How do you get data from a remote MySQL database into your app? - iphone

Have just finished a couple of tutorials regarding populating a SQLite database with data and then using this data within your app.
However none of these tutorials show how to connect to a remote server in order to obtain data.
How do you get data from a remote MySQL database into your app??
What options do you have?

Remote access is not a good idea, you would have to allow everyone to access it since it's an app. The best way to go about this is to build a layer between your app and database. From the app you would access a server side script which does the database work and responds to your app.

Well there are methods to allow remote access to your mysql database on your server and being able to query the database remotely. I think this is the cleanest solution. Check out this link:


Data export from CE thingsboard

Hi dear friends i want to send data from my ce thingsboard server to another Web server with post model anybody there can help me to solve this issue. And my another problem i want to access postgresql database from outside how i can, regard.
You could do this using Rulechains. There is Rulenode called REST API Call:
First make sure the Postgresql Database is accessible via remote, then connect with a client of your choice e.g. pgAdmin, DBeaver..,

Heroku Connect, detect salesforce update in postgres

So I have an app taking advantages of Heroku Connect to sync datas between platforms.
I need to find a way to detect when an update has been made by Salesforce (or at least, when the sync has been executed). I'm using sequelize in nodejs, but of course the hooks don't work since heroku connect works directly on the DB and doesn't use the ORM.
So I'm wondering what are my options here.
The solutions that come to my mind (likely there are more):
check out the Heroku Connect system tables like _trigger_log. This table will give you an exact log of the actions HC took (updates/insert/deletes) with information about the record. Yes, you would need to poll it :)
Postgres brings it's own queue-system with LISTEN and NOTIFY. You an write your own database-trigger that will react on change in the salesforce tables, and have a listening/worker-process on the LISTEN queue in PostgreSQL.

how to access database without webservice?

I am developing an iphone application and need to access Oracle/SQL database that installed on a server, and I dont want to develop a web service to read/write data, is there any other way to access the database?
Connecting to a remote DB directly from an iPhone/iPad App is a very bad idea. Imagine someone with a jailbroken iPhone and a simple packet sniffer.... It would be incredibly easy to compromise the security of your Database.
The best way to acomplish this is to wrap it in php via a web server on your remote Database server. You can then run a query on the DB with a simple http POST request and have the page return xml/json/whatever.
You could look through CocoaMySQL-src for some other ideas though. I think the project is dead/no longer active, but the code might still be useful.

iphone data storage to remote SQL database server

I have a task at hand to create a iphone app which is required to do the following.
the app should get the data entered by the user and store it into a remote server database.
other app user can see the data in the remote database.
store login information of the user using the app so as to keep track of what information as uploaded and by who
the thing that i would like to know.
1) What SQL server database is best to accomplish the task.
2) what format is best to retrieve the information from the database.
3) how to send the data from the iphone to the remover server database to it can store the data.
i read up on SQLite and found out that this particular database is a offline which stores the data locally so it cannot be viewed by other used. i wan to use a SQL database which can be accessed remotely.
1) What SQL server database is best to accomplish the task.
For implementation on server side, you can implement any server database, it does not matter. For implementation on iphone device, you have to implement SQLite database, which will provide storage locally.
2) what format is best to retrieve the information from the database.
You can retrieve data using XML or JSON format which will be parsed in device and can be stored in SQLite database, it is the easiest way to transfer data between client and server.
3) how to send the data from the iphone to the remover server database to it can store the data.
You can send data from iphone to server in XML/JSON format or by passing parameters in POST or GET request method then this format is parsed on server side and store data on server database.
For all this, you will require to implement API on server side, which will be the interface between server and device.
I know you mention SQL specifically, but is this a requirement or just a choice based on what most other people are doing? I ask because personally I would give serious thought to using a NoSQL database (document store) like couchdb for such a task. Deploying couch means you often don't need server side application layer at all, the way you will for a SQL based solution.
You talk to couch using HTTP which is perfectly suited to the ASIHTTPRequest library for example. Fetching data is usually a GET request and storing documents is done with PUT. All the data in or out comes back as JSON so a good JSON library will make life easier.
The combination of couchdb and the 2 libraries linked above, makes developing a data driven application really, really easy.
That's how I would do it ...
If you really need to stick with SQL, then as Jignesh says, use whatever database you like and implement a suitable API in the server side language of your choice. You can transfer the data however you like although JSON would still get my vote as a relatively light protocol that remains human readable.
You can use a cloud-enabled database service, like windows azure.

Client Server Applications for Iphone

I have a question regarding this topic.Like for Client Server Applications
1) is it necessary to load database directly into the Application.
Suppose if I have a DB in the back end and My application has to connect to that DB and display the results on the View for this do I need to Add DB into the Application directly.
2) can we access any DB or a File on the Remote server and show the required results.( with out adding that particular DB or A File into the application directly). How can we do this.
I saw a similar question in stackoverflow one answer was to use a PList, I am new to this.I am browsing the net but not able to get clear results. I lost many of my interviews because of this question.
1) is it necessary to load database
directly into the Application.
Suppose if I have a DB in the back end
and My application has to connect to
that DB and display the results on the
View for this do I need to Add DB into
the Application directly.
I'm not sure I understand this question. No, you don't need to load a database directly into a client in a client-server architecture. Normally, when I think of a design where a server has a database, I imagine there's some kind of way for the client to query the server for information. Perhaps it's making HTTP requests, which the server parses into a query, runs the query, and then returns the results (perhaps in XML form?).
2) can we access any DB or a File on
the Remote server and show the
required results.( with out adding
that particular DB or A File into the
application directly). How can we do
Are you asking if it's possible, in general, to access a server database from a client? Yes, of course. (See above, re: HTTP Requests).
Any arbitrary file? That depends on how the server is set up. Again, HTTP is one protocol works that way; if you send an HTTP query like "GET someimage.png HTTP/1.0", the server could just be grabbing the whole file someimage.png and sending it back in the response. (Technically, it's not necessarily snarfing a whole file -- it could be creating that PNG dynamically since there's nothing in the HTTP protocol that says it must be sending an existing file -- but that's outside the scope of your question.)
I lost many of my interviews because
of this question.
Not to sound too snarky, but interviews are often won and lost not because you don't know the answer, but when you can't communicate effectively. You haven't phrased your question(s) here particularly well.