How to display cross symbol as superscript with unicode? - iphone

I want to display a cross in the place of superscript, I know the unicode character of the cross (\u2020).

Unicode encodes plain text. Superscripting isn’t plain text, so you need something external to, or “on top of” plain text. For example, on a web page, you could use the CSS to position character above the baseline (and reduce font size). In a word processor, you would use superscripting command or style.
In Unicode, there is a limited number of superscript characters, i.e. variants of characters in superscript style encoded as separate characters, such as superscript two “²”. But Unicode has no mechanism for superscripts in general.


Is there a way to know how many spaces a unicode character or a ASCII character will take for a font?

I am trying to decide how many spaces a Unicode character or a plain ASCII character takes in a powerpoint slide. I found that Unicode characters take more spaces than ASCII characters in general. However, to complicate the situation further, it seems that same character in different font may also take different spaces.
For example, for font arial, Unicode 我 takes four spaces, but in font 新宋体, the same Unicode character only takes two spaces.
I am wondering is there any way to decide this systematically?

Is it possible to use unicode combining characters to combine arbitrary characters?

Is it possible to use unicode combining characters to for example make the characters x and y appear to be partially overlapping each other?
I know that in layout systems like CSS there are other ways to achieve this, but I specifically want to know if its possible with just unicode so I can for example do it in Slack messages.
No, there is no Unicode mechanism to make arbitrary letters overlap each other. You can put an x above a y using the character U+036F COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER X like so: yͯ, but that’s about it.
Latin letters partially overlapping each other serves no semantic function, so it is not part of the Unicode standard. And if it was found to be used to convey actual meaning in some writing system, it would most likely not be encoded as a generalised mechanism but as individual characters representing specific such ligatures.
The Unicode Consortium does not consider styling features like that to be part of plain text. That is also why those bold and italic mathematical letters you sometimes see on Twitter (𝐀, 𝐴, 𝓐 etc.) aren’t implemented as the base letters plus some style modifiers, but as separate character codes entirely. A character that means “display the preceding letter as bold” would have been too general; non-crucial style variation should be dealt with through higher-level protocols (like the CSS you mentioned) which are much more powerful and enjoy more widespread support anyway.

How does this font manage to display even in plain text?

I came across a piece of text that displays in a mystery font even when you view source in plain text: 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝓭
The word 'Wood' above appears, at least in Chrome, as a sort of caligraphic font when pasted in to Notepad or even the Google search bar.
Have tried to see if its base64 encoded characters, or quoted printable etc
Can anyone identify how its done? Can it be done with a different font? Is it cross browser compatible?
Those characters are not being shown in a different font. They're in the same font as the rest of the page source.
The reason why they look strange is that they are not the ordinary letters 'W', 'o' and 'd' represented by the character values 0x57, 0x6f and 0x64. These characters are from the "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols" section of the font. Specifically they are the "Mathematical Bold Script Capital W", the "Mathematical Bold Script Small O" and the "Mathematical Bold Script Small D" characters represented by the values 0x1d4e6, 0x1d4f8 and 0x1d4ed. See for a table of the characters in that section.
There's a good chance that any modern browser would show those characters just as you're seeing them. It comes down to whether the font that the browser uses to present the page includes glyphs for those character values.

Two different eye emojis?

As far as I knew, there are currently two emojis for eyes. The pair of eyes (U+1F440) with hex code f09f9180 (👀), and a single eye (U+1F441) with hex code f09f9181 (👁).
I now found when using the emojis of the keyboard in my phone that another eye emoji exists, with hex code f09f9181efb88f (👁️).
The gajim messenger on the PC, and the Conversations app on the mobile phone, can display both. The gajim emoji-chooser only contains the short sequence and the Swiftkey-Keyboard Emoji-Chooser only the longer one.
When I copy and paste the emojis i.e. in the Firefox URL address bar, they look the same (blue eye, while the messengers both display them in black). When I Google for the emojis, I only find pages describing the shorter code point.
Firefox renders both emojis the same, but Vivaldi (Chromium based) shows the one with the shorter code point as narrow black and white emoji and the other one as larger brown eye.
When I Google for the hex dump, I find a lot of emojipedia sites for the shorter dump, and nothing useful at all for the longer one.
Is there somewhere any documentation about the additional emoji? Why aren't both emojis available in both emoji choosers?
f0 9f 91 80 is the UTF-8 encoded form of codepoint U+1F440.
f0 9f 91 81 is the UTF-8 encoded form of codepoint U+1F441.
f0 9f 91 81 ef b8 8f is the UTF-8 encoded form of codepoints U+1F441 U+FE0F.
U+FE0F is a Variation Selector:
Variation Selectors is a Unicode block containing 16 Variation Selector format characters (designated VS1 through VS16). They are used to specify a specific glyph variant for a Unicode character. They are currently used to specify standardized variation sequences for mathematical symbols, emoji symbols, 'Phags-pa letters, and CJK unified ideographs corresponding to CJK compatibility ideographs. At present only standardized variation sequences with VS1, VS15 and VS16 have been defined.
U+FE0F was added to Unicode in version 3.2 (2002). It belongs to the block Variation Selectors in the Basic Multilingual Plane.
This character is a Nonspacing Mark and inherits its script property from the preceding character.
The glyph is not a composition. It has a Ambiguous East Asian Width. In bidirectional context it acts as Nonspacing Mark and is not mirrored. In text U+FE0F behaves as Combining Mark regarding line breaks. It has type Extend for sentence and Extend for word breaks. The Grapheme Cluster Break is Extend.
This codepoint may change the appearance of the preceding character. If that is a symbol, dingbat or emoji, U+FE0F forces it to be rendered as a colorful image as compared to a monochrome text variant. The Unicode standard defines some standardized variants. See also “Unicode symbol as text or emoji” for a discussion of this codepoint.
In other words, U+FE0F tells VS-aware software to render U+1F441 as a colorful emoji instead of as monochromatic text.
The singular ‘👁’ is used as an emoji, but is defined as being text-style (i.e. black-and-white rather than colourful) by default. This isn’t implemented consistently across all platforms, however, so sometimes the character will also display as emoji style instead. In order to explicitly force one or the other style, the characters U+FE0E and U+FE0F can be appended to 👁 to make it appear as text style (👁︎) or emoji style (👁️) respectively. Because of the inconsistencies I mentioned, some devices and applications automatically add U+FE0F to the character (resulting in the longer code your phone keyboard produced), while others leave the character as-is (leaving just the code for the eye itself).

How to convert ANSI text to Unicode?

I would like to convert RTF text to Unicode. In the RTF font table one can find the name of the font or font-face (eg. Arial Cyr, Courier Greek) and the charset to use with it (0-255). So how to write a function that converts a character code (0-255) with these settings to Unicode?
As I see, the post-tags like Greek, Cyr, Tur etc. affect the glyph of the displayed characters and the charset affects it too. So the function could have these input parameters:
fontname postfix, font charset, character code
But what is next? Or am I on the wrong way?
RTF was invented long before Unicode. It most certainly isn't ANSI text, RTF only uses ASCII, it uses a rather unholy mix of character sets with non-ASCII characters encoded in hex with a reference to the character set. The mapping is also not perfect, many Unicode codepoints have no corresponding charset.
You'll spend a lifetime creating your own RTF to Unicode converter. Take advantage of an existing solution, most any platform has one. On Windows that would be the RichEdit control. If you use .NET then it is especially simple, use the RichTextBox class, assign its Rtf property and read back its Text property. Which is utf-16 encoded Unicode.