HP-UX and RHEL ping difference - porting

I have these two commands for different environments..
for HP-UX: "ping someaddress 10"
for RHEL: "ping someaddress -c 10"
Im Porting an application from HP-UX to RHEL and i cant tell if these two commands have same results since, I dont have a HP-UX system.
I have read the HP-UX manual
( http://bizsupport2.austin.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01922497/c01922497.pdf )
but still it doesn't help since no options were specified in the command.
Any idea?

You can get access to a HP-UX shell via the HP Alliance program. Registration is required. This might help you to test your scripts.


How do I run cygwin ssh properly on powershell?

My OS is Windows 10 (x64) and I installed both Powershell 7 and cygwin.
Then, I installed "sshpass" using cygwin.
And, here are the cases I am experiencing right now.
From cmd, if I enter "C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -", cygwin pops up with initial directory "~". Then, if I type "sshpass -p<password> ssh <username>#<host>", it perfectly works smoothly!
From cmd, if I enter "C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe", cygwin pops up with directory "/cygdrive/c/Users/myname". Then, if I type "sshpass -p<password> ssh <username>#<host>", it asks me to type the password. This means that sshpass is not working correctly here.
From powershell, if I type "C:\cygwin64\bin\sshpass.exe -p<password> C:\cygwin64\bin\ssh <username>#<host>", nothing happens.
My questions are the following:
How do I properly run sshpass command in Powershell?
Let's say my ip address is and I am connecting to a server whose ip is, and both computers OS systems are Windows. When I connect to the server through ssh, it shows the "cmd" terminal of the server. How can I change it to show "cygwin" terminal when I connect to the server?
I am having very hard time fixing this out.. Thank you very much in advance..
I am not sure i am getting this, anyway, if i understand correctly you have a hard time launching sshpass from powershell.
Try using Start-Process commandlet: (maybe add the full path to ssh in arguments (?))
start-process -filepath C:\cygwin64\bin\sshpass.exe -ArgumentList '-p<password> ssh <username>#<host>' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Anyway instead of reaching linux commands to windows and run it from powershell, why don't you check powershell modules?
ssh using powerShell script by passing the password along with the Commnad
Also, Powershell Remoting towards linux is a thing nowadays, and it runs over ssh (not bash afaik)

Shell alias expansion under ESXi host does not auto complete - AND - detecting if running interactively

Since ESXi does not come with bash, I am sourcing an .sh file to set up some custom aliases for common commands while connected via ssh.
On other distros like RHEL, I can type part of an alias and hit tab to autocomplete. This does not seem to work under ESXi 7.x.
Is there a switch or something that I can turn on to make autocomplete work for custom aliases, or is this just a limitation of the shell that ESX offers?
NOTE: If type l<tab> then I DO get the built in commands that start with L.
Also while I'm on the topic of the ESXi shell… On RHEL I have this line in my .bashrc file
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
Purpose of this code being that if the current session is not being ran interactively then return else run rest of code.
When I run this on esx I get the error sh: *i*: unknown operand. Does the shell not support this substring methodology?
If I run echo $- then I get “smi” as the output.
As you probably know ESXi provides ash (NOT bash) and Busybox. Although Busybox includes ash as I recall ESXi uses a custom built executable (check where /bin/ash points or doesn't point to). The Wikipedia article on ash gives a good overview of ash and its minimalist philosopy. Shell history was originally not included and autocompletion is definitely regarded as a nice to have that didn't make the cut. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Run perl script on remote server

Is it possible to run perl script, which is located on a remote server, on that server from Windows? There is a job on a remote server that I want to get done every time I make something on Windows.
You have to have something listening for an instruction to run the script, and then you have to send the instruction.
There are lots of approaches you could take to that, including:
Running an SSH server and then connecting to it from an ssh client on the windows machine
Running an HTTP server, running the script through FastCGI, and then requesting the URL for it from curl or a browser on the Windows machine
Writing a custom protocol, listening on a socket, and then writing a custom client that you run on the Windows machine
You can use plink to run commands on the server from Windows, assuming the server is running sshd.
plink user#a.domain.ext echo hi
This will print "hi\n" to the standard output.
Substitute /path/to/perl/script for echo above and substitute hi with any command line argument that the script needs.
plink is available here: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
One cautionary personal note from doing this many times is that the environment in which the perl script will be run is much less complete than what you would experience when logging in via a full SSH session and running the command interactively. Many environment variables you would normally expect are unset.
For instance using "set | wc -l" in the command above produces only 39 environment variables defined, but from an interactive SSH session, there are 57 environment variables defined. You have to make sure your perl script isn't depending on an environment variable that hasn't been set. For instance, you may need to use full paths for any modules that it uses, or by using the -I flag in the shebang line, because #INC may not be what you expect it to be.

How to make command line tool work in windows and linux?

Making my PHP Command line application support Linux and Windows. Currently it has this code below to work from command line on Linux/unix
How can I make it work on Windows? I lan on having a setting to determine if the sytem is Linux or Windows and using the correct commands based on that but I do not know how to make these function below work in Windows
exec() is a PHP function to run stuff through the command line
exec("rm -f $dest_file", $var);
exec("mv $quant_file {$this->tmp_path}/{$src_filename}-quant.png");
You could test which platform you're on using the PHP_OS constant and run commands accordingly.
I would, however, suggest that you use the PHP provided filesystem functions (if possible).
Here are some links:

swlist command to get software installed on different system

When you run swlist with no arguments on an HPUX system you get the packages that are installed on that particular host. I want that same output but instead listing packages that are installed on a different system.
Is this possible?
find $(perl -e 'print"#INC"') -name \*.pm
will get you most of the way there.
Try using Net::SSH::Expect to execute the swlist command on the remote host, grab the output and do what you want with it. That's what I would do.