iOS6 Differences for Developers [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
For iOS6, what are some of the new features that developers can take advantage of?
Specifically, I'm interested in the user location services.
For instance, in iO6 demo it says when a user rejects a phone call, they can select to get notified when they get to work.
Does this mean that GPS services is always on in iOS6? In iOS5, when an app (such as highlight) requests full-time access to location services (even when they exit), GPS remains on, but it drains the battery a lot.

You'll need to part with $99 and become a registered developer if you want to see for yourself or ask us over on the Apple Discussion boards because we're not allowed to talk about it outside of there and with people who are not registered developers.

Read the iOS6 API Differences. This is under NDA(Non Disclosure Agreement) so we're in no position to discuss this publicly.
Head over to the Apple Developer forums and post your questions there.


Is it possible to track ios device? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is it possible to track any iOS devices using PhoneNumber or UDID or IMEI number to show the device in google map. please help me.
Install "Find my iPhone" and use iCloud. My wife uses this to see where I am when I'm out on my bike. And I use it to ping the iPhone when I lose it around the house.
I am sure you can't get the iPhone's IMEI without using a private framework and if you do so you will be automatically rejected.
Usually, when mobile developpers wants some unique ids, the solution is to ask the user's email address. If you really want to differentiate users devices, you can create some random UDID that you save in the app preferences.

Identifying what features in my iOS apps are used [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have several iPhone/iPad apps on the App Store. I would like to add snippets of code in my apps that will identify user behavior. For example what features in the app are used the most or the least. Does anybody have a good idea on how to implement this kind of features in my app.
Integrate into your app and set custom events for all of the parts of the app you want to know about. The report will give you a usage amount per session and you can directly identify what is being used.
Use event tracking in Google Analytics.
For each user event you want to track, you would do something like this:
[tracker trackEventWithCategory:#"uiAction"
withValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:100]];
That way you can generate reports in analytics to see what is being used. See their event tracking docs for more details
I use Flurry for all my apps and it works wonderfully. All kinds of helpful (for the right person) data. You can submit Events, like "User won level 608", and attach data in the form of a dictionary to them.
End result: I recommend Flurry.

Is it possible to develop this iOS app? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm a beginner of iOS app development,
I'm working on a very small project to show useful info of another app
i simply want it to check the out/ingoing packets through my device and find a specific packet where its string contains a specific word, if found then show the whole packet content,
is it possible to be done and does apple allow tracking packets ? thanks in advance
Regardless of it being possible or not (I'm guessing the answer is no, since you probably need root access and more low level APIs that aren't available by default), you want to track other applications. More specifically the network activity of these applications. This imposes several 'difficulties';
Given their policies, Apple will not allow this.
Your application will need to be active on the foreground, while background activity of applications is limited. The number of packets you will be able to 'sniff' will be very minimal and if you chose to put your application in the background instead your time will be limited to about 10 minutes of execution time.
My advice? Don't. Unless you are interested in the jailbreak 'market'.

iPhone - Electronic Fund Transfer(EFT) system [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
I am about to develop a new iPhone application in which I need to pay for some bills. I need to use Electronic Fund Transfer(EFT) system to make the payment. I have no idea in integrating the EFT method to the application. Share some useful ideas or links where can I get some ideas regarding EFT and the work flow.
for secure transaction you can use paypal and paypal also provided ios supported api for it they handle all details in a web view then getting details they return to app and do the transactions instead of these if you use any thing i think apple will reject the app or will ask you to implement the In App Purchase (IAP).

Which is this facebook poll application? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
Can anyone please tell how to add the following kind of poll in a facebook business page...
It shows in the wall as well as in its own tab.. I can vote from the wall, comment and Like.. excellent feature it is.. but no information about it anywhere :(
Its not available from facebook anymore. I think its because of some of the privacy concerns people have about this app.
From my knowledge, it was a custom-made Poll that Facebook previously made for huge brands willing to pay $ 10, 000 and up. It is no longer available.
However has a similar Tab app that may fulfill your needs:
Poll Tab
I'm a Facebook developer and I just created a Facebook app that looks like the one you point out. It lets you create a poll and publish it on your Facebook page. Try it out and let me know what you think of it :