I have a few lines of powershell code that looks in a remote directory
Get-ChildItem "\\box_lab001\f$\output files" -force |
Where-Object {!$_.PsIsContainer -AND $_.lastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5) } |
Select-Object LastWriteTime,#{n="Path";e={convert-path $_.PSPath}} |
Tee-Object "\\\box_lab001\c$\Users\john\Documents\output files_root.txt" |
Remove-Item -force
What I'm looking to do is make this scalable across multiple boxes where if a user sees an issue on box_lab01, trough 10. Then he can run the script with a switch that will ask for input. It would then run the command separately, replacing box_lab### each time, possible?
C:\powershell.ps1 -input
what boxes are having the issue? use three digit numbers only, comma separated
You can use Read-Host to prompt for input. You can use param(...) to add parameters to a script:
param($input = $null)
if ($input) {
$foo = Read-Host -Prompt $input
You can then get the individual numbers by using -split:
$numbers = $foo -split ','
Loop over them:
$numbers | ForEach-Object {
You can use $_ within the block to refer to the current number.
You want to add a parameter that takes an array of values as input. You can then use these to check each machine:
# The numbers of the machines whose output files should be removed.
$MachineNumbers | ForEach-Object {
$machineRoot = '\\box_lab{0:d3}' -f $_
Get-ChildItem ('{0}\f$\output files' -f $machineRoot) -force |
Where-Object {!$_.PsIsContainer -AND $_.lastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5) } |
Select-Object LastWriteTime,#{n="Path";e={convert-path $_.PSPath}} |
Tee-Object ('{0}\c$\Users\john\Documents\output files_root.txt' -f $machineRoot) |
Remove-Item -force
The code ('\\box_lab{{0:d3}}' -f $_) converts each number passed from the user into a zero-padded, three character string (which appears to be your compuer naming schem). You would then call your script like this:
Remove-OutputFiles -MachineNumbers (1..10)
Remove-OutputFiles -MachineNumbers 1,2,3,4,5
You could give the MachineNumbers parameter a reasonable default, so that if no parameters are passed, it hits a default set of machines.
I would also uae the [CmdletBinding()] attribute to your script so you can pass -WhatIf to your script and see what files will be deleted without actually deleting them:
Remove-OutputFiles -MachineNumbers (1..3) -WhatIf
First of all, I'm a complete newbie at Powershell.
I've basically compiled a script from a number google search results and it works to a certain degree, so be gentle :)
I have a number of large plain text files that need scanning, junk data needs removing, and characters need renaming. Then create a new file in the same directory
Here is the script I have for individual files, I have replaced actual keywords for something unrelated, but for testing purposes you should see what I am trying to achieve:
Get-Content C:\Temp\Tomatoes-2022-09-27.txt |
Where-Object { - $_.Contains('red') } | # Keeping only lines containing "red"
Foreach {$_ -replace "[/()]",":"}| # replacing specific characters to a colon
Where-Object { -not $_.Contains('too red') } | # removing lines containing "too red"
Set-Content C:\Temp\Tomatoes-2022-09-27Ripe.txt # saving as a new file *Ripe.txt
This works for individual files just fine but what I need to do is the same process for any file within the Temp directory.
They all have similar names other than the date.
Here's what I have compiled for all files, but it overwrites existing files rather than creating a new one and I don't know how to get it to write to new files ie Tomotoes*Ripe.txt: *being the unique date
Get-ChildItem C:\Temp\*.* -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
(Get-Content $_) |
Where-Object { - $_.Contains('red') } |
ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "[/()]", ":" } |
Where-Object { -not $_.Contains('too red') } |
Set-Content $_
Or will it be better to create a copy first using New-Item then process the other jobs?
It's going to be something very simple I know! And will most definitely kick myself once corrected.
Thanks in advance
Looks like what you want is something like this:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Temp' -File -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$newFile = Join-Path -Path $_.DirectoryName -ChildPath ('{0}Ripe{1}' -f $_.BaseName, $_.Extension)
$newContent = Get-Content $_.FullName |
Where-Object { $_ -like '*red*' -and $_ -notlike '*too red*' } |
ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "[/()]", ":" }
$newContent | Set-Content -Path $newFile
To complement Theo's helpful answer - which is probably the most straightforward in your case - with a streaming, single-pipeline solution that showcases two advanced techniques:
the common -PipelineVariable (-pv) parameter, which allows you to store a cmdlet's current pipeline output object in a self-chosen variable that can be referenced later in a script block in a later pipeline segment.
delay-bind script blocks, which allow you to use a script block to dynamically determine a parameter value, typically based on the pipeline input object at hand; in this case, the pipeline variable is used.
# Create sample files
'red1' > t1.txt
'red2' > t2.txt
Get-ChildItem -PipelineVariable file t?.txt | # note `-PipelineVariable file`
Get-Content | # read file line by line
Where-Object { $_.Contains('red') } | # sample filter
ForEach-Object { $_ -replace 'e', '3' } | # sample transformation
Set-Content -LiteralPath { # delay-bind script block
# Determine the output file name based on pipelinve variable $file
'{0}Ripe{1}' -f $file.BaseName, $file.Extension
This results in files t1Ripe.txt and t2Ripe.txt, containing r3d1 and r3d2, respectively.
I have a simple PowerShell script that writes to a file a list of recently added files.
$fpath = "\\DS1821\video\movies"
$file1 = "C:\Users\brian.w.williams\Desktop\RecentMovie.txt"
if (Test-Path $file1) {Remove-Item -Path $file1}
Get-ChildItem -Path "$fpath" -File -Recurse -Include "*.eng.srt" |
ForEach-Object {
$movie = $_.BaseName -replace ".eng",""
if ( ($_.LastWriteTime.Month -ge 7) -and ($_.LastWriteTime.Year -ge 2021) ) {
Write-Host $movie " = " $_.LastWriteTime
Write-Output $movie | Out-file $file1 -append;
The script works fine. But I noticed that the script runs much faster (a couple of minutes) when run within Visual Code (i.e. "Run without debugging"). When I run the script standalone (i.e. "Run with PowerShell") the script can take hours to complete. Why the difference? Is there anything I can do to speed it up? I have tried mapping the network folder, but that made no difference.
There is improvement to be made to help the code speed up.
First of all, using Write-Host and Write-Output to append to a file inside the ForEach loop is very time consuming.
Then you're using parameter -Include on Get-ChildItem, where you really want to use -Filter. A Filter is MUCH faster than Include, because the latter will only filter the filenames afterwards. -Filter however can only work on one single filename pattern, but this is exactly what you are doing here.
The if(..) can also be improved to have it compare only one value (a datetime) instead of two separate properties from LastWriteTime.
$sourcePath = '\\DS1821\video\movies'
# set a variable to an output file on your desktop
$outputFile = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")) -ChildPath 'RecentMovies.txt'
# set the reference date in a variable for faster comparison later
$refdate = (Get-Date -Year 2021 -Month 7 -Day 1).Date
# get the files, filter on the name ending in '*.eng.srt'
# filter more with Where-Object so you'll get only files newer than or equal to the reference date
# output objects with one calculated property ('MovieName') and the LastWriteTime
$movies = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -File -Recurse -Filter '*.eng.srt' |
Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -ge $refdate } |
Select-Object #{Name = 'MovieName'; Expression = {$_.BaseName -replace '\.eng\.srt$', '.srt'}},
# now output what you have collected to file.
# Set-Content creates a new file or overwrites an existing file
$movies.MovieName | Set-Content -Path $outputFile
# and to screen
$movies | ForEach-Object { Write-Host ('{0} = {1}' -f $_.MovieName, $_.LastWriteTime.ToString()) }
# or to Out-GridView if you prefer
$movies | Out-GridView -Title 'My Movies'
1. I've changed some variable names to make the code better readable
2. Since -replace uses regex, you have to escape the dots with a backslash. The regex also anchors the string to the end of the BaseName with the dollar sign ($) at the end
I am using below Powershell script which successfully traverses through all my case folders within the main folder named Test. What it is incapable of doing is to rename each sub folder, if required, as can be seen in current and desired output. Script should first sort the sub folders based on current numbering and then give them proper serial numbers as folder name prefix by replacing undesired serial numbers.
I have hundreds of such cases and their sub folders which need to be renamed properly.
The below output shows two folders named "352" and "451" (take them as order IDs for now) and each of these folders have some sub-folders with a 2 digit prefix in their names. But as you can notice they are not properly serialized.
$Search = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\User\Desktop\test" -Filter "??-*" -Recurse -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
$Search | Set-Content -Path 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\result.txt'
Below is my current output:
C:\Users\User\Desktop\test\Case-451\09-Case Study
My desired output is as follows:
C:\Users\User\Desktop\test\Case-451\03-Case Study
Thank you so much. If my desired functionality can be extended to this script, it will be of great help.
You can do the following based on what you have posted:
$CurrentParent = $null
$Search = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\User\Desktop\test" -Filter '??-*' -Recurse -Directory | Where Name -match '^\d\d-\D' | Foreach-Object {
if ($_.Parent.Name -eq $CurrentParent) {
} else {
$CurrentParent = $_.Parent.Name
$Increment = 1
$CurrentNumber = "{0:d2}" -f $Increment
Join-Path $_.Parent.FullName ($_.Name -replace '^\d\d',$CurrentNumber)
$Search | Set-Content -Path 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\result.txt'
I added Where to filter more granularly beyond what -Filter allows.
-match and -replace both use regex to perform the matching. \d is a digit. \D is a non-digit. ^ matches the position at the beginning of the string.
The string format operator -f is used to maintain the 2-digit requirement. If you happen to reach 3-digit numbers, then 3 digit numbers will be output instead.
You can take this further to perform a rename operation:
$CurrentParent = $null
Get-ChildItem . -Filter '??-*' -Recurse -Directory | Where Name -match '^\d\d-\D' | Foreach-Object {
if ($_.Parent.Name -eq $CurrentParent) {
} else {
$CurrentParent = $_.Parent.Name
$Increment = 1
$CurrentNumber = "{0:d2}" -f $Increment
$NewName = $_.Name -replace '^\d\d',$CurrentNumber
$_ | Where Name -ne $NewName | Rename-Item -NewName $NewName -WhatIf
$NewName is used to simply check if the new name already exists. If it does, a rename will not happen for that object. Remove the -WhatIf if you are happy with the results.
I am converting code that currently parse a large csv file once for each agency. Below is what one line looks like:
Import-Csv $HostList | Where-Object {$_."IP Address" -Match "^192.168.532.*" -or $_Domain -eq "MYDOMAIN"`
-and (get-date $_.discovery_timestamp) -gt $PreviousDays} | select-object Hostname","Domain","IP Address","discovery_timestamp","some_version" | `
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $out_data"\OBS_"$Days"_days.txt"
write-host "OBS_DONE"
I have about 30 of these.
I want to parse the csv file once, possibly using foreach and import.csv.
I thought I could do something like:
$HostFile = Import-csv .\HostList.csv
foreach ($line in $HostFile)
Where-Object {$_."IP Address" -Match "^172.31.52.*"}
write-host $line
#| Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path H:\Case_Scripts\test.csv
I've tried many permutations of the above, and it never is matching on the "Where-Object" like it does on the example functioning script above.
Any guidance and learning opportunities are appreciated.
My good man, you need to be introduced to the Switch cmdlet. This will sort for all of your companies at once.
$CompanyA = #()
$CompanyB = #()
$CompanyD = #()
$Unknown = #()
Switch(Import-CSV .\HostList.csv){
{(($_."IP Address" -match "^192.168.532.*") -or ($_Domain -eq "CompanyA.com")) -and ((get-date $_.discovery_timestamp) -gt $PreviousDays)} {$CompanyA += $_; Continue}
{(($_."IP Address" -match "^192.26.19.*") -or ($_Domain -eq "CompanyB.net")) -and ((get-date $_.discovery_timestamp) -gt $PreviousDays)} {$CompanyB += $_; Continue}
{(($_."IP Address" -match "^94.8.222.*") -or ($_Domain -eq "CompanyC.org")) -and ((get-date $_.discovery_timestamp) -gt $PreviousDays)} {$CompanyC += $_; Continue}
default {$Unknown += $_}
$CompanyA | Export-Csv $out_data"\CompanyA"$Days"_days.txt" -NoType
$CompanyB | Export-Csv $out_data"\CompanyB"$Days"_days.txt" -NoType
$CompanyC | Export-Csv $out_data"\CompanyC"$Days"_days.txt" -NoType
If($Unknown.count -gt 0){Write-Host $Unknown.count + " Entries Did Not Match Any Company" -Fore Red
That will import the CSV, and for each entry try to match it against the criteria for each of the three lines. If it matches the criteria in the first ScriptBlock, it will perform the action in the second ScriptBlock (add that entry to one of the three arrays I created first). Then it outputs each array to it's own text file in CSV format as you had done in your script. The ;Continue just makes it so it stops trying to match once it finds a valid match, and continue's to the next record. If it can't match any of them it will default to adding it to the Unknown array, and at the end it checks if there are any in there it warns the host and lists the unmatched entries.
Edit: Switch's -RegEx argument... Ok, so the purpose of that is if you want a simple regex match such as:
Switch -regex ($ArrayOfData){
".*#.+?\..{2,5}" {"It's an email address"}
"\d{3}(?:\)|\.|-)\d{3}(?:\.|-)\d{4}" {"It's a phone number"}
"\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}" {"Probably a social security number"}
What this doesn't allow for is -and, or -or statements. If you use a scriptblock to match against (like I did in my top example) you can use the -match operator, which performs a regex match by default, so you can still use regex without having to use the -regex argument for Switch.
Where-Object should have a collection of objects passed to it. In your second script block this isn't happening, so in the filter the $_ variable will be empty.
There are a couple of ways to fix this - the first one that comes to mind is to replace Where-Object with an 'if' statement. For example
if ($line."IP Address" -Match "^172.31.52.*") { write-output $line }
I have trouble to use several commands in one Foreach or Foreach-Object loop
My situation is -
I have many text files, about 100.
So they are read Get-ChildItem $FilePath -Include *.txt
Every file's structure is same only key information is different.
User: Somerandomname
Computer: Somerandomcomputer
With -Replace command I remove "User:" and "Computer:" so $User = Somerandomname and $computer = "Somerandomcomputer.
In each circle $user and $Computer with -Append should be written to one file. And then next file should be read.
foreach-object { $file = $_.fullname;
should be used, but I can not figure out the right syntax for it. Could someone help me with it?
Assuming you've defined $FilePath, $user, and/or $computer elsewhere, try something like this.
$files = Get-ChildItem $FilePath\*.txt
foreach ($file in $files)
(Get-Content $file) |
Foreach-Object { $content = $_ -replace "User:", "User: $user" ; $content -replace "Computer:", "Computer: $computer" } |
Set-Content $file
You can use ; to delimit additional commands in within the Foreach-Object, for example if you wanted to have separate commands for your user and computer name. If you don't enclose the Get-Content cmdlet with parenthesis you will get an error because that process will still have $file open when Set-Content tries to use it.
Also note that with Powershell, strings in double quotes will evaluate variables, so you can put $user in the string to do something like "User: $user" if you so desired.
Try this:
gci $FilePath -Include *.txt | % {
gc $_.FullName | ? { $_ -match '^(?:User|Computer): (.*)' } | % { $matches[1] }
} | Out-File 'C:\path\to\output.txt'
If User and Computer are on separate lines, you need to read the lines two at a time. The ReadCount parameter of Get-Content allows you to do that.
Get-ChildItem $FilePath -Include *.txt `
| Get-Content -ReadCount 2 `
| %{ $user = $_[0] -replace '^User: ', ''; $computer = $_[1] -replace '^Computer: ', ''; "$user $computer" } `
| Out-File outputfile.txt
This makes the assumption that every file contains only lines of the exact form
User: someuser
Computer: somecomputer
User: someotheruser
Computer: someothercomputer
If this is not the case, you will need to provide whatever is the exact file format.