How to get linux terminal in Eclipse [closed] - eclipse

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Closed 9 years ago.
Is it possible to have linux prompt in Eclipse whatever perspective is on?
I would like to have the same thing I have in Gedit:

A couple of possible solutions:

You can also use Target Management's Remote System Explorer plugins. Just open an SSH connection to your local host from within eclipse.

I like this one: Terminal plug-in for Eclipse (

There is an Incubator project called Local Terminal. You can install it from the Eclipse update site under General Purpose Tools->Local Terminal
Much better then


Is there a tool to directly run programs with arguments? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I´m searching for a tool with which I can directly start a program providing command line arguments under windows. In Visual Studio I have the option to set start arguments, but it´s not that comfortable for debugging. Also I use Other IDEs too which don´t have this built-in option. Does anyone know such a tool?
There is a tool named Args[] which is context menu based. When you rightclick an exe-file you can choose "Start with arguments". You may download the latest version of the tool as Installer here.

Automation deployment software [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Tell me please is there some gui software to the deployment of applications and databases under windows platform?
I need to configure, install, update and uninstall an applications from the changing list on several servers from one place ( by the mouse click is pefrect )
Check out Kwatee. It runs under tomcat/mysql on Windows, Linux or Mac. It has a web gui for configuration and deployment management but you can also automate with CLI scripts.

TortoiseSVN for MAC? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I recently started working developing an iphone app, and i have never worked on a MAC before.(only windows).
I used tortoiseSVN on windows. I want to know which subversioning clients i can use on the mac, preferably one which is the most used.
This is good app with FREE mode - Smart SVN.
Try open this link from Mac:
If you will open from Windows, then you will get a Windows version of Smart SVN.
In first time you will get a trial Pro version, after that your app will enter to Foundation mode.
But Foundation mode still have a basic important features: Commit, Update, Merge, Compare, ...
It's a very good product for Mac

Default Eclipse preferences [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I have previously exported the default preferences but accidentally deleted it. Is there anywhere I can download the default set of preferences from? I am running the latest version on Mac OS X.
The simplest way would be to:
do a fresh installation of your Eclipse in another directory
export the default preferences of that instance
import them in your existing Eclipse.

Eclipse crash course for IntelliJ developer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've been using IntelliJ for years now. Are there any good websites or books on Eclipse?
I don't need to know what absolutely every single tab and feature does. I just want to be immediately productive and then have some more references to look up later.
Some good sources:
Eclipse Project Configuration
IntelliJ Eclipse Migration FAQ
"Questions about IntelliJ to Eclipse transition"
Add a "IntelliJ style mappings for Eclipse" and you are good to go.
The SO question "Things possible in IntelliJ that aren’t possible in Eclipse?" can help you spot more quickly some differences that you need to take into account during your migration process.