how to get facebook signed request with titanium framework - facebook

I am developing iphone app through titanium which is communicate with drupal 6 server through services module.
My requirement is when user logged in to facebook from mobile, it treat as authenticated user from server side for further facebook operation performed by server.
So I am trying to get signed request for logged in user from mobile, but I am not able to get signed request for logged in user.
I called following function to open facebook login popup,
following listener execute after facebook login,
Ti.Facebook.addEventListener('login', function(e) { }
May i know how to get signed request after successfully logged in to facebook from device??

I have no experience in connecting to Facebook from Titanium, but installed one of their new example apps two days ago:
This connects to FB, do not know in what way. You can download example code from GitHub, maybe you find it useful.


How to Laravel mobile app api for facebook login

Hi i'm working on a web with Laravel. On the web, I use socialite to login with Facebook, but I don't know how to do that with api for mobile to connect.
On the web, the flow is the user request to the website, socialite will redirect to facebook to obtain data and redirect back to the redirect url that we register to do authentication.
I don't know if with mobile app is the same?
How can I do it since there is only 1 redirect url and how to detect if the request is from website or from mobile app. Because request from website, ultimately is return view and request from mobilr is return json, right?
Or the mobile side, mobilr developer will do the obtaining data then send it to the website through api to authenticate?
Please help me on this. Thank u. Sorry for my bad English. If anyone does not understand my situation please ask me again.
Thank you all.
If you are building a mobile app, you should use the Facebook Mobile SDK to preform Facebook login instead of doing it the website way. On Facebook, you can have different settings for iOS and Android (and other platforms), so you won't need to worry about knowing which platform the user is using.
When the user authenticates using the mobile app, you can pass the Facebook access_token back to your database via an API.

How to start session in my web application after successful facebook login?

I am using Facebook login with the Facebook javascript sdk. I have implemented all the login flow. I want to know what I should to do to start a session on my application. From Facebook docs
Once your app knows the login status of the person using it, it can do one of the following:
If the person is logged into Facebook and your app, redirect them to
your app's logged in experience.
If the person is logged into Facebook but not your app, prompt them with the Login dialog.
If the person is not logged into Facebook, prompt them with the Login dialog.
I want to work on the first one: redirect them to my app's logged in experience. But I do not know how to recognize the user and start the new session on the server so that he can access personal data. I thought a possible solution might be to send the accessToken received on the client to my server, then ask to Facebook's servers if that is a valid token, if so then start a new session for the recognized user, otherwise ignore the request. Is that a correct flow?

PhoneGap InAppBrowser access token sessions not connecting

I am using PhoneGap 3.0.0 and trying to create a 'simple' login and connection with facebook in order to use Facebook's post dialog to post on behalf of my application to users' Facebook pages.
Here is my understanding of how the connection logic should work:
1. he application calls out facebook login in a new window (within the application itself), but it is linked to our app data
2. so, when FB gets a successful login, they redirect to OUR server, but now with a live Facebook accessToken
3. with it, in my server, I get the session data of the person
4. then automatically, that mini-browser within the application closes
5. and comes back to the application
6. now I make an alert of the facebook token
7. and then I require our server for the user's token from my application
8. once I retrieve our Token, I can initiate the automatic load of information into the application... that's it
9. when the mini-browser closes and we get back to the application I retrieve our session token, automatically
** The problem here is that this action is not happening, the session register is not happening in our server for some reason. It does work in the test module that I developed, but not in the complete application even with the same module... that's the problem here. I get perfectly the access token from facebook, but I don't get it from our server... like their session in our server never gets registered.

Detect if the user is logged out of Facebook

I have a Node.js web application that uses Facebook OAuth 2.0 to register/login/logout users using everyauth.
I enabled the deprecation of offline access on my Facebook application so now I receive tokens that expire after ~two months, or when the user changes her password, or when she removes the application, BUT not when she logs out of Facebook
My application is embedded in an iframe into multiple websites and is used to push updates to the user's Facebook timeline.
Say I have my application installed on site A and site B. If the user X logs in my application on A, he is logged into my application on B as well because the iframe preserves the session.
If the user X logs out of Facebook, anyone else using the same computer on sites that have my application installed is going to push updates on behalf of X.
Is there a way to determine if X is still logged into Facebook before pushing an update?
In other words, I need something similar to Facebook's JavaScript SDK FB.getLoginStatus but on the server side in Node.js. The best thing would be a Graph API call, but I can't find an appropriate URL for it.
In the end, I went with #NitzanTomer's solution described in the comments. I used the JavaScript SDK and its FB.getLoginStatus method to check if the current user of my application is still logged in on Facebook. This is far from ideal: it works in my case because I'm running JavaScript code in an iframe, thus being relatively protected from attacks by the same-origin policy.
You can you use FB.getLoginStatus to check whether the user is connected to Facebook or not:
getLoginStaus function is not there in facebook-node-sdk by amachang but what you can use is the getLoginStatusUrl function: facebook-node-sdk
The user is logged in if returned value is the url you assign to ok_session property. You cannot be sure of the permissions granted to your app though

facebook automated authorization / login

there is an facebook application, you can see it there:
You have to like it and than you can play a game (you don't have to i just explain the functionality of it).
This application isn't forcing you to login (i think the authorization is automated), but they can query the user data (they see if you liked the site).
I lookd for a similar authenthication method for fb apps but i didn't found one.
The only thing you know about a user (who has not authorised your application) within a tab application is if he is a fan or not. Facebook sends this information via the signed request.
PHP SDK Demystified – What is Signed Request?
Authentication within a Page Tab
SO Question including signed request