The Like Link don't work correctly - facebook

I have a quick question, maybe someone can help me.
I have some items that will each receive a like-link, that works quite well, only when transferred to FB the link is "cut".
Instead, of he gives only
Have you any idea how I can fix it?
Thank you

You need to url encode it, so that special characters will be encoded, such as '?', '=', etc...
With your example, the encoded url is:
Here's an online url encoder/decoder:

The link is e.g.
and the code:
<iframe src="//{$cgsimple->self_url()|replace:":":"%3A"|replace:"/":"%2F"|replace:"&":"%26"|replace:"=":"%3D"}&send=false&layout=standard&width=450&show_faces=false&action=like&colorscheme=light&font=arial&height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Written like that the the link will look like this:
but still the &pos=1 will be missing...
Thank you for your help.


"The parameter href is required" error using Facebook Page Plugin

A user reported that the Page Plugin widget throws an error for him: "the parameter href is required".
So I dug a little deeper, and found that if I put the demo code (which can be found on in a codepen, it throws the same error, as you can see here: .
<iframe src="" width="340" height="500" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
Here's the pen: .
On the docs page it does work, but that might be because of a different type of integration.
It is working properly on my end, so I find it very hard to debug. The user isn't using an ad blocker. Any tips?

Blogger - How to Percent Encode an URL / Escape It to Use as Query Param?

In blogspot template engine how do you escape the post URL to use it as a query param so you can use it in facebook / twitter / whatever buttons and iframes?
Problem: I have an iframe with a src that takes an URL.
<iframe src="">
So say my post URL is I need to convert :/. to percent encoded characters, and also ?&% etc. Otherwise I get this:
<iframe src="">
And that just looks like it's going to break someday. How can I escape the URL in blogger?
The way to do it is pretty simple and all it takes is wasting a couple of hours searching every corner of the internet for some semblance of documentation on blogspot's template engine and reading through a bunch of StackOverflow's answer that just dismiss the question with "use shareurl instead."
Anyway. Every string in blogspot templates has a .escaped field that is the string escaped. That is it. You just anyurl.escaped and it works. It can be data:post.url.escaped or data:post.url.canonical.escaped or whatever.
+ data:post.url.canonical.escaped + "width=173&layout=button_count&action=like&size=small&show_faces=false&share=true&height=46&appId=YOUR_APP_ID_HERE"" width="173"
height="46" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Other elusive string attributes can be found in this extremely fishy blog:
You'd think google would have this info somewhere easy to find but all they got are blogger HTTP API docs? What?

"Like" button not working, (iframe) version

I know this is a common question but I haven't found any answers. I click the button but nothing happens. I've been using the linter and have all the og tags.
Here's my code (straight from the like button creator) and site:
<iframe src="//" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Thank you.
?href& This is the problem. You need to really put your url-encoded url here: ?href=%3A%2F%2F&
Also check out your page in the linter:
It says you should also specify the og:description too.
You need to remove all the 'amp;' that separate the query strings. So, instead of having '&' separating each query strings you should just have '&'. You also don't have anything for url for 'href'
I was facing this problem from last 4 hours & it turned out to be a browser related issue. After I've started accepting third party cookies from suddenly every thing started working...

Facebook registration plugin is not displaying fields

I have the following facebook registration plugin that lets user register through their FB account. Following is theiFrame that does this job.
<iframe src="
When this displays, only the name field of the user is visible and the rest-birthday, gender, location, email are not visible. I tried setting the fields to JSON type as well but the problem still persists.
Here is the screenshot of what the problem looks like
Help would be appreciated.
So I have found the answer. It was a minor missing of &-ampersand, after profileThis.php in redirect_uri that was causing this issue. A silly mistake costs both time and effort I reckon.

Facebook Like Box isn't working

I'm trying to add a Facebook "Like Box" to an existing website, as described here
The Page I'm promoting works just fine in preview-box on that page.
But when I copy/paste the code as shown to my website, it instead shows a fraction of an empty facebook page with only a partially visible error message.
<iframe src=""
style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:260px; height:px"></iframe>
I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong, and I added "Like Box"'s in the past, before Facebook released their new API.
Please help?
You have to replace all the "&" of the Facebook Likebox generator code with "&" - then it works.
Combine this method with Lemmy's method to make it work.
So the final result looks like these instead
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:260px; height:px"></iframe>
I copied and pasted the code supplied for the iframe, and it didn't work. I discovered there was no http: before the code. Once I put it there, everything worked perfectly.
I also faced same problem using facebook's social plugin.
In this plugin if user enter wrong input then security question comes with random generated code with 2 words, but user can view only 1 word means it shows partial part..
Here is Onther solution .... It Really Works!!!
<script type='text/javascript' src=''>
<script type='text/javascript'>FB.init('aaafdced248eed501f09f66e3c5b7de9');</script>
<fb:fan profile_id=\"118774364811981\" stream=\"0\" connections=\"10\" logobar=\"0\" width=\"244\" height=\"240\" css='serverside_facebook.css?1'>
I used above code in Java verticalPanel.getElement().setInnerHTML("above code");
It really works!
Change profile_id=SenRandyGordon to profile=1&id=SenRandyGordon
It work for me
try thins iframe code working fine and tested by me on wordpress
<iframe src="//" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; height:290px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
John's answer might work. Haven't tried it. This worked for me:
change profile_id= to just id= in the embed code.