Entity Framework doesn't query derived classes - Error in DbOfTypeExpression - entity-framework

I have a base class and two derived classes.
Each of the derived classes implements the same type as a property - the only difference is the property name.
Sadly I don't have much influence on the class design -> they have been generated from a wsdl file.
I then have a property on the BaseType to encapsulate the common property. The plan was to use this property in my web views etc.
I have used the famous "Fruit-Example" to demonstrate the problem:
public class FruitBase
public virtual int ID { get; set; }
// The plan is to use this property in mvc view
public virtual FruitnessFactor Fruitness
if (this.GetType().BaseType == typeof(Apple))
return ((Apple)this).AppleFruitness;
else if (this.GetType().BaseType == typeof(Orange))
return ((Orange)this).OrangeFruitness;
return null;
public class FruitnessFactor { }
In my MVC controller, the following query works absolutely fine:
return View(context.FruitEntities
.OfType<Apple>().Include(a =>a.AppleFruitness)
But this one doesn't:
return View(context.FruitEntities
.OfType<Apple>().Include(a =>a.AppleFruitness)
.OfType<Orange>().Include(o => o.OrangeFruitness)
The error message I get is:
DbOfTypeExpression requires an expression argument with a polymorphic result type that is compatible with the type argument.
I am using EF 5.0 RC and the Code First approach.
Any help is much appreciated!

As far as I can tell you can't apply Include on multiple subtypes in a single database query. You can query one type (OfType<Apple>().Include(a => a.AppelFruitness)) and the same for another subtype. The problem is that you can't concat the results in the same query because the result collections have different generic types (apples and oranges).
One option would be to run two queries and copy the result collection into a new collection of the base type - as you already indicated in the comment section under your question.
The other option (which would only need a single query) is a projection. You would have to define a projection type (you could also project into an anonymous type)...
public class FruitViewModel
public FruitBase Fruit { get; set; }
public FruitnessFactor Factor { get; set; }
...and then can use the query:
List<FruitViewModel> fruitViewModels = context.FruitEntities
.Select(a => new FruitViewModel
Fruit = a,
Factor = a.AppleFruitness
.Select(o => new FruitViewModel
Fruit = o,
Factor = o.OrangeFruitness
If you don't disable change tracking (by using AsNoTracking) the navigation properties get populated automatically when the entities get attached to the context ("Relationship fixup") which means that you can extract the fruits from the viewModel collection...
IEnumerable<FruitBase> fruits = fruitViewModels.Select(fv => fv.Fruit);
...and you'll get the fruits including the FruitnessFactor properties.
This code is pretty awkward but a direct approach without using a projection has been asked for several times without success:
bottleneck using entity framework inheritance
Entity Framework - Eager loading of subclass related objects
How do I deeply eager load an entity with a reference to an instance of a persistent base type (Entity Framework 4)


OData Automapper ProjectTo ExplicitExpansion Filter child EF

I'm having trouble trying to implement OData with a custom DTO using Automapper's ProjectTo.
Lets say I have the following Objects:
public class Freight
public virtual ICollection<General.Fleet.Service> Services { get; set; }
public class FreightDTO
public virtual ICollection<DTO.General.Fleet.Service> Services { get; set; }
cfg.CreateMap<General.Fleet.Freight, DTO.General.Fleet.FreightDTO>()
.ForMember(x => x.Services, options => options.ExplicitExpansion())
cfg.CreateMap<DTO.General.Fleet.FreightDTO, General.Fleet.Freight>()
.ForMember(x => x.Services, options => options.ExplicitExpansion())
I'm trying to apply the OData filters through the ApplyTo method like so:
query.ApplyTo(db.Freight.ProjectTo<FreightDTO>()) as IQueryable<FreightDTO>;
But whenever I try to filter:
http://localhost:22564/api/Freights?$top=1&$filter=Services/any(s: contains(s/PrimaryCode, '41156') eq true)
I get the following error:
The specified type member 'Services' is not supported in LINQ to
Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation
properties are supported.
For what I understand I'm failling to filter by a property that is not included in the Projection. But I'm trying to avoid this include, because I don't want to bring all the Child objects, just filter the parent based on them.
What I don't want to do:
query.ApplyTo(db.Freight.ProjectTo<FreightDTO>(null, "Services")) as IQueryable<FreightDTO>;
Since I'm using OData's ODataQueryOptions 'ApplyTo' I'm not able to previously apply the filters in the dataset passed to Automapper (to filter directly on the entity rather than the DTO).
So my question is: Is there a way to filter a parent object based on the child, without having to bring the childs from the database?
Thanks in advance.

Materializing an ICollection structure containing subclasses

I'm reviewing some code that was written in the EF 4 days because it stands out during performance benchmarking.
The purpose of the code is to materialize an ICollection<MyBaseClass> using Entity Framework (we're now on EF 6.1).
The code exists because references present in specific subclasses aren't materialized when retrieving
public Parent
public virtual ICollection<MyBaseClass>() Base { get; set; }
from the database, when the actual types stored are subclasses of MyBaseClass.
Example subclass:
public SubA : MyBaseClass
public virtual ICollection<Options> Ref1 { get; set; }
Currently, the code does something like this:
var parent = ctx.Parents.Include(p => p.Base).Where(...).Single();
private void LoadSubclasses(IEnumerable<MyBaseClass> myBase)
foreach (var my in myBase)
if (my is SubA)
else... // Similar for other subclasses
Note that ICollection<MyBaseClass>() Base contains a mix of several concrete subclasses. There are generally a few hundred objects in the ICollection.
Is there a more efficient way to materialize Base?
It cannot be said in advance if the performance will be better (sometimes executing a single complex query, especially with sub collection includes may have actually negative impact), but you can minimize the number of database queries to K, where K is the number of subclass types that need additional includes.
You need to base the LoadSubclasses method on IQueryable<TBase> representing all base entities, and execute one query per each subclass type using OfType filter:
private void LoadSubclasses(IQueryable<MyBaseClass> baseQuery)
// SubA
.Include(x => x.Ref1.Options)
// Similar for other subclasses
The usage with your sample would be:
var parent = ctx.Parents.Include(p => p.Base).Where(...).Single();
LoadSubclasses(ctx.Entry(parent).Collection(p => p.Base).Query());
or more generally:
var parentQuery = ctx.Parents.Where(...);
var parents = parentQuery.Include(p => p.Base).ToList();
LoadSubclasses(parentQuery.SelectMany(p => p.Base));
For those on EF Core 2.1 or later, this feature is now supported out-of-the-box.
Request from 2010:
When in an data model for entity framework has a navigation property
it is not posseble to eager load that navigation property besides when
using OfType<> or when eager loading the derived type itself by a
navigation property.
Response from 2018:
The feature is part of EF Core 2.1, which is currently in preview.
Please create issues in our issue tracker if you find any problems.

EF classes containing collections: Lists induce to use memory when navigating

When one wants to use EF navigation (navigating by the property of the classes), List<T>´s are all treated in memory.
For example I have this EF model class:
class School
public virtual ICollection<Groups> Groups { get; set; }
public School()
this.Courses = new List<Group>(); // List<T>!!
And if I do this:
I will be counting the groups in memory and not in SQL (ie: these won't be counted like "select count(*) from Groups join School Where SchoolId = ...")
So my question is.. what should I use instead of List?
IEnumerable is an interface so I can't have a new IEnumerable,... IQueryable too..
If no collection class is suitable for this, then I guess I should be using my DbContext instance. Like this:
(new MyDbContext()).Groups.Count(g => g.SchoolId == ...)
If that is the case, then: why is there EF navigation?!??
Ok maybe I should use real information:
I'm already using ICollection (i used IEnumerable in the post because I thought they where similar)
This is the slow query: domain.Persons.Count(p => p.IsStudent && p.GuardianId != null && p.Guardian.Mobile.Equals(""))
This is the fast query: db.Persons.Count(p => p.Domains.Any(d => d.DomainId == domain.DomainId) && p.IsStudent && p.GuardianId != null && p.Guardian.Mobile.Equals(""))
As you can see, 2 and 3 are very similar ...one uses navigation and the other doesn't.
You should use ICollection<T> instead and define your properties as virtual, so that you can lazy load and get your Count().
// Example
public virtual ICollection<Apple> Apples{get;set;}
virtual keyword enables EF to override its behavior and lazy load entities for you when you access the getter.

Entity Framework 5 table-per-type update, change sub type but keep same base type

I have a simple hierarchy
public abstract class CommunicationSupport
public SupportTypeEnum Type { get; set; }
public Country Origin { get; set; } // National or Foreign support
public class TelecomSupport : CommunicationSupport
public string Number { get; set; }
public class PostalSupport : CommunicationSupport
public Address Address { get; set; }
I plan to use the Table-per-type hierarchy for my DB. So 3 tables will be created, one base and two child using the same PK as the base.
My problem is that I want to be able to update a CommunicationSupport by changing it's type.
Let's say that I create a TelecomSupport, save it and then change it's type to a PostalSupport and save it again (update). The result I expect is for EF to keep the same base record (CommunicationSupport Id) but delete the record in the TelecomSupport table and create a new one in the PostalSupport.
So TelecomSupport and PostalSupport are exclusive and cannot share the same base CommunicationSupport.
How can I do that using EntityFramework 5?
Thanks for your help!
I don't have a good answer, but I can think of four "solutions" that are really workarounds:
Don't use DBMS-computed values for your primary keys (if you already use natural keys, it's fine).
Use DBMS-computed surrogate keys.
Follow something like the state pattern.
Do some evil voodoo with the object state manager.
Update: There seems to be a popular consensus that trying isn't even worth it; most people thus simply use stored procedures instead to work around the problem.
Changing Inherited Types in Entity Framework
Entity Framework: Inheritance, change object type
Changing the type of an (Entity Framework) entity that is part of an inheritance hierarchy
Changing the type of an entity that is part of an inheritance hierarchy
Using natural keys
First, remember that the objects tracked by the EF are part of your DAL, not your domain model (regardless of whether you use POCOs or not). Some people don't need a domain model, but keep it in mind, as we can now think of these objects as representations of table records we manipulate in ways we wouldn't with domain objects.
Here, we use IDbSet.Remove to delete the records of the entity, then add new ones with the same primary key using IDbSet.Add, all in a single transaction. See the ChangeType method in the sample code below.
In theory, integrity is OK, and in theory, EF could detect what you're trying to do and optimize things. In practice, it currently doesn't (I profiled the SQL interface to verify this). The result is that it looks ugly (DELETE+INSERT instead of UPDATE), so if system beauty and performance are issues, it's probably a no-go. If you can take it, it's relatively straightforward.
Here is some sample code I used to test this (if you want to experiment, simply create a new console application, add a reference to the EntityFramework assembly, and paste the code).
A is the base class, X and Y are subclasses. We consider Id to be a natural key, so we can copy it in the subclasses copy constructors (here only implemented for Y). The code creates a database and seeds it with a record of type X. Then, it runs and changes its type to Y, obviously losing X-specific data in the process. The copy constructor is where you would transform data, or archive it if data loss is not part of the business process. The only piece of "interesting" code is the ChangeType method, the rest is boilerplate.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
namespace EntitySubTypeChange {
abstract class A {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Foo { get; set; }
public override string ToString() {
return string.Format("Type:\t{0}{3}Id:\t{1}{3}Foo:\t{2}{3}",
this.GetType(), Id, Foo, Environment.NewLine);
class X : A {
public string Bar { get; set; }
public override string ToString() {
return string.Format("{0}Bar:\t{1}{2}", base.ToString(), Bar, Environment.NewLine);
class Y : A {
public Y() {}
public Y(A a) {
this.Id = a.Id;
this.Foo = a.Foo;
public string Baz { get; set; }
public override string ToString() {
return string.Format("{0}Baz:\t{1}{2}", base.ToString(), Baz, Environment.NewLine);
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
static void Display() {
using (var context = new Container())
static void ChangeType()
using (var context = new Container()) {
context.A.Add(new Y(context.A.Remove(context.X.First())));
class Container : DbContext {
public IDbSet<A> A { get; set; }
public IDbSet<X> X { get; set; }
public IDbSet<Y> Y { get; set; }
static Program() {
Database.SetInitializer<Container>(new ContainerInitializer());
class ContainerInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<Container> {
protected override void Seed(Container context) {
context.A.Add(new X { Foo = "Base Value", Bar = "SubType X Value" });
Type: EntitySubTypeChange.X
Id: 0
Foo: Base Value
Bar: SubType X Value
Type: EntitySubTypeChange.Y
Id: 0
Foo: Base Value
Note: If you want an auto-generated natural key, you can't let EF ask the DBMS to compute it, or EF will prevent you from manipulating it the way you want (see below). In effect, EF treats all keys with computed values as surrogate keys, even though it still happily leaks them (the bad of both worlds).
Note: I annotate the subclasses with Table because you mentioned a TPT setup, but the problem is not actually related to TPT.
Using surrogate keys
If you consider a surrogate key to be truly internal, then it doesn't matter if it changes under your nose as long as you can still access your data the same way (using a secondary index for example).
Note: In practice, many people leak surrogate keys all around (domain model, service interface, ...). Don't do it.
If you take the previous sample, simply remove the DatabaseGenerated attribute and the assignment of the Id in the copy constructor of the subtypes.
Note: With its value generated by the DBMS, the Id property is completely ignored by EF and doesn't serve any real purpose other than being analyzed by the model builder to generate the Id column in the SQL schema. That and being leaked by bad programmers.
Type: EntitySubTypeChange.X
Id: 1
Foo: Base Value
Bar: SubType X Value
Type: EntitySubTypeChange.Y
Id: 2
Foo: Base Value
Using the state pattern (or similar)
This solution is probably what most people would consider the "proper solution", since you can't change the intrinsic type of an object in most object-oriented languages. This is the case for CTS-compliant languages, which includes C#.
The problem is that this pattern is properly used in a domain model, not in a DAL like one implemented with EF. I'm not saying it's impossible, you may be able to hack things up with complex types or TPH constructs to avoid the creation of an intermediary table, but most likely you'll be swimming up the river until you give up. Hopefully someone can prove me wrong though.
Note: You can decide that you want your relational model to look different, in which case you may bypass this problem altogether. It wouldn't be an answer to your question though.
Using internal EF voodoo
I've rather quickly looked around the reference documentation for DbContext, ObjectContext and ObjectStateManager, and I can't immediately find any way to change the type of an entity. If you have better luck than me, you may be able to use DTOs and DbPropertyValues to do your conversion.
Important note
With the first two workarounds, you'll likely hit a bunch of problems with navigational properties and foreign keys (because of the DELETE+INSERT operation). This would be a separate question.
EF is not that flexible when you do anything non-trivial, but it keeps improving. Hopefully this answer won't be relevant in the future. It's also possible that I'm not aware of an existing killer-feature that would make what you want possible, so don't make any decisions based on this answer.

Using subquery in poco to fill property

I am trying to use a property on a POCO that uses LINQ to ENTITY to pull the first object out of a HashSet property on the same POCO. My object contains the following:
public virtual HashSet<ScheduleWaypoint> ScheduleWaypoints { get; set; }
public ScheduleWaypoint ArrivalStation {
get {
if (this.ScheduleWaypoints != null && this.ScheduleWaypoints.Count() > 0) {
return this.ScheduleWaypoints.Where(row => row.WaypointType.Type.Trim() == "SA").OrderByDescending(row => row.ScheduledTime).First();
} else
return null;
If I were working with just one object I can't say for certain if this would work but I know that it does not work inside other linq queries. I don't have access to the ID of the ScheduleWaypoint when creating the object, only after it is populated could I possibly do that. Is there a way that I can get this to work? Right now it is telling me:
The specified type member 'ArivalStation' is not supported in LINQ to
Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation
properties are supported.
Is there something I can do to get access to this information on a property rather than constantly doing joins when I need the info?
You cannot use custom properties in linq-to-entities query. Only properties mapped directly to the database can be used = you must have sub query directly in your linq-to-entities query returning your ArrivalStation. Perhaps it can be wrapped as simple extension method:
public static IQueryable<ScheduleWaypoint> GetArrivalStation(this IQueryable<ScheduleWaypoints> waypoints, int routeId)
return waypoints.Where(w => w.WaypointType.Type.Trim() == "SA" && w.Route.Id == routeId)
.OrderByDescending(w => w.ScheduledTime)
Where Route is your principal entity where way points are defined. FirstOrDefault is used because sub queries cannot use just First.