How does Perl polymorphism work? - perl

I am unable to figure out an explanation on how polymorphism works in Perl. I understand what polymorphism means but I am trying to figure out how it internally works within perl. Can someone point me to some documentation that explains it. All the google searches I have done gives me examples of what polymorphism is in perl but not how perl makes it work.

When a method is invoked on an object or class, Perl looks to see if that method is provided directly by the class itself.
Because classes are simply Perl packages, it is simply a matter of looking for the existence of a subroutine &Class::method.
If no such subroutine is found, Perl examines the #ISA array in the same package (i.e. #Class::ISA) which contains a list of base classes for the class, and does the same check for every package/class that appears in there.
Each of those classes in turn may also have an #ISA array, so the search is recursive.
Finally, if the method is found nowhere by this method, Perl looks in a special package UNIVERSAL for a subroutine &UNIVERSAL::method.
A failure at this point goes on to invoke the AUTOLOAD system, but that is really beyond the principle of polymorphism.
A failure to find a suitable matching method anywhere raises an exception.

Chapter 7 from Object Oriented Perl, Damian Conway, Manning (2000) is called Polymorphism. Ten pages.
Be advised, however, in case you're coming from C++ or Java or C# or similar, that there's not so much to know about "polymorphism" in Perl. I'd even say the concept of polymorphism makes things more complicated than they are in Perl.
I think the mechanism a Perl programmer should be striving to understand is how method lookup works. The answer is: depth-first recursive scanning through the #ISA arrays of packages.
An example, let's do $o->bla. Our $o is blessed into the A package, which doesn't have an implementation of bla. But it inherits from first B and then C (#ISA = ('B', 'C')). So let's do a lookup in B first. It doesn't define the method either. If it had parent classes, we'd continue our lookup there. But it doesn't. So we now look into C, and fortunately it does have the method, else that would be a runtime error, because the package of last resort, UNIVERSAL, doesn't define bla either.

An object method call is basically an optimised* version of the following:
my $class = ref($_[0]);
my #isa = mro::get_linear_isa($class);
for my $pkg (#isa) {
if (exists(&{$pkg.'::'.$method_name})) {
return &{$pkg.'::'.$method_name};
ref gets the name of the class associated with the object. The class is stored in the object's variable.
$ perl -MDevel::Peek -e'my $o = {}; Dump($o); bless($o, "SomeClass"); Dump($o);'
SV = IV(0x9e4ae0c) at 0x9e4ae10
RV = 0x9e317d0
SV = PVHV(0x9e36808) at 0x9e317d0
ARRAY = 0x0
KEYS = 0
FILL = 0
MAX = 7
RITER = -1
EITER = 0x0
SV = IV(0x9e4ae0c) at 0x9e4ae10
RV = 0x9e317d0
SV = PVHV(0x9e36808) at 0x9e317d0
STASH = 0x9e323d0 "SomeClass" <----
ARRAY = 0x0
KEYS = 0
FILL = 0
MAX = 7
RITER = -1
EITER = 0x0
get_linear_isa is based on #ISA in package $class, and the #ISA of the packages named therein.
Since the class name is in the object and since Perl can check its symbol table at run-time, a virtual method table isn't needed to provide polymorphism.
* — It caches which package provides method $method_name for class $class. Also, it surely doesn't calculate the whole linear ISA upfront, but as needed.

This well suits inheritance-based polymorphism and gives some idea of what Perl does specifically. I have always used chapter 12.5. Class Inheritance in Programming Perl as a reference for these things.

Polymorphism is simply the idea that objects of different types respond to method calls of the same name. Weakly typed languages, such as Perl, are "implicitly polymorphic".
For example, a CGI object, an Apache2::Request object, and a Plack::Request object all have a param method that will return the parameters of an HTTP request. I could write a function that accepts an object as a parameter, and call the param method on that object, and get an HTTP request parameter, without knowing what type of object it is.
Strongly typed languages don't work this way because their functions specify the data types of their parameters. I can't call a function in Java with an object of type Dog if it was expecting one of Cat. So the strongly typed languages have to create special mechanisms to allow for polymorphism.


Which features of Perl make it a functional programming language?

Inspired a little by:
I found: Higher Order Perl
It made me wonder about the assertion that Perl is a functional programming language. Now, I appreciate that functional programming is a technique (much like object oriented).
However I've found a list of what makes a functional programming language:
First Class functions
Higher Order Functions
Lexical Closures
Pattern Matching
Single Assignment
Lazy Evaluation
Garbage Collection
Type Inference
Tail Call Optimization
List Comprehensions
Monadic effects
Now some of these I'm quite familiar with:
Garbage collection, for example, is Perl reference counting and releasing memory when no longer required.
Lexical closures are even part of the FAQ: What is a closure? - there's probably a better article here:
But I start to get a bit fuzzy on some of these - List Comprehensions, for example - I think that's referring to map/grep (List::Util and reduce?)
I anyone able to help me fill in the blanks here? Which of the above can Perl do easily (and is there an easy example) and are there examples where it falls down?
Useful things that are relevant:
Perl monks rant about functional programming
Higher Order Perl functional programming definitions
First Class functions
In computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-class citizens. Specifically, this means the language supports passing functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and assigning them to variables or storing them in data structures.
So in Perl:
my $print_something = sub { print "Something\n" };
sub do_something {
my ($function) = #_;
Verdict: Natively supported
Higher Order Functions
In mathematics and computer science, a higher-order function (also functional form, functional or functor) is a function that does at least one of the following:
takes one or more functions as an input
outputs a function
With reference to this post on perlmonks:
In Perl terminology, we often refer to them as callbacks, factories, and functions that return code refs (usually closures).
Verdict: Natively supported
Lexical Closures
Within the perl FAQ we have questions regarding What is a closure?:
Closure is a computer science term with a precise but hard-to-explain meaning. Usually, closures are implemented in Perl as anonymous subroutines with lasting references to lexical variables outside their own scopes. These lexicals magically refer to the variables that were around when the subroutine was defined (deep binding).
Closures are most often used in programming languages where you can have the return value of a function be itself a function, as you can in Perl.
This is explained perhaps a little more clearly in the article: Achieving Closure
sub make_hello_printer {
my $message = "Hello, world!";
return sub { print $message; }
my $print_hello = make_hello_printer();
Verdict: Natively supported
Pattern Matching
In the context of pure functional languages and of this page, Pattern Matching is a dispatch mechanism: choosing which variant of a function is the correct one to call. Inspired by standard mathematical notations.
Dispatch tables are the closest approximation - essentially a hash of either anonymous subs or code refs.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub do_it {
print join( ":", #_ );
my $dispatch = {
'onething' => sub { print #_; },
'another_thing' => \&do_it,
Because it's just a hash, you can add code references and anonymous subroutines too. (Note - not entirely dissimilar to Object Oriented programming)
Verdict: Workaround
Single Assignment
Any assignment that changes an existing value (e.g. x := x + 1) is disallowed in purely functional languages.4 In functional programming, assignment is discouraged in favor of single assignment, also called initialization. Single assignment is an example of name binding and differs from assignment as described in this article in that it can only be done once, usually when the variable is created; no subsequent reassignment is allowed.
I'm not sure perl really does this. The closest approximation might be references/anonymous subs or perhaps constant.
Verdict: Not Supported
Lazy Evaluation
Waiting until the last possible moment to evaluate an expression, especially for the purpose of optimizing an algorithm that may not use the value of the expression.
Examples of lazy evaluation techniques in Perl 5?
And again, coming back to Higher Order Perl (I'm not affiliated with this book, honest - it just seems to be one of the key texts on the subject).
The core concept here seems to be - create a 'linked list' in perl (using object oriented techniques) but embed a code reference at your 'end marker' that evaluates if you ever get that far.
Verdict: Workaround
Garbage Collection
"GarbageCollection (GC), also known as automatic memory management, is the automatic recycling of heap memory."
Perl does this via reference counting, and releasing things when they are no longer referenced. Note that this can have implications for certain things that you're (probably!) more likely to encounter when functional programming.
Specifically - circular references which are covered in perldoc perlref
Verdict: Native support
Type Inference
TypeInference is the analysis of a program to infer the types of some or all expressions, usually at CompileTime
Perl does implicitly cast values back and forth as it needs to. Usually this works well enough that you don't need to mess with it. Occasionally you need to 'force' the process, by making an explicit numeric or string operation. Canonically, this is either by adding 0, or concatenating an empty string.
You can overload a scalar to do different things in by using dualvars
Verdict: Native support
Tail Call Optimization
Tail-call optimization (or tail-call merging or tail-call elimination) is a generalization of TailRecursion: If the last thing a routine does before it returns is call another routine, rather than doing a jump-and-add-stack-frame immediately followed by a pop-stack-frame-and-return-to-caller, it should be safe to simply jump to the start of the second routine, letting it re-use the first routine's stack frame (environment).
Why is Perl so afraid of "deep recursion"?
It'll work, but it'll warn if your recursion depth is >100. You can disable this by adding:
no warnings 'recursion';
But obviously - you need to be slightly cautious about recursion depth and memory footprint.
As far as I can tell, there isn't any particular optimisation and if you want to do something like this in an efficient fashion, you may need to (effectively) unroll your recursives and iterate instead.
Tailcalls are supported by perl. Either see the goto ⊂ notation, or see the neater syntax for it provided by Sub::Call::Tail
Verdict: Native
List Comprehensions
List comprehensions are a feature of many modern FunctionalProgrammingLanguages. Subject to certain rules, they provide a succinct notation for GeneratingElements? in a list.
A list comprehension is SyntacticSugar for a combination of applications of the functions concat, map and filter
Perl has map, grep, reduce.
It also copes with expansion of ranges and repetitions:
my #letters = ( "a" .. "z" );
So you can:
my %letters = map { $_ => 1 } ( "A" .. "z" );
Verdict: Native (List::Utils is a core module)
Monadic effects
... nope, still having trouble with these. It's either much simpler or much more complex than I can grok.
If anyone's got anything more, please chip in or edit this post or ... something. I'm still a sketchy on some of the concepts involved, so this post is more a starting point.
Really nice topic, I wanted to write an article titled something link "the camel is functional". Let me contribute with some code.
Perl also support this anonymous functions like
sub check_config {
my ( $class, $obj ) = #_;
my $separator = ' > ';
# Build message from class namespace.
my $message = join $separator, ( split '::', $class );
# Use provided object $obj or
# create an instance of class with defaults, provided by configuration.
my $object = $obj || $class->new;
# Return a Function.
return sub {
my $attribute = shift;
# Compare attribute with configuration,
# just to ensure it is read from there.
is $object->config->{$attribute},
# Call attribute accessor so it is read from config,
# and validated by type checking.
# Build message with attribute.
join $separator, ( $message, $attribute );
sub check_config_attributes {
my ( $class, $obj ) = #_;
return sub {
my $attributes = shift;
check_config( $class, $obj )->($_) for (#$attributes);

Basic Object Oriented subfunction definition and use in Perl

Sorry to bother the community for this but I have unfortunately to code in Perl :'(. It is about an OO perl code I want to understand but I am failing to put all the pieces together.
The following is a template of code that represents somehow what I am currently looking at. The following is the class MyClass:
package Namespace::MyClass;
sub new($)
my ($class) = #_;
$self = { };
bless ($self, $class);
sub init($$)
my ($self, $param1) = #_;
$self->{whatever} = ($param1, $param1, $param1);
and then the following is a that supposedly uses the class:
require Namespace::MyClass;
my myClass = new Namespace::MyClass()
There may be error but I am interested more in having the following questions answered than having my possibly wrong code corrected:
Questions group 1 : "$" in a sub definition means I need to supply one parameter, right? If so, why does new ask for one and I do not supply it? Has this to do with the call in the script using () or something similar to how Python works (self is implied)?
Question group 2 : is for the same previous reason that the init subroutine (here a method) declares to expect two parameters? If so, is the blessing in some way implying a self is ever passed for all the function in the module?
I ask this because I saw that in non blessed modules one $ = one parameter.
Thank you for your time.
Prototypes (like "$") mean exactly nothing in Method calls.
Method calls are not influenced by prototypes either, because the function to be called is indeterminate at compile time, since the exact code called depends on inheritance.
Most experienced Perl folk avoid prototypes entirely unless they are trying to imitate a built-in function. Some PHBs inexperienced in Perl mandate their use under the mistaken idea that they work like prototypes in other languages.
The 1st parameter of a Method call is the Object (Blessed Ref) or Class Name (String) that called the Method. In the case of your new Method that would be 'Namespace::MyClass'.
Word to the wise: Also avoid indirect Method calls. Rewrite your line using the direct Method call as follows: my $myClass = Namespace::MyClass->new;
Your init method is getting $myClass as it's 1st parameter because it is what 'called' the method. The 2nd parameter is from the parameter list. Blessing binds the name of the Class to the Reference, so that when a method call is seen, It knows which class in which to start the search for the correct sub. If the correct sub is not immediately found, the search continues in the classes named in the class's #ISA array.
Don't use prototypes! They don't do what you think they do.
Prototypes in Perl are mainly used to allow functions to be defined without the use of parentheses or to allow for functions that take array references to use the array name like pop or push do. Otherwise, prototypes can cause more trouble and heartbreak than experienced by most soap opera characters.
is what you actually want to do validate parameters? if so then that is not the purpose of prototypes. you could try using signatures, but for some reason they are new and still experimental. some consider lack of a stable signatures feature to be a flaw of perl. the alternatives are CPAN and writing code in your subs/methods that explicitly validate the params.

Why do '::' and '->' work (sort of) interchangeably when calling methods from Perl modules?

I keep getting :: confused with -> when calling subroutines from modules. I know that :: is more related to paths and where the module/subroutine is and -> is used for objects, but I don't really understand why I can seemingly interchange both and it not come up with immediate errors.
I have perl modules which are part of a larger package, e.g. FullProgram::Part1
I'm just about getting to grips with modules, but still am on wobbly grounds when it comes to Perl objects, but I've been accidentally doing this:
instead of
so when I've been passing a hash ref to subroutine1 and been careful about using $class/$self to deal with the object reference and accidentally use :: I end up pulling my hair out wondering why my hash ref seems to disappear. I have learnt my lesson, but would really like an explanation of the difference. I have read the perldocs and various websites on these but I haven't seen any comparisons between the two (quite hard to google...)
All help appreciated - always good to understand what I'm doing!
There's no inherent difference between a vanilla sub and one's that's a method. It's all in how you call it.
This will call Class::foo. If Class::foo doesn't exist, the inheritance tree will not be checked. Class::foo will be passed only the provided arguments ('a').
It's roughly the same as: my $sub = \&Class::foo; $sub->('a');
This will call Class::foo, or foo in one of its base classes if Class::foo doesn't exist. The invocant (what's on the left of the ->) will be passed as an argument.
It's roughly the same as: my $sub = Class->can('foo'); $sub->('Class', 'a');
calls the subroutine subroutine1 of the package FullProgram::Part1 with an empty parameter list while
calls the same subroutine with the package name as the first argument (note that it gets a little bit more complex when you're subclassing). This syntax is used by constructor methods that need the class name for building objects of subclasses like
sub new {
my ($class, #args) = #_;
return bless $thing, $class;
FYI: in Perl OO you see $object->method(#args) which calls Class::method with the object (a blessed reference) as the first argument instead of the package/class name. In a method like this, the subroutine could work like this:
sub method {
my ($self, $foo, $bar) = #_;
# ...
which will call the subroutine do_something_with with the object as first argument again followed by the value of $bar which was the second list element you originally passed to method in #args. That way the object itself doesn't get lost.
For more informations about how the inheritance tree becomes important when calling methods, please see ikegami's answer!
Use both!
use Module::Two;
Note that this works but also protects you against an ambiguity there; the simple
will be interpreted as:
(calling the subroutine Two in Module and trying to call class_method on its return value - likely resulting in a runtime error or calling a class or instance method in some completely different class) if there happens to be a sub Two in Module - something that you shouldn't depend on one way or the other, since it's not any of your code's business what is in Module.
Historically, Perl dont had any OO. And functions from packages called with FullProgram::Part1::subroutine1(); sytax. Or even before with FullProgram'Part1'subroutine1(); syntax(deprecated).
Later, they implemented OOP with -> sign, but dont changed too much actually. FullProgram::Part1->subroutine1(); calls subroutine1 and FullProgram::Part1 goes as 1st parameter. you can see usage of this when you create an object: my $cgi = CGI->new(). Now, when you call a method from this object, left part also goes as first parameter to function: $cgi->param(''). Thats how param gets object he called from (usually named $self). Thats it. -> is hack for OOP. So as a result Perl does not have classes(packages work as them) but does have objects("objects" hacks too - they are blessed scalars).
Offtop: Also you can call with my $cgi = new CGI; syntax. This is same as CGI->new. Same when you say print STDOUT "text\n";. Yeah, just just calling IOHandle::print().

Can Perl method calls be intercepted?

Can you intercept a method call in Perl, do something with the arguments, and then execute it?
Yes, you can intercept Perl subroutine calls. I have an entire chapter about that sort of thing in Mastering Perl. Check out the Hook::LexWrap module, which lets you do it without going through all of the details. Perl's methods are just subroutines.
You can also create a subclass and override the method you want to catch. That's a slightly better way to do it because that's the way object-oriented programming wants you do to it. However, sometimes people write code that doesn't allow you to do this properly. There's more about that in Mastering Perl too.
To describe briefly, Perl has the aptitude to modify symbol table. You call a subroutine (method) via symbol table of the package, to which the method belongs. If you modify the symbol table (and this is not considered very dirty), you can substitute most method calls with calling the other methods you specify. This demonstrates the approach:
# The subroutine we'll interrupt calls to
sub call_me
print shift,"\n";
# Intercepting factory
sub aspectate
my $callee = shift;
my $value = shift;
return sub { $callee->($value + shift); };
my $aspectated_call_me = aspectate \&call_me, 100;
# Rewrite symbol table of main package (lasts to the end of the block).
# Replace "main" with the name of the package (class) you're intercepting
local *main::call_me = $aspectated_call_me;
# Voila! Prints 105!
This also shows that, once someone takes reference of the subroutine and calls it via the reference, you can no longer influence such calls.
I am pretty sure there are frameworks to do aspectation in perl, but this, I hope, demonstrates the approach.
This looks like a job for Moose! Moose is an object system for Perl that can do that and lots more. The docs will do a much better job at explaining than I can, but what you'll likely want is a Method Modifier, specifically before.
You can, and Pavel describes a good way to do it, but you should probably elaborate as to why you are wanting to do this in the first place.
If you're looking for advanced ways of intercepting calls to arbitrary subroutines, then fiddling with symbol tables will work for you, but if you want to be adding functionality to functions perhaps exported to the namespace you are currently working in, then you might need to know of ways to call functions that exist in other namespaces.
Data::Dumper, for example, normally exports the function 'Dumper' to the calling namespace, but you can override or disable that and provide your own Dumper function which then calls the original by way of the fully qualified name.
use Data::Dumper;
sub Dumper {
warn 'Dumping variables';
print Data::Dumper::Dumper(#_);
my $foo = {
bar => 'barval',
Again, this is an alternate solution that may be more appropriate depending on the original problem. A lot of fun can be had when playing with the symbol table, but it may be overkill and could lead to hard to maintain code if you don't need it.
You need three things:
The arguments to a call are in #_ which is just another dynamically scoped variable.
Then, goto supports a reference-sub argument which preserves the current #_ but makes another (tail) function call.
Finally local can be used to create lexically scoped global variables, and the symbol tables are buried in %::.
So you've got:
sub foo {
print "$x / $y = " . ((0.0+$x)/$y)."\n";
sub doit {
which of course prints out:
3 / 4 = 0.75
We can replace foo using local and go:
my $oldfoo = \&foo;
local *foo = sub { (#_)=($_[1], $_[0]); goto $oldfoo; };
And now we get:
4 / 3 = 1.33333333333333
If you wanted to modify *foo without using its name, and you didn't want to use eval, then you could modify it by manipulating %::, for example:
$::{"foo"} = sub { (#_)=($_[0], 1); goto $oldfoo; };
And now we get:
3 / 1 = 3

Why shouldn't I use UNIVERSAL::isa?

According to this
I shouldn't use UNIVERSAL::isa() and should instead use $obj->isa() or CLASS->isa().
This means that to find out if something is a reference in the first place and then is reference to this class I have to do
eval { $poss->isa("Class") }
and check $# and all that gumph, or else
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
blessed $ref && $ref->isa($class);
My question is why? What's wrong with UNIVERSAL::isa called like that? It's much cleaner for things like:
my $self = shift if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__)
To see whether this function is being called on the object or not. And is there a nice clean alternative that doesn't get cumbersome with ampersands and potentially long lines?
The primary problem is that if you call UNIVERSAL::isa directly, you are bypassing any classes that have overloaded isa. If those classes rely on the overloaded behavior (which they probably do or else they would not have overridden it), then this is a problem. If you invoke isa directly on your blessed object, then the correct isa method will be called in either case (overloaded if it exists, UNIVERSAL:: if not).
The second problem is that UNIVERSAL::isa will only perform the test you want on a blessed reference just like every other use of isa. It has different behavior for non-blessed references and simple scalars. So your example that doesn't check whether $ref is blessed is not doing the right thing, you're ignoring an error condition and using UNIVERSAL's alternate behavior. In certain circumstances this can cause subtle errors (for example, if your variable contains the name of a class).
use CGI;
my $a = CGI->new();
my $b = "CGI";
print UNIVERSAL::isa($a,"CGI"); # prints 1, $a is a CGI object.
print UNIVERSAL::isa($b,"CGI"); # Also prints 1!! Uh-oh!!
So, in summary, don't use UNIVERSAL::isa... Do the extra error check and invoke isa on your object directly.
See the docs for UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERSAL::can for why you shouldn't do it.
In a nutshell, there are important modules with a genuine need to override 'isa' (such as Test::MockObject), and if you call it as a function, you break this.
I have to say, my $self = shift if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__) doesn't look terribly clean to me - anti-Perl advocates would be complaining about line noise. :)
To directly answer your question, the answer is at the bottom of the page you linked to, namely that if a package defines an isa method, then calling UNIVERSAL::isa directly will not call the package isa method. This is very unintuitive behaviour from an object-orientation point of view.
The rest of this post is just more questions about why you're doing this in the first place.
In code like the above, in what cases would that specific isa test fail? i.e., if it's a method, in which case would the first argument not be the package class or an instance thereof?
I ask this because I wonder if there is a legitimate reason why you would want to test whether the first argument is an object in the first place. i.e., are you just trying to catch people saying FooBar::method instead of FooBar->method or $foobar->method? I guess Perl isn't designed for that sort of coddling, and if people mistakenly use FooBar::method they'll find out soon enough.
Your mileage may vary.
Everyone else has told you why you don't want to use UNIVERSAL::isa, because it breaks when things overload isa. If they've gone to all the habit of overloading that very special method, you certainly want to respect it. Sure, you could do this by writing:
if (eval { $foo->isa("thing") }) {
# Do thingish things
because eval guarantees to return false if it throws an exception, and the last value otherwise. But that looks awful, and you shouldn't need to write your code in funny ways because the language wants you to. What we really want is to write just:
if ( $foo->isa("thing") ) {
# Do thingish things
To do that, we'd have to make sure that $foo is always an object. But $foo could be a string, a number, a reference, an undefined value, or all sorts of weird stuff. What a shame Perl can't make everything a first class object.
Oh, wait, it can...
use autobox; # Everything is now a first class object.
use CGI; # Because I know you have it installed.
my $x = 5;
my $y = CGI->new;
print "\$x is a CGI object\n" if $x->isa('CGI'); # This isn't printed.
print "\$y is a CGI object\n" if $y->isa('CGI'); # This is!
You can grab autobox from the CPAN. You can also use it with lexical scope, so everything can be a first class object just for the files or blocks where you want to use ->isa() without all the extra headaches. It also does a lot more than what I've covered in this simple example.
Assuming your example of what you want to be able to do is within an object method, you're being unnecessarily paranoid. The first passed item will always be either a reference to an object of the appropriate class (or a subclass) or it will be the name of the class (or a subclass). It will never be a reference of any other type, unless the method has been deliberately called as a function. You can, therefore, safely just use ref to distinguish between the two cases.
if (ref $_[0]) {
my $self = shift;
# called on instance, so do instancey things
} else {
my $class = shift;
# called as a class/static method, so do classy things
Right. It does a wrong thing for classes that overload isa. Just use the following idiom:
if (eval { $obj->isa($class) }) {
It is easily understood and commonly accepted.
Update for 2020: Perl v5.32 has the class infix operator, isa, which handles any sort of thing on the lefthand side. If the $something is not an object, you get back false with no blowup.
use v5.32;
if( $something isa 'Animal' ) { ... }