samplecsipsimple sip - sip

I am looking over csipsimple app - uses sip calls, registers. I also found samplecsipsimple that registers a sip client to the a sip server using the csipsimple as a library. I would like how to create an outbound call and imbound call on wifi using csipsimple as a library?
Need some help.

Since CSipSimple uses a wrapper for pjsua, you should take a look at simple-pjsua program. And since there is no callback mechanism in Java, you wont be able to use the callbacks (such as on_call_state). so what you need to do is to extend the Callback class and override all of it's methods. Look in the code how it is done.


use of io.Manager class in has provided docs about io.Manager class. It also tells about how to make a manager object. But it does not use this manager object anywhere in any example.
I want to ask whether this Manager class has any practical use or not. Since I am new to, it would be helpful if someone tell the use of manager object with an example in layman way. If there is no direct use of manager object in making an application, then confirm it also.
See these docs:
The Manager manages the Engine.IO client instance, which is the low-level engine that establishes the connection to the server (by using transports like WebSocket or HTTP long-polling). The Manager handles the reconnection logic. A single Manager can be used by several Sockets.
Please note that, in most cases, you won't use the Manager directly but use the Socket instance instead.

How to implement integration using REGISTER SIP?

I have a question about integrating with a phone company (the Provider) using SIP.
I have a situation:
1. A call is made to a PSTN number
2. The Provider forwards the call to a SIP Gateway
3. Twilio is the SIP Gateway, so I receive an HTTP request for every new call
4. I execute my application logic
As I understand the SIP integration between the Provider and Twilio is done using SIP INVITE.
Now a have the challenge is to implement the integration using SIP REGISTER.
As I imagine, the scenario should look like this:
1. I register against the Provider using SIP REGISTER
2. A call is made to a PSTN number
3. The Provider gives me the call
4. I execute my application logic
I need to figure out what is needed in order to accomplish this:
Firstly, does this scenario make sense?
Do I need to use a PBX solution (like Asterisk, FreeSwitch) to implement SIP REGISTER and build my application on top of it?
If so, which PBX solution do you recommend and which features/modules are needed? And do I have to host it on my server?
Perhaps I don't need a PBX solution, and a library is enough as described here?
It is the Provider pushing for this way of integration and I have too little knowledge about it.
What I have figured out is that Twilio can't help me with this. So it looks like I have to take a part of solution in-house.
REGISTER is required if your terminal or terminals belong to the domain of a VoIP provider.
REGISTER records the mapping between the identity the VoIP provider gave you and the actual address and port where you will be listening for requests.
This way, calls addressed to you ( will be sent by the VoIP provider to the address of record it has for you.
If you are a VoIP provider yourself (i.e. you have a, then your peer voip providers will route requests to you based on DNS records or internal domain-based routing decisions. Once the call reaches you, then you can decide on how to handle it. If you are a real SIP provider, then you will have a registrar where you store the result of the REGISTER of your different users.
If you want to implement some application logic on your end, you have different options:
Easiest way is to implement a UAC/UAS, basically a terminal. Your application is the terminal, it registers with the VoIP provider and receives all your calls. You will just need the SIP stack, and you can do whatever you want with the call.
Using a PBX software. Basically it will handle normal calls for you, and the REGISTER when needed. Typically they will have APIs to perform some degree of automation/modification of the call handling.
Difference between the approaches, in the first case, you just have the protocol, so you must do everything else. In the second case, the objective is to process normal calls and they will offer you some window (smaller or greater) to see into those calls and do things with it.

Ways to listen a UDP port with mozilla firefox

In a nutshell, I am trying to write a C++ XPCOM component which listens on a UDP port and calls a callback function (a javascript function) every time a UDP packet arrives.
Sorry if the answer is too obvious but I was wondering what are the ways to listen on a UDP port with Mozilla (Preferably something easy to do)?
I know that there is an interface called nsIServerSocket which allows some listeners to be attached to it, but this is only for opening TCP ports. Is there any UDP equivalent of this (where I can attach a listener which is notified every time a UDP packet arrives)?
I also know that I could probably use PR_OpenUDPSocket and such. Is there a way of using this without dealing with threads? (As far as I understand I have to return to the calling javascript function after opening the port).
Why do you need to restrict yourself to Mozilla's API if you are writing C++ code? You can use the POSIX socket API directly, see How to set up a Winsock UDP socket? for a WinSock example (the only difference for Linux and OS X should be that WSAStartup() call is unnecessary). nsIServerSocket is mainly useful for JavaScript code that doesn't have the option to use the system libraries directly.
If you prefer a straight answer to your question: no, there is no XPCOM API to create UDP sockets. You already found the NSPR API (PR_OpenUDPSocket()) but it is probably designed with DNS communication in mind since that's pretty much the only UDP communication a browser would do. Don't expect much here.
And a side-note: you might want to avoid binary XPCOM components and create a native library that can be called via js-ctypes instead. See here for the details.

Objective-c TCP/IP client

I have a TCP server running on a machine. (implemented in Java). I need to connect to that server from a iPhone and send data to the server and also, receive data on the iphone when server pushes me data. So I need to be notified when data pushes from the server.
Is there a way to do this in Objective C(socket programming). Although I googled I couldn't find a solution. But I saw CFSocket etc.
Please anyone have a solution?
after a possible solutions in the internet, I found a nice asynchronous TCP and UDP socket Library here. ( This library worked really well for me so far. This wraps the CFSocket and CFStream.
Thanks for your replies.
You can use the CFNetwork family of classes to implement lower level sockets. Apple has an introduction document that describes the use of these classes.
CFSocket calls and similar will let you create sockets. You can then use CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket() to create a CFReadStreamRef and CFWriteStreamRef, which you can cast to NSInputStream* and NSOutputStream*.

Long polling with NSURLConnection

I'm working on an iPhone application which will use long-polling to send event notifications from the server to the client over HTTP. After opening a connection on the server I'm sending small bits of JSON that represent events, as they occur. I am finding that -[NSURLConnectionDelegate connection:didReceiveData] is not being called until after I close the connection, regardless of the cache settings I use when creating the NSURLRequest. I've verified that the server end is working as expected - the first JSON event will be sent immediately, and subsequent events will be sent over the wire as they occur. Is there a way to use NSURLConnection to receive these events as they occur, or will I need to instead drop down to the CFSocket API?
I'm starting to work on integrating CocoaAsyncSocket, but would prefer to continue using NSURLConnection if possible as it fits much better with the rest of my REST/JSON-based web service structure.
NSURLConnection will buffer the data while it is downloading and give it all back to you in one chunk with the didReceiveData method. The NSURLConnection class can't tell the difference between network lag and an intentional split in the data.
You would either need to use a lower-level network API like CFSocket as you mention (you would have access to each byte as it comes in from the network interface, and could distinguish the two parts of your payload), or you could take a look at a library like CURL and see what types of output buffering/non-buffering there is there.
I ran into this today. I wrote my own class to handle this, which mimics the basic functionality of NSURLConnection.
It sounds as if you need to flush the socket on the server-side, although it's really difficult to say for sure. If you can't easily change the server to do that, then it may help to sniff the network connection to see when stuff is actually getting sent from the server.
You can use a tool like Wireshark to sniff your network.
Another option for seeing what's getting sent/received to/from the phone is described in the following article:
Good luck!
We're currently doing some R&D to port our StreamLink comet libraries to the iPhone.
I have found that in the emulator you will start to get didReceiveData callbacks once 1KB of data is received. So you can send a junk 1KB block to start getting callbacks. It seems that on the device, however, this doesn't happen. In safari (on device) you need to send 2KB, but using NSURLConnection I too am getting no callbacks. Looks like I may have to take the same approach.
I might also play with multipart-replace and some other more novel headers and mime types to see if it helps stimulate NSURLConnection.
There is another HTTP API Implementation named ASIHttpRequest. It doesn't have the problem stated above and provides a complete toolkit for almost every HTTP feature, including File Uploads, Cookies, Authentication, ...