Finding a Range in CoffeeScript - coffeescript

I understand how to define an array range in CoffeeScript
However if I have
data = 10
What's the best way to find if 10 is within a range of 1 and 11?
if data is between(1..11)
return true

There is no "between" keyword, but you can utilize a normal array-range:
if data in [1..11]
alert 'yay'
But that's a bit of an overkill, so in simple cases I'd recommend a normal comparison:
if 1 <= data <= 11
alert 'yay'

If you don't mind polluting the native prototypes, you can add a between method to the Number objects:
Number::between = (min, max) ->
min <= this <= max
if 10.between(1, 11)
alert 'yay'
Although i personally wouldn't use it. if 1 <= something <= 11 is more direct and everyone will understand it. The between method, instead, has to be looked up if you want to know what it does (or you'd have to guess), and i think it doesn't add that much.


promql example with related fields but different labels

I'm using Prometheus and Grafana, and I'm trying to track a web server app.
I want to graph the average duration in ms of a particular query. I think I can get there from the data below, but I'm struggling.
My two sets of values:
Element Value
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/control/v1/node/config.json"} 0.0010491088980113385
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs/:id.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/schedule/v1/users.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/metrics"} 0.00009133616130826839
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/caption/v1/sessions.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs.json"} 0
{instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="put",path="/api/caption/v1/sessions/captioners.json"} 0
Element Value
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/control/v1/node/config.json"} 0.03511075688258612
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs/:id.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/api/schedule/v1/users.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="get",path="/metrics"} 0.06671043807691363
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/caption/v1/sessions.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="put",path="/api/caption/v1/sessions/captioners.json"} 0
{code="200",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="put",path="/api/control/v1/agents/:id.json"} 0
{code="422",host="dbserver:5000",instance="dbserver:5000",job="control-tower",method="post",path="/api/schedule/v1/programs.json"} 0
They have different labels. For this, I only care where path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json".
I think I need to use a combination of rate, sum, and "on" or "ignore", but I haven't been able to get on or ignore to work at all.
I can get the numerator (in seconds) with:
rate( http_server_request_duration_seconds_sum { path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json" }[5m])
And that returns:
{instance="dbserver:5000", job="control-tower", method="post", path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json"}
But the denominator can have different return codes, so I have to sum those, and I need to do some ignore or on or something, but I haven't found an example that helps me out, and I'm really new at this.
Okay, I continued to play. Because I only have one path I worry about, i figured out I could sum the rates. I think this works:
sum( rate( http_server_request_duration_seconds_sum {path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json"}[2h])) / sum( rate( http_server_requests_total{ path="/api/caption/v1/messages.json"}[2h]))
I changed the sample rate as my sample data fell off my 5-minute window, and I had zeros.
I THINK what this is doing is summing the rates, which gets rid of all the labels. And I THINK what it's also doing is using 2 hours of data. I think the rate value is how quickly the value changed over that 2 hour period.
I would love comments.
This solution won't work if I want one chart to include other paths, and I'm still not sure what to do about that, so this solves my current problem but still doesn't help me figure out how to do something similar with ignore or on.

How To Say "When The Count Gets To This Number Execute This Function"?

Before I reload a table I want to know that all of the tasks that were saving in the background are done saving. I have 5 different saveInBackground functions that must complete before I make a new PFQuery. My thought right now is to say:
object.saveInBackgroundWithBlock({ (Success: true, error) -> Void in
count ++
Then, once the count gets to a certain number to perform the query. I don't want to use if because if the network is taking too long to process the save request. Would a while statement work? Such as:
while count < 0 {
} else if count == 5 {
Ideally I would be using a real-time data engine to power my application but I'm having trouble locating one that I can use as I only write in Swift. If this exists out there and you know of it, I'd love to know about it.
Just do the check each time you increment. It's really very low overhead, only five comparisons.
object.saveInBackgroundWithBlock({ (Success: true, error) -> Void in
count ++;
if count == 5 {
Unless I'm missing some reason you can't do that, it seems like the simplest solution. Better than running an infinite loop.
Generally I try not to use while in such cases because one can easily get stuck in them if you're somehow of in your logic. Why don't you just use something like that:
if count >= xyz

using the same function but on different rows

I want to estimate the co(variance) matrix of two assets classes (with different derivatives) of every month.. So let's assume that each month is 25 days. I will get the following code,
covar=cov([elec(1:25,:) ngas(1:25,:)])
However, I have like 5 years of data so rewrite everything seems like a waste of time, and I think there has to be an easier way to fix this problem.
ps. I do think the answer to my question is already answered somewhere, but I do not know the words the search on. Thanks for your reply
Sounds like you just need a for loop?
counter = 0;
cover{floor(size(elec,1)/25)} = []; %//Pre-allocation
for day = 1:25:size(elec,1)
counter = counter + 1;
covar{counter}=cov([elec(day:day+25-1,:) ngas(day:day+25-1,:)])

Length of string results in google apps

I've a function in gApps spreadsheet that takes a dollar figure multiplies by 100 and then returns the length of the string...
function checkWrite(amount) {
amount = amount * 100
amount = amount+'';
var aLength = amount.length;
Return gives the following results:
4. ---- 3
4.01 -- 3
4.02 -- 18
4.03 -- 3
4.04 -- 3
4.05 -- 3
4.06 -- 18
... and so on. I get many correct answers, 3, and some random wrong ones 18.
Can anyone shed some light on what's going on? I'm not great at coding, but I'm pretty sure that results should be consistent anyway.
Most likely the numbers are not rounded as you'd expect. Float point values are not exactly represented as you're thinking. To check that you should return the string representation generated as well, e.g. change the last line to return aLength+' '+amount;
Anyway, what's the usage of such function? If I have any idea on what you use it for, I could suggest some alternative solution.

How to round the minute of a timestamp to increments of 15?

I'm building an application to record when my cat has an asthma attack. I'm not interested in the exact time since glancing at the time in interval of 15 minutes is easier to review (e.g. rounding 9:38am should be recorded as 9:45am).
I looked for a UDF at for this but couldn't find one. I tinkered with CF's round function but I'm not getting it to do what I want.
Any advice?
This could do with a bit more polish (like data type validation) but it will take a time value and return it rounded to the nearest 15-minute increment.
function roundTo15(theTime) {
var roundedMinutes = round(minute(theTime) / 15 ) * 15;
var newHour=hour(theTime);
if (roundedMinutes EQ 60) {
newHour=newHour + 1;
return timeFormat(createTime(newHour,roundedMinutes,0),"HH:mm");
I'm not familiar with the format of the timestamp here, but generally when I want to round I do something like floor((val + increment / 2) / increment) * increment
I like Al Everett's answer, or alternatively store the actual time to preserve the most accurate time, then use query of query in the view and use between :00 and :15 to show the time in 15min period.
If you use Henry's suggestion to store the precise time in the database (principle: if there's no cost, prefer to preserve data), then you can simply use Al Everett's rounding function whenever you display the data to the user.