How to delete first line of file in perl script - perl

How can i remove first line of txt file in perl script?
`sed "1d" filename.txt`
Dosen't work.

You can use Tie::File:
use Tie::File;
tie #array, 'Tie::File', $filename or die $!;
shift #array;
untie #array;

`sed 1d filename.txt > newfile.txt`
should work. If you don't redirect it to a file, it will just read the whole file minus the first line to stdout.

That sends to the output to sed's STDOUT (which Perl proceeds to capture into a variable) instead of filename.txt. You want to use sed's -i.
sed -i "1d" filename.txt
Since there's no output to capture, it makes no sense to use backticks. You want system.
system('sed -i "1d" filename.txt');
Better: (Avoids launching another shell)
system('sed', '-i', '1d', 'filename.txt');
Best: (Does error checking for you)
use IPC::System::Simple qw( systemx );
systemx('sed', '-i', '1d', 'filename.txt');

Because you're doing this using an inline sed, here is a Perl equiv..
perl -ne'$.==1?next:print' <(seq 1 10)
Where the options mean,
-n assume "while (<>) { ... }" loop around program
-e program one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile)
Other notes,
$. is the variable for the current line number.
<() is Bash voodoo for generating a FIFO in the background.


How to remove carriage return in Perl properly?

I have a code that looks like this
sub ConvertDosToUnix{
my $file = shift;
open my $dosFile, '>', $file or die "\nERROR: Cannot open $file";
select $dosFile;
print("Converting Dos To Unix");
`perl -p -i -e "s/\r//g" $dosFile`;
close $dosFile;
Also, the perl command works when I used that outside the subroutine or in the main function. But when I created a separate subroutine for converting dos to unix, I got an error that says:
sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
//g" GLOB(0x148b990)' -p -i -e "s/
In which I don't understand.
Also, I also tried dos2unix but for some reason, it doesn't totally remove all the carriage returns like the perl command.
Honestly, you seem a little confused.
The code you have inside backticks is a command that is run by the shell. It needs to be passed a filename. You have your filename in the variable $file, but you pass it the variable $dosFile which contains a file handle (which stringifies to "GLOB(0x148b990)" - hence your error message).
So all your work opening the file is wasted. Really, all you wanted was:
`perl -p -i -e "s/\r//g" $file`
But your system almost certainly has dos2unix installed.
`dos2unix $file`
I should also point out that using backticks is only necessary if you want to capture the output from the command. If, as in this case, you don't need the output, then you should use system() instead.
system('dos2unix', $file);

Is there a way to execute a file and one line of program in perl?

I want to execute some code before execution(redirect stderr to stdout).
perl -e "BEGIN {open STDERR, '>&STDOUT'}"
But when there is -e, no file will be executed. I know $Config{sitelib}/ can pre-execute some code, and -f option can disable it. But this way is inflexible. In most cases, I do not need to add extra code. I don't want to add -f every time.
I cannot use shell to redirect. I want to set org-babel-perl-command in emacs org mode so that stdout and stderr can be printed in the same way, instead of opening another window to print stderr. org-babel-perl-command should be like perl.
For example, org-babel-python-command can be set to python -i -c "import sys; sys.stderr = sys.stdout".
perl -e'
open( STDERR, ">&STDOUT" );
do( shift( #ARGV ) );
(Error handling needed.)
For the case in question, the following would suffice:
perl 2>&1
Maybe even
./ 2>&1
You could just make a wrapper for perl. For example:
exec perl "$#" 2>&1
Then make it executable and use instead of perl in your org-babel-perl-command. Ensure it can be found in your PATH or use full location.

perl line-mode oneliner with ARGV [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I process options using Perl in -n or -p mode?
(2 answers)
Closed last year.
I often need to run some Perl one-liners for fast data manipulations, like
some_command | perl -lne 'print if /abc/'
Reading from a pipe, I don't need a loop around the command arg filenames. How can I achieve the next?
some_command | perl -lne 'print if /$ARGV[0]/' abc
This gives the error:
Can't open abc: No such file or directory.
I understand that the '-n' does the
while(<>) {.... }
around my program, and the <> takes args as filenames, but doing the next every time is a bit impractical
while read line
some_command | perl -lne 'BEGIN{$val=shift #ARGV} print if /$val/' "$line"
Is there some better way to get "inside" the Perl ONE-LINER command line arguments without getting them interpreted as filenames?
Some solutions:
perl -e'while (<STDIN>) { print if /$ARGV[0]/ }' pat
perl -e'$p = shift; while (<>) { print if /$p/ }' pat
perl -e'$p = shift; print grep /$p/, <>' pat
perl -ne'BEGIN { $p = shift } print if /$p/' pat
perl -sne'print if /$p/' -- -p=pat
PAT=pat perl -ne'print if /$ENV{PAT}/'
Of course, it might make more sense to create a pattern that's an ORing or all patterns rather than executing the same command for each pattern.
Also reasonably short:
... | expr=abc perl -lne 'print if /$ENV{expr}/'
Works in bash shell but maybe not other shells.
It depends on what you think will be in the lines you read, but you could play with:
while read line
some_command | perl -lne "print if /$line/"
Clearly, if $line might contain slashes, this is not going to fly. Then, AFAIK, you're stuck with the BEGIN block formulation.

Perl - One liner file edit: "perl -n -i.bak -e "print unless /^$id$,/" $filetoopena;" Not working

I cannot get this to work.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);
my $id='123456';
my $filetoopen = '/home/user/public/somefile.txt';
file contains:
A bunch of other subs and code
if(-s $filetoopen){
perl -n -i.bak -e "print unless /^$id$,/" $filetoopen;
I need to remove the line that matches $id from file $filetoopen
But, I don't want script to "crash" if $id is not in $filetoopen either.
This is in a .pl scripts sub, not being run from command line.
I think I am close but, after reading for hours here, I had to resort to posting the question.
Will this even work in a script?
I tried TIE with success but, I need to know alternatively how to do this without TIE::FILE.
When I tried I got the error:
syntax error at line 456, near "bak -e "
Thanks for teaching this old dog...
First of all (this is not the cause of your problem) $, (aka $OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR) defaults to undef, I'm not sure why you are using it in the regex. I have a feeling the comma was a typo.
It's unclear if you are calling this from a shell script or from Perl?
If from Perl, you should not call a nested Perl interpreter at all.
If the file is small, slurp it in and print:
use File::Slurp;
my #lines = read_file($filename);
write_file($filename, grep { ! /^$id$/ } #lines);
If the file is large, read line by line as a filter.
use File::Copy;
move($filename, "$filename.old") or die "Can not rename: $!\n";
open(my $fh_old, "<", "$filename.old") or die "Can not open $filename.old: $!\n";
open(my $fh, ">", $filename) or die "Can not open $filename: $!\n";
while my $line (<$fh_old>) {
next if $line =~ /^id$/;
print $fh $_;
If from a shell script, this worked for me:
$ cat x1
$ perl -n -i.bak -e "print unless /^$id$/" x1
$ cat x1
if(-s $filetoopen){
perl -n -i.bak -e "print unless /^$id$,/" $filetoopen;
I'm not at all sure what you expect this to do. You can't just put a command line program in the middle of Perl code. You need to use system to call an external program. And Perl is just an external program like any other.
if(-s $filetoopen){
system('perl', '-n -i.bak -e "print unless /^$id$,/"', $filetoopen);
The functionality of the -i command line argument can be accessed via $^I.
local #ARGV = $filetoopen;
local $^I = '.bak';
local $_;
while (<>) {
print if !/^$id$/;

What am I doing wrong in this Perl one-liner?

I have a file that contains a lot of these
and I would like to output the letter code using a perl one-liner. So I try
perl -nle 'm/\"\/watch\?v=(.*?)\"/g' filename.txt
but it doesn't print anything.
What am I doing wrong?
The -n option processes each line but doesn't print anything out. So you need to add an explicit print if you successfully match.
perl -ne 'while ( m/\"\/watch\?v=(.+?)\"/g ) { print "$1\n" }' filename.txt
Another approach, if you're sure every line will match, is to use the -p option which prints out the value of $_ after processing, e.g.:
perl -pe 's/\"\/watch\?v=(.+?)\"/$1//' filename.txt
Your regex is fine. You're getting no output because the -n option won't print anything. It simply wraps a while (<>) { ... } loop around your program (run perl --help for brief explanations of the Perl options).
The following uses your regex, but add some printing. In list context, regexes with the /g option return all captures. Effectively, we print each capture.
perl -nle 'print for m/\"\/watch\?v=(.*?)\"/g' data.dat
You can split the string on "=" instead of matching:
perl -paF= -e '$_= #F[1]' filename.txt