Chain multiple 2 step file uploads with Rx - system.reactive

I am attempting to upload multiple files from a Silverlight client directly to Amazon S3. The user chooses the files from the standard file open dialog and I want to chain the uploads so they happen serially one at a time. This can happen from multiple places in the app so I was trying to wrap it up in a nice utility class that accepts an IEnumerable of the chosen files exposes an IObservable of the files as they are uploaded so that the UI can respond accordingly as each file is finished.
It is fairly complex due to all the security requirements of both Silverlight and AmazonS3. I'll try to briefly explain my whole environment for context, but I have reproduced the issue with a small console application that I will post the code to below.
I have a 3rd party utility that handles uploading to S3 from Silverlight that exposes standard event based async methods. I create one instance of that utility per uploaded file. It creates an unsigned request string that I then post to my server to sign with my private key. That signing request happens through a service proxy class that also uses event based async methods. Once I have the signed request, I add it to the uploader instance and initiate the upload.
I've tried using Concat, but I end up with only the first file going through the process. When I use Merge, all files complete fine, but in a parallel fashion rather than serially. When I use Merge(2) all files start the first step, but then only 2 make their way through and complete.
Obviously I am missing something related to Rx since it isn't behaving like I expect.
namespace RxConcat
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Timers;
public class SignCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs
public string SignedRequest { get; set; }
public class ChainUploader
public IObservable<string> StartUploading(IEnumerable<string> files)
return files.Select(
file => from signArgs in this.Sign(file + "_request")
from uploadArgs in this.Upload(file, signArgs.EventArgs.SignedRequest)
select file).Concat();
private IObservable<System.Reactive.EventPattern<SignCompletedEventArgs>> Sign(string request)
Console.WriteLine("Signing request '" + request + "'");
var signer = new Signer();
var source = Observable.FromEventPattern<SignCompletedEventArgs>(ev => signer.SignCompleted += ev, ev => signer.SignCompleted -= ev);
return source;
private IObservable<System.Reactive.EventPattern<EventArgs>> Upload(string file, string signedRequest)
Console.WriteLine("Uploading file '" + file + "'");
var uploader = new Uploader();
var source = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventArgs>(ev => uploader.UploadCompleted += ev, ev => uploader.UploadCompleted -= ev);
uploader.UploadAsync(file, signedRequest);
return source;
public class Signer
public event EventHandler<SignCompletedEventArgs> SignCompleted;
public void SignAsync(string request)
var timer = new Timer(1000);
timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) =>
if (this.SignCompleted == null)
this.SignCompleted(this, new SignCompletedEventArgs { SignedRequest = request + "signed" });
public class Uploader
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> UploadCompleted;
public void UploadAsync(string file, string signedRequest)
var timer = new Timer(1000);
timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) =>
if (this.UploadCompleted == null)
this.UploadCompleted(this, new EventArgs());
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var files = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
var uploader = new ChainUploader();
var token = uploader.StartUploading(files).Subscribe(file => Console.WriteLine("Upload completed for '" + file + "'"));

The base observable that is handling the 2 step upload for each file is never 'completing' which prevents the next one in the chain from starting. Add a Limit(1) to that observable prior to calling Concat() and it will working correctly.
return files.Select(file => (from signArgs in this.Sign(file + "_request")
from uploadArgs in this.Upload(file, signArgs.EventArgs.SignedRequest)
select file).Take(1)).Concat();


Azure notification hub Registration push variables

I am currently using Azure notification hub(FCM) to send one-one notification to user as well as notification to group of users by using tags(5000 - 10000 users at a time) .
Now while sending notification to group , I want some personalization like:
Hi ABC<$(firstname of user1)>, here is new AAAAA for you today.
Hi XYZ<$(firstname of user2)>, here is new AAAAA for you today.
Hi ZZZ<$(firstname of user5000)>, here is new AAAAA for you today.
I read that this is possible by using push variables with native registartion /installation sdk.
But I could not find any option in registration/installation Java SDK to set these values .
Registration registration = new FcmRegistration(id, token);
Installation installation = new Installation(name);
Any help is really appreciated , otherwise for group notification I have to send notification for each user via iteration and that defeats benefit of using tags and getting the job done in just 1 hub API call.
You are correct - this is exactly what ANH templates are for. You can read this blog post about them for some background knowledge. Essentially, once you've created a template you can do a template send operation that provides just the values that need to be injected. i.e. Your Installation record will have set the appropriate body:
"Hi $(firstname), here is new $(subject) for you today."
and your send operation provides the values to inject:
"firstname": "ABC",
"subject": "AAAAA"
Also, make sure to specify the correct tags to scope the audience, in this case something like "ABC" to specify the user, and "new-daily" to specify which templates should be used.
Another trick, you can skip a layer of tag management and send fewer requests by embedding the $(firstname) in the template itself.
"Hi ABC, here is new $(subject) for you today."
Because templates are stored per device, each device can have a separate name embedded in it, reducing the number of tags you need to tinker with. This would make the body you send just:
"subject": "AAAAA"
and you only need to scope with the tag "new-daily".
Looks like you're on the right track with templating. When you embed an expression into surrounding text, you're effectively doing concatenation, which requires the expression to be surrounded in { }. See documentation about template expression language using Azure Notification Hubs where it states "when using concatenation, expressions must be wrapped in curly brackets."
In your case, I think you want something along the lines of:
{"title":"{'Seattle Kraken vs. ' + $(opponent) + ' starting soon'}",...}
Thanks a lot I got it working by extending the API classes on my own in following manner as per the blog suggested.
package com.springbootazure.controller;
import java.util.Map;
import com.windowsazure.messaging.FcmRegistration;
public class PushRegistration extends FcmRegistration {
private static final String FCM_NATIVE_REGISTRATION1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><entry xmlns=\"\"><content type=\"application/xml\"><GcmRegistrationDescription xmlns:i=\"\" xmlns=\"\">";
private static final String FCM_NATIVE_REGISTRATION2 = "<GcmRegistrationId>";
private static final String FCM_NATIVE_REGISTRATION3 = "</GcmRegistrationId></GcmRegistrationDescription></content></entry>";
private Map<String, String> pushVariables = new HashedMap();
public PushRegistration() {
public PushRegistration(String registrationId,
String fcmRegistrationId, Map<String, String> pushVariables) {
super(registrationId, fcmRegistrationId);
this.pushVariables = pushVariables;
public PushRegistration(String fcmRegistrationId, Map<String, String> pushVariables) {
this.pushVariables = pushVariables;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = super.hashCode();
result = prime * result
+ ((pushVariables == null) ? 0 : pushVariables.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!super.equals(obj)) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
PushRegistration other = (PushRegistration) obj;
if (pushVariables == null) {
if (other.pushVariables != null) {
return false;
} else if (!pushVariables.equals(other.pushVariables)) {
return false;
return true;
protected String getPushVariablesXml() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
buf.append(new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping().create().toJson(pushVariables));
return buf.toString();
public String getXml() {
getTagsXml() +
getPushVariablesXml() +
fcmRegistrationId +
And afterwards , register a token using :
Map<String, String> pushVariables = new HashMap<>();
pushVariables.put("firstname", "Gaurav");
pushVariables.put("lastname", "Aggarwal");
Registration registration = new PushRegistration(name, token, pushVariables);
if (registration == null) {
registration = new FcmRegistration(name, token);
And then send notification like:
Notification n = Notification.createFcmNotifiation("{\n" +
" \"notification\" : {\n" +
" \"body\" : \"{ $(firstname) + ' starting soon'}\",\n" +
" \"title\" : \"test title\"\n" +
" }\n" +
hub.sendNotification(n, tagname);

How to hook up Microsoft Forms 2.0 event handlers using JScript

I'm trying to add a customized UI page to Sparx EA. It provides adding ActiveX controls via scripting. Using JScript, I've done this, but since ActiveX has to be registered on each client, I'd rather use Microsoft Forms, already installed on all clients.
I've successfully built the UI, appearance wise, by adding a "Forms.Form.1" ActiveX object, and adding text boxes, labels & buttons to the controls property of the created form.
These objects support events, but I can't figure out how to assign an event handler.
Here is the JScript code I used to get the screen layout:
function _addControl(parentControl, controlProgId, controlName, left, top, width, height){
var newControl = parentControl.controls.add(controlProgId, controlName,1);
return newControl;
function main(){
//Create main form
var form = Repository.AddTab("ScriptedForm", "Forms.Form.1");
if (null != form){
//Add control
var textBox1 = _addControl(form, "Forms.TextBox.1","TextBox1", 18,21,94,93);
var textBox2 = _addControl(form, "Forms.TextBox.1","TextBox2", 120, 21, 91, 93);
var btnTest = _addControl(form, "Forms.CommandButton.1", "btnTest", 60, 140, 90, 30);
btnTest.Caption = "Test";
//Here's where I assign the click event, but it's unhappy.
function TextBox1_Click(Object){
Session.Prompt("Click", promptOK);
The add_Click event expects a parameter of type CommandButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler.
There's nothing I can create that could be submitted as the parameter. I tried creating a JScript class duplicating the interface, but no joy.
I think you are running into several problems here at once.
(1) Process Lifetime
As far as I understand your question and its context, you are somehow manually executing a JScript script. Doing this EA will internally start SScripter.exe. You see this in the Debug window:
The process is effectively terminated after the script finishes (and thus also terminating any event handlers you might have registered in your UserControl or Form object).
(2) Passing a JScript object instance as a .NET delegate
If you could somehow extend the lifetime of the script environment, and if you could pass something to your event you will realise that any object in your JScript code will be passed as a System.__ComObject to the .NET runtime inside EA. Therefore you cannot just register an event handler.
However when you evaluate the object from .NET you will find out it is not an IDispatch interface:
TargetInvocationException#mscorlib: 'COM target does not implement IDispatch.'
I did a small test with the code below:
function MyClass(name)
{ = name;
MyClass.prototype.Invoke = function(value)
Session.Output("name " + value);
return true;
function main()
var myClass = new MyClass("Hotzenplotz");
myClass.Invoke("some Value");
var ctrl = new ActiveXObject("IMASE.TestUserControl2");
ctrl.Repository = Repository;
ctrl.JavaScriptObject = myClass;
[ProgId(Global.ADDIN_NAME + Global.DOT + "TestUserControl2")]
public partial class TestUserControl2 : ActivexControl
public static string TabName { get; } = Global.ADDIN_NAME;
private static readonly Lazy<string> _controlId = new Lazy<string>(() =>
var attribute = typeof(TestUserControl).GetCustomAttribute<ProgIdAttribute>();
return attribute.Value;
private Timer timer;
public static string ControlId = _controlId.Value;
public Repository Repository { get; set; }
public object JavaScriptObject { get; set; }
public TestUserControl2()
timer = new Timer();
timer.Elapsed += TimerEvent;
timer.Interval = 5000;
timer.Enabled = true;
Logger.Default.TraceInformation("I'm gonna die ... " + this.GetHashCode());
private void OnDispose(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void TimerEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
Logger.Default.TraceInformation("I'm still alive ... " + this.GetHashCode());
if(null == JavaScriptObject) return;
var memberNames = JavaScriptObject.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy|BindingFlags.Public).Select(p => p.Name);
Logger.Default.TraceInformation("memberNames: " + string.Join(", ", memberNames));
var result = JavaScriptObject.GetType().InvokeMember("Invoke", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, JavaScriptObject, new object[] {"arbitraryString"});
Logger.Default.TraceInformation("result: " + result);
catch (Exception ex)
(3) Another approach
Create a UserControl inside your addin (using WinForm or Forms) and use ClearScript as a ScriptEngine.
Pass Session and Repository from a EA script to your control (or do it otherwise such as a menu to wprk around the lifetime problem) and have either your forms code load a script from the repository (or any other source). Then react on your event handlers to execute your JScript code as needed. I create a simple example that shows how to call a control from an EA JScript and call another JScript from inside your forms code that in turn will log to the Debug session or regular scripting output window:
function main()
var ctrl = new ActiveXObject("IMASE.TestUserControl2");
ctrl.Repository = Repository;
ctrl.Session = Session;
Session.Prompt("wait", promptOK);
Inside your form code you invoke your JScript with Repository and other objects like this:
public Repository Repository { get; set; }
public object Session { get; set; }
using (var engine = new JScriptEngine())
engine.AddHostObject("Repository", this.Repository);
engine.AddHostObject("Session", this.Session);
engine.Execute("Session.Output('Repository.ConnectionString: ' + Repository.ConnectionString);");
Here is an output of the above scripting interactions:
Side note: I personally do not see the need for using forms as we can dynamically register ActiveX controls at AddIn startup. For code on doing this you can have a look at the following gist:
In addition, if you are using ClearScript as the script host, you can directly connect to your (UI) events from your script code as described in question #16 of the ClearScript FAQtorial.

How does REST authentication work for client-side apps?

I'm trying to design my first public API, and I'm trying to learn how REST works with authentication, especially in the context of completely client-side apps using js-frameworks, e.g., angularJS.
Say you have a client which is a browser application (i.e., HTML, JS, CSS only) served as static files from something like nginx using a javascript framework to consume a REST service from, e.g. something that requires a secret access key that's used to create a signature for each request to the service, something like Amazon S3.
In terms of authentication in this scenario, where you don't have a server-side application, how would the secret access key be handled, i.e., how do you get it, where do you store it, etc.? It would seem like a horrible security situation to serve the key for each request (even if it only happens once to bootstrap the application).
And even if you do have a light server-side application--how do you securely inform the client (which still calls the authenticated 3rd party API itself) what the signature should be for every request it could possibly make? I'm very confused by how this is supposed to be designed from either end.
I've done a few AngularJS apps and the way that I've found is to use an HttpModule like this one:
using System;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web;
namespace YourSolution.WebApp.Modules
public class BasicAuthenticationHttpModule : IHttpModule
public BasicAuthenticationHttpModule()
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.AuthenticateRequest += OnApplicationAuthenticateRequest;
context.EndRequest += OnApplicationEndRequest;
private static void SetPrincipal(IPrincipal principal)
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
HttpContext.Current.User = principal;
private static bool CheckPassword(
string username, string password)
return username == password;
private static void AuthenticateUser(string credentials)
var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(
credentials = encoding.GetString(
var separator = credentials.IndexOf(':');
var name = credentials.Substring(0, separator);
var password = credentials.Substring(separator + 1);
var validated = CheckPassword(name, password);
if (!validated) return;
var identity = new GenericIdentity(name);
SetPrincipal(new GenericPrincipal(identity, null));
catch (FormatException)
private static void OnApplicationAuthenticateRequest(
object sender, EventArgs e)
var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
var authHeader = request.Headers["Authorization"];
if (authHeader == null) return;
var authHeaderVal = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(authHeader);
if (authHeaderVal.Scheme.Equals(
&& authHeaderVal.Parameter != null)
private static void OnApplicationEndRequest(
object sender, EventArgs e)
var response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
if (response.StatusCode == 401)
// "WWW-Authenticate",
// string.Format("Basic realm=\"{0}\"", Realm));
public void Dispose()
The most important part is inside CheckPassword method, there is where you should validate the credentials.
Another point is this line response.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate", string.Format("Basic realm=\"{0}\"", Realm)); if you don't comment this line, the classic login requested form will show up, and if you do comment this line you have to catch the 401 error in your requests.
If you want to know about realm: What is the “realm” in basic authentication.
Plus, you will need to register the module in your web.config file:
type="YourSolution.WebApp.Modules.BasicAuthenticationHttpModule" />
Then I've added these two methods to deal with the authentication token:
// u: username; p: password
CreateBasicAuthenticationToken = function (u, p) {
var t = u + ':' + p;
var hat = btoa(t);
window.sessionStorage.setItem('basicauthtoken', 'basic ' + hat);
DestroyBasicAuthenticationToken = function () {
The btoa method: The btoa() method of window object is used to convert a given string to a encoded data (using base-64 encoding) string.. Taken from:
And last I've added the authtoken to the request header using the beforeSend:
type: 'GET',
url: 'your url',
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
}).done(function (data, textStatus, xhr) {
Please do note using jQuery outside an angular directive is not recommended, AngularJS best practices dictates jQuery code must be always placed inside a directive.
Hope it helps.

Powershell monitoring for file system changes [duplicate]

I have an application where I am looking for a text file and if there are any changes made to the file I am using the OnChanged eventhandler to handle the event. I am using the NotifyFilters.LastWriteTime but still the event is getting fired twice. Here is the code.
public void Initialize()
FileSystemWatcher _fileWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
_fileWatcher.Path = "C:\\Folder";
_fileWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
_fileWatcher.Filter = "Version.txt";
_fileWatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
_fileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
In my case the OnChanged is called twice, when I change the text file version.txt and save it.
I am afraid that this is a well-known bug/feature of the FileSystemWatcher class. This is from the documentation of the class:
You may notice in certain situations that a single creation event generates multiple Created events that are handled by your component. For example, if you use a FileSystemWatcher component to monitor the creation of new files in a directory, and then test it by using Notepad to create a file, you may see two Created events generated even though only a single file was created. This is because Notepad performs multiple file system actions during the writing process. Notepad writes to the disk in batches that create the content of the file and then the file attributes. Other applications may perform in the same manner. Because FileSystemWatcher monitors the operating system activities, all events that these applications fire will be picked up.
Now this bit of text is about the Created event, but the same thing applies to other file events as well. In some applications you might be able to get around this by using the NotifyFilter property, but my experience is says that sometimes you have to do some manual duplicate filtering (hacks) as well.
A while ago I bookedmarked a page with a few FileSystemWatcher tips. You might want to check it out.
I've "fixed" that problem using the following strategy in my delegate:
// fsw_ is the FileSystemWatcher instance used by my application.
private void OnDirectoryChanged(...)
fsw_.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
/* do my stuff once asynchronously */
fsw_.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
Any duplicated OnChanged events from the FileSystemWatcher can be detected and discarded by checking the File.GetLastWriteTime timestamp on the file in question. Like so:
DateTime lastRead = DateTime.MinValue;
void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs a)
DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(uri);
if (lastWriteTime != lastRead)
lastRead = lastWriteTime;
// else discard the (duplicated) OnChanged event
Here is my solution which helped me to stop the event being raised twice:
watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.Size;
Here I have set the NotifyFilter property with only Filename and size.
watcher is my object of FileSystemWatcher. Hope this will help.
Here's my approach :
// Consider having a List<String> named _changedFiles
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
lock (_changedFiles)
if (_changedFiles.Contains(e.FullPath))
// do your stuff
System.Timers.Timer timer = new Timer(1000) { AutoReset = false };
timer.Elapsed += (timerElapsedSender, timerElapsedArgs) =>
lock (_changedFiles)
This is the solution I used to solve this issue on a project where I was sending the file as attachment in a mail.
It will easily avoid the twice fired event even with a smaller timer interval but in my case 1000 was alright since I was happier with missing few changes than with flooding the mailbox with > 1 message per second.
At least it works just fine in case several files are changed at the exact same time.
Another solution I've thought of would be to replace the list with a dictionary mapping files to their respective MD5, so you wouldn't have to choose an arbitrary interval since you wouldn't have to delete the entry but update its value, and cancel your stuff if it hasn't changed.
It has the downside of having a Dictionary growing in memory as files are monitored and eating more and more memory, but I've read somewhere that the amount of files monitored depends on the FSW's internal buffer, so maybe not that critical.
Dunno how MD5 computing time would affect your code's performances either, careful =\
My scenario is that I have a virtual machine with a Linux server in it. I am developing files on the Windows host. When I change something in a folder on the host I want all the changes to be uploaded, synced onto the virtual server via Ftp. This is how I do eliminate the duplicate change event when I write to a file ( which flags the folder containing the file to be modified as well ) :
private Hashtable fileWriteTime = new Hashtable();
private void fsw_sync_Changed(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
string path = e.FullPath.ToString();
string currentLastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime( e.FullPath ).ToString();
// if there is no path info stored yet
// or stored path has different time of write then the one now is inspected
if ( !fileWriteTime.ContainsKey(path) ||
fileWriteTime[path].ToString() != currentLastWriteTime
//then we do the main thing
log( "A CHANGE has occured with " + path );
//lastly we update the last write time in the hashtable
fileWriteTime[path] = currentLastWriteTime;
Mainly I create a hashtable to store file write time information. Then if the hashtable has the filepath that is modified and it's time value is the same as the currently notified file's change then I know it is the duplicate of the event and ignore it.
I have created a Git repo with a class that extends FileSystemWatcher to trigger the events only when copy is done. It discards all the changed events exept the last and it raise it only when the file become available for read.
Download FileSystemSafeWatcher and add it to your project.
Then use it as a normal FileSystemWatcher and monitor when the events are triggered.
var fsw = new FileSystemSafeWatcher(file);
fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
// Add event handlers here
fsw.Created += fsw_Created;
Try with this code:
class WatchPlotDirectory
bool let = false;
FileSystemWatcher watcher;
string path = "C:/Users/jamie/OneDrive/Pictures/Screenshots";
public WatchPlotDirectory()
watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
watcher.Path = path;
watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite
| NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName;
watcher.Filter = "*.*";
watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
watcher.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler(OnRenamed);
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
void OnChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
if (let==false) {
string mgs = string.Format("File {0} | {1}",
e.FullPath, e.ChangeType);
Console.WriteLine("onchange: " + mgs);
let = true;
let = false;
void OnRenamed(object sender, RenamedEventArgs e)
string log = string.Format("{0} | Renamed from {1}",
e.FullPath, e.OldName);
Console.WriteLine("onrenamed: " + log);
public void setPath(string path)
this.path = path;
I know this is an old issue, but had the same problem and none of the above solution really did the trick for the problem I was facing. I have created a dictionary which maps the file name with the LastWriteTime. So if the file is not in the dictionary will go ahead with the process other wise check to see when was the last modified time and if is different from what it is in the dictionary run the code.
Dictionary<string, DateTime> dateTimeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
if (!dateTimeDictionary.ContainsKey(e.FullPath) || (dateTimeDictionary.ContainsKey(e.FullPath) && System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(e.FullPath) != dateTimeDictionary[e.FullPath]))
dateTimeDictionary[e.FullPath] = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(e.FullPath);
//your code here
One possible 'hack' would be to throttle the events using Reactive Extensions for example:
var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher("./");
Observable.FromEventPattern<FileSystemEventArgs>(watcher, "Changed")
.Throttle(new TimeSpan(500000))
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
In this case I'm throttling to 50ms, on my system that was enough, but higher values should be safer. (And like I said, it's still a 'hack').
I spent some significant amount of time using the FileSystemWatcher, and some of the approaches here will not work. I really liked the disabling events approach, but unfortunately, it doesn't work if there is >1 file being dropped, second file will be missed most if not all times.
So I use the following approach:
private void EventCallback(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
var fileName = e.FullPath;
if (!File.Exists(fileName))
// We've dealt with the file, this is just supressing further events.
// File exists, so move it to a working directory.
File.Move(fileName, [working directory]);
// Kick-off whatever processing is required.
I have a very quick and simple workaround here, it does work for me, and no matter the event would be triggered once or twice or more times occasionally, check it out:
private int fireCount = 0;
private void inputFileWatcher_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
if (fireCount == 1)
MessageBox.Show("Fired only once!!");
fireCount = 0;
Here is a new solution you can try. Works well for me. In the event handler for the changed event programmatically remove the handler from the designer output a message if desired then programmatically add the handler back. example:
public void fileSystemWatcher1_Changed( object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e )
fileSystemWatcher1.Changed -= new System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler( fileSystemWatcher1_Changed );
MessageBox.Show( "File has been uploaded to destination", "Success!" );
fileSystemWatcher1.Changed += new System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler( fileSystemWatcher1_Changed );
The main reason was
first event's last access time was current time(file write or changed time).
then second event was file's original last access time.
I solve under code.
var lastRead = DateTime.MinValue;
Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(...)
NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite,
Filter = "*.dll",
IncludeSubdirectories = false,
Watcher.Changed += (senderObject, ea) =>
var now = DateTime.Now;
var lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(ea.FullPath);
if (now == lastWriteTime)
if (lastWriteTime != lastRead)
// do something...
lastRead = lastWriteTime;
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
This code worked for me.
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
string fullFilePath = e.FullPath.ToString();
string fullURL = buildTheUrlFromStudyXML(fullFilePath);
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore", fullURL);
Timer timer = new Timer();
((FileSystemWatcher)source).Changed -= new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
timer.Interval = 1000;
timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(t_Elapsed);
private void t_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
theWatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
mostly for future me :)
I wrote a wrapper using Rx:
public class WatcherWrapper : IDisposable
private readonly FileSystemWatcher _fileWatcher;
private readonly Subject<FileSystemEventArgs> _infoSubject;
private Subject<FileSystemEventArgs> _eventSubject;
public WatcherWrapper(string path, string nameFilter = "*.*", NotifyFilters? notifyFilters = null)
_fileWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(path, nameFilter);
if (notifyFilters != null)
_fileWatcher.NotifyFilter = notifyFilters.Value;
_infoSubject = new Subject<FileSystemEventArgs>();
_eventSubject = new Subject<FileSystemEventArgs>();
Observable.FromEventPattern<FileSystemEventArgs>(_fileWatcher, "Changed").Select(e => e.EventArgs)
Observable.FromEventPattern<FileSystemEventArgs>(_fileWatcher, "Created").Select(e => e.EventArgs)
Observable.FromEventPattern<FileSystemEventArgs>(_fileWatcher, "Deleted").Select(e => e.EventArgs)
Observable.FromEventPattern<FileSystemEventArgs>(_fileWatcher, "Renamed").Select(e => e.EventArgs)
// this takes care of double events and still works with changing the name of the same file after a while
.Select(x => x.GroupBy(z => z.FullPath).Select(z => z.LastOrDefault()).Subscribe(
infos =>
if (infos != null)
foreach (var info in infos)
_fileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
public IObservable<FileSystemEventArgs> FileEvents => _eventSubject;
public void Dispose()
var watcher = new WatcherWrapper(_path, "*.info");
// all more complicated and scenario specific filtering of events can be done here
watcher.FileEvents.Where(x => x.ChangeType != WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted).Subscribe(x => //do stuff)
Try this, It's working fine
private static readonly FileSystemWatcher Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
static void Main(string[] args)
Watcher.Path = #"D:\Temp\Watcher";
Watcher.Changed += OnChanged;
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
static void OnChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
Watcher.Changed -= OnChanged;
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
Console.WriteLine($"File Changed. Name: {e.Name}");
catch (Exception exception)
Watcher.Changed += OnChanged;
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
I wanted to react only on the last event, just in case, also on a linux file change it seemed that the file was empty on the first call and then filled again on the next and did not mind loosing some time just in case the OS decided to do some file/attribute change.
I am using .NET async here to help me do the threading.
private static int _fileSystemWatcherCounts;
private async void OnChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
// Filter several calls in short period of time
Interlocked.Increment(ref _fileSystemWatcherCounts);
await Task.Delay(100);
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref _fileSystemWatcherCounts) == 0)
I think the best solution to solve the issue is to use reactive extensions
When you transform event into observable, then you can just add Throttling(..) (originally called Debounce(..))
Sample code here
var templatesWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(settingsSnapshot.Value.TemplatesDirectory)
NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite,
IncludeSubdirectories = true
templatesWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
Observable.FromEventPattern<FileSystemEventHandler, FileSystemEventArgs>(
addHandler => templatesWatcher.Changed += addHandler,
removeHandler => templatesWatcher.Changed -= removeHandler)
.Subscribe(args =>
_logger.LogInformation($"Template file {args.EventArgs.Name} has changed");
//TODO do something
You could try to open it for write, and if successful then you could assume the other application is done with the file.
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
using (var fs = File.OpenWrite(e.FullPath))
//do your stuff
catch (Exception)
//no write access, other app not done
Just opening it for write appears not to raise the changed event. So it should be safe.
FileReadTime = DateTime.Now;
private void File_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
var lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(e.FullPath);
if (lastWriteTime.Subtract(FileReadTime).Ticks > 0)
// code
FileReadTime = DateTime.Now;
Sorry for the grave dig, but I've been battling this issue for a while now and finally came up with a way to handle these multiple fired events. I would like to thank everyone in this thread as I have used it in many references when battling this issue.
Here is my complete code. It uses a dictionary to track the date and time of the last write of the file. It compares that value, and if it is the same, it suppresses the events. It then sets the value after starting the new thread.
using System.Threading; // used for backgroundworker
using System.Diagnostics; // used for file information
private static IDictionary<string, string> fileModifiedTable = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // used to keep track of our changed events
private void fswFileWatch_Changed( object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e )
//check if we already have this value in our dictionary.
if ( fileModifiedTable.TryGetValue( e.FullPath, out sEmpty ) )
//compare timestamps
if ( fileModifiedTable[ e.FullPath ] != File.GetLastWriteTime( e.FullPath ).ToString() )
//lock the table
lock ( fileModifiedTable )
//make sure our file is still valid
if ( File.Exists( e.FullPath ) )
// create a new background worker to do our task while the main thread stays awake. Also give it do work and work completed handlers
BackgroundWorker newThreadWork = new BackgroundWorker();
newThreadWork.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler( bgwNewThread_DoWork );
newThreadWork.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler( bgwNewThread_RunWorkerCompleted );
// capture the path
string eventFilePath = e.FullPath;
List<object> arguments = new List<object>();
// add arguments to pass to the background worker
arguments.Add( eventFilePath );
arguments.Add( newEvent.File_Modified );
// start the new thread with the arguments
newThreadWork.RunWorkerAsync( arguments );
fileModifiedTable[ e.FullPath ] = File.GetLastWriteTime( e.FullPath ).ToString(); //update the modified table with the new timestamp of the file.
FILE_MODIFIED_FLAG.WaitOne(); // wait for the modified thread to complete before firing the next thread in the event multiple threads are being worked on.
catch ( IOException IOExcept )
//catch any errors
postError( IOExcept, "fswFileWatch_Changed" );
Event if not asked, it is a shame there are no ready solution samples for F#.
To fix this here is my recipe, just because I can and F# is a wonderful .NET language.
Duplicated events are filtered out using FSharp.Control.Reactive package, which is just a F# wrapper for reactive extensions. All that can be targeted to full framework or netstandard2.0:
let createWatcher path filter () =
new FileSystemWatcher(
Path = path,
Filter = filter,
EnableRaisingEvents = true,
SynchronizingObject = null // not needed for console applications
let createSources (fsWatcher: FileSystemWatcher) =
// use here needed events only.
// convert `Error` and `Renamed` events to be merded
[| fsWatcher.Changed :> IObservable<_>
fsWatcher.Deleted :> IObservable<_>
fsWatcher.Created :> IObservable<_>
//fsWatcher.Renamed |> renamedToNeeded
//fsWatcher.Error |> errorToNeeded
|] |> Observable.mergeArray
let handle (e: FileSystemEventArgs) =
printfn "handle %A event '%s' '%s' " e.ChangeType e.Name e.FullPath
let watch path filter throttleTime =
// disposes watcher if observer subscription is disposed
Observable.using (createWatcher path filter) createSources
// filter out multiple equal events
|> Observable.distinctUntilChanged
// filter out multiple Changed
|> Observable.throttle throttleTime
|> Observable.subscribe handle
let main _args =
let path = #"C:\Temp\WatchDir"
let filter = "*.zip"
let throttleTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds 10.
use _subscription = watch path filter throttleTime
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
0 // return an integer exit code
In my case need to get the last line of a text file that is inserted by other application, as soon as insertion is done. Here is my solution. When the first event is raised, i disable the watcher from raising others, then i call the timer TimeElapsedEvent because when my handle function OnChanged is called i need the size of the text file, but the size at that time is not the actual size, it is the size of the file imediatelly before the insertion. So i wait for a while to proceed with the right file size.
private FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
watcher.Path = "E:\\data";
watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite ;
watcher.Filter = "data.txt";
watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
System.Timers.Timer t = new System.Timers.Timer();
watcher.Changed -= new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
t.Interval = 500;
t.Elapsed += (sender, args) => t_Elapsed(sender, e);
catch(Exception ex) {
private void t_Elapsed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
//.. Do you stuff HERE ..
watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
Here is another approach. Instead of propagating the first event of a quick succession of events and suppressing all that follow, now all are suppressed except from the last one. I think that the scenarios that can benefit from this approach are more common.
To make this happen we must use a sliding delay. Every incoming event cancels the timer that would fire the previous event, and restarts the timer. This opens the possibility that a never-ending series of events will delay the propagation forever. To keep things simple, there is no provision for this abnormal case in the extension methods below.
public static class FileSystemWatcherExtensions
public static IDisposable OnAnyEvent(this FileSystemWatcher source,
WatcherChangeTypes changeTypes, FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
var cancellations = new Dictionary<string, CancellationTokenSource>(
var locker = new object();
if (changeTypes.HasFlag(WatcherChangeTypes.Created))
source.Created += FileSystemWatcher_Event;
if (changeTypes.HasFlag(WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted))
source.Deleted += FileSystemWatcher_Event;
if (changeTypes.HasFlag(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed))
source.Changed += FileSystemWatcher_Event;
if (changeTypes.HasFlag(WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed))
source.Renamed += FileSystemWatcher_Event;
return new Disposable(() =>
source.Created -= FileSystemWatcher_Event;
source.Deleted -= FileSystemWatcher_Event;
source.Changed -= FileSystemWatcher_Event;
source.Renamed -= FileSystemWatcher_Event;
async void FileSystemWatcher_Event(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
var key = e.FullPath;
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
lock (locker)
if (cancellations.TryGetValue(key, out var existing))
cancellations[key] = cts;
await Task.Delay(delay, cts.Token);
// Omitting ConfigureAwait(false) is intentional here.
// Continuing in the captured context is desirable.
catch (TaskCanceledException)
lock (locker)
if (cancellations.TryGetValue(key, out var existing)
&& existing == cts)
handler(sender, e);
public static IDisposable OnAllEvents(this FileSystemWatcher source,
FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
=> OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.All, handler, delay);
public static IDisposable OnCreated(this FileSystemWatcher source,
FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
=> OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.Created, handler, delay);
public static IDisposable OnDeleted(this FileSystemWatcher source,
FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
=> OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted, handler, delay);
public static IDisposable OnChanged(this FileSystemWatcher source,
FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
=> OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.Changed, handler, delay);
public static IDisposable OnRenamed(this FileSystemWatcher source,
FileSystemEventHandler handler, int delay)
=> OnAnyEvent(source, WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed, handler, delay);
private struct Disposable : IDisposable
private readonly Action _action;
internal Disposable(Action action) => _action = action;
public void Dispose() => _action?.Invoke();
Usage example:
myWatcher.OnAnyEvent(WatcherChangeTypes.Created | WatcherChangeTypes.Changed,
MyFileSystemWatcher_Event, 100);
This line combines the subscription to two events, the Created and the Changed. So it is roughly equivalent to these:
myWatcher.Created += MyFileSystemWatcher_Event;
myWatcher.Changed += MyFileSystemWatcher_Event;
The difference is that the two events are regarded as a single type of event, and in case of a quick succession of these events only the last one will be propagated. For example if a Created event is followed by two Changed events, and there is no time gap larger than 100 msec between these three events, only the second Changed event will be propagated by invoking the MyFileSystemWatcher_Event handler, and the previous ones will be discarded.
I have changed the way I monitor files in directories. Instead of using the FileSystemWatcher I poll locations on another thread and then look at the LastWriteTime of the file.
DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(someFilePath);
Using this information and keeping an index of a file path and it's latest write time I can determine files that have changed or that have been created in a particular location. This removes me from the oddities of the FileSystemWatcher. The main downside is that you need a data structure to store the LastWriteTime and the reference to the file, but it is reliable and easy to implement.
I was able to do this by added a function that checks for duplicates in an buffer array.
Then perform the action after the array has not been modified for X time using a timer:
- Reset timer every time something is written to the buffer
- Perform action on tick
This also catches another duplication type. If you modify a file inside a folder, the folder also throws a Change event.
Function is_duplicate(str1 As String) As Boolean
If lb_actions_list.Items.Count = 0 Then
Return False
Dim compStr As String = lb_actions_list.Items(lb_actions_list.Items.Count - 1).ToString
compStr = compStr.Substring(compStr.IndexOf("-") + 1).Trim
If compStr <> str1 AndAlso compStr.parentDir <> str1 & "\" Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End If
End Function
Public Module extentions
Public Function parentDir(ByVal aString As String) As String
Return aString.Substring(0, CInt(InStrRev(aString, "\", aString.Length - 1)))
End Function
End Module
This solution worked for me on production application:
VB.Net Framework 4.5.2
Set manually object properties: NotifyFilter = Size
Then use this code:
Public Class main
Dim CalledOnce = False
Private Sub FileSystemWatcher1_Changed(sender As Object, e As IO.FileSystemEventArgs) Handles FileSystemWatcher1.Changed
If (CalledOnce = False) Then
CalledOnce = True
If (e.ChangeType = 4) Then
' Do task...
CalledOnce = False
End If
End Sub
End Sub
Try this!
string temp="";
public void Initialize()
FileSystemWatcher _fileWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
_fileWatcher.Path = "C:\\Folder";
_fileWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
_fileWatcher.Filter = "Version.txt";
_fileWatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
_fileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
//do thing you want.
temp = //name of text file.
}else if(temp !="" && temp !=
//do thing you want.
temp = //name of text file.
//second fire ignored.
I had to combine several ideas from the posts above and add file locking check to get it working for me:
FileSystemWatcher fileSystemWatcher;
private void DirectoryWatcher_Start()
FileSystemWatcher fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher
Path = #"c:\mypath",
NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite,
Filter = "*.*",
EnableRaisingEvents = true
fileSystemWatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(DirectoryWatcher_OnChanged);
private static void WaitUntilFileIsUnlocked(String fullPath, Action<String> callback, FileAccess fileAccess = FileAccess.Read, Int32 timeoutMS = 10000)
Int32 waitMS = 250;
Int32 currentMS = 0;
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fullPath);
FileStream stream = null;
stream = file.Open(FileMode.Open, fileAccess, FileShare.None);
catch (IOException)
if (stream != null)
currentMS += waitMS;
} while (currentMS < timeoutMS);
private static Dictionary<String, DateTime> DirectoryWatcher_fileLastWriteTimeCache = new Dictionary<String, DateTime>();
private void DirectoryWatcher_OnChanged(Object source, FileSystemEventArgs ev)
lock (DirectoryWatcher_fileLastWriteTimeCache)
DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(ev.FullPath);
if (DirectoryWatcher_fileLastWriteTimeCache.ContainsKey(ev.FullPath))
if (DirectoryWatcher_fileLastWriteTimeCache[ev.FullPath].AddMilliseconds(500) >= lastWriteTime)
return; // file was already handled
DirectoryWatcher_fileLastWriteTimeCache[ev.FullPath] = lastWriteTime;
Task.Run(() => WaitUntilFileIsUnlocked(ev.FullPath, fullPath =>
// do the job with fullPath...
catch (Exception e)
// handle exception

Multiple impersonation-threads in Exchange Web Service (EWS)

I have a problem when running multiple impersonations of users in EWS, when I want to recieve notifications on each of the impersonated persons calendars (possible 100 persons).
Currently I have an outlook account who have rights to impersonate all other users, and all the ExchangeService-objects get this accounts credentials
Short version is, that when I try to bind to an appointment via the unique ID it works as long as I only have one thread running. When I start a new thread containing a new Exchangeservice with its own subscription I dont recieve any response on the Appointment.Bind()-request.
When I run two instances of my program with only 1 thread in each it works fine, but as soon as I start a new thread with a new ExchangeService the Appointment.Bind() doesnt give any response.
The weird part about this is, that it worked fine two weeks ago, but suddenly it stopped working and I didnt change my code.
I have created a quick demo of my problem:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var x = new OutlookListener("");
var y = new OutlookListener("");
new Thread(x.Start).Start();
new Thread(y.Start).Start();
while (true)
class OutlookListener
private ExchangeService _ExchangeService;
private AutoResetEvent _Signal;
public OutlookListener(string emailToImp)
_ExchangeService = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1)
Credentials = new NetworkCredential("", "password"),
Url = new Uri("exchangeUrl"),
ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, emailToImp)
public void Start()
var subscription = _ExchangeService.SubscribeToStreamingNotifications(new FolderId[] { WellKnownFolderName.Calendar },
var connection = CreateStreamingSubscription(_ExchangeService, subscription);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Subscription created.");
_Signal = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private StreamingSubscriptionConnection CreateStreamingSubscription(ExchangeService service, StreamingSubscription subscription)
var connection = new StreamingSubscriptionConnection(service, 30);
connection.OnNotificationEvent += OnNotificationEvent;
connection.OnSubscriptionError += OnSubscriptionError;
connection.OnDisconnect += OnDisconnect;
return connection;
private void OnNotificationEvent(object sender, NotificationEventArgs args)
// Extract the item ids for all NewMail Events in the list.
var newMails = from e in args.Events.OfType<ItemEvent>()
where e.EventType == EventType.Created
select e.ItemId;
foreach (var newMail in newMails)
var appointment= Appointment.Bind(_ExchangeService, newMail); //This is where I dont get a response!
private void OnSubscriptionError(object sender, SubscriptionErrorEventArgs args)
private void OnDisconnect(object sender, SubscriptionErrorEventArgs args)
Any suggestions?
I have had the same issue and found that my EWS solution was limited by two factors.
The System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit is by default set to 2, which I've changed to 20 which i beleive to match the throttling policy of Exchange Online.
Second the ConnectionGroupName property on the ExchangeService object can be used to pool connections into different relevant groups which have a limit of concurrent connections cohernet with the DefaultConnectionLimit property.
A way to override the settings is to set the ConnectionGroupName property to a uniquevalue for each ExchangeService object you create.
ExchangeService exchangeService = new ExchangeService()
ConnectionGroupName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
Why do you need multiple threads ?
In my case , I have created a dictionary of Services based on the smtpaddress for each email I want to impersonate, and I subscribe to them all. All can happen in one thread, and all notification from any user will be handled in the OnNotificationEvent .
var service = new ExchangeService(exchangeVersion);
var serviceCred = ((System.Net.NetworkCredential)(((WebCredentials)(Services.First().Value.Credentials)).Credentials));
service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(serviceCred.UserName, serviceCred.Password);
service.AutodiscoverUrl(userSmtp, RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);
service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, userSmtp);
Services.Add(userSmtp, service);
Note that Services.First().Value is the service that can impersonate all the other users, and here it is cloned as the number of the user.
After that Subscriptions for the all services (note that now each service is impersonating different user)
foreach (var service in Services.Values)
and the definition for SubscribeToService is as follow
private void SubscribeToService(ExchangeService service)
if (service.ImpersonatedUserId == null)
if (service.Url == null)
var serviceName = service.ImpersonatedUserId.Id;
var streamingSubscription =
service.SubscribeToStreamingNotifications(new FolderId[] { WellKnownFolderName.DeletedItems, WellKnownFolderName.Calendar },
EventType.FreeBusyChanged, EventType.Moved, EventType.Created, EventType.Modified);
if (!Connections.ContainsKey(service.Url))
Connections.Add(service.Url, new StreamingSubscriptionConnection(service, 30));
var connection = Connections[service.Url];
if (!_subscriptions.ContainsKey(serviceName))
_subscriptions.Add(serviceName, streamingSubscription);
All of this can happen in one single thread, and I hope my answer will help you