Create new cron job Task Scheduler from SocialEngine admin control panel - zend-framework

I'm new to socialengine framework. Can any one help me how to create new cron job Task Scheduler from socialengine admin panel?

The task scripts are in application/modules/Core/Plugin/Task in the newest build of SocialEngine and we generally set them to run every 60 seconds at 5 second spacing between scripts.

You won't be able to create a cron job from the admin panel. You would need to set it up with your server. Your hosting provider should be able to assist you. The jobs you will need to schedule can be found in the following directory depending on what task you want to schedule: application/modules//Plugin/Task


Azure Devops: Queue a build to run in the evening

We are trying to queue from code a build but that should not run instantly but in the evening as our build pipeline is quite free in the evening and this job does not need to be run right away.
We are queuing around 20 or those builds on a daily basis and right now it is unfortunately blocking other builds. I know that we can use build priorities but it is not good enough as the build we want to "postpone" takes quite a long time and would block other builds if it would be started before the high importance build.
We also saw that it is possible to create a schedule but this sounds more like a build that should reoccur where we need the build to run only once.
There is a work-around to achieve running a build once at an appointed time using Azure CLI and CMD scheduled task. You can try to follow below steps.
1, you need to install Azure CLI. You can follow the steps in this blogs to get started with Azure CLI. [blog]:
2, Create a CMD script like below and save it to your local disk, For more information about az pipelines commands go to
az pipelines build queue --definition-name your-build-definition-name -o table
3,create a scheduled CMD task script using schtask.exe like below example, for more information visit
schtasks /create /tn "give-your-task-a-name" /tr "the-location-of-the-scripts-file-you-created-in-previous-step" /sc ONCE /st specify-the-time-to-run-your-build
You can save this script to your local disk too, Next time you can just run this scripts when you want to schedule your build to run in the evening.
Hope above steps can help you, This workaround seems tedious and need a little effort. But it is an once and for all work.
Azure Devops: Queue a build to run in the evening
Trigger build only once is not available for now. As you saw, there only as working days, time and time zone for schedule.
There has an user voice Scheduled builds - More flexible timing configuration which suggest more flexible time configuration including. You can vote and follow up for this user voice.
As the comment on that thread, we could Use cron syntax to specify schedules in a YAML file. As test, we can get a more detailed timing configuration, but we still could not schedule the build to run only once.
As workaround, we could schedule the build on a certain day of the week, after schedule build completed, Then we could disable the schedule manually or using the tool Azure DevOps CLI.
Hope this helps.

How to run only specific task within a Job in Rundeck?

I have a job in Rundeck with many tasks within, but when some task fails I have to duplicate de Job, remove all the other tasks, save it and then run this new reduced copy of my original job.
Is there a way to run only specific tasks without having to do all this workaround?
Thanks in advance.
AFAIK there is no way to do that.
As a workaround, you can simply add options for every step in your Rundeck job, so for instances, if you have 3 script steps in your job, you can add 3 options named: skip_step_1, skip_step_2 and skip_test_3 and then assign true to the ones that have finished successfully and false to the one that has failed in the first execution. And for every script step, you can add a condition whether to run it or not.
A smiliar feature request is already proposed to the rundeck team :
Optionally execute workflow step based on job options

Bluemix Workload Scheduler trigger does not start

I tried to create a job to call a REST API every 10 minutes using the Application Lab UI of the Workload Scheduler.
The task works fine, if I push Run Now.
This is the configuration of my trigger:
I left out valid to intentionally to have this task running infinitely.
Looking the trigger you created seems to be right: your step will run every 10 minutes every days.
If not, could you specify what is not working?

Job dependencies in Talend Administration Center with file based trigger

i'm trying to set up a dependency between two jobs in the Talend Administration Center. When the first job is finished the second job should start. I don't want to implement it by tRunJob component in one of the jobs. That's why i have set up a file trigger. At the end of the first job, the trigger creates a file in a specified directory. Im not sure at which root directory the file would be searched. I've set up the path but it doesn't start the trigger. Does someone have any experience with that? Or is there an other possibility to set up such an dependency?
Your solution is correct but valid only outside TAC, and we need TAC mainly for job scheduling and for managing dependecy, so you have to develop your jobs separately and independently, then create your tasks in TAC and a execution plan to schedule your tasks.

Calling a Cron Trigger stored in JDBCJobStore programmatically

I have a Cron Trigger configured using the JDBCJobStore since we will be running the app within a clustered environment.
I have the CronTrigger running every 10AM, everything is working great.
How would I programmatically start this Cron Trigger "On-Deman". Any code sample appreciated.
I'm using Quartz 1.6.5 on Tomcat 6.0.
Thanks for any help.
If you know the name and group of the job you wish to run "on demand", and you have programmatic access to the scheduler, you could schedule a new SimpleTrigger to run once and immediately.
Note that this would not start the cron trigger, I am assuming your goal is to actually run the job your cron trigger points to. If you have code that relies on TriggerListeners listening to your cron trigger, this will not help.