseline.
One string parameter = iso date string
new Date('000') // Short years are invalid, need at least four digits.
new Date('0000') // 0000-01-01. Valid because there are four digits.
new Date('1900') // 1900-01-01.
new Date('1900-01-01') // Same as above.
new Date('1900-01-01T00:00:00') // Same as above.
new Date('-000001') // 2 BC, see below. Yes you need all those zeros.
Two or more parameters = year, month, and so on # 1900 or 0000
new Date(0,0) // 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z.
new Date(0,0,1) // Same as above. Date is 1 based.
new Date(0,0,0) // 1 day before 1900 = 1899-12-31.
new Date(0,-1) // 1 month before 1900 = 1899-12-01.
new Date(0,-1,0) // 1 month and 1 day before 1900 = 1899-11-30.
new Date(0,-1,-1) // 1 month and *2* days before 1900 = 1899-11-29.
new Date('0','1') // 1900-02-01. Two+ params always cast to year and month.
new Date(100,0) // 0100-01-01. Year > 99 use year 0 not 1900.
new Date(1900,0) // 1900-01-01. Same as new Date(0,0). So intuitive!
Negative year = BC
new Date(-1,0) // 1 year before 0000-01-01 = 1 year before 1 BC = 2 BC.
new Date(-1,0,-1) // 2 days before 2 BC. Fun, yes? I'll leave this as an exercise.
There is no 0 AC. There is 1 AC and the year before it is 1 BC. Year 0 is 1 BC by convention.
2 BC is displayed as year "-000001".
The extra zeros are required because it is outside normal range (0000 to 9999).
If you new Date(12345,0) you will get "+012345-01-01", too.
Of course, the Gregorian calendar, adopted as late as 1923 in Europe, will cease to be meaningful long before we reach BC.
In fact, scholars accept that Jesus wasn't born in 1 BC.
But with the stars and the land moving at this scale, calendar is the least of your worries.
The remaining given code are just variations of these cases. For example:
new Date(0100) // One number = epoch. 0100 (octal) = 64ms since 1970
new Date('0100') // One string = iso = 0100-01-01.
new Date(-9999, 99, 99) // 9999 years before BC 1 and then add 99 months and 98 days
Hope you had some fun time. Please don't forget to vote up. :)
To stay sane, keep all dates in ISO 8601 and use the string constructor.
And if you need to handle timezone, keep all datetimes in UTC.
Well, firstly, you're passing in string instead of an integer, so that might have something to do with your issues here.
Check this out, it explains negative dates quite nicely, and there is an explanation for your exact example.
Then why does it accept negative values ?
You are confusing the description of how the data is stored internally with the arguments that the constructor function takes.
Even if it did shouldn't negative value mean values before Jan 1, 1970 ?
No, for the above reason. Nothing stops the year, month or day from being negative. You just end up adding a negative number to something.
Also note that, in the last one, the date is shown as 4 which is wrong.
Numbers which start with a 0 are expressed in octal, not decimal. 0100 === 64.
Please have a look at the documentation
Year: Values from 0 to 99 map to the years 1900 to 1999
1970 with appropriate timezone: new Date(0); // int MS since 1970
1900 (or 1899 with applied timezone): new Date(0,0) or new Date(0,0,1) - date is 1 based, month and year are 0 based
1899: new Date(0,0,-1) amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit) Unsupported unit

I trying to add few years to current time. My code looks like:
// ten yeas ago
int backYears = 10;
Instant instant = ChronoUnit.YEARS.addTo(, -backYears);
But I got an exception:
java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException: Unsupported unit: Years
When I opened the method I see the following:
public Instant plus(long amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
switch ((ChronoUnit) unit) {
case NANOS: return plusNanos(amountToAdd);
case MICROS: return plus(amountToAdd / 1000_000, (amountToAdd % 1000_000) * 1000);
case MILLIS: return plusMillis(amountToAdd);
case SECONDS: return plusSeconds(amountToAdd);
case MINUTES: return plusSeconds(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE));
case HOURS: return plusSeconds(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, SECONDS_PER_HOUR));
case HALF_DAYS: return plusSeconds(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, SECONDS_PER_DAY / 2));
case DAYS: return plusSeconds(Math.multiplyExact(amountToAdd, SECONDS_PER_DAY));
throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: " + unit);
return unit.addTo(this, amountToAdd);
As you can see MONTHS and YEARS are unsupported. But why?
With an old java.util.Calendar I can do that easily:
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.add(Calendar.YEAR, amount);
return c.getTime();
The only one reason what I guess is that we don't know how many days in a month and year because of leap day 29 Feb.
But to be honest we also have a leap second.
Thus I think that this is a bug and all ChronoUnits should be supported.
The only one question is: do we need to take in account leap second and leap day.
As for my needs it's okay just to assume that month has 30 days and year 365.
I don't need to make something like Calendar.roll() but this can satisfy me too.
Let’s try something out. I am taking an instant as ZonedDateTime and subtracting 10 years in different time zones.
OffsetDateTime origin = OffsetDateTime.of(2018, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC);
Instant originInstant = origin.toInstant();
Instant tenYearsBackKyiv = origin.atZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("Europe/Kiev"))
long hoursSubtractedKyiv = ChronoUnit.HOURS.between(tenYearsBackKyiv, originInstant);
System.out.println("Hours subtracted in Київ: " + hoursSubtractedKyiv);
Instant tenYearsBackSaoPaulo = origin.atZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("America/Sao_Paulo"))
long hoursSubtractedSaoPaulo = ChronoUnit.HOURS.between(tenYearsBackSaoPaulo, originInstant);
System.out.println("Hours subtracted in São Paulo: " + hoursSubtractedSaoPaulo);
The output is:
Hours subtracted in Київ: 87648
Hours subtracted in São Paulo: 87672
As you can see, 24 hours more (1 day more) is subtracted in São Paulo compared to Київ (Kyiv, Kiev). You may already have figured out that it’s because there we pass from 1 March to 29 February three times in leap years, in Київ only twice.
The old and now outdated Calendar class always had a time zone in it, so knew in which time zone to subtract years (another thing is it was happy to give you a result even in situations where it was unclear which result you wanted). The modern classes ZonedDateTime, OffsetDateTime and LocalDateTime can do the same. So use them. An Instant conceptually doesn’t have a time zone, so refuses to do operations that depend on time zone (I know it’s implemented using UTC, but we should regard this as an irrelevant implementation detail, not as a part of the specification of the interface to the class).
Neither the old nor the modern classes take leap seoncds into account, and you are right, only therefore can an Instant add and subtract days, hours and minutes.

Setting up a two week timetable in Swift

NOTE: I am a new Swift programmer, a NOOB if you will.
I am creating a school timetable app just for personal use to practise my coding. However, our school operates on a two week time table system, with 10 days, labeled 1 through to ten. I am wondering if anyone had some ideas as to how I could work out whether the current date is day one or day nine or day 4. I know I could use if statements for the dates, but the would take a long time, and require manual input of the dates. How could I have the app keep count of what day it is, skipping weekends?
EDIT - I could maybe have 14 days, with days 6,7,13 and 14 empty.
The current date is OCT 4, this is day one. I would like the app to be able to work out what day of the timetable the current date is. This would then load the appropriate day (e.g. Subject, Teacher, Classroom). Day One is Monday, Two is Tuesday, Five is Friday, Six is Monday, 10 is Friday. Could I have some sort of rostering system?
I am sorry if the question is vague, please tell me if I need to clarify.
I have been working on a fix for weeks now, so I have decided to turn to help. Any guidance whatsoever would be much appreciated, as I am at a dead end!
Many thanks
The numbers that I'm plugging into this example probably don't match your requirements but consider this as a strategy. (In this case, using a 1-to-14 cycle. If you'd rather get 1-to-10 you can put in a subtraction and a different error to throw on the "bad" days.)
class CyclicDay {
enum CyclicDayError: ErrorType {
case InvalidStartDate
lazy var baseline: NSDate? = {
// Set up some start date that matches day 1
var components = NSDateComponents() = 6
components.month = 9
components.year = 2015
return NSCalendar.currentCalendar().dateFromComponents(components)
func dayOfCycle(testDate: NSDate) throws -> Int {
if let start = baseline {
// Convert difference to days
let interval = testDate.timeIntervalSinceDate(start)
let days = interval / (60 * 60 * 24)
// Convert to value 1..14 to position in a 2-week cycle
return Int(days % 14) + 1
throw CyclicDayError.InvalidStartDate
// Test today
let cd = CyclicDay()
let day = try cd.dayOfCycle(NSDate())

Given Year, Month,Day and the Week number, is it possible to get the Date in C#? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Calculate date from week number
Given Year, Month,Day and the Week number, is it possible to get the Date?
e.g. Year = 2010
Month =Jan
Day = Sun
WeekNumber = 3
output : 2010-01-10
I am trying it in c#
I would make it like this:
int Year = 2010;
int Month = 1; //Jan=1, Feb=2, ...
int Day = 0; //Sun=0, Mon=1, ...
int WeekNumber = 3; // greater than 0
DateTime dateValue = new DateTime(Year, Month, 1);
int firstDay = (int)dateValue.DayOfWeek;
dateValue = dateValue.AddDays(Day - firstDay + (WeekNumber - 1) * 7);
I don't think there's something for such date calculations in plain .NET BCL. But there are libraries that can help you, see i.e. Fluent DateTime. Using this library, you can try something like that:
var firstWeekInYearBeginning = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2).Previous(DayOfWeek.Monday); // note 2 to not miss a week if the year begins on Monday
var expectedDate = 3.Weeks().From(firstWeekInYearBeginning);
Based on the APIs here, don't this its possible to initialize a DateTime Object from the information given. You would need to develop an algorithm to get the exact date of the year. A simple strategy would be to get the first Day of the month and based on that, find first Monday of the month. This is the start of WeekNumber 1 for that month, and you can locate your required Week by simpl loop and locate the exact date. You would then know the calendar date you are interested in.
BTW: I am assuming WeekNumber of a year/month starts from the first Monday of that Year/Month. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Maybe you should check out System.Globalization.Calendar class. It might be useful.