How can I auto install missing perl modules when running a script? - perl

I am looking for a way to auto install a missing perl module when my script runs. I would like to use cpan plus since it "seems" to available on both Windows and Linux but maybe I could have a way to drop down to standard cpan if cpan plus is not installed.
So how could one go about this? There is of course the cpan plus / cpan modules but are those able to integrated into a script?

Check this module: Carton Carton in CPAN, so first you installed all modules for your script, then you will make special dependency file under Carton and as result using this special file in other PC to install all dependency for you script. Please read description of this module in CPAN.
I hope it will help you.


Install cpan modules through perl script?

I want a perl script that will install all the cpan modules automatically when running the perl script.Can you help this?
The CPAN client is just a Perl module which is wrapped by the command line tool. You therefore directly invoke it from a Perl script.
However, you may require system administrator priveleges to install new modules. One way to circumvent that is to use local::lib, or to ask the user for the necessary privileges. On Unixes, you could refuse to run your script if not run as root. However, that opens up many security issues and should be avoided if possible.
A fairly sane solution would be to require your users to install the cpanm client, and specify your dependencies in a cpanfile. Your users then just have to do cpanm --installdeps /dir/of/your/script.
But if we are already going through all that trouble, you might as well make a proper CPAN distribution. You don't have to upload it to CPAN, but you can distribute the tarball, and have your users install that. This has many advantages: Mature toolchains, automated testing, and wonderful helpers like Dist::Zilla that make creating a distribution a breeze.
Use CPAN::Shell, from the docs:

How do I install Perl libraries in Cygwin?

I'm a C/C++/Java/Unix geek by trade, but now I have to write a Perl program in Windows. So I've got Cygwin, Eclipse with EPIC installed, and simple test programs run. I do not have a Unix machine available to me that I can run Eclipse on.
But I need to use Net::TCP::Server and I can't figure out how to install it. It doesn't appear to be part of the Cygwin Perl install, and I don't want to spend 5 days learning the world of Perl and CPAN and Perl configuration. I just want to write my program.
Any simple ways of installing a Perl module in Cygwin? I'm thinking something like apt-get install would be nice, but I expect that's too much to hope for.
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.9402)
Enter 'h' for help.
cpan[1]> install Net::TCP::Server
And it's instructive to list the configuration with the o conf command.
Seeing that some of the info here is a bit outdated and too complicated, I'd rather suggest the following. There are a few different Perl package managers in use. They are all installed with cpan (which is already part of the Cygwin Perl installation), like this:
# Install ppm (outdated)
cpan PPM
# Install cpanp (still used)
# Install cpanm (most recent)
cpan App::cpanminus
Then you can install any Perl package you like, as for example in the OP, using cpanm:
cpanm Net::TCP::Server
Sometimes (as noted above) Cygwin may fail certain tests. For example, when using IPv6 on a machine only configured with IPv4, or when your windows firewall is blocking some tests, etc. To attempt to install anyway, try to use the force flag; -f.
cpanm -f Net::TCP::Server
I'm a C/C++/java unix geek by trade, but now I have to write a perl program in windows. So I've got cygwin, eclipse with EPIC installed, and simple test programs run. I do not have a unix machine available to me that I can run eclipse on.
You should be able to run Eclipse with EPIC right under Windows without Cygwin. I like Cygwin for many things, but it isn't exactly a very stable platform. Eclipse runs as a Java program, so all you have to do is make sure Java is installed on your PC. There is even a pre-built Eclipse package.
You can also get a decent Perl that runs right under Windows. Either ActivePerl or Strawberry Perl. Either one will work although many Unix heads prefer Strawberry Perl because it comes with the same MIGW environment that Cygwin has and many feel it's more compatible with the Unix Perl brethren. However, ActiveState Perl can use the Perl Package Manager (PPM) that contains pre-built modules. Unfortunately, the module you want isn't available via PPM.
But I need to use Net::TCP::Server and I can't figure out how to install it. It doesn't appear to be part of the cygwin perl install, and I don't want to spend 5 days learning the world of perl and cpan and perl configuration. I just want to write my program.
Installing from CPAN is really quite simple. The first time you run CPAN, it should pretty much configure itself. Then, to do an install, you run cpan install Net::TCP::Server and that should be it. However, I've tried on several Mac, Unix, and Linux machines, and I can't get it to work. So, this isn't a Windows problem as much as a problem with this module. It is fairly old, and might not work well in newer versions of Perl. You might have to force the install over test's objections.
Maybe you can use one of the already installed IO modules that come with Perl instead. That'll save you a boatload of trouble because the required modules are part of Perl's existing package.
Despite Cygwin's "problems," I use it regularly whenever I have to use Windows. I would recommend first installing a separate installation of Perl using perlbrew so that you won't interfere with Cygwin's copy of Perl in case something bad happens since Cygwin does not enforce root-user policy. In cygwin shell, type
\curl -L | bash
This should walk through the installation for perlbrew and set it up in one of your executable path. Next type
perlbrew init
perlbrew install --force stable
perlbrew switch stable
Wait a bit while a mint Perl is compiled. For unknown reason, Perl can only pass 99.23% of the core module tests on Cygwin (at least on my machine),hence the --force flag). My experience is that it mostly have something to do with handling of device files, like ports and pipes. I am unaware of people trying to resolve the issue as it seems like a Cygwin problem. Although it has not presented much problem for me with general system and web programming tasks. The module testing routines will fail if any problem exists so I am not fretting over it.
Next step is to install cpanm (cpanminus), type
perlbrew install-cpanm
From here on out, to install any library from CPAN, just type
cpanm [library::name1] [library::name2]
cpanm makes it trivial to install any Perl modules. You can even install from your local directory instead of CPAN.
Your mileage may vary, but I had a lot of trouble until I realized that Strawberry perl had a lot of bin folders in my PATH, and when I changed my .bashrc to export only a very simple PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin, Cygwin's perl installation's cpan started working beautifully. I used local:lib as Cygwin doesn't support sudo. Before it got into a bad loop saying "Press SPACE and ENTER to exit Patch" over and over.

How can I create a portable strawberry with extra bundled modules?

The portable strawberry perl is a godsend-- I can bundle it into an NSIS installer along with the actual scripts and have the user double click it. However, I'm still having to install CPAN modules that our scripts need, manually on each user's computer.
Is there a portable way to 'inject' cpan modules into strawberry perl's portable version?
Would it be a good idea to take the portable strawberry on a development machine, install modules via CPAN, and re-zip it for distribution? (I imagine I'd need to fix the install location to c:\custom-perl or something if I do this). Anyone know of a more direct way? I suppose I should script the cpan commands into the installer, but it would be nice if the user didn't have to wait 20 minutes+ for the installer (which is how long it takes to compile all dependencies).
I think if you use one of the CPAN tools (cpan/cpanp/cpanm) it should install just fine to Z:\<strawberry path>\perl\site\lib and then you can pack the whole thing up.

How do I uninstall Perl modules?

I installed some Perl modules in my Linux machine. If I enter perldoc perllocal it shows a list of Perl modules installed in my machine, but now I don't need those Perl modules, so I want to remove them.
Does anyone know how to uninstall or remove those modules installed in Linux (debian 2.6.26)?
The Perl installers are just that... installers. They don't verify that they're not overwriting existing files, and they don't record precisely what they install. Therefore, they cannot uninstall. If you want a proper packaging system, you can't use the Perl installers.
If you use CPANPLUS to install a module, you can (at least in theory) also use it to uninstall it:
$ cpanp
> u Unwanted::Module
> q
The older CPAN module does not support an uninstall option. And, as Randal Schwartz notes, uninstalling modules is not always reliable.
Use cpanp (its uninstall is not limited to cpanplus-installed modules), or see ExtUtils::Packlist's modrm example.
Uninstall tools have historically been not readily provided because the install process is not robustly reversible, as Randal cautions.
As I've mentioned somewhere else on SO, my answer is to just leave them. There are VERY few Perl modules large enough to take up any actual space on you system. I'm not saying don't try if you really need the space, but if you don't ... its not worth it.
You can try App::pmuninstall
App::pmuninstall is a fast module uninstaller. delete files from
App::cpanminus and, App::cpanoutdated with a high affinity.
I tried cpanp uninstall and it didn't work for me. I did find success using App::pmuninstall.
pm-uninstall [options] Module ...
pm-uninstall - Uninstall modules -

How do I install a module and its dependencies in ActivePerl on Windows?

I want to send emails using gmail's smtp servers and perl. I am trying to install Email::Send::Gmail, but it is not clear to me what are the steps to install it. It seems that it depends on other modules that I do not have installed.
This is partially dependent on which distribution of Perl you're using.
ActivePerl includes a utility called PPM (Perl Package Manager) for installing modules. It handles dependency resolution automatically. PPM is particularly nice for installing XS modules on Windows where a compiler isn't typically available. The downside to PPM is that it some CPAN modules aren't available (probably because they fail ActiveState's automated build process). You can run PPM from either the start menu or by typing ppm at a command prompt.
A more general option is to use the interactive CPAN shell. Note that you must have a compiler to install XS modules using this method. You can access the cpan shell by typing cpan at a command prompt.
The brute-force approach of last resort is to download tarballs from CPAN and manually install them one at a time. When an install aborts due to unsatisfied dependencies download and install them then go back to the first module and try again.
cpan Email::Send::Gmail
… at the command prompt.
It's probably a good idea to set up local::lib first.
Or see the Perl Foundation Wiki on installing CPAN modules or the same but without root access.
Or see the CPAN guide to installing modules.
If you are using ActivePerl, try the PPM (Perl Package Manager) tool that comes with ActivePerl first. When you tell it to install a module, it should handle all of the dependencies for you.
Note the dependency tree for Email::Send::Gmail. Some of those modules require additional installation of third party software, most notably OpenSSL, which cpan won't do for you.
You can probably install it with:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Email-Send-Gmail
Hope it helps,
If you can, CPAN. (ha! It rhymes ... what a crime. Oops, did it again! When will this end... :p) It's essentially the way to install modules for your system. It automatically detects dependencies, downloads, installs, and tests them all for you, and backs out if ever a build or test fails. It's a fantastic and reliable way of installing modules. This works great if you're using essentially any Perl distribution besides ActiveState's distribution, including Strawberry Perl. Generally, this is done with
cpan Module::Name
or, in an interactive mode,
$ cpan
cpan > install Module::Name
If you're using ActiveState Perl, then you probably want to use ActiveState's PPM (Perl Package Manager). It's similar to CPAN, except everything comes prebuilt for ActiveState Perl. ActiveState has a document on how to use their Perl Package Manager on their website, including a graphical example.
If the easy options fail, you are not out of luck. There's some more complex, but manual methods you can do to still install the module.
Most modules that you can download will have within them a bit of metadata in a .yaml file; this will help you figure out whether or not you have all your dependencies. CPAN and PPM automatically resolve and install all your dependencies, but doing it manually will not, leaving that task up to you.
Assuming you have all your dependencies, and you need to install it manually, look for one of two files: Makefile.PL or Build.PL. If you have a Makefile.PL, cd to the directory you extraced the module within a command prompt, and type:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
You will need a 'make' program on your system. If it's ActiveState Perl, you may need to install the module manually (see a paragraph or two down.)
If it happens to have a Build.PL, then you need to do a slightly different set of steps:
perl Build.PL
Build test
Build install
(Of course, you may want to consider not installing if make/Build test fails, but that's up to you.)
As a final alternative, if your module has no xs files (ie, code that needs to be compiled on install), and all dependencies are met, you can simply move the files in the lib folder to your perl installation's site\lib folder. If you're interested in just using it for one project, you can add a PERL5LIB environmental variable, pointing to a new, custom library directory (eg, /my/project/lib) and then before running your tool, make sure the environment is set up.
As a followup, see PerlFaq8 - How do I install a module from CPAN.
Also, see PerlFaq8 - How do I keep my own module/library directory?.
Mixing installation methods is asking for heartache and headaches you don't need.
Don't use CPAN with Active Perl. Use PPM.*
PPM download sources can be found at Randy Kobes' site.
If you can't find a PPM of a module you need, you can build your own PPMs easily with Mr. Kobes make_ppm.
You can download a distribution and simply run make_ppm to build a PPM, but I prefer to do the a more "normal" build process:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
*If you install your files outside of c:/perl/site/* then it's OK to use CPAN. Just don't co-mingle CPAN shell modules with PPM modules.