jQuery sortable: How to automatic order <li> in a sortable by <li> classes? - jquery-ui-sortable

I echo some <li class='A'> or class='B' or class='C' in #a sortable div.
Then user moves them in #b sortable div. I need that in #b the <li> automaticly sort themselves by desc alfabetic order of their class (C->B->A) and, in second time, by alfabetic order of the <li>'s content (<li class='X'>content</li>).
How have I to script in <head>?

jQuery UI has nice sortable stuff. Here are the demos.
Try using the update event to enforce your ordering.
$( ".selector" ).sortable({
update: function(event, ui) {
$("find the LIs you want").sort(
function(a, b){
var aName = a.name.toLowerCase();
var bName = b.name.toLowerCase();
return ((aName < bName) ? -1 : ((aName > bName) ? 1 : 0));
The sort code is from this answer.


Ionic 2/3 Pushing items in Array based on ID

I'm looking to push items from one page to another, based on the category ID. Then I went to push all the contents from the array(who have the category ID that matches) to the next page.
I'm caught between using an if statement to pass the parameters to the second page, or to call the array in the second page and use an NgIf. Below is my code for a better visual. I'm fairly new to Ionic. Thank you for the help!
First Page
if(id = 1) {
category_id: this.referenceList.category_id = 1;
else {
Second Page
<div *ngfor = let reference of referenceList></div>
<div *ngif = category.id === 1> {{reference.referenceField1}} {{reference.referenceField2}} {{reference.media}} </div>
Not sure which one to use and why. Thanks again! Happy to clarify if there's any confusion.
You stored the category_id in a variable, so use this:
In the second page controller you need:
import ( NavParams ) from 'ionic-angular';
category_id: number;
constructor(public navParams: NavParams) {
ionViewDidLoad() {
this.category_id = this.navParams.get('category_id');
Also, your html should be (if I understand what you are doing):
<div *ngFor = let reference of referenceList>
<div *ngIf = category_id === 1>

Ionic Master Detail view with Firebase auto-generated child key returning JSON $value null

I am new to Ionic and Firebase. While fetching data for details view I am getting undefined value for $scope.program.
However, I have fetched the complete programs list in Master view. Clicking the list item from master view returns index (0, 1, 2, etc) of the list in console log but not the child key (which I was expecting)
During my research, I found out this question quite relevant to my problem, by Wes Haq. But while implementing the same, it has no change in the result. Please help.
From the above question by Wes Haq, I couldn't find the state provider details. I may be missing something there. Thanks in advance to all.
.controller('myServicesCtrl', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$ionicActionSheet', 'AgencyProgService',
function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $ionicActionSheet, AgencyProgService) {
//Only items relative to the logged/signed in Agency shall be pushed to the scope.items
$scope.programs = AgencyProgService.getPrograms();
.controller('serviceDetailCtrl', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'AgencyProgService',
function ($scope, $stateParams, AgencyProgService) {
AgencyProgService.getProgram($stateParams.index).then(function (program) {
$scope.program = program;
console.log("serviceDetailCtrl: scope.program is: " + $scope.program);
.service('AgencyProgService', ['$q', '$firebaseArray', '$firebaseObject', 'AgencyDataService', function ($q, $firebaseArray, $firebaseObject, AgencyDataService) {
var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('programs/'); // this is a valid ref with https://my-demo.firebaseio.com/programs
var agencyIDfromPrograms = AgencyDataService.getAgencyUID();
var refFilter = ref.orderByChild("agencyID").equalTo(agencyIDfromPrograms);
return {
getPrograms: function () {
return $firebaseArray(refFilter);
getProgram: function (programId) {
console.log("getProgram: ID is: " + programId + "And refFilter to use is: " + ref);
var deferred = $q.defer();
var programRef = ref.child(programId); // here programId should be the autogenerated child key from fire DB "programs"
var program = $firebaseObject(programRef);
return deferred.promise;
<ion-list id="myServices-list9">
<ion-item id="myServices-list-item11"
ng-repeat="item in programs" ui- sref="serviceDetail({index: $index})">
<div class="item-thumbnail-left">
<i class="icon"></i>
<h2>{{item.progName}} </h2>
<p>{{item.servType}} for: {{item.servHours}}</p>
<p>From: {{item.servStartDate}}</p>
<div class="list card">
<div class="item item-avatar">
<img src="{{item.user.picture.thumbnail}} " />
<h2>{{program.$id}} {{program.progName}}</h2>
<p>{{item.servContact}} {{item.servStartDate}}</p>
<pre> {{program | json}} </pre>
From serviceDetail view, no data from program is visible, as you can see from the screen shot below. List card for serviceDetail. on clicking 2nd item on myServices, it shows this detail screen with $id as 1. Expected is the child key for programs:
Firebase data structure screenshot for child programs is as below,
Appreciate your suggestions.

getting class attr in jquery

I have some divs that are generated dynamically with content. I add the content id to the class for the div like so:
<div class="div-1"></div>
<div class="div-3"></div>
<div class="div-6"></div>
<div class="div-8"></div>
How do I select the id for a div because I need it as a param to send via ajax. e.g. I need to get the 1 when I click on the 1st div, 3 when I click on 2nd and so on
var id = $(this).attr('class').replace('div-', '');
Or even simple
var id = this.className.replace('div-', '');
Where this points to the dom element you click on inside the click handler.
//Here instead of document it is better to specify a parent container of all divs
$(document).on('click', '[class^="div-"]', function(){
var id = this.className.replace('div-', '');
Try this, and remember changing "div" for your selector:
$(document).on("click", "div", function() {
var class_elem = $(this).attr("class").split("-");
var n = class_elem[1]; // This is your number
The correct jQuery syntax is:
$("div").click( function() {
var id = $(this).attr('class').replace('div-', '');

How to bind multiple pair of selector:event in jQuery ON method

I m using jQuery 1.7+ latest .on method, but failed to implements, please help me.
working Fiddle.
basically here is my
<ul id="sortByRight" >
<li id="1">List</li>
<li id="2">Photo</li>
<li id="3">Map</li>
<select name="sort" id="sort" >
<option value="1">Recommended</option>
<option value="2">Price: low to high</option>
<option value="3">Price: high to low </option>
<option value="4">Newest</option>
jQuery code
$(document).on('change click', 'ul#sortByRight,select#sort', function() {
selectedOption = $('select#sort').val();
whatToShow = $(this).attr('id');
now I havebelow problems/queries.
can we bind one event with one selector i.e. above function should be called
EITHER on change of selectbox OR on click of ul.
how to set data argument in .on method. I have tried like below
$(document).on('change click', 'ul#sortByRight,select#sort',
{ selectedOption : $('select#sort').val(), whatToShow : $(this).attr('id') } ,
but get an error that selectedOption is not defined.
can we write something like this $(this, li); because I need the id of li not the id of selectbox.
if there is any other optimized solution ( using function like live or bind ), then please tell me.
Thanks A Lot.
I'm not 100% clear on what you actually want to do, but one thing doesn't make much sense. You want to send the ID of the LI when the select box is changed. Which LI? The last LI clicked? You need to store the state of the active LI so that you can send it in the ajax request if the select box is changed.
Perhaps something like this:
$('select#sort').change(function() {
$('ul#sortByRight > li > a').click(function() {
function processAjax() {
selectedOption = $('select#sort').val();
whatToShow = $('ul#sortByRight').find('.active').attr('id');
alert('selectedOption:' + selectedOption + 'whatToShow:' + whatToShow);
or check out the jsFiddle

Insert images into the menu list

I'm trying to populate my menu items with an image/logo on each of the third menu list, please see example below.
I've been using Silverstripe to populate the menu items, below is my code so far without the images. Can someone please point me to the right direction on how I go about inserting the images/logos on the third level menu?
// initialise plugins
<ul class="sf-menu">
<% control Menu(1) %>
<% if Children %>
<ul><% control Children %>
<% if Children %>
<ul><% control Children %>
<% end_control %>
</ul><% end_if %>
<% end_control %>
</ul><% end_if %>
menu item
</li> <!--current-->
<% end_control %><!-- <li>
menu item
</li> -->
</ul> <!--sf-menu-->
Thanks heaps.
UPDATE below is my Page.php, and I have insert $Image.SetSize(20,20) $MenuTitle to my third level menu. However everytime i tried to insert an image through CMS, there is error coming up in CMS. Sorry i'm new to this, any help would be appreciated.
class Page extends SiteTree {
public static $db = array(
public static $has_one = array(
'MenuImage' => 'Image'
function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Content.Images", new ImageField('MenuImage','Menu image'));
return $fields;
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
public static $allowed_actions = array (
public function init() {
// Note: you should use SS template require tags inside your templates
// instead of putting Requirements calls here. However these are
// included so that our older themes still work
here is the error info.
[User Error] Couldn't run query: SELECT * FROM "Page" WHERE "ID" = 15 Table 'ss_show.page' doesn't exist
POST /Show/admin/EditForm/field/MenuImage/EditFileForm
Line 525 in C:\wamp\www\Show\sapphire\core\model\MySQLDatabase.php
Assuming you have an image on your page object, you can render it in your template by doing something like this:
$MyImage.SetWidth(50) $MenuTitle
"$MyImage.SetWidth(50)" will output an image tag with an image resized to 50px wide. See the SilverStripe image reference for more info.
In case you don't have the menu image yet, follow the official documentation to do so: http://doc.silverstripe.org/sapphire/en/tutorials/2-extending-a-basic-site
I figured it out with soneone's help. Just in case others are in the same situation, it is because I didn't rebuild my database. Visit mysite.com/dev/build to rebuild the database. The code above in the update works after that. Thanks everyone! :)