Change Settings manually with iFile? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I repaired my phone and the connector to the front camera broked. So I tried to open the and detected that I can't switch back to the Rear Camera, because the freezes because of the broken Front Camera.
When I open my own Application, which makes the Photos with the Front Camera it works.
I've my phone jailbreaked and iFile installed. Is there a way to change these settings manually on the file system? Where can I change that?
PS: I don't want to make a Settings Reset, because then I've all Data cleared, and the camera works so long as I switch the camera again to the front camer, then the app freezes.

I fixed it:
In the Plist /System/Library/CoreServices/
I set the Value
front-facing-camera to false
and after reboot it worked.


Does Flutter animations slowdown the flutter app? performance wise [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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I am building a flutter app where i use some flutter-animations tag like hero tag which is useful to take a picture from one screen to another using smooth animation. Now i wonder, when we see animations which are not like an image to shows in just one go but it shows in frame by frame and for every frame flutter change it's state then it must be slow down the performance of app in my opinon. What you say sir?
Yes. But by that same logic, showing anything on the screen also slows the app down. Why even have an image at all? Why not just display an empty screen?
So clearly, the real question is: is the tradeoff worth it, does it make your app drop below 60 fps or whatever you are targeting? Does adding an animation make your app easier to use and more polished? In almost all cases, the answer is yes, adding animations is well worth it.

Flutter - Google Maps marker cannot be dragged [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have Google Maps in my Flutter app in which I have set a marker.
The Marker is set to draggable:true but still I cannot drag it.
Please help.
I am stuck for 3 days and there is no answer I could find on google.
You should try holding your marker for a second before dragging it. I also had the same problem and after holding for a second and dragging it worked fine.

Launching video in custom player in from uiwebview [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to launch video in custom video player when user click on clink in uiwebview in iphone.
Currently video is played in the default as player as soon as link in clicked.
Thanks in advance
See the UIWebViewDelegate documentation and in particular the webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: method.
You can use that to intercept the click on the link. You will then need to determine if the request is for video or not. If it is for video, return NO from the method to prevent the UIWebview standard behaviour and instead, launch your own custom player.

How and where can I can iphone style system button picture? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to make some iPhone system style button, like camera, flash, deveice button in uiimagepickercontroller, where can I can those button picture?
Export images from UIKit :
Probably you will find necessary icons/images.
If u looking for icons means check this website
I'd recommend checking out the popular glyphish set.

eBay App-like Loading Animation [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm making an iPhone app that primarily focuses on loading webpages in UIWebviews. To show the user that the web page is currently loading, I'd like the screen to display a loading animation while the page loads, similar to the eBay app:
How can I do this? Or, at least, what UIWebView methods could I use to tell me if the page is loading and that there is internet connection (so it's not blindly trying to load forever).
You can use MBProgressHUD, a open source component which will do a lot of the work for you.
You'll need to create a delegate of the UIWebView and respond to the didStartLoading and didFinishLoading messages (that's when you'll show an hide the progress view).
A simple way is just having it there until you need it and setting the alpha from 0 to 1.
You would just need a gray thing (or whatever that thing is) and a activity indicator.
You could also dig into the alerts section in apple but I think the above is easier.