Where do you put server.xml in a tomcat eclipse project when checking into version control? - eclipse

When you create a tomcat project in eclipse, it puts the server.xml file under Servers, which appears as a separate "Project" in the project explorer. My question is, how best to check this into source code control, so that when another user attempts to check out the project, the server.xml file is in the correct place.
I currently use the Perforce version control system, but I've experienced the same issue in the past with other systems.
It's been my experience that other users will end up creating their own tomcat server in eclipse, and then they will have to copy in the custom server.xml.
The best I've been able to do is save the server.xml into the WEB-INF or other directory inside the project, and then update that to source code control. However, this introduces risk, because you have to remember to save your server.xml changes back to WEB-INF. Not to mention that you have to document the copying of the server.xml as a setup step for users creating your project.

I would create a folder under the web app project like etc/ where I'd put a big README and a hard link to the server.xml. So anyone checking out the project would be instructed to do the same (in the README) - and all changes to the server.xml would be versioned. I would not mess with WEB-INF - the server.xml has no place there.


Does the buildpath needs to reconfigured on local machine for a project checked-out through SVN?

This is my first time using SVN or for that matter any version control. So, I've been able to check out a selenium project on my local machine. This source code was working fine on the other machine(my friend's), but on my machine it throws hundreds of errors such as "BeforeClass cannot be resolved to a type, Assert cannot be resolved to a type" etc.
I do know that this error could be because the required selenium jars may not have been setup in the build path. But, I can see all these selenium jars in the "lib" folder.
So, I want to understand if I need to reconfigure the build path. By the way, don't the project settings etc come by default as the same code works perfectly on other machine, which means the build path must have been configured there.
I know its a very basic question, but I assure you that I'm a naive coder.
Thanks for your help.
Note: I'm using Eclipse IDE
Eclipse's project configuration files (eg, .project, .classpath, .settings, etc) are designed to be checked in with the rest of the project. If done so, whenever the project is checked out to a workspace Eclipse will automatically use them to properly configure the project. Check that your friend checked in those files; if not, ask him to.
It looks like you did not add Eclipse project metadata files(.project,.classpath) & .settings folder to your source control system, so Eclipse doesn't know what your build path is or whether it is even a java project.
Go back to your other computer and look for the following files in your original project root...
Make sure all are present in Source Control System.

How do you change a NetBeans project type after it has been created?

I created a project from existing sources as a PHP project in an older version of NetBeans.
I now want to change the project type to an HTML5/CSS project in NetBeans 7.4.
Is there any easy way to change the type of an existing project in NetBeans?
I'm trying to avoid creating a new project from existing sources as I have all my server connection variables already configured.
The project data is stored within the main project directory in a subdirectory named nbproject.
The file project.xml contains the main configuration data for the TYPE of the project. The type and data xml namexspace settings determine the basic project type. Here is a PHP version:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/project/1">
<data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/php-project/1">
Here is an HTML5 project version:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/project/1">
<data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/clientside-project/1">
Note the line is different. The HTML 5 project uses the namespace org.netbeans.modules.web.clientproject. The PHP version is at org.netbeans.modules.php.project.
Also of note is the data xmlns entry with HTML5 pointing to the clientside-project directory while PHP points to the php-project directory.
How to change the project? Not easily. Your best bet:
Close out the NetBeans IDE.
Go to the project directory.
Remove (or rename) the nbproject subdirectory.
Open NetBeans.
Create a new HTML5 project from existing sources.
That will switch the project type from PHP to HTML5 and give you the corresponding dialogue boxes.
The reason I decided to take this approach is there are a lot of other things that hang off this namespace specification. The project.properties file, for example, has very different entries for a PHP project, thinks like the PHP version, that do not exist for the HTML5 project. The HTML5 project has new properties that are not present in PHP projects.
There is also an entire private subdirectory that has a plethora of options set in the private.properties file that contains things like the source remote connection for a PHP project that does not exist nor seem to even be SUPPORTED for an HTML5 project.
There are far too many disparities between the two project types to simply hack up the nbproject directory files and hope it works.
IMO your best option is to follow the steps above to recreate the project.
Sadly, it does not appear as though HTML5 project types have matured to the point of the PHP project types with things like supporting remote pull/push of changed files. For this particular project I've reverted back to the PHP project type even though this is not really a PHP project. I heavily rely upon the automatic remote server push via FTP. How did I restore the project? I renamed my nbproject directory to saved_nbproject, so to revert:
Close Netbeans.
Go to project directory.
Rename my saved_nbproject directory back to nbproject.
Restart NetBeans.
Maybe changing project types AND HTML5 remote server support will be available in the future. For now, with NetBeans 7.4 it does not appear this transition is readily available.
If anyone else has input or other feedback I'd love to hear it as NetBeans has become my go-to tool for complex code projects.
NOTE: I would strongly suggest to create a new project from existing sources to ensure everything will work as expected. In most cases its faster and less problematic.
(If you persist....)
Following the accepted answer may result in an error. Besides what Charleston Software Associates posted, you may need to copy other variables included in "project.properties" file.
For example, these are for PHP: (adjust properly. I suggest to see some of your other projects to prevent mistakes).
These are for HTML5:
auxiliary.org-netbeans-modules-css-prep.sass_2e_compiler_2e_options=--style compressed
You can mix both in a single file without any problem.
Using: Netbeans 8.0.1
Try to edit your project.xml replace type with
Guys this has changed for version 7.4?
in private.properties
I tried changing xml and that didn't work well for me. I fiddled around and found a way that seems simpler to me - just delete and create a new project!
Right click the project in netbeans, and click delete. (make sure to NOT check the box that says delete sources!). That clears out the netbeans project info. Then just make a new project of whatever type you want. Go to File->New Project. Select project type (in this case HTML5 Project with existing sources), making sure to select the one that has "with existing sources". Hit next. Now here is a key part. The site root is your mysite/public_html folder most likely. The project directory is your mysite folder. The netbeans config will be put in the mysite folder.
Then you should be good to go!
Close Netbeans.
Delete nbproject folder inside your app folder. It can be hidden folder , so , in windows, go to folder properties and activate hidden folder.
Reopen Net Beans. Create a new project of the correct type.

Adding server-specific options to an Eclipse-managed Tomcat instance (in server.xml)

How can I make sure that the server.xml which Eclipse produces for every separate project that relies on Tomcat, will always contain a specific option, which I added manually?
I'd like to add a bunch of <Context> mappings to the server.xml file. I tried doing that in the server.xml in the main tomcat dir - didn't work.
Then I saw that Eclipse builds a temporary folder for every project that uses Tomcat. This folder also containes this server.xml file. I edited it, and voila, it worked. However, soon after that the same file got updated by Eclipse, with the original data that it contained.
It is not very efficient to manually copy and paste the code every time before I run/restart tomcat. I hope there is a more permanent way.
Let's assume you have configured tomcat 5.5
If you have configured your tomcat server in eclipse using all default options, you want to edit the server.xml located at WORKSPACE_LOC\Servers\Tomcat v5.5 Server at localhost-config\server.xml

In eclipse, is there a way to specify a location other than the WEB-INF, for web.xml

I want to place development web.xml in another folder in eclipse.
This can be done using the Deployment Assembly properties. Right click on the web project, choose Properties, and then navigate to the Deployment Assembly panel. Remove the /WebContent entry (pointing to /) and then add another entry, of type Folder. It should be rooted where you want to keep the web.xml, and mapped to /.
This technique can be extended to make Eclipse work with arbitrary build tool source layouts.
You might want to use Apache Ant
for that purpose. You may define a "conf" directory and place all you config files there, or a resource directory for the same reason.
If haven't use ant for that purpose, I strongly recommend you to do so.
Here is a sample ant build.xml for a web app Sample Build.XML
I'll use Maven myself, but since you're just beginning, Ant would be just fine.
I am using the eclipse builder and not ant.
Actually what i did was that i defined web.xml in another folder. So now I have two web.xml, one for welogic with a lot weblogic specific stuff like filters. And i have another for development which i placed in another folder, in the web project and added this folder to the deployment descriptor for tomcat in eclipse. So now when i deploy the application, the web.xml for tomcat which is in my specified folder owerwrites the web.xml present in web-INF folder(in the deployment directory).
Looks to me a nice workaround.

How can I setup ANT with Subversion and ColdFusion Builder (eclipse) to check out a local build to work on?

I am not sure if there's an answer for this already -- couldn't find one for this (hopefully common) setup:
I recently converted one of my ColdFusion projects to deploy via ANT.
I have a local ant script that instructs a remote server to check out the code, and run the application's specific build file, remotely on the server.
I have a few endpoints:
Live - production (on the production server)
Staging - on the production server, different datasource, etc.
dev - on the local box.
What I have run into it seems is a simple and common problem. I now need ANT to create any build, even locally. Fine, created a local endpoint and it configures for my box.
Issue? How do I get it to show up as a project (automatically if possible) in Eclipse/ColdFusion builder. What I envision is instead of checking out a branch via the subversion plugin in CFBuilder/Eclipse, I now use ANT to do that for me.
Since I use ColdFusion Builder (Eclipse + Adobe's plugin), I have all of eclipse's tools and plugins available to solve the problem of : how can I best call ANT from within Eclipse/ColdFusion Builder, to setup the local build as a project that I can develop and work on?
I think when I check the code back in from the local box, I'd have to be sure not to check in any files with local config paths, etc.
I hope this is a detailed and clear enough explanation, if not, please ask.
Thanks in advance!
You won't be able to have it "automatically" show up in CFBuilder, but you can make it pretty easy.
Eclipse requires the ".project" file, which is a simple xml file that by default generally just contains the project name.
Once you check out your project from SVN, Do file -- new -- ColdFusion project and point it to the directory where you've checked out your code. This will create the .project in there. From there, you can commit that file to SVN.
Subsequent developers who check out the project from SVN can then do File -- Import -- Existing Project into workspace, and point it to their checked out location. Since it'll have the .project file in there (from when you committed it), that project will show up when they search for projects in that import wizard.
Now, that's how you'd do it if you already used ANT to check out the code. However, if you wanted a potentially even easier way, then you can just install either the Subversive or Subclipse plugin into CFBuilder, and then do
file -- new -- checkout project from svn
point to your svn url
select the directory you want to check out
choose a location where you want the code to live
click through to completion