Can Citrix application able to access clients localhost - citrix

I have couple of questions related to working of citrix application. At first il explain the scenario...
Consider I have 2 application which is installed in Citrix server
APP "A" - Which is accessible to the clients through citrix connection(published)
APP "B" - Which is installed in Citrix server(not published) and will act as a mediator for citrix app ("A") and clients local machine
Here is the scenario,
In APP "A" we have link which will try to contact the clients local app and localhost through APP "B", means "B" will act as a mediator(for some validation and security purpose we are using this "B") for citrix application and clients local application. Means "A" will send request to "B" and "B" is the one responsible for contacting the clients local app, and in this case, if some thing goes wrong in "B", "B" has to show message box to the user.
Now my questions are:
As "B" is not published, Can user be able to see the APP "B"s message box???
If I want question 1 to done, wat ive to do?
If I refer "http://localhost //something" in APP "B", which IIS it will point to, "Clients local machines localhost" or "Citrix servers localhost".??
Can user be able to access any of the other application other than APP "A"??
Any help is appreciated, Thanks in Advance
Madhu M

Since the application is published seamlessly, the user will not see any windows from other applications running in that terminal session. This is true unless the published application explicitly calls another app. For example, if I'm in IE and click a mailto link and Outlook is installed, it would launch and appear seamlessly to the user.
Does app "B" have a GUI or if it's just a process? If it's just a process, I would create a batch file that launches it in the background for each user.
Citrix server's localhost
Not exactly sure what your asking here.


How to debug the Citrix ICA error "The session limit has been reached"?

Apologies in advance for somewhat vague information. I am new to Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop technology and am just looking for generic troubleshooting information.
At my place of employment we have kiosks that are configured to connect to a SaaS webapp. These kiosk have either the Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop installed.
One of the icons launches the IE browser that connects to the SaaS app using a preconfigured user account. Sometimes, however, instead of launching the browser, the system displays the "The session limit has been reached. Please contact your system administrator." error shown in below image.
The people administering these kiosks think that this message comes from the SaaS web application but that application does not enforce any limits on how many session are open for a given account under a given time.
Also considering how Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop works I would think (but maybe I am wrong) that if the SaaS app did reject a user login, we would be displayed an error message in Internet Explorer instead of this ICA prompt.
So I think that the issue here could be that the message is not about login sessions made to the background SaaS app but either about Citrix sessions or perhaps previous IE browsers somehow running in the background(?)
However our company's Citrix team looked at this and noticed that "Citrix was still active" when this prompt was displayed. The conclusion was then that Citrix is for that reason not the cause here.
So I wanted here to ask some questions on what things I could consider as causes and where I could look in the hopes of getting started on this issue.
This would be for XenApp / XenDesktop 7.18.
The questions I have:
Does XenApp / XenDesktop have log files that can be consulted for
debugging issues like this?
Is it possible to get XenApp / XenDesktop to run in debug mode (to
output more details to the log files)?
Does Citrix have configuration settings that could lead it to
have an issue like this?
A. First check the event logs and see when you facing this issue so does any event logs generated.
B. Also you can check the ICA configuration tool for session settings and checked if session settings are set to NEVER.
C. The ICA listener configuration tool is located at Start > All Programs > Citrix > Administration Tools > ICA Listener Configuration.
You are on the right track with the SaaS application itself reporting the error. If this Citrix session was already active when the icon was clicked again and the preconfigured user was already logged into the SaaS application, that would account for this error. To investigate, logout the Citrix session and try clicking the icon again, or check SaaS application to see if that preconfigured users is already connected.
Is the same user used for all these kiosks or is each kiosk supposed to have a unique user? Can this preconfigured user log in multiple times?

Get Logged On User IBM Personal Communications in VBScript Macro

We Use IBM Personal Communications iSeries Access for Windows version 6.0. When you launch the program you initially get a Log on Prompt that lets you enter a server, user name and password.
It then gives you the log on screen to the server itself and you have to log on a second time. Between the two log ons I'm trying to work out a "Startup Macro"
I don't have anything in it right now because I cannot figure out how to get ONE particular value from the Session, the USER NAME.
I can get the screen title, session name, macro name, but I can NOT for the life of me figure out how to get the user name. I've tried every possible combination of strings and "variable" names I can think of, and nothing.
I've searched the web and all I can ever find is how to record and auto logon to the green screen which is not what I want.
To be clear I just need the Username used to logon to the Personal Communications iSeries Access for Windows program, pre green-screen logon.
It's important to note that IBM i Access for Windows is much more than just the 5250 emulator. There's an ODBC driver, a printer emulator, AFP printer drivers and the graphical Navigator for i. That IBM i signon popup doesn't come from the 5250 emulator. It comes from a lower level IBM i Access for Windows process. Try it yourself. Reboot the PC. Don't start the emulator. DO start IBM i Navigator for Windows. You'll get the signon popup.
It looks like you are trying to automate a 'no signon' signon. The user name is probably stored in the registry, depending on the version of Windows you are using and the version of IBM i Access for Windows. Windows 7: Start > All Programs > IBM i Access for Windows > IBM I Access for Windows Properties Choose the Administration System tab and you'll see the server and user. HKCU > Software > IBM > Client Access Express > CurrentVersion > AS400 Operations Navigator > Application Administration > CurrentAdminSysUser > My Connections
I think, for this, you need to get into the ActiveX Control that comes with iSeries Access. This little code C# snippet should work:
AS400System sys1 = new AS400System();
if (sys1.IsConnected(cwbcoServiceEnum.cwbcoServiceAny) != 1)
String user = sys1.UserID;
You'll need to find cwbx.dll and add it as a reference to your project.
If the user is already connected from another application, no dialog will appear. The program will connect, get the connected user id, and then disconnect. If the user has never connected since logging in, then a logon dialog will appear.

Reconnecting to the same published application from different machine

Reconnecting to the same published application from different machine.
Using XENAPP, Lets say I have published a custom .net application (test.exe) and assume that it provides some mspaint like funcationality such as load an image from disk and modify using the tools provided in test.exe . Lets assume this resides on Server A.
The clients connects to the server A through citrix ICA Session , launches the test.exe and begins to use this application.
If the user decides to log from a different machine, Is it possible to connect to the same session ( knowing that I know the user name, pwd, etc to logon to the same session) , so that I can start to use the application from where I left off ? instead of again launching the test.exe ?
In short I would like to reconnect to the published application from where I left off from differnt machine.
Yes, this is default functionality in Citrix XenApp. It's called Workspace Control. (the link describes Presentation Server 4.0/4.5 but the functionality is the same)

Detecting Windows ID of logged-in user in RIA

What is the best way to detect the current user Windows ID (on a corporate LAN on a Windows machine) in RIA?
I assume I should use WindowsAuth for this
In your web.config file, set the authentication mode to "Windows". Also, in your client (assuming you're using the Business Application Template), you'll need to set webContext.Authentication to a new instance of WindowsAuthentication in App.xaml.cs.

How to change Msmq configuration from workgroup mode to domain mode?

There is a public queue named queue1 on machine A. I want to send messages to this queue from machine B. In order to achieve this, I wrote that c# code.
if (MessageQueue.Exists("machineA\queue1"))
label1.Text = "queue found";
label1.Text = "queue could not be found";
But Exists() method return false on machine B. The same code works well on machine C.
I found somethings related with msmq domain mode and workgroup mode. I think that msmq installed in workgoup mode on machine B.
How can I change this configuration from workgroup mode to domain mode?
Check the data for the REG_DWORD workgroup. Is it 1 or 0?
1 is workgroup mode.
0 is AD mode
Basically the difference between domain and work group mode is not defined by the value of the registry flag "workgroup" mentioned by #engin. This flag just reflects current operational mode but doesn't set it.
Whether you run in domain or workgroup mode is defined whether you installed MSMQ on domain controller or on a member server. Details about differences between these two modes can be found here:
MSMQ 1.0 used to support domain mode only. Current MSMQ version is 5.0.
Next you may see quite interesting behavior when you installed MSMQ on your DC, your workgroup flag continuously reverts to 1 after each MSMQ service restart. This means that you have to grant Network Service account the Create MSMQ Configuration Objects permission to the computer object in Active Directory Domain Services before installing the Directory Services Integration feature on a computer that is a domain controller.
You may find details on how to do it here:
MSMQ runs under the (less privileged) Network Service account instead of (all powerful) Local System account starting from version 4.0 (Vista/Server 2008)
So to answer #mkus question more directly to "set" domain mode you just install MSMQ on domain controller and make sure that proper permissions in place for Network Service account. Once this is done you well see it operating in domain mode with workgroup flag switched to 0 automatically to reflect this.
Also couple of links to clarify issues around MSMQ objects permissions and when/why you need to set them: In short starting from MSMQ 4.0 Everyone and Anonymous Logon were removed from default MSMQ objects ACLs as precaution against DoS attacks (though there are exlusions to this change and Workgroup mode is one of those).
And as you may read in Technet article below you need to go a grant certain rigts to MSMQ objects either to Network Service OR to Computer accounts when installing the Routing Service feature on a Windows Server 2008 R2 (or later) computer that is not a domain controller OR when installing the Directory Service Integration feature of Message Queuing on a Windows Server 2008 R2 (or later) computer that is a domain controller. See details here:
Run Server Manager on the machine that is hosting the queue. Right-click on Features and click "add features"
Drill down under Message Queuing and under Message Queuing Services. You should see a checkbox for Directory Service Integration.
Check it and click install.
Usually you have to reboot the server for it to show the change.
I ran into some problems, no matter how much I installed or uninstalled MSMQ or restarted, I still wasn't able to use the queue. So I wanted to post some links here
When it gets to a part about "To work around this problem, use the Active Directory Users and Computer Microsoft Management Console (MMC)...". Below is how you do that.
How to delete from active directory
"Delete stale computer objects" is the part you are interested in.
I also found this nice error in the event log "The Message Queuing service will not join the domain. An MSMQ Configuration (msmq) object exists in the new domain with an ID differing from the service ID. Please delete the MSMQ Configuration object in the new domain, restart the Message Queuing service, and log on again."- which helped to point out they way.
I have face this issue for windows server 2016, where even thought I was changing registry value to domain mode "0", it reverts to "1", after server restart.
To solve the issue on OS 2016, we need to uninstall below MSMQ feature as they are deprecated from OS 2016 onward.
Message Queuing Trigger
Multicasting support
Routing Service