jQuery accordion section index - accordion

How can I make this accordion generic? That is, instead of active:2 I want it to point to the next section(may be some function like next() or such...). Similarly, for previous section.
$('#accordion').accordion({collapsible: true, active:2});
Also once if it opens a section , is there a way to focus on the first or last input field of the section?
Any help is appreciated.

change : function(event, ui) {
// Your code to expand the next section and/or select the first element
// There is also a changestart event you could use instead of change


How to prevent closing of cell editing in ag-grid on "Other Cell Focus"

I am working on an editable table in Angular application with ag-grid library. I would like to keep editing cells (in full row edit mode) until I finish with it and then close the editors manually via API. The problem is that the editor is closing on other cell click/focus (on some other line) as described here:
The grid will stop editing when any of the following happen:
Other Cell Focus: If focus in the grid goes to another cell, the editing will stop.
I cannot figure out how to disable this, if it is possible. Installing the onCellMouseDown() hook does not help, because the cellFocused event is fired before cellMouseDown. Therefore, the editing stops before I have a chance to intercept the mousedown event.
Here is my stackblitz little extract with related pieces of code.
The need for such scenario is that I want to validate the entry and not to allow a used to quit the editing if the form is not valid. The only workaround I found so far is that on any click outside of editing cells when the editor closing I reopen it right away in onRowEditingStopped() hook unless the editor has been closed via 'OK' button.
After all, I have managed to provide a custom solution that fits exactly into this problem which I was facing also.
First thing is to disable pointer events to non edited rows when a specific row is currently being edited. On Ag-grid's 'cellEditingStarted' callback I have added the following code:
public cellEditingStarted(event: any): void {
//not all rows are on dom ag-grid takes care of it
const nonSelectedGridRows = document.querySelectorAll('.ag-grid-custom-row:not(.ag-row-selected):not(.ag-row-editing):not(.pointer-events-none)');
forEach(nonSelectedGridRows, row => {
Because not all rows exist on dom (Ag-grid creates and destroys while you are scrolling )when a specific cell is being edited, I have also added a rowClassRule which is applied when rows are being created:
this.rowClassRules = {
'pointer-events-none': params => {
if (params.api.getEditingCells().length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
.pointer-events-none {
pointer-events: none
By disabling pointer events, when you click on a non edited cell the cell won't get focus and thus the currently edited cell will stil remain on edit mode. You can provide your own custom validation solution and close the editor manually through API. When you are done, you have to enable pointer events to all grid rows back again:
private enablePointerEvents(): void {
//not all rows are on dom ag-grid takes care of it
const nonSelectedGridRows = document.querySelectorAll('.ag-grid-custom-row.pointer-events-none');
forEach(nonSelectedGridRows, row => {
I implemented the same above approach in Ag-Grid React.
I used getRowStyle callback for adding the css pointerEvents: none on dynemic basis.
It seems to be working for me fine.
Please refer the below code
const getRowStyle = (params) => {
// this is not initialized in read mode
// condition for me ==> currentEditRowIndex.current !== null && params.node.rowIndex !== currentEditRowIndex.current
if (someCondition for Row other than inline edit row) {
return { pointerEvents: "none" };
return null;
After adding this whenver you start the editing..You will need to call redrawRows so that css changes can be applied.
Hope this will help. Thank You!!
Thought I would share another solution that has been working out okay for me so far.
Using 'pointer-events-none' as suggested in the other answer is flawed because the Enter key can also close the editor.
In my case, I want to prevent the editor from closing when client side validation has failed and the data is invalid. When my conditions are met, I call stopPropagation() on the events to prevent the editor close from happening in the first place. It still has potential problems:
It cancels mousedown, dblclick, keydown, focusout and click for all elements that have a class name starting with ag- so if you happen to use this class prefix for other controls on the page, it could interfere. It also means any controls within the grid (sorting, resizing, etc.) don't work while the condition is met.
Calling stopPropagation() could potentially interfere with your own custom controls. So far I've been okay if I dont use the ag- prefix within the markup from my own custom cell editors and renderers
I hope they can add a proper API function to cancel the row/cell stopEditing function in the future.
["mousedown", "dblclick", "keydown", "focusout", "click"].forEach(function (eventName) {
document.addEventListener(eventName, function (e) {
if ( conditionForCancelingIsMet() ) {
// this appears to cancel some events in agGrid, it works for
// preventing editor closing on clicking other cells for example.
// It would be ideal if this worked for all ag-grid specific events
// and had a proper public API to use!
e["__ag_Grid_Stop_Propagation"] = true;
// convert element classList to normal js array so we can use some()
var classArray = [].slice.apply(e.target.classList);
if ( conditionForCancelingIsMet() && classArray.some(c => c.startsWith("ag-")) ) {
// unfortunately some events like pressing the 'enter' key still
// require stopPropagation() and could potentially interfere with unrelated controls
}, true);

ag-grid : Clickable link in group cell rendered

I am trying to make clicable link in group (group and its child should be clickable, should be like a link)
i'm not able to make it because for a clickable link i need to create a cellrenderer but in this case group cellredered in already there
here is my plunker
Why do you need to have it in one column? You can define 'dummy' column exactly for group handling and then, the first column with own cellRenderer for the link.
Anyway, you can use innerCellRenderer inside cellRendererParams- I suppose it's exactly as you looking for.
innerRenderer: The renderer to use for inside the cell (after grouping functions are added).
// provide extra params to the cellRenderer
cellRendererParams: {
suppressCount: true, // turn off the row count
suppressDoubleClickExpand: true, // turn off double click for expand
checkbox: true, // enable checkbox selection
innerRenderer: myInnerRenderer, // provide an inner renderer
footerValueGetter: myFooterValueGetter // provide a footer value getter
Code part from official doc

Ag-Grid expand row

Im using Ag-grid to control my table, but i want in my group that stores a list of rows instead of having to make the row group expand in 2 clicks, i want to be on 1 click.
If i click on the icon arrow it works, but if i click on the title row it only opens on 2 clicks.
I already tried to find in the documentation any information about it, but cant find nothing.
Here is a example from the documentation.
example image:
We are now recommended not to use the onGroupExpandedOrCollapsed, so this should now be...
This will also update the icons and animate the rows, which onGroupExpandedOrCollapsed won't.
onRowClicked(params) {
This will toggle the expansion, use params.node.setExpanded(true) if you want the rows to just stay open.
You can listen to events on either a row or cell clicked, and expand nodes accordingly.
For example to expand a row based on a click you could do the following:
onRowClicked: (params) => {
// update the node to be expanded
params.node.expanded = true;
// tell the grid to redraw based on state of nodes expanded state
This should be in the documentation - I'll update it to reflect this information.
In the column definition, you can use the onCellClicked(params) function to tell it to do something when the cell is clicked. I tried looking for an expand function, but I could only find expandAll() which I don't think you will want. So what I would do is just use jquery or simple DOM selection to click on the expand icon inside of that cell.
this one works
onRowClicked(params) {
params.context.setExpand.onExpandClicked(params.rowIndex, params.node.rowHeight);

How to set css class to a row which has focus in Dojo datagrid

I am using DOJO datagrid version 1.10 What I want is on tab indexing the row in the grid should get highlighted so that user will be able to know on which row the focus is. But I am not getting the row focus.
You could listen on the dojox.grid.DataGrid::onCellFocus event. The event arguments are the focused cell-Object itself and the corresponding rowIndex.
function onCellFocus(cell, rowIndex) {
// first clear selection
// select the focused row
grid.selection.setSelected(rowIndex, true);
// invoke manually the render method
I've created a working fiddle for you, which can be found here.

Select jQuery UI Button by Label or $.Data

My buttons are input type=button, id field set, and no text in between the tags since it appears to the right of my buttons rather than inside. (sorry, won't let me publish the html for some reason).
I .button() them and set their label. All works as expected, but I can't select them by :contains().
How do you select jQuery UI buttons by their labels?
Thanks in advance!
I don't select by id because the text of the button changes based upon a variable in my db. Is there a way to select by .data?
You should create a button and look how jQuery creates it. When you look at the example in the documentation you see that .button() creates a span element in the button element that contains the label. So you can query on this inner span element which has a class of ui-button-text.
But I think that you should overthink your code and rework it so that you can select on the ID since they are made to identify things.
Edit: Then go for the first advice
var buttons = $('button').filter(function (index) {
$('.ui-button-text:contains("' + your_string + '")', this).length > 0