Flattening Nested Scalaz Validations - scala

I'm fairly new to scalaz and I've started out with validations.
I have some validation functions of the form:
def validateXyz(...): ValidationNEL[String, String] = ...
I'm then using the applicative style to combine multiple validations and then call another function that also returns a validation:
(validateXyz(...) |#| validateAbc(...)) { (first, second) =>
otherFunction(first, second)
def otherFunction(first: String, second: String): ValidationNEL[String, String] = ...
However, when calling the above the resulting type is:
val result: ValidationNEL[String, ValidationNEL[String, String]] = ...
I can unpack this by calling fold on the result with two functions, the first which just propagates the NEL as a fail and the second which just propagates its argument:
def propagateF(result: NonEmptyList[String]): ValidationNEL[String, String] = result.fail
def propagateV(result: ValidationNEL[String, String]) = result
result.fold(propagateF, propagateV)
// result type: ValidationNEL[String, String]
This works and returns the correct types and results. However it doesn't feel like the correct solution so I must be missing something. What do I need to do to avoid this horrible fold at the end?

What you are looking for here is monadic join.
The thing is that Validation itself is not really a monad, since the error side carries a Semigroup structure that cannot be preserved by Monad. But you can always drop down into the Either monad if you need to. This functionality is provided by flatMap.
(validateXyz(...) |#| validateAbc(...))(otherFunction).flatMap(x => x)
If you have an error on the outside, the result will be that error. If you have an error inside of a success, the result will be the inner error. Otherwise the result will be a success. Note the impossibility of having an error both on the inside and outside. This is why you have to use Applicative rather than Monad if you want to combine errors.


Complex monad transformer for IO monad

I am trying to write a Cats MTL version of a function that would save an entity to a database. I want this function to read some SaveOperation[F[_]] from environment, execute it and handle possible failure. So far I came up with 2 version of this function: save is the more polymorphic MTL version and save2 uses exact monads in its signature, meaning that I confine myself to use of IO.
type SaveOperation[F[_]] = Employee => F[Int]
def save[F[_] : Monad](employee: Employee)(implicit
A: Ask[F, SaveOperation[F]],
R: Raise[F, AppError]): F[Unit] =
for {
s <- A.ask
rows <- s(employee)
res <- if rows != 1 then R.raise(FailedInsertion)
else ().pure[F]
} yield res
def save2(employee: Employee): Kleisli[IO, SaveOperation[IO], Either[AppError, Unit]] =
Kleisli((saveOperation) => saveOperation(employee)
.handleErrorWith(err => IO.pure(Left(PersistenceError(err))))
.map(rows =>
if rows != 1 then Left(FailedInsertion)
else Right(())
I can later call those like this:
val repo = new DoobieEmployeeRepository(xa)
val employee = Employee("john", "doe", Set())
type E[A] = Kleisli[IO, SaveOperation[IO], Either[AppError, A]]
The problem is that for the call of save I get the following error:
Could not find an instance of Monad for E.
I found:
cats.data.Kleisli.catsDataMonadErrorForKleisli[F, A, E]
But method catsDataMonadErrorForKleisli in class KleisliInstances0_5 does not match type cats.Monad[E].
This error doesn't seem to make sense to me as effectively signatures are exactly the same for both function, so the monad should be there. I suspect the problem is with Ask[F, SaveOperation[F]] parameter as here F is not IO, while SaveOperation needs the IO.
Why can't I use the Kleisli monad for save call?
If I modify the type to type E[A] = EitherT[[X] =>> Kleisli[IO, SaveOperation[IO], X], AppError, A], I get a new error:
Could not find an implicit instance of Ask[E, SaveOperation[E]]
The right generic type for SaveOperation is supposed to be IO I guess, but I can't figure how to properly provide it through an instance of Ask
I hope you don't mind if I use this opportunity to do a quick tutorial on how to improve your question. It not only increases the chances of someone answering, but also might help you to find the solution yourself.
There are a couple of problems with the code you submitted, and I mean problems in terms of being a question on SO. Perhaps someone might have a ready answer just by looking at it, but let's say they don't, and they want to try it out in a worksheet. Turns out, your code has a lot of unnecessary stuff and doesn't compile.
Here are some steps you could take to make it better:
Strip away the unnecessary custom dependencies like Employee, DoobieEmployeeRepository, error types etc. and replace them with vanilla Scala types like String or Throwable.
Strip away any remaining code as long as you can still reproduce the problem. For example, the implementations of save and save2 are not needed, and neither are Ask and Raise.
Make sure that the code compiles. This includes adding the necessary imports.
By following these guidelines, we arrive at something like this:
import cats._
import cats.data.Kleisli
import cats.effect.IO
type SaveOperation[F[_]] = String => F[Int]
def save[F[_] : Monad](s: String)(): F[Unit] = ???
def save2(s: String): Kleisli[IO, SaveOperation[IO], Either[Throwable, Unit]] = ???
type E[A] = Kleisli[IO, SaveOperation[IO], Either[Throwable, A]]
println(save[E]("Foo")) // problem!
That's already much better, because
a) it allows people to quickly try out your code, and
b) less code means less cognitive load and less space for problems.
Now, to check what's happening here, let's go to some docs:
It has a Monad instance as long as the chosen F[_] does.
That's interesting, so let's try to further reduce our code:
type E[A] = Kleisli[IO, String, Either[Throwable, A]]
implicitly[Monad[E]] // Monad[E] doesn't exist
OK, but what about:
type E[A] = Kleisli[IO, String, A]
implicitly[Monad[E]] // Monad[E] exists!
This is the key finding. And the reason that Monad[E] doesn't exist in the first case is:
Monad[F[_]] expects a type constructor; F[_] is short for A => F[A] (note that this is actually Kleisli[F, A, A] :)). But if we try to "fix" the value type in Kleisli to Either[Throwable, A] or Option[A] or anything like that, then Monad instance doesn't exist any more. The contract was that we would provide the Monad typeclass with some type A => F[A], but now we're actually providing A => F[Either[Throwable, A]]. Monads don't compose so easily, which is why we have monad transformers.
After a bit of clarification, I think I know what you're going after now. Please check this code:
case class Employee(s: String, s2: String)
case class AppError(msg: String)
type SaveOperation[F[_]] = Employee => F[Int]
def save[F[_] : Monad](employee: Employee)(implicit
A: Ask[F, SaveOperation[F]],
R: Raise[F, AppError]): F[Unit] = for {
s <- A.ask
rows <- s(employee)
res <- if (rows != 1) R.raise(AppError("boom"))
else ().pure[F]
} yield res
implicit val askSaveOp = new Ask[IO, SaveOperation[IO]] {
override def applicative: Applicative[IO] =
override def ask[E2 >: SaveOperation[IO]]: IO[E2] = {
val fun = (e: Employee) => IO({println(s"Saved $e!"); 1})
implicit val raiseAppErr = new Raise[IO, AppError] {
override def functor: Functor[IO] =
override def raise[E2 <: AppError, A](e: E2): IO[A] =
IO.raiseError(new Throwable(e.msg))
save[IO](Employee("john", "doe")).unsafeRunSync() // Saved Employee(john,doe)!
I'm not sure why you expected Ask and Raise to already exist, they are referring to custom types Employee and AppError. Perhaps I'm missing something. So what I did here was that I implemented them myself, and I also got rid of your convoluted type E[A] because what you really want as F[_] is simply IO. There is not much point of having a Raise if you also want to have an Either. I think it makes sense to just have the code based around F monad, with Ask and Raise instances that can store the employee and raise error (in my example, error is raised if you return something other than 1 in the implementation of Ask).
Can you check if this is what you're trying to achieve? We're getting close. Perhaps you wanted to have a generic Ask defined for any kind of SaveOperation input, not just Employee? For what it's worth, I've worked with codebases like this and they can quickly blow up into code that's hard to read and maintain. MTL is fine, but I wouldn't want to go more generic than this. I might even prefer to pass the save function as a parameter rather than via Ask instance, but that's a personal preference.

Scala Future[myType] to MyType

I have Future[MyType] and I need to pass the value of MyType to a method which returns Seq[Future[MyType]], so basic signature of problem is:
val a: Seq[Future[MyType]] = ...
getValue(t: MyType): Seq[Future[MyType]] = {...}
I want to pass value of a to getValue. I tried something like:
val b:Seq[Future[MyType]] = a.map{v => getValue(v)}
I want b to be of Seq[Future[MyType]] type
but, it obviously didn't worked as v is of type Future[MyType] and getValue needs only MyType as parameter. What could be a possible solution??
You can do:
val b = a.map(_.map(getValue(_)))
This will give you a Seq[Future[Seq[Future[MyType]]]]. That's pretty ugly. There are three tools that can make that better.
Future.sequence takes a Seq[Future[A]] and gives you a Future[Seq[A]]. The output future will wait for all input futures to complete before giving a result. This might not always be what you want.
fut.flatMap takes a function computing a Future as a result but does not return a nested Future, as would happen with .map.
You can call .flatten on a Seq[Seq[A]] to get a Seq[A]
Putting this all together, you could do something like:
val b: Seq[Future[Seq[MyType]] = a.map(_.flatMap(x => Future.sequence(getValue(x))))
val c: Future[Seq[MyType]] = Future.sequence(b).map(_.flatten)
More generally, when dealing with "container" types, you'll use some combination of map and flatMap to get at the inner types and pass them around. And common containers often have ways to flatten or swap orders, e.g. A[A[X]] => A[X] or A[B[X]] => B[A[X]].

How to make it a monad?

I am trying to validate a list of strings sequentially and define the validation result type like that:
import cats._, cats.data._, cats.implicits._
case class ValidationError(msg: String)
type ValidationResult[A] = Either[NonEmptyList[ValidationError], A]
type ListValidationResult[A] = ValidationResult[List[A]] // not a monad :(
I would like to make ListValidationResult a monad. Should I implement flatMap and pure manually or there is an easier way ?
I suggest you to take a totally different approach leveraging cats Validated:
import cats.data.Validated.{ invalidNel, valid }
val stringList: List[String] = ???
def evaluateString(s: String): ValidatedNel[ValidationError, String] =
if (???) valid(s) else invalidNel(ValidationError(s"invalid $s"))
val validationResult: ListValidationResult[String] =
It can be adapted for a generic type T, as per your example.
val stringList: List[String] = ??? is the list of strings you want to validate;
ValidatedNel[A,B] is just a type alias for Validated[NonEmptyList[A],B];
evaluateString should be your evaluation function, it is currently just an unimplemented stub if;
sequenceU you may want to read cats documentation about it: sequenceU;
toEither does exactly what you think it does, it converts a Validated[A,B] to an Either[A,B].
As #Michael pointed out, you could also use traverseU instead of map and sequenceU
val validationResult: ListValidationResult[String] =

scalaz: how to handle different error types in a Validation?

If I have multiple operations that return a Validation[E, _] of something with a fixed error type I can use them in a for-comprehension. For example:
val things: Validation[E, (Int, Double)] = for {
i <- getValidationOfInt
d <- getValidationOfDouble
} yield (i, d)
What about if the error types are different? Suppose I read from HTTP and want to convert the string response into an Int.
import scalaz._; import Scalaz._
object ValidationMixing {
class HttpError
def getFromHttp: Validation[HttpError, String] = ???
def parseInt(json: String): Validation[Throwable, Int] =
val intParsedFromHttp: Validation[Any, Int] = for {
s <- getFromHttp
i <- parseInt(s)
} yield i
This compiles, but only because the error type of the Validation is Any, being a supertype of Throwable and HttpError. This isn't very helpful.
I can think of various ways of representing such a combined error type that are more useful than Any (e.g. Validation[Error1 \/ Error2, Result] to store either, Validation[String, Result] translating to an error message, etc) but they all have drawbacks.
Is there an idiomatic way to do this?
Since nobody has had a better idea I'll leave my answer for future reference.
As said in the comment the best way is to create a error hierarchy:
trait GenericError { /* some commond fields */}
case class MyNumericError(/* fields */)
and then use leftMap on a validation to generate appropriate errors:
Validation.fromTryCatchNonFatal(...).leftMap(t => MyNumericError(...))
This approach has two advantages
First you will always have a Validation[GenericError, T] so not having different types on the left part of that validation
The second is that this helps generate meaningful errors for both developers and service user, also note that generating an error where you have many context informations helps in this process.

Type Mismatch on Scala For Comprehension: scala.concurrent.Future

I'm pretty new to Scala, please bear with me. I have a bunch of futures wrapped in a large array. The futures have done their hard work looking through a few TBs of data, and at the end of my app I want to wrap up all the results of said futures so I can present them nicely.
The collection of futures I have is of the following type:
Array[Future[List(String, String, String)]]
Everything I've read so far about the for-comprehension show that
val test: Seq[Seq[List[String]]] = Seq(Seq(List("Hello", "World"), List("What's", "Up")))
val results = for {
test1 <- test
test2 <- test1
test3 <- test2
} yield test3
Results in
results: Seq[String] = List(Hello, World, What's, Up)
By that same logic, my intention was to do it like so, since I recently discovered that Option, Try, Failure and Success can be treated as collections:
val futures = { ... } // Logic that collects my Futures
// futures is now Array[Future[List(String, String, String)]]
val results = for {
// futureSeq as Seq[List(String, String, String]
futureSeq <- Future.sequence(futures.toSeq)
// resultSet as List(String, String, String)
resultSet <- futureSeq
} yield resultset
But this doesn't to work. I seem to be receiving the following compilation errors:
Error:(78, 15) type mismatch;
found : Seq[List(String, String, String)]
required: scala.concurrent.Future[?]
resultSet <- futureSeq
The part with the required: scala.concurrent.Future[?] is throwing me off completely. I do not understand at all why a Future would be required there.
I have checked the types of all my objects through the REPL, by debugging, and by using IntelliJ's type inspection. They seem to confirm that I'm not just confused about my types.
And before anyone mentions, yes, I am aware that the for-comprehension is syntactic sugar for a bunch of maps, flatMaps and withFilters.
The details of how the for-comprehension desugars to calls to flatMap and map are important here. This code:
for {
futureSeq <- Future.sequence(futures.toSeq)
resultSet <- futureSeq
} yield resultset
Becomes something more or less like this:
Future.sequence(futures.toSeq).flatMap(futureSeq => futureSeq)
The flatMap on Future expects a function that returns a Future, but you've given it one that returns an Seq[List[(String, String, String)]].
In general you can't mix types in for-comprehensions (Option in a sequence comprehension is a kind of exception that's supported by an implicit conversion). If you have a <- arrow coming out of a future, all of the rest of your <- arrows need to come out of futures.
You probably want something like this:
val results: Future[Seq[(String, String, String)]] =
You could then use something like this:
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Await.result(results.map(_.map(doSomethingWithResult)), 2.seconds)
To synchronously present the results (blocking until its done).