Where is the web server root directory on Angstrom Linux (BeagleBoard | BeagleBone)? - webserver

I'm trying to find the default web server directory on my BeagleBone with Angstrom Linux. That is, where are the files served when I go to:
Another way would be to answer this question: How do I find out what directory a port number points to on my BeagleBone with Angstrom Linux?

The BeagleBone|BeagleBoard Angstrom Linux distribution ships with a socket server that runs as a service using node.js and bonescript in:
and can be accessed at: http://beaglebone.local:80
You can also install lighttpd with
opkg install lighttpd
and will install a config file into
which can be altered to set the default web directory wherever you like.

I found the following worked, evenutally:
systemctl disable bonescript.service
systemctl disable bonescript-autorun.service
systemctl disable cloud9.service
systemctl disable bonescript.socket
Use 'systemctl list-units' to check they've stopped. Possibly, there's a correct order you have to do these in, I had to fiddle around and repeat these a bit before they were all dead. You could probably just nuke the symlinks in /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants and reboot.


Which config files could disable the automatically starting ssh server, so a headless connect becomes impossible?

Which config files could disable the automatically starting ssh server, so a headless connect becomes impossible?
I need to know the config files that might interfere with the ssh server to normally start up at boot.
I believe that you are looking for the following commands (assuming you are running the last version of raspbian):
sudo systemctl stop sshd
sudo systemctl disable sshd
sudo systemctl mask sshd
stop Basically stops the service immediately. disable disables the service from starting at bootup. Additionally, mask will make it impossible to load the service.
Digging deeper into what each command does, on modern linux distributions there are configuration files for each service called unit files. They are stored (usually) in /usr/lib/systemd. These are basically the evolution of scripts to start services.
the stop command just calls the sshd.service unit file with a stop parameter, in order to shut down the server.
the disable (or enable) command removes(or creates) a symlink of the unit file in a directory where systemd looks into when booting services (usually, /etc/systemd/system).
systemctl mask creates a symlink to /dev/null instead of the unit file. That way the service cant be loaded.

Cannot complete pgadmin4 setup. Apache web server

I've got problem with completing pgadmin4 installation thru sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/setup-web.sh command.
During this process instalator does not recognizing that Apache is running and asks me if I want to start it:
The Apache web server is not running. We can enable and start the web server for you to finish pgAdmin 4 installation. Continue (y/n)? y
Then it just spits some errors:
Too few arguments.
Error enabling . Please check the systemd logs
Too few arguments.
Error starting . Please check the systemd logs
So far I havn't found where the logs are stored.
About my apache, I am quite sure that my server is running, because I can connect to it through browser, phpmyadmin is working properly, and service apache2 status returns * apache2 is running. By my understanding apache2 is just fancy word for httpd service, and there is no other service called simply apache.
PostgreSQL seems to work properly from command line, haven't tested if I can connect to it yet, but this shouldn't be the case right?
I am using
**PostgreSQL:** 12.5 (Ubuntu 12.5-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)
**Ubuntu:** Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
**Server:** Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
I had the same issue for Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20. The /usr/pgadmin4/bin/setup-web.sh script is using 'uname -a' which doesn't contain "Debian" identifier in the return string. Updating this to read /proc/version will allow APACHE to be specified as the Debian variant of apache2.
UNAME=$(uname -a)
UNAME=$(cat /proc/version)
I had a similar problem with Ubuntu running inside WSL 2. Managed to resolve it by modifying the /usr/pgadmin4/bin/setup-web.sh script. I moved these lines outside of the conditional:
This allowed the installation to progress beyond the Too few arguments. error. There was still an error however:
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
Error restarting apache2. Please check the systemd logs
I resolved this by running:
sudo service apache2 restart
After this I tried bringing up the admin page by visiting from the Windows host. This still didn't work, and had to connect using the Ubuntu machine's ip address (you can find it out via ifconfig) which finally allowed me to see the login page.

modify haproxy systemd configuration

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 and I've installed haproxy 1.8.8. I want to modify the config so that the "-f" option will read a directory rather than a single haproxy.cfg file.
I see /lib/systemd/system/haproxy.service and also /etc/init.d/haproxy were installed. I think systemd is managing haproxy. But I've read that I'm not supposed to modify the installed haproxy.service.
I copied haproxy.service to /etc/systemd/system/ and edited it there. The changes I made were not picked up when I ran sudo systemctl daemon-reload; sudo service haproxy restart.
Which file do I need to modify and then get systemd to recognize the changes? TIA
As you suspected, you should not edit the unit-files (provided by the OS packager) directly. You can supply a drop-in-snippet using the command
systemctl edit haproxy
and customize the relevant directives (ExecStart)

Resolve hostnames with arch linux on a RaspberryPi

I have a Pi that runs hostapd and dhcpd on arch linux to create it's own land with the Pi's (routers) IP being This uses the wlan0 interface and it only serves as a standalone router running a web server.
Once I connect to the Pi, I use to display the web pages, but I want to use a hostname such as firepi. I have tried using dnsmasq, but I haven't been successful. Any help would be greatly appreciated especially if you can give me some detailed examples as I am a novice.
The purpose of this system is that I have created a web app that you can use to ignite fireworks over WiFi at a safe distance. I would just like the convenience of using a hostname instead of the IP address.
I must add that I will more than likely be using an iPhone to connect to the server, should this affect anything.
Not too sure how or why but this is what I did and it is successfully working now, so this is just for future users who may need a similar setup to mine.
First I installed hostapd and dhcpd and made sure they were working. Next I changed '/etc/hostname' to firepi and the '/etc/hosts' and added ' firepi'. Then I installed dnsmasq, and set the interface to wlan0, and finally added ' firepi' to '/etc/resolv.conf'.
After a full reboot, I joined the network on my iPhone, navigated to firepi and sure enough, it worked!
Thanks to the other users for their advice and tips.
You can use avahi on Arch as well to resolve your hostname:
sudo pacman -S avahi nss-mdns
Start the avahi daemon:
sudo systemctl enable avahi-daemon.service
sudo systemctl start avahi-daemon.service
Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf
sudo vim /etc/nsswitch.conf
Change the line:
hosts: files myhostname dns
hosts: files myhostname mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
Note: don't forget to add .local to your hostname.
See also:
If you just want to be able to use "firepi" as hostname to connect to it, you can simply add it to your /etc/hosts file using the syntax "IP host".
To make it as easy as possible, run this command as root:
echo " firepi" >> /etc/hosts
That'll do the trick.
Can you try avahi ?
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon and
sudo apt-get install avahi-browse
I've successfully used that on Raspian. Unless you change the hostname using
sudo raspi-config you will access via raspberrypi.local
Note that if you plan to access the RPi from Windows you will need to install Bonjour Service first(if you have iTunes intalled, you might have those, run services.msc and check if the Bonjour Service is started)
Another note: On a friend's iphone I've installed a generic vnc client and had x11vnc running on the RPi and succesfully managed to connect to the RPi (since avahi-daemon was installed)

Trying to install LAMP on Centos?

Hey guys I'm running Centos 6.2 minimal, and I am trying to install LAMP for my server and following this tutorial.
It installed flawlessly however when I try to configure the services to start automatically, its cool with
/sbin/chkconfig httpd on
but when I try
/sbin/chkconfig --add mysqld
it says:
error reading information on service mysqld: No such file or directory
is mysqld installed? try yum install mysql-server or some such. it might also not be named mysqld but mysql see /etc/init.d/ directory for the scripts.
System cannot find mysqld in /etc/init.d
Try: locate mysqld
Normally it will be /u/sbin or /u/bin folder (depends on Operating system and default settings).
copy mysqld (if you find it) to /etc/init.d folder, check the file permission.
Then try chkconfig --add mysqld again.
Post your result of the command above if you still cannot get it going.