xmpp server and roster issue - iphone

I am working on the jabber chatting Applications with the use of XMPP server .
I want to make 2 user friend so I have to add roster with the use of mysql query.
I have make entry in two tables.(1) ofRoster (2)ofRosterGroups.
I make entry in both the table but its not working.
Is there anything where I am missing.
I can do this with the admin panel but i don't want to do that.

I think you are using openfire (those tables in SQL look like the openfire setup). If so, the table you have to edit is "ofGroupUser". To add a user to a group you need to do a sql insert into that table where the group name is the group you want to add the user to, the username is the user you are adding to the group and administrator is the flag of that user's authority (just use 0). An example insert would look like this:
INSERT INTO ofGroupUser VALUES("group name", "user", administrator);
However, as mentioned in the above post this is not a good method for doing this as it will not immediately affect the server. You must restart the server for these changes to take place because openfire (or whatever server you are using) probably only reads the database on start up. Once it caches everything, it will edit the database according to requests (like adding users or groups through the admin console), but will not read from it and your additions will not be seen until a server restart occurs.
Basically, doing manual sql inserts will produce the desired results, and, if you are just testing some functionality, will work just fine as long as you restart the server. If you are using openfire and need to do group administrative work in some way besides the web ui, I would look into using a different server. As far as I know, openfire isn't real great with administration outside of it's web ui. Here is a list of many open source xmpp servers. I'd recommend ejabberd (as mentioned above post) it has a very nice control tool called ejabberdctl with an available expansion module called mod_ctlextra (here is the man page for it which lists commands) that will allow you to do what I assume you are wanting. Then you don't have to worry about sql and restarting, just use their tool which is how it should be.
Also, on a side note, ejabberd is extremely efficient due to the nature of the language used to write it: Erlang. Great stuff.
Hope that helps!

Presumably you are using the odbc modules with ejabberd. The sql schema though defines two tables rostergroups and rosterusers, not the ones you mention in the question. In any case you should not update the tables directly, ejabberd keeps internal state and does not get notified of your changes.
The way to go is by actually having the users send the mutual subscriptions and accept them as per the rfc. Roster Item Exchange might also be useful.


PostgresSQL|Scala: Any efficient way to interact using different Users for different queries with heavy ACL use

My whole interest in PostgreSQL is driven by its ACL system which is really powerful.
To access the data in a Scala application I have two options in mind EBeans/JDBC or Slick FRM.
Our application is an enterprise one and has more than 1000 users, who will be accessing it simultaneously, having different roles and access permissions. The current connectors, I am aware of, ask for database username/password at the time of connection building, and I haven't found these providing any facility to change the username/password on the fly as we will be getting the user reference from session object of the user accessing our server.
I am not sure how much the title of the question makes sense, but I don't see recreating(or separately creating) a database connection for every user as an efficient solution. What I am looking for is a library or toolkit which lets us supply the interacting sub-user/ROLE in options parameter using which PostgreSQL can do its ACL enforcing/check on data/manipulation requested.
You can "impersonate" a user in Postgres during a transaction and reset just before the transaction is done using the SET ROLE or SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION commands issued after establishing a database connection.

Track Database table changes with Sails.js

My Goal:
Then database table was externally changed, I want to send WebSocket notification to clients.
Is there a "native" Sails.js way to track changes in database table populated via Model?
I only dabble in sails but I'm not aware of a way. You might make a "model-listener" service that utilizes your adapter of choice's socket/channel capabilities. You'll have to start the listeners at some point via a hook or in the bootstrap file.
The problem you're going to run into is determining if the event(create, update, drop/delete) was external or sails. I'm more familiar with PGSQL and know you can provide an application name to your connection and could include it in your publish message so your listener/subscribe handler can ignore non-sails related events.
PGSQL trigger/notify/listen
Event Triggers
Capped Collections
Tailable Cursors
Of course waterline supports more adapters than the two I've listed here but I tried to pick the two I assume are the most popular. I know this might be the answer you had hoped for but it might give you some ideas to try.
Sorry, I'm a new poster so I'll try to provide some links in comments if it will stackoverflow will allow me.

Presence Server working details

I am fairly new to the presence server thing. I have got the idea about how the presence server works, concept like presentity, watcher , PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, SIP transactions.
I have to work on a project prototype where we have the Presence Server database exposed as SaaS using REST.
One thing I am not able to find out is, the presence data or the information about the publisher and subscriber is stored in the Database tables or in the XML files. Because as I read, everywhere they say about XCAP server which has the policy documents and this policy documents are applied on publisher and subscribers document which are also in xml. I am wondering what is in database then?
Q. So, is it like the information is stored in tables and then converted to xml?
Q. Can we have all the information in tables and can we let go of the XCAP server.
I am desperately looking for the answer.
The following image can be used as a reference to define what is achieved by the XCAP server. It provides HTTP Access to clients to access rules and profiles corresponding to the user and preferences that is available in the DB. So it a direct interface to the DB and is needed if you are going to provide access over REST
Image courtesy - http://openxcap.org/

How to restrict Collection.find() to certain select patterns in Meteor

I am experimenting with a simple chat app and Meteor 0.8.0
For a list of messages, where each message references a user through user_id, I want to display the username together with the message.
Is it possible to restrict the select patterns for a find()-call, so that e.g. Meteor.users.find({_id: msg.userId}) is allowed but not Meteor.users.find({})?
Unfortunately this is not covered by Collection.allow/.deny, where I think would be the natural place. If this would be possible, I could simply use Meteor.publish("usersWithName",function() {Meteor.users.find({},{fields:{username:1}}); without having to worry that the complete user list can be fetched on the client by an attacker.
Currently, I am using the smart-publish package to publish only the users referenced by messages, but I would prefer a simpler solution.
No, there is no way to restrict find queries from being run client-side, since the server is never contacted. It just runs the query against it's local collection. In the same way that an insert, update, or delete first happens client-side and then validates against the server (i.e. someone can remove a document on their client but the server will then reject it).
The best way to handle this is to only publish the documents you specifically need. As you mentioned, if you only publish the documents that the client should have then you are secure. Even if there was a way to force a restriction on the search client-side, it still does not really make sense to pass down more collections than you need.

perforce: controlling permissions without involving super user access

We are using perforce in my company and heavily rely on it. I need some suggestion for the following scenario:
Our Depot structure is something like this:
Every product has multiple components and every component consist of java or xml or some other program file. Every component has a manager/owner associated with it.
Right now, we have blocked the write permissions for every user and only when it is approved by the manager/owner after code review, we open the write permission for that user for any file/folder to check in. This process becomes a little untidy because the manager/developer have to wait for perforce admin to allow permissions (update protections table of perforce). Also, we give them a window of only 24 hrs to check in (due to agile, which i dont understand much :)), after which we are supposed to block the write access again for that user.
What I am looking for is a mechanism where perforce admins can delegate this responsibility to respective managers/owners without giving them super user or admin access and which automatically disables the write permission after 24 hrs.
Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance.
There's nothing to do this out of the box, per se.
The closest thing I can think of is if the mainline version of these components were permissioned by a group with an owner. The owner of the group is allowed to add and remove members from the group, thus delegating the permissioning to the "gatekeeper" rather than the admins, themselves.
Let me know if you require further clarification about this.
One common solution is to build a simple tool which reads and writes the protections table, the group memberships, etc., to implement the policies that you desire.
The protections and groups data are not complex in format, and you can easily write a little bit of text-processing code that writes and re-writes these specs according to your needs.
Then install your tool on the server machine in a secure fashion, granting the tool the rights to update the protections table, and have your component administrators use the tool to manage the permissions.
For example, I've seen this done by writing a small web application, in Java or Perl for example, installing that on a web server on a secure machine, and letting the component admins operate that tool through a web interface.
All your tool has to provide is (a) a simple login/logout mechanism for your component admins (the web server may already do this for you), (b) a command that takes a user name and a folder name and grants permission, and (c) a command (or a timer) that removes that permissions subsequently.