How to execute hidden command in cmd and exit - command

I have this line:
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe start /minimized /wait cmd.exe /c picture.jpg
I use this line in Target field of shortcut.
When I run it, it opens minimized cmd, and picture. What I need is to close that cmd, after opening picture, or to run cmd in hidden mode.
Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

I am not sure it this may work in your scenario. There are two possible workouts to this.
1) Use a batch script and in the last line, simply add exit to the script. save it as something.bat and run it whenever needed. This will execute the scripts and in the end, the cmd will exit.
2) Alternately you may use want to run the cmd in hidden mode (not minimized). to do this, create a batch job. then pack this batch file using this particular exe compressor - 'iExpress'. (type iexpress under the run box) This has an option to run the scripts in hidden mode. they will run in background.

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start picture.jpg
doing what you need ?
Why don't you just point the shortcut directly to

Why you need cmd to open a picture?
Just do it like
rundll "C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\PhotoViewer.dll" "image.png"


Batch start command not opening program

When I enter the following from a command prompt:
start myprog.exe
It opens the program in a command window, but it doesn't start the actual program itself.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong with this?
try this:
start /b "" "myprog.exe"
See start /? for more help.
You don't need START just have myprog.exe, make sure that the program can be found. Put the directory for it in the PATH environment variable if necessary.
If you want to continue processing more commands in the batch file use the /B switch for START, see syntax here Microsoft DOS start command.

launch cmd run command isn't working

I am working on a script or batch file (or combo of the two) which imports an outlook prf file, then launches a new cmd.exe window runs a application specific program which when passed a server cluster name pulls in an outlook data file in the previously created outlook profile. So i have the vbs script that checks for the outlook profile if it doesn't exist it imports the prf. That's working fine, now the program i need to is called addiman.exe the server cluster name is gsiapp...the manual method is i launch a cmd windows and type "addiman gsiapp" i wish to automates this by calling it in a routine called :Filesite the below command has been unsuccessful, it launches a new cmd.exe window but doesn't run the command.
call cscript \\gsf1\Apps\Scripts\public\deployprf.vbs
GOTO :FileSite
start cmd.exe /c "c:\program files\interwoven\worksite\addiman.exe" GSIAPP
start cmd.exe /c "c:\program files\interwoven\worksite\addiman.exe GSIAPP"
try this, because cmd.exe interprets the part between "" as comand and ignores the GSIAPP statement
wild guess. Try adding another call before the "start" - like this
call start cmd.exe /c "c:\program files\interwoven\worksite\addiman.exe" GSIAPP
problem solved, the full path isn't needed. just had to putt "addiman GSIAPP". Thanks everyone who provided suggestions.

From command line on win7, how do I launch a process as administrator with elevated UAC

I have a program which requires Administrative privileges that I want to run from a batch file. What command can I run from command line will run my program with administrative privileges? I'm okay with the pop-up window asking for permission. Additionally, the file needs to be able to run from anywhere on a computer so additional files are run from ./src. The problem is that if I right-click and choose "run as administrator" it changes my current directory so ./src no longer works. If I disable UAC on my machine then everything runs fine. Thank you!
Look here:
elevate seems to be working, calling
C:\Utils\bin.x86-64\elevate.exe -k dir
executes dir in the "current directory" where elevate was called.
This is tough, Microsoft provides no utility to do this (mostly because giving a batch file that ability breaks security), except for RunAs, and that requires that the Administrator account be activated.
There IS a JScript program that can do something similar, by using SendKeys to open the Start menu and type cmd[CTL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER] which will launch a Command-Line shell.
Save the following as as .js file, like StartAdmin.js:
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
WshShell.SendKeys("^{esc}cmd^+{ENTER}"); The equivilent of [CTRL]+[ESC] cmd [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER]
To run StartAdmin.js from a batch file, you will need the following line:
wscript StartAdmin.js
To launch from a particular directory and launch a batch file, change line 2 in StartAdmin.js to something like:
WshShell.SendKeys("^{esc}cmd /C "cd %userprofile% & batchfile.bat"^+{ENTER}");
/C switch tells it to run the commands, then close the command-line window.
/K would leave the command window open after it exited the batch file.
To help you understand the SendKeys commands:
+=[Shift Key]
^=[Control Key]
{esc}=[Escape Key]
{enter}=[Enter Key]
To learn more about using CMD.EXE, type CMD /? at the command prompt.
This is a very untidy and ugly way to do it, but it's the only way I know how using only the tools that come with Windows.

Problem with the start /wait command

#echo off
start /wait notepad
start worpad
This is the code i have written in a batch file. My aim is to stop the batch file execution till the notepad application gets closed. Its working perfect but the thing is, Its displaying the command prompt also .Its opening the command prompt when i execute
start /wait notepad in my batch file.
The command prompt gets closed when i close my notepad. But i dont want the command prompt.How do i make that. I even tried these
cmd /c start /wait notepad
even the above command is not working. How do i make it.How do i open only notepad without the command prompt and wait till it is closed ?
As I said in my answer to one of your previous questions, the command prompt window is there because it is the tool that processes the batch file. The command prompt window is the working window of the CMD.EXE program, just like Notepad's working window is the one where you are editing text files. Typically, running a program with its working window hidden is a non-trivial task, unless the program has a pre-defined mode of running with the hidden window. As it happens, CMD does not have such a mode.
However, there is a way of starting a program with its window minimised. You only need to create a shortcut to your program (it can be a batch file too), then open the shortcut's properties, and on the Shortcut tab, set the Run property to Minimized. To make it clearer, here's an illustration:
Or maybe you can just use the
ping localhost -n ( your time in second ) >nul
So your code will be like this
#echo off
start notepad
ping localhost -n ( your time in second ) >nul
start worpad

How to create a file without a Command Prompt window

I'm using WinRAR SFX module to create an installation, and use its presetup option to run some preliminary tests.
Since wscript can only accept vbs file, and not the script itself, I first run "cmd /c echo {...script code...} > setup.vbs", and then I run "wscript setup.vbs". The run of the first cmd command opens a brief command window, and I would really like to avoid this. I thought of using RunDll32 to write this data, but couldn't find any suitable API to use.
Can anyone think of a way to bypass it and create a small file with a small VBScript text without opening a Command Prompt window?
Thanks a lot,
Is the script code already in a file? If so,
You can use the TYPE command to send the script to a file:
TYPE [script_file] > setup.vbs
or COPY the script file:
COPY [script_file] setup.vbs
If the script code is in the body of your cmd, you can use the START command to run the cmd without a window (/b flag):
START /B cmd /c echo {...script code...} > setup.vbs
Rather than use cmd /c echo {...script code...} > setup.vbs as a presetup step, perhaps you could package a VBscript with your install that does your preliminary tests and creates setup.vbs, and then calls setup.vbs for you. You'd have to put this in the setup portion of the WinRAR script.
You can call another VBScript from VBScript like this:
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.Run "wscript d:\setup.vbs, ,True
See this MSDN link for the syntax of the Run command.