create service using searchd command of Sphinx - sphinx

I make index on one Sphinx compatible xml document.It runs success fully.
Then i make service using searchd command.Following is command to make service
searchd --install --config "path for config file" --servicename "servicename" --port "portnumber".
If Sphinx config file is put inside Sphinx directory then service create and start successfully.
But if config file is not inside Sphinx directory then service created successfully but it can not start successfully.
Should i change something inside searchd block in config file?

According the the documentation ( all parameters specified when creating the service is called when starting the service.
--install installs searchd as a service into the Microsoft Management Console (Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services). Any other parameters specified on the command line, where --install is specified will also become part of the command line on future starts of the service. For example, as part of calling searchd, you will likely also need to specify the configuration file with --config, and you would do that as well as specifying --install. Once called, the usual start/stop facilities will become available via the management console, so any methods you could use for starting, stopping and restarting services would also apply to searchd. Example:
C:\WINDOWS\system32> C:\Sphinx\bin\searchd.exe --install --config C:\Sphinx\sphinx.conf
The above command means that the config file must always exist at C:\Sphinx\sphinx.conf.
If your "path for config file" exists and the service still does not start, then I would suggest creating a bug at so it cab be resolved.
In the meantime, put the config file in the Sphinx directory where it works.

Make sure you have a log folder in the sphinx folder. If you check the searchd section of the config file, it will have an option for where the log files and pid are to be placed. If the directory does not exist, then the service will not start.


mongodb installation. service failed to start

Installing MongoDB as a service is failing for me. The install gets to the point where it tries to start the service and then fails:
Service 'MongoDB Server' (MongoDB) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services
This in on a freshly updated new install of Windows 2016
Near default MongoDB 4.2 community install.
Install MongodB as a Service
- Run service as Network Service user.
Directories are not default.
Data Directory : C:\Database\Data
Log Directory : C:\Database\Log
I've granted Network Service full permissions on C:\Database
.net framework 4.6 is installed.
Am I the first person to install MongoDB as a service or something?
Hard to believe someone didn't catch this before.
Installing to the default directories works. Brutal QA. Any fix to this?
Well, in case someone else comes across this...
One solution is to just install to the default directories, then after the install is done, stop the service, change the cfg to point to the directories you want and copy the files over. Then start it up.
Check path of the MongoDB service by runninng Win+R, type services.msc in opened window find MongoDB server double click it. Here what I see when installed MongoDB to custom folder C:\mongodb MongoDB server path
You probably need to install it into default folder or change path to executable in services.
In latter case run Win+R type there regedit.exe go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MongoDB and change ImagePath key.
In my case key was "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\mongod.exe" --config "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\mongod.cfg" --service
and I changed it into "C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe" --config "C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.cfg" --service

why does mongodb not care what my config file is?

I can tell mongod does not respect its own default config file because when I type 'mongod' in the terminal, i see
MongoDB starting : ... dbpath=/data/db ...
however in my /etc/mongodb.conf i have
dbPath: /home/ubuntu/data/db
So it appears mongod does not care about what is defined in its own default config file?
(i know i can add --config /etc/mongodb.conf but I don't see why if this config file is by definition the default config file)
Second question, if mongod does not use /etc/mongodb.conf - is there another config somewhere telling it to put the database path do /data/db (so i can change it) - or is /data/db hard-coded in the int main() of the mongod.exe
Third question: if so does this basically mean you have to always specify the path of the config file when starting mongo?
Fourth question: If it is the case that i must manually define the path to the mongodb config file when starting mongo, how would it be possible to both start mongo as a service like:
service start mongodb
and also specify the config file to be used for the service?
ps. i already know about mongod --fork .... but i'm trying to avoid big long inputs and just have a simple server start/stop/status function with one config file that is respected.
i'm trying to avoid big long inputs and just have a simple server start/stop/status function with one config file that is respected.
If you run MongoDB as an service in Ubuntu, the config path of /etc/mongod.conf is included in the service definition. Starting and stopping MongoDB as a service is the recommended way to run with consistent settings using a standard config location. You do not need to include any extra parameters when starting or stopping the service; any parameters should be set via the config file.
in my /etc/mongodb.conf i have
Note that the expected location is usually /etc/mongod.conf (named to match the corresponding server daemon). An /etc/mongod.conf with defaults for your O/S should be created as part of the installation (assuming you are using packages provided by MongoDB).
If you installed packages from an alternative source such as the Ubuntu Universe repository, it is possible that your service definition is using /etc/mongodb.conf and may have different defaults from the MongoDB documentation.
So it appears mongod does not care about what is defined in its own default config file?
If you start mongod from the command line, default values for mongod options are used. As at MongoDB 4.0 there is no default config file path baked into the server binary, but there is a default dbPath (/data/db on Linux).
There's a relevant feature suggestion you can watch/upvote in the MongoDB Jira issue tracker: SERVER-36150: Improved default config file handling.

Need to launch mongod using launchctl

I have installed MongoDB using manual option.
When I fire mongod it will take parameters from somewhere else specially for dbPath.
I want to have my own dbPath without specifying it with --dbPath each time.
So I found option to provide mongod.conf file and call mongod --config option but still I need to pass path of .conf file.
My ultimate goal is to just launch mongod as service and it will read config file from path I configured. For this I tried LaunchAgent and LaunchDaemon with no luck. What I thought is that if I can configure LaunchAgent or Daemon then I will provide path to mongod of bin directory of MongoDB folder and provide --config and path for .conf file as argument and then I need to just launch mongod using launchctl with name mongod and it will start mongod --config <.conf file path>.
But I am not able to do so. I read nearly 15-16 posts on LaunchAgent and Daemon but did not get solution my problem. I tried to do so with making mongod.plist file at various places like /Library/LaunchDaemon, /Library/LaunchAgent and ~/Library/LaunchDaemon but I always get error "Path had bad ownership/permissions". I tried chown and chgrp but no luck.
I hope you got my point. I really need complete solution to achieve my goal.
Do you use linux or windows?
This is the default location of mongodb.conf in linux:
You can simply edit it with your parameters, and start the service using:
sudo service mongodb restart
If you are using windows, it depends on the version of MongoDB you are using, but check in:
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\...
For the same file.

How to set target (runlevel) to service in CentOS7 (Systemd)?

I want to set target to service in CentOS7 (Systemd).
I want to know following.
How to set target to service.
How to show target of service.
In other words, I want to know substitution for following commands.
$ sudo chkconfig --level=2345 mysql on (<- set runlevel)
$ chkconfig --list mysql (<- show runlevel)
I understood that "runlevel" in CentOS6 changed "target" in CentOS7and I should use "systemctl" command.
But problems were not solved.
I heard that following command is replacement for "chkconfig --list"
, but I can't check target and can't set target.
systemctl list-unit-files
Setting the target is done in the unit file for the service. For example:
Then you run systemctl enable $service_name to create a symlink which enables the service to start as part of a particular target. You could also create the symlinks manually. The enable command will print out the paths of the symlinks it's creating.
I think systemctl --reverse list-dependencies $service is the way to find what services and targets depend on a specific services to boot.

Zookeeper startup on system reboot error

I have installed zookeeper on my Linux server ubuntu 12.04 in some folder like abc/zookeeper/zkserver/bin/ start. this works fine and starts the server as expected but when i put this file in /etc/init.d folder and copy the file in rc2.d folder for the reason to start-up zookeeper on system reboot. and when i run this command /etc/init.d/ start this is giving errors like:
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /etc/init.d/../etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg
grep: /etc/init.d/../etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg: No such file or directory
mkdir: cannot create directory `': No such file or directory
Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
The is dependent on a certain directory structure and certain files being present. It is not supposed to be moved in isolation like that. It is also not supposed to be used as an init script.
Check if your zk download comes with the init script. Try looking at src/packages/rpm/init.d/zookeeper or similar, and use that one instead.