FQL query for finding public event - facebook

I would like to execute an FQL query for retrieving all the public events in a specific area (using longitude,latitude and maximum distance or simply location name). Do you know if it's possible?
Apparently, somebody is able to do it, somehow: http://elmcity.info/fb_events?location=tokyo

It is possible indeed to receive events using location based "search"
To do so you'll need the longitude and latitude coordinates of the location you want to search and a access_token with user_events permission (i think you could also use the public search)
Here's an FQL example how can you get all the events nearby of a location. (this searches from your and your friends events):
$lat = "40";
$long = "30";
// using offset gives us a "square" on the map from where to search the events
$offset = 0.4;
$events = 'SELECT pic_big, name, venue, location, start_time, eid FROM event WHERE eid IN (SELECT eid FROM event_member WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) AND start_time > '. $created_time .' OR uid = me()) AND start_time > '. $created_time .' AND venue.longitude < \''. ($long+$offset) .'\' AND venue.latitude < \''. ($lat+$offset) .'\' AND venue.longitude > \''. ($long-$offset) .'\' AND venue.latitude > \''. ($lat-$offset) .'\' ORDER BY start_time ASC '. $limit;
The trick itself lies in the venue.longitude and venue.latitude useage. To get events from a city, just get the city coordinates and adjust the offset to your needs.
If you don't know how to use FQL please look into Facebook PHP SDK

I'm wrestling with this same problem right now. It does not look possible. There are several problems I see:
the location fields are not searchable in the page or place tables,
the way event locations are populated is inconsistent: See this page's events for an example. (I personally populated most of these. These are FB changes, not user error.),
FQL does not have an AS statement to query based on the result of a calculation, and
Facebook limits the amount of items returned by a query to some fairly low value.
What the referenced site seems to do is query event.description for the presence of the input string. Query "IKEA", and you'll get lots of results. Definitely not a geo search. (BTW, the site's source code is on GitHub).
Okay, I was wrong. Facebook does expose a search method, but only in the Graph API. Using the batch request functionality, you could execute a series of requests that:
Find all place entries within a distance (in meters) of a known lat/long. The graph api accepts q=* for the search string to return all places.
Query event to find all events at the places returned above.
I'm going to play with this. I'll update this post again as I flesh out this code better.

try this code worked for me returns all details of the upcoming public event which contains a specific key word that can be your location
SELECT eid,name,description,venue,creator,location,ticket_uri,start_time, eid,host,not_replied_count,pic_square,pic_big,unsure_count,attending_count,declined_count,all_members_count FROM event WHERE start_time > now() AND CONTAINS("your location name") AND privacy='open'

I believe that in http://elmcity.info/fb_events?location=tokyo they are not really searching for events in Tokyo, they simply executing a query like this
(access token is needed, see https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer?method=GET&path=search%3Ftype%3Devent%26q%3Dhaifa)
Note that this url also works
I'm also looking for a way to retrieve public events using fql and so far I didn't find any.


Convert Facebook New Search to Graph or FQL

I want to convert this request
to a request that I can use with Facebook SDK, for example:
https://graph.facebook.com/fql?access_token=X&q=SELECT ....
I've tried a FQL like this, unfortunately this query only return events WITH pages associated. I've tried filter the latitude and longitude from venue struct of Event but again I need to specify the ?q= parameter which reduces my results.
For the second option I can't because parameters center and distance doesn't work with type=event.
FQL is deprecated and can only be used in older Apps, but you can use the search endpoint of the Graph API to search for events: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.3#search
Afaik this does NOT allow you to search for events in a specific area though. That´s just not possible with the API.
As #luschn said, FQL is deprecated and can be used until August 2016. There by theory a way to query for Page Events like this:
creator in (
distance(latitude, longitude, "37.76", "-122.427") < 1000
start_time > "2015-05-22"
This only would include those events which have been created by a Page itself, and if the Page has an address stored. You can't get those Events created by Users, because you can't access their location field.

How to get past/ended public events from facebook using graph api/FQL?

I tried using the since and until parameters to get past events but it doesnt seem to work. The results from using since and until parameters give only events that have an end date in the future and a start date within the specified time limit. But however i would like to retrieve a list of all public events within the specified limit irrespective of whether it is still active or not. Is this possible?
Thanks for your help
You can use FQL for that:
select eid, name, start_time from event where creator = {page_id} and start_time >= "2014-05-01T00:00:00+0200" and start_time <= "2014-05-31T23:59:59+0200"
Make sure that {page_id} is a valid Page ID (or User ID). See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/event/ as reference.

Facebook Graph API Get All Events For Latitude and Longitude

I'm trying to get All public events for given location. Here is what I'm using now
But there are huge count of events with that location which didn't returning with that FQL query.
Is there any chance to get all events for given location or it may be by City ?
I'm using Python , but if you have some example code on any language please write it out.
I think if you omit the subquery for the event_member table, you'll eventually get more results. Please consider that the results will only include Events created by the Page itself, not those created by individual users.
SELECT name, pic_cover,start_time, end_time, location, description,venue FROM event WHERE creator IN (SELECT page_id FROM place WHERE distance(latitude, longitude, "40.1811", "44.5136") < 50000 limit 0,15000) and start_time > now() ORDER BY start_time desc limit 0,1500
If you have a list of venues of interest, you could use the method I described here: Facebook FQL find all events that take place at a certain venue
Edit 2017-12-20:
As it is now impossible to use FQL if the app was created after 2014-04-30, a direct search is no longer possible. To achieve that, a three-step approach must be used, as implemented in https://github.com/tobilg/facebook-events-by-location-core for example.

facebook graph api comment list sort , like 'orderby=desc'?

I use graph api to get the picture's comments, but I want to first sort the results by creating time and then return to the latest data. Similar to the sql statement 'order by create_time desc', I do not know if have such a parameter.
Currently used to offset and limit access to the latest data, but also know the total number of comments,
pagesize = 25;
offset = comments.count - pagesize;
limit = 25;
url = "https://graph.facebook.com/" + object_id + "/comments?access_token=" + access_token + "&limit=" + limit + "&offset=" + limit;
next page:
offset -= 25
but comments.ount of numerical sometimes is not accurate
and the result of the request URL to return to sometimes don't match
Whether to have very good solution
Or I used the wrong way (‘limit’ and ‘offset’ Parameter)!!!
Thank you for your answer.
"Graphics API" the existence of the cache?
i post a message and 46 comments.requests url, set the parameters:
Then it should return to the last comment (latest one), the actual return to the middle of a comment, and I tested a few times, set the
offset and limit. According to the returned results, the middle one is
the latest comment
If I set the limit value is greater than the 'comment.count', the returned data is all, the official website and facebook consistent
Because the cache reason?
Thanks again~
#dbau - You are still better off using FQL. In my experience, unless you are making a very simple call, you have very little control over what you get via a Graph API call.
Why don't you want to use FQL? FQL is an endpoint of the Graph API. There is still some data that can only be returned via FQL.
This will get you the result you're looking for. The query needs to be URL encoded. I left it in plain text for clarity.
SELECT id, fromid, text, time, likes, user_likes FROM comment
WHERE object_id = [OBJECT_ID] ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,[N]
You may find you don't get [N] comments returned each time, because Facebook filters out items that are not visible to the access_token owner after the query is run. You could either up the LIMIT and filter out any excess results returned or if you are using a user access_token, you could add AND can_like = TRUE to the WHERE clause to be guaranteed that, if they exist, [N] posts visible to the current user are returned.
Graph API returns latest objects first.
Facebook provides 2 keywords to filter the fetched data.
Limit : Returns "limit" number of latest records
Offset : Returns "limit" number of records from the offset position
So to retrieve latest "x" comments posted for an object
To retrieve next "X" comments (page wise)
Hope the answer is clear enough for you.

Get a list of events owned by a facebook page

Does anyone know how I can get a list of events owned (created) by a Facebook page?
I seem to be able to use the "graph api" to generate a list of the events an entity is attending. I also looked at FQL, but it seems to require that the 'where' clause is an indexable field (and, naturally, the id is the only indexable field).
For bonus points, we'd be able to do this without any authentication. (Though I'm resigned to the fact that I'm likely going to need at least a permanent access_token.)
If anyone knows how to do this I'd be eternally grateful.
All FQL data access requires authentication, so forget about those "bonus points".
This is going to require some post-query handling as, like you said, the FQL WHERE clause only respects indexible fields and the owner.id field is not indexible. Thus, we first begin by identifying events the user is a "member" of and loading the owner information for those events.
SELECT id, name, owner.id FROM event WHERE id IN (SELECT eid FROM event_member WHERE uid = XXX)
Once the query returns a dataset, we must manually check for rows in which owner.id is equal to uid.
Looks like you have to first query the event_member table, using the uid
and then once you got the eid of the events you can query the events table where the eid is indexed
and I'm sure you can use the first as a subquery of the second query like var query = FB.Data.query("select name from event where eid in (select eid from event_member where uid = {0})", user_id);
This one does it
select eid from event where creator=".$facebookPageId." and eid in (select eid from event_member where uid=".$facebookPageId.") ORDER BY start_time DESC
This link has a good tutorial on FB events and many more on C#.
But he uses a dll which he created. But as soon as you get the idea out of the blog, you can use Facebook c# Sdk to develop whatever you want to develop.
And all these info is valid for you IFF you are developing in c# my friend.
use this get request
https://graph.facebook.com/'your facebook page ID'/events?access_token=' your application token'&limit='number of events wanted'&after=1&fields=owner,name,description,cover,id
first you must create a facebook application and get its "app token"
In the fileds column you can specify the details you want about the event using the names in facebook API https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/event/